Add Units from Bulk


(Topic Last Updated On:  05/05/2010)


The Add Units from Bulk menu item on the Inventory menu launches the Add Units from Bulk screen, which is used to prepare doses ahead of time in Methasoft by transferring milligrams from Bulk to Unit inventory.  This screen is most commonly used in facilities that prepare large batches of each dose amount dispensed, without assigning each dose to patient ID numbers.  Facilities that prepare unit doses assigned to patient ID numbers generally prefer to do so using the Prepare Daily Pour screen.  However this screen can be used in conjunction with the Prepare Daily Pour screen to handle unusual scenarios or last-minute changes, as it allows for assigning patient ID numbers, including prescription numbers (for facilities tracking Methadone prescriptions), and changing unit expiration dates as needed.



Field Descriptions


Drug Type

This field displays the Drug Type for unit doses listed in the grid.  Available selections include all Drug Types dispensed at your facility.

Dose Type

This field displays the Dose Type for unit doses listed in the grid.  Available selections include all Dose Types dispensed at your facility.

Number of Units being Added

The quantity of unit doses being added to unit inventory is entered in this field.

Total Amount per Unit

This number of mgs contained in each unit dose being added is entered in this field.

Total Added to Unit Inventory

This field displays the total number of mgs about to be added to unit inventory, which is the Number of Units being Added multiplied by the Total Amount per Unit.

Assign Units to Patient

The patient ID number for whom the units are being prepared is entered in this field for each batch of units added, in facilities that track units at the Patient level.

Include Patient's Rx Number

Checking this box will include the patient's Methadone prescription number for the units being added, in facilities that track Methadone prescriptions.

Unit Expiration Date

Generally this field displays the date 30 days from the date on which the unit is being created.  This date can be overridden as needed to handle unusual circumstances.  The 'Bottle Expiration in Days' field in Inventory Dispensing Rules for each Drug/Dose Type combination determines what date will appear in this field by default.

Split Inventory Breakdown

This frame of the screen displays a complete inventory breakdown of a unit amount being created.  This breakdown is only relevant to doses that involve multiple dose types, such as the example shown in the screen shot above.  In this example, the unit amount being created is 55 mgs disk, which is made up from 50 mgs of 40 mg Diskette, and 5 mgs of 5 mg Tablet-5.  This breakdown is calculated based on your facility's dose type configuration on the Dose Type screen on the Administration menu, and the Split Override command button allows users to override the default breakdown to handle unusual scenarios, such as running out of a particular dose type.


Grid Columns


Unit Amount

This column displays the amount of milligrams each unit contains.

# of Units

This column displays the number of unit doses in inventory for each unit amount.

Total Mgs

This column displays the total number of milligrams in unit inventory for each unit amount, obtained by multiplying the number of units by each unit amount.


Command Buttons


(Assign Units to Patient)

Pressing this button will bring up a Patient Search window, to search for patients by name, social security, CID, or other ID numbers.  Selecting a patient on this search window will insert the patient's ID number into this field.

Inventory Labels

For clinics preparing large batches of unit doses that must have generic inventory labels on them, pressing this button will automatically generate inventory labels for the batch of units being added, and send them to the configured printer.

Add from Pump

This button remains disabled unless an applicable Liquid dose type is being prepared, in which case pressing this button will bring up the Dispense Dose(s) window, for creating each unit dose.

Add by Hand

Pressing this button adds the current batch of unit doses to unit inventory.

Split Override

Pressing this button will bring up the Inventory Split Override screen for overriding the breakdown of units being added.  Refer to the screen shot and procedure below for details on overriding inventory splits.



How to Add Units from Bulk


1.) Select the Drug and Dose Types for the units to be created.


2.) Enter the number of doses you wish to prepare in the 'Number of Units being Added' field.


3.) Enter the number of milligrams for each unit dose in the 'Total Amount per Unit' field.


4.) (Optional) If your facility assigns units to patient ID numbers, enter the patient ID number for the patient who will receive the units in the 'Assign Units to Patient' field.


5.) (Optional) If your facility tracks Methadone prescription numbers, check the 'Include Patient's Rx Number' checkbox.


6.) (Optional) Override the 'Unit Expiration Date' if necessary.


6.) Click on Add by Hand if the units being created are not dispensed using an automated dispensing pump.  Click on Add from Pump to create units using an automated dispensing pump.



