Report: Inventory Bulk Reconciliation
(Topic Last Updated On: 05/05/2010)
This report displays all bulk inventory reconciliation transactions made over a selected date range, including the comments recorded with each. This report is most often viewed over large date ranges to view non-dispensing pharmacy activities recorded in Methasoft.
Lot Number
This column displays the bulk bottle's lot number associated with each reconciliation transaction.
Bottle Number
This column displays the bulk bottle's bottle number associated with each reconciliation transaction.
Amount (mgs)
This column displays the amount of mgs reconciled for each reconciliation transaction.
Recorded By
This column displays the 'Employee ID' (User ID) for the user who recorded each reconciliation transaction.
Transaction Type
This column displays the type of reconciliation recorded for each transaction. Available transaction types include 'Add', 'Bottle Overage', 'Bottle Shortage', 'Destruction', 'Record Spill', 'Record Waste', 'Return to Manufacturer', 'Return to Patient', and 'Subtract'.
This field displays the comment recorded for each reconciliation transaction. In some facilities comments are not required for all transaction types, as determined by Inventory Preference settings.
(Drug Type) (Dose Type) Waste
This field displays the net total of milligrams reconciled for all transactions displayed. This number is calculated by summing the Amount (mgs) column.
From Date
This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to only display transactions entered on or after the date selected here.
To Date
This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to only display transactions entered on or before the date selected here.
Drug Type
This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to only display transactions recorded from bulk bottles of the 'Drug Type' selected here.
Dose Type
This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to only display transactions recorded from bulk bottles of the 'Dose Type' selected here.
Lot Number Like
This parameter allows users to enter any part of a lot number for bottles they want to view, limiting the report to only include bottles with lot numbers containing the text entered in this field.
Bottle Number
This parameter allows users to limit report data by displaying transactions associated with only one particular bulk bottle number.
Transaction Type
This parameter allows users to limit report data by displaying only reconciliation transactions of a particular type.