Unit Totals


(Topic Last Updated On:  05/05/2010)


The Unit Totals menu item on the Inventory menu launches the Unit Totals screen, which is used to view the current unit doses on hand in Unit inventory.  Dosing labels can be printed for any selected unit using the Dose Label button.



Fields and Descriptions


Drug Type

This field displays the Drug Type for unit doses listed in the grid.  Available selections include all Drug Types dispensed at your facility.

Dose Type

This field displays the Dose Type for unit doses listed in the grid.  Available selections include all Dose Types dispensed at your facility.

Total Unit Inventory

The field displays the total number of milligrams contained in unit inventory for the selected Drug and Dose Type.

Total Number of Unit Bottles

The field displays the total number of unit doses contained in unit inventory for the selected Drug and Dose Type.

Total Unit Inventory Detail of ___ mgs. Bottles

The field displays the total number of milligrams contained in unit inventory for the selected Drug Type, Dose Type, and unit amount.

Number of ___ mgs. Unit Bottles

The field displays the total number of unit doses contained in unit inventory for the selected Drug Type, Dose Type, and unit amount.


Grid Columns


Unit Amount

This column displays the amount of milligrams contained in each unit dose.

# of Units

This column displays the number of unit doses in inventory for each unit amount.

Total Mgs

This column displays the total number of milligrams in unit inventory for each unit amount, obtained by multiplying the number of units by each unit amount.

Unit Barcode

This column displays the unique, system-generated unit barcode ID for each unit created in the system.

Assigned To

This column displays the 'Patient ID' number assigned to each unit dose, for facilities tracking unit inventory at the patient level.

Rx Number

This column displays the unique Methadone prescription number associated with each unit dose, for facilities required to track Methadone prescription numbers.


This column displays a checkmark for each unit that contains more than one Dose Type, indicating Split Inventory Breakdown information and functionality may be relevant.


Command Buttons


Dose Label

Once an individual unit has been selected in the grid, pressing this button will print a dose label for the selected unit on the configured printer.



How to View Your Existing Unit Inventory


1.) Select the Drug and Dose Types of the unit inventory you wish to view.


2.) In the 'Unit Inventory Summary' grid (top), select the unit amount of the units you wish to view.  The 'Unit Inventory Detail' grid (bottom) now displays all individual unit doses for the amount selected in the top grid.


How to Print a Dose Label for a Unit Dose


1.) Select the Drug and Dose Types of the unit for which the label will be printed.


2.) In the 'Unit Inventory Summary' grid (top), select the unit amount of the unit for which the label will be printed.


3.) In the 'Unit Inventory Detail' grid (bottom), select the individual unit dose of the unit for which the label will be printed.


4.) Click on Dose Label.





Dose Label Printing

Generally dosing labels are printed from the Prepare Daily Pour, Label Preparation, or Dose Patient screens.  However the Dose Label button on this screen allows users to easily print or re-print dosing labels for selected units one at a time, which can be useful when accommodating unusual scenarios or last minute changes.  It is not recommended to use this function regularly to prepare dosing labels for unit doses.

Daily Unit Inventory Physical Counts

This screen can be used to verify that the system's unit inventory matches your physical unit inventory on hand at any point in time.


Related Topics


Add Units from Bulk

Reconcile Units

Reassign Units

Add to Existing Units

Prepare Daily Pour


Related Reports


Inventory Unit Detail

Inventory Unit Totals

Inventory Unit Totals History

Inventory Units - Assigned to

Inventory Units Added

Inventory Units Added Summary

Inventory Units Added Summary by Rx

Inventory Units Summary by Patient


Related Preferences


Allow clinic to track Split Inventory

Maximum number of Split Inventory Levels (2-3)

Level at which clinic tracks Unit Inventory