Report:  Dosing Inventory Needs


(Topic Last Updated On:  05/05/2010)


This report displays how much medication will be needed to dispense to all patients, or only takeout patients over a selected date range, broken down by dose amount and the number of doses needed for each amount.  This report is generally run by facilities preparing takeouts or all doses ahead of time, either to dictate how many generic, unassigned doses are prepared on the Add Units from Bulk screen, and/or how many bulk bottles to remove from the safe prior to unit dose preparation on the Prepare Daily Pour screen.  This report can also be used to gauge when a new bulk shipment should be ordered/received to avoid running out of medication, by viewing totals along with the 'Number of Days'.



Report Column Explanations


Dose Amount (mgs)

This column displays each dose amount that is needed for each drug/dose type combination over the selected date range, based on patient Dosing Information.

Number of Doses Needed

This column displays the quantity of doses needed for each dose amount for each drug/dose type combination over the selected date range, based on patient Dosing Information.

Total Mgs Needed

This column displays the total quantity of mgs needed for each dose amount for each drug/dose type combination over the selected date range, which is the 'Dose Amount (mgs)' multiplied by the 'Number of Doses Needed'.


Report Field Explanations



This field displays the Drug Type for the doses displayed under each Dose Type below.

Number of Days

This field displays the total number of days covered by the selected date range when the report was run.


This field totals the 'Number of Doses Needed' and 'Total Mgs. Needed' columns for the inventory needs of each Dose Type.


Criteria Explanations


From Date

This parameter is used to limit the report to display the inventory needed for the date range beginning with the date selected here.

To Date

This parameter is used to limit the report to display the inventory needed for the date range ending with the date selected here.

Takeouts Only

This parameter allows users to limit report data by displaying only the inventory needs for patients receiving takeouts during the selected date range.