Titrate/Detox Order Templates


(Topic Last Updated On:  05/05/2010)


The Titrate/Detox Order Templates menu item on the Pharmacy menu launches the Titrate/Detox Order Templates screen.  This screen is used to define commonly used Titrate/Detox Order schedules that can then be easily applied to patients on the Titrate/Detox Order screen.  The Titrate/Detox Order screen includes filtering functionality, so that only templates applicable to a retrieved patient are available for selection.  Each template is named and associated with a selected dose type, which must match a patient's Dose Type to be available for that patient.  Multi-part templates are considered 'Starting Amount' templates, meaning that a patient's current dosage amount(s) must match the template's for the template to be available for that patient.  Non multi-part templates are considered 'Auto Generate' templates, and require only a matching Dose Type with a patient to be available for selection.



Field Descriptions


Select Template Type

When viewing or editing an existing template, the template name is selected in this field.  Available selections include all templates currently in the system.

Select Schedule Type

The type of titrate/detox schedule you want the template to generate is selected in this field.  Available selections include 'Administrative Detox', 'Voluntary Detox', 'Financial Detox', and 'Titrate Up' schedules.  All 'Detox' schedule types decrease patient dosages.  'Titrate Up' schedules increase patient dosages.  'Custom Titrate/Detox' schedules cannot be entered as templates but only applied individually to patients on the Titrate/Detox Order screen.

Current Dose Amounts (mgs)

The dosage amount(s) you wish to start the template schedule at is entered in this field (Note: Neither the starting dosage amount(s) nor any generated amount(s) can violate smallest increment settings for the templates selected dose type, as saved for each dose type on the Dose Types screen).

Change Dose by Fixed Amount (mgs) or Fixed Percentage (% of Dose)

Whether or not you want the template schedule to change dosage amounts incrementally by mg amount or fixed percentage of the amount is selected here.

Change Dose by XX mgs/%

The amount of mgs or percentage of dose amount by which to change each dose amount incrementally is entered in this field.

Stop when dose reaches (mgs)

The dosage amount at which you want the template schedule to stop is entered in this field.  If any number except '0' is entered in this field, the resulting template will be a 'Starting Amount' template instead of 'Auto Generate'.

Apply change to dose every ____ days

Users enter how often the schedule should change dosage amount(s) here.

Days remaining in current schedule

For fixed interval ('Auto Generate') and multi-part fixed interval template schedules ('Starting Amount'), when the Generate button is pressed, this field displays the number of days remaining until the stop amount is reached.

Days remaining in total schedule

For a multi-part fixed interval schedules ("Starting Amount"), when the Generate button is pressed, this field displays the number of days remaining in the total schedule, including any parts previously generated.


Grid Columns



This column displays the current status of each scheduled dosage change.  'Pending' indicates a dosage change is scheduled, whether pre-approved or not.  'Processed' indicates the dosage change has already taken effect and been processed in the system.  'Cancelled' indicates the change was never processed and was cancelled either by a user or system nightly processes.

Change On

This column displays date of each scheduled dosage change.

Dose 1 - 4

These columns display the new Primary, Second, Third, and Fourth Dose Amounts scheduled to take effect on the Change On date.


Command Buttons


Add/Edit Name

This button appears as Add unless an existing template is selected in the 'Select Template Type' field, in which case it changes to Edit Name.  Pressing Add brings up the Create New Template window for naming the template and associating it with a selected dose type.  Pressing Edit Name brings up the New Template Name window for entering and saving the new name.


Pressing this button generates fixed-interval and multi-part fixed-interval schedules based on the data entered in the 'Fixed Interval Schedule' frame of this screen.

Delete All

When creating a new template this button becomes enabled after a series of dosage changes has been generated.  Pressing this button will delete all of the entered criteria and generated schedule.

Delete Template

This button becomes enabled after a template is selected in the 'Select Template Type' field.  Pressing this button will bring up the Delete the template? window.  Pressing Yes on this window deletes the selected template.



