(Topic Last Updated On: 05/05/2010)
This report displays patient orders as they are entered on either the Orders and/or Titrate/Detox Order screens, and serves as a formal doctor's order containing sections for the doctor to approve or deny the order. Pertinent patient information is displayed in the top section, followed by the patient's most recent 3 drug screen results. Next follows a description of the order with staff signature lines for approval. Additional lines are available on this report so staff members can manually write in comments or remarks pertaining to the order, and/or the physician can note why an order was approved or denied.
Order Information
This field serves as a header, indicating a patient order's detail information is displayed below.
Patient ID
This field displays the 'Patient ID' number of the patient for whom the order was entered.
Patient Name
This field displays the full name of the patient for whom the order was entered, in 'Last Name', 'First Name' format.
Patient CID
This field displays the 'State ID (CID)' number of the patient for whom the order was entered.
Current Order Status
This field displays the current status of the order. 'Pending' indicates the order is scheduled to go into effect on the scheduled 'Process On' date, or as soon as possible if the 'Process On' date has already passed. 'Processed' indicates the order has been processed in the system, updating the patient's Dosing Information. 'Cancelled' indicates the order was cancelled by a user. 'In Progress' will appear for Titrate/Detox orders containing dose changes that have been processed as well as future, pending changes.
Intake Date
This field displays the 'Intake Date' of the patient for whom the order was entered.
Intake Dose (mgs)
This field displays the 'Intake Dose' amount of the patient for whom the order was entered.
Current Dose (mgs)
This field displays the current total daily dosage amount of the patient for whom the order was entered.
Verbal Order (Read back to M.D.)
This field displays 'Yes' when the 'Verbal Order (read back to MD)' field is checked for the order on the Orders screen, or 'No' when it is left unchecked for the order.
Counselor Name
This field displays the full name of the 'Counselor' assigned to the patient for whom the order was entered.
Order Type
This field displays the type of order entered for the patient: 'Dosage Change', 'Drug/Dose Type Change', 'Schedule/Phase Change', 'Special Takeouts', 'Titrate/Detox', 'Custom Titrate/Detox', or 'Custom Order', as selected in the 'Order Type' field on the Orders screen.
Order Entered By
This field displays the full name of the user who entered the order on the Orders or Titrate/Detox Order screen.
Order Entry Date
This field displays the date the order was entered on the Orders or Titrate/Detox Order screen.
Scheduled to Process on
This field displays the date on which the order is scheduled to go into effect, which corresponds to the 'Process On' or 'Start On' date selected for the order.
Drug Type
This field displays the current 'Drug Type' of the patient for whom the order was entered.
Dose Type
This field displays the current 'Dose Type' of the patient for whom the order was entered.
Phase Level
This field displays the current 'Phase Type' of the patient for whom the order was entered.
This field displays the 'Doctor' selected on the Orders or Titrate/Detox Order screen when the order was entered.
Last 3 Drug Screen Results
This section of the report displays the patient's last 3 drug screen results as entered on the Drug Screen Results screen. Refer to the Patient Drug Screen Results report topic for more details on the drug screen results grid.
Requesting Order
This field is sometimes checked manually before submitting the order to a physician. Adjacent to this field is a text summary of the order.
Counselor Notes
These lines are available to counselors for noting anything additional that is pertinent to the order, generally to either encourage or discourage approving the order.
This field is often checked by doctors when an order is approved. Adjacent to this field is a text statement indicating the signing doctor is approving the order.
Written Doctor Order
These lines are available to physicians who are approving the order but want to write out the order as they would without the summary presented on this report. These lines are also sometimes used for documenting comments regarding why the order was approved.
This field is often checked by doctors when an order is denied. Adjacent to this field is a text statement indicating the signing doctor is denying the order. Additional lines are available here for the physician to comment on the denial if necessary.
Dosage Change Order Sub-Report Field Explanations
Patient's Current Dose(s) when Order was entered
This field displays the patient's 'Dose Amounts' on the Dosing Information screen at the time the order was entered, including all split-dose amounts for split-dose patients (Doses # 2 - # 4).