How to Print Inventory Labels for Units Being Added


1.) Select the Drug and Dose Types for the units to be created.


2.) Enter the number of doses you wish to prepare in the 'Number of Units being Added' field.


3.) Enter the number of milligrams for each unit dose in the 'Total Amount per Unit' field.


4.) Click on Inventory Labels.



How to Override the Split Inventory Breakdown of a Unit Dose Being Added


1.) Once the appropriate Drug and Dose Type selections have been made, and the 'Number of Units being Added' and 'Total Amount per Unit' fields have been entered, the default breakdown of the unit amount being created will appear in  the 'Split Inventory Breakdown' frame of this screen.


2.) Click on Split Override.  This will bring up the 'Inventory Split Override' window, displayed below:



This window displays the current breakdown of the selected dose, under the 'Primary', 'Secondary', or 'Tertiary Dose Type' tabs.  Each of these tabs have fields for overriding how much of each Dose Type will be used to dispense the dose.


4.) Make changes in the fields on the 'Primary', 'Secondary', or 'Tertiary Dose Type' tabs as needed.


5.) Click on Ok.  The changes that were made are now reflected in the 'Split Inventory Breakdown' frame of the screen.


6.) Now resume creating the unit, either using Add by Hand or Add from Pump, and the units added will reflect the split inventory overrides made.





Procedures for Adding Unit Doses to Unit Inventory

Facilities use many different procedures when preparing doses ahead of time.  It is always recommended to have clear and consistent timelines for the submission of physician orders and dose preparation, to avoid common mistakes in dose preparation such as processing a dose change order after a patient's doses have been prepared at another dose amount.

Inventory Dispensing Rules

It is important that all preparation staff consistently follow your facility's policy and procedures when using this screen to prepare unit doses.  Each facility has Inventory Dispensing Rules configured in Methasoft that dictate from which inventory type, bulk or unit, to dispense a dose.  These rules may be different for different Drug Types, Dose Types, and/or Phase Levels.  These settings are configured when Methasoft is implemented in your facility with the help of our trainers.  Changes to Inventory Dispensing Rules and dose preparation practices should be carefully considered before being implemented.

Preapproved Order Functionality

Most facilities that prepare doses ahead of time use preapproved order functionality in Methasoft, by either selecting all entered orders to be approved in Preferences, or by systematically using the Order Approval screen.  This is because orders that have not been approved in the system will not be accounted for by the Prepare Daily Pour screen or other Preparation functionality in the system, including Labels and Preparation reports.

Split Inventory Breakdown Overrides Cannot Violate Smallest Increments Allowed

Split Inventory Overrides cannot be saved if the changes violate the smallest increment allowed for the Dose Types involved.  For example, if the lowest increment defined for 40 mg tablets is 10, the system will not allow users to override a dose amount of 35 mgs to come from all 40 mg tablets.  This 35 mg dose can however be overridden to come from all 5 mg tablets in this example, which have a lowest increment of 2.5.  The lowest increment for all dose types are set up at the time of installation and training and can vary greatly from one facility to another.

Label Preparation

Some facilities prefer to use the Label Preparation screen to prepare dosing (takeout) labels, generally to print sheet labels that are more easily printed in large batches.  Other facilities don't label prepared units at all until the patient is at the dosing window to receive them, by pressing the Labels button on the Dose Patient screen.


Related Topics


Reconcile Units

Reassign Units

Add to Existing Units

Unit Totals

Prepare Daily Pour

Open/Close Bulk Bottle

Switch Bulk Bottles

Pump Setup

Inventory Preferences


Related Reports


Dosing Inventory Needs

Dosing Preparation Sheet

Dosing Preparation Sheet by ID

Inventory Bulk Reconciliation

Inventory Daily Bulk Activity

Inventory Daily Bulk Activity Summary

Inventory Unit Detail

Inventory Unit Totals

Inventory Unit Totals History

Inventory Units - Assigned to

Inventory Units Added

Inventory Units Added Summary

Inventory Units Added Summary by Rx

Inventory Units Summary by Patient

Takeout Preparation 2 Week View

Takeout Preparation Sheet

Takeout Preparation Sheet by Dose Amount


Related Preferences


Allow clinic to track Split Inventory

Maximum number of Split Inventory Levels (2-3)

Level at which clinic tracks Unit Inventory

Require a second user to validate addition of units from bulk