How to Add an 'Auto Generate' Titrate/Detox Order Template


1.) Click on the Add button.  The Create New Template window will appear, as shown below.



2.) Enter the new template's 'Template Name' and select the 'Dose Type' the template will be associated with, then press the OK button.


3.) Select the type of titrate/detox schedule being entered in the 'Select Schedule Type' field.


4.) Enter the initial dosage amount(s) in the 'Starting Dose Amounts (mgs)' field(s).


5.) (Optional) Select the 'Fixed Percentage (% of Dose)' option button to change dosages by percentage instead of mg amounts.


6.) Enter the amount of mgs you want to increase or decrease the patient's dosage amount(s) by in the 'Change Dose by XX' mgs field(s).


7.) Enter the dosage amount(s) you want to stop the schedule at in the 'Stop When Dose Reaches (mgs)' field(s).


8.) Enter how often dosage amount(s) should change in the 'Apply change to dose every ___ days' field.


9.) Click on Generate.


10.) Now click on Save.


11.) The Template Saved message box will appear, confirming the template was saved successfully.  Pressing OK will return you to a refreshed Titrate/Detox Order Templates screen.



How to Add a 'Starting Amount' Titrate/Detox Order Template


1.) Click on the Add button.  The Create New Template window will appear, as shown below.



2.) Enter the new template's 'Template Name' and select the 'Dose Type' the template will be associated with, then press the OK button.


3.) Select the type of titrate/detox schedule being entered in the 'Select Schedule Type' field.


4.) Enter the initial dosage amount(s) in the 'Starting Dose Amounts (mgs)' field(s).


5.) (Optional) Select the 'Fixed Percentage (% of Dose)' option button to change dosages by percentage instead of mg amounts.


6.) Enter the amount of mgs you want to increase or decrease the patient's dosage amount(s) by in the 'Change Dose by XX' mgs field(s).


7.) Enter dosage amount(s) whose sum is > 0 in the 'Stop When Dose Reaches (mgs)' field.


8.) Enter how often dosage amount(s) should change in the 'Apply change to dose every ___ days' field.


9.) Click on Generate. This will generate the first part of the schedule and open the 'What would you like to do?' window displayed below.



10.) Select the 'Generate New Schedule' option to generate subsequent fixed-interval changes, or the 'Finished' option if the schedule is complete and ready to be saved.  Then click on the Ok button to return to the Titrate/Detox Order screen.


11.) Now add the next part of your schedule by repeating Steps 6-10.


12.) (Optional) Repeat Steps 6-10 as often as necessary to generate the desired schedule.


13.) Click on Save.


14.) The Template Saved message box will appear, confirming the template was saved successfully.  Pressing OK will return you to a refreshed Titrate/Detox Order Templates screen.



How to Edit a Titrate/Detox Order Template Name


1.) Select the template you wish to edit the name for in the 'Select Template Type' field.


2.) Click on Edit Name.  This will bring up the 'New Template Name' window shown below.



3.) Enter the new template name in the available text field, then press OK.  The Titrate/Detox Templates window will appear as shown below, confirming the template name has been changed.



4.) Click on OK.  This will return you to the Titrate/Detox Order Templates screen, with the renamed template displayed.



How to Delete a Titrate/Detox Order Template


1.) Select the template you wish to delete in the 'Select Template Type' field.


2.) Click on Delete Template.  This will bring up the 'Delete the template?' window shown below, confirming you wish to delete the selected template.



3.) Click on Yes.  The Titrate/Detox Templates window will appear as shown below, confirming the template was deleted.



4.) Click on OK.  This will return you a refreshed Titrate/Detox Order Templates screen.





Template Availability on the Titrate/Detox Order Screen

The templates available for selection in the 'Select Template Type' field on the Titrate/Detox Order screen vary depending on the retrieved patient's Dosing Information.  Only templates with a Dose Type matching the patient's will be available.  'Starting Amount' type templates will only be available for selection if the defined starting amount(s) match the patient's current Dosage Amount(s) in Dosing Information.


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Titrate/Detox Schedule