Process On
This field displays the date on which the dosage change is scheduled to be processed in the system and take effect, which updates the patient's 'Dose Amounts' on the Dosing Information screen. This date is the 'Process On' date selected for the order.
Change Dose(s) on/to
This field displays the new 'Dose Amounts' the patient is scheduled to receive once the order is processed in the system, including all split-dose amounts for split-dose patients (Doses # 2 - # 4).
This field displays any text entered in the 'Reason/Notes' field for the order on the Orders screen.
Drug/Dose Type Change Order Sub-Report Field Explanations
Scheduled Start
This field displays the 'Process On' date for the order, indicating the date on which the patient is scheduled to receive the new 'Drug' and/or 'Dose Type'.
This field displays any text entered in the 'Reason/Notes' field for the order on the Orders screen.
Schedule/Phase Change Order Sub-Report Field Explanations
This field displays an 'X' for each day of the week the patient will be scheduled to attend the facility once the order is processed, which updates the 'Present Day(s)' selected on the Dosing Information screen.
Drug Type
This field displays the 'Drug Type' the patient will be ingesting on each day of the new attendance schedule.
This field displays any text entered in the 'Reason/Notes' field for the order on the Orders screen.
Schedule Type
This field displays the 'Schedule Type' of the new schedule the patient will attend on: 'Multiple Days/Week', 'Every 7 Days', 'Every 14 Days', 'Every 21 Days', 'Every 28 Days', or 'Every XX Days'.
Scheduled Start Date
This field displays the order's 'Process On' date, which is the date the order will go into effect and begin attending the facility according to the new schedule.
Phase Request
When applicable, this field displays a description of the 'Phase Type' change requested on the order, indicating the new 'Phase Type' the patient will have selected on the Dosing Information screen when the order is processed.
Special Takeout Order Sub-Report Field Explanations
This field displays any text entered in the 'Reason/Notes' field for the order on the Orders screen.
This field displays any text entered in the 'Verification' field for the order on the Orders screen.
Titrate/Detox Order Sub-Report Field Explanations
Change By Amount
This field displays the amount of mgs each dose will either increase or decrease by, including all split-dose amounts for split-dose patients (Doses # 2 - # 4).
Stop Dose At
This field displays the amount of mgs each dose will either increase or decrease to before the schedule is completed, including all split-dose amounts for split-dose patients (Doses # 2 - # 4).
Interval (days)
This field displays how often each dose change will occur, in days. A value of '1' in this field indicates the dose changes will occur every day until the schedule is completed.
This field displays any text entered in the 'Reason/Notes' field for the order on the Orders or Titrate/Detox Order screen.
Custom Titrate/Detox Order Sub-Report Field Explanations
Custom Schedule
These lines are for manually writing in a detailed description of a non-fixed interval Custom Titrate/Detox order. The description written here can provide staff with the information necessary to then enter the schedule in the system on the Titrate/Detox Order screen.
Scheduled Start
This field displays the 'Process On' date selected for the order on the Orders screen, which is the date the first dose change of the custom schedule should go into effect.
Custom Order Sub-Report Field Explanations
Custom Order
This field displays the text entered in the 'Summary' field for the order on the Orders screen, which serves as a detailed description of the order.
Scheduled Start
This field displays the 'Process On' date selected for the order on the Orders screen, which is the date the custom order is scheduled to take effect and will begin appearing on the Dose Patient screen when the patient is retrieved (if the 'Display Daily' option was selected for the order).
Expires On
This field displays the 'Expires On' date selected for the order on the Orders screen, which is the date the custom order is scheduled to end and stop appearing on the Dose Patient screen when the patient is retrieved (if the 'Display Daily' option was selected for the order).
Patient ID
This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to only orders entered for the patient whose 'Patient ID' is entered here.
Process From
This parameter allows users to limit report data to only display orders scheduled to 'Process On' dates on or after the date selected here.
Process To
This parameter allows users to limit report data to only display orders scheduled to 'Process On' dates on or before the date selected here.
Order Type
This parameter allows users to limit report data to only display orders of the selected 'Order Type'.
Doctor ID
This parameter allows users to limit report data to only display orders entered for the 'Doctor' selected in this field.