(Topic Last Updated On: 05/05/2010)
This report displays a summary of all patient Titrate/Detox orders for each Titrate/Detox order type, including Next Dose Change information. This report is generally used to quickly identify and/or count patients on a specific type of Titrate/Detox schedule.
Start Date
This column displays the Start Date entered for each Titrate/Detox schedule (Note: on the Titrate/Detox Order screen, the 'Start Date' of a schedule will change as dose changes are processed. The date in this column will not change, the original Start Date will always be displayed here).
This column displays each patient's CID number, as recorded on each patient's profile on the Patient Profile screen.
Schedule Status
This column displays the current status of each schedule. 'In Progress' schedules have been approved and are currently in effect. 'Pending' schedules have not yet started, whether pre-approved or not. 'Cancelled' schedules are old inactive schedules that were cancelled by users or automatically by system nightly processes.
Current Dosage
This column displays each patient's current total Daily Dose Amount in mgs, including all split-doses, saved in each patient's Dosing Information.
Next Dose Change
This column displays the date of each schedule's next dosage amount change.
Dose #s 1 - 4
These columns display all split-dose amounts (Primary, Second, Third, Fourth Dose Amounts) for split-dose patients.
Schedule Type
This field is not labeled on this report, but appears at the top of each page to indicate which type of schedules are being displayed below. There are 5 schedule types in Methasoft: 'Administrative Detox', 'Voluntary Detox', 'Financial Detox', 'Titrate Up', and 'Custom Titrate/Detox'.
Total Patients on (Titrate/Detox Schedule Type)
This field displays a total count of patients on each type of titrate/detox schedule.
Patient ID
This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to only display schedules entered for the patient whose 'Patient ID' is entered here.
From Date
This parameter allows users to limit report data by displaying only schedules with Start Dates on or after this selection.
To Date
This parameter allows users to limit report data by displaying only schedules with Start Dates on or prior to this selection.
This parameter allows users to limit report data by displaying only schedules with a selected Status.
Site Group
This parameter allows users to limit report data by displaying only schedules for patients in the selected Site Group(s), as saved for each patient on the Patient Profile screen.