(Topic Last Updated On: 05/05/2010)
This report displays a detailed view of all unit doses added to unit inventory over a selected date range, for a specific Dispense Date, and/or added by a specific user. Some facilities prefer to print this report over the Inventory Units Added Summary report, because more detailed information is provided for each unit dose. This report is similar to the Inventory Unit Detail report, and can be used when investigating inventory count discrepancies or system 'Insufficient Inventory' messages.
Unit Barcode ID
This column displays the unique system-generated barcode ID number for each unit dose.
Dose Amount
This column displays the amount of mgs contained in each unit dose at the time the unit was created.
Current Amount
This column displays the amount of mgs currently contained in each unit dose, at the time this report is generated.
Split Inventory
An 'X' in this column indicates a unit dose was created using mgs from more than one drug/dose type combination. If this column is blank the unit dose was created using mgs from only one drug/dose type combination.
Assigned to Patient
This column displays the patient ID number assigned to each unit dose, for facilities that assign units to patients.
Rx Number
This column displays the prescription number associated with each unit dose, for facilities tracking Methadone prescription numbers.
Added By
This column displays the user ID for the user who added each unit dose in the system.
Added Date
This column displays the date each unit dose was added in the system.
Dispense Date
This column displays the dispense date for each unit dose, which is generally the date on which the unit dose was added to the system. This date will match the Added Date for each unit unless it is overridden for a selected unit on the Reassign Units screen.
Number of Units
This field displays the total number of units added to unit inventory over the selected date range.
Total mgs
This field displays the total number of mgs added to unit inventory over the selected date range.
Current mgs
This field displays the total number of mgs currently remaining in the units added to unit inventory over the selected date range. This is important when viewing past data for unit doses that have been dispensed, added to, or reconciled.
From Date
This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to only display unit doses added on or after the date selected here.
To Date
This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to only display unit doses added on or before the date selected here.
Drug Type
This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to only display unit doses added for the 'Drug Type' selected here.
Dose Type
This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to only display unit doses added for the 'Dose Type' selected here.
Dispense Date
This parameter allows users to limit the report data to display only units with a selected 'Dispense Date', which is generally the date on which a unit dose is physically created and added in Methasoft.
Entered By
This parameter allows users to limit report data to display only one particular user's entries. Available selections will include all active staff members.