Intake Information


(Topic Last Updated On:  01/06/2015)


After a patient is retrieved, the Intake Information menu item on the Patient menu launches the Intake Information pop-up window.  If a patient has not been retrieved, a message will appear informing users that a patient must be selected prior to opening this window.  This window was created to allow non-Pharmacy / Dosing / Medical staff access to fields that are also located on the Dosing Information screen, without providing such users with full access to the Dosing Information screen.  This window was created because it is not uncommon for non-Pharmacy / Dosing / Medical staff to be responsible for maintaining Intake Date, Time in Treatment Starts On Date (Continuous Time in Treatment), Readmission Date, and/or patient attendance schedule data.  This window allows facilities to configure Methasoft Security so that users can access, edit and/or save this subset of data without having access to a patient's full Dosing Information, which contains more sensitive data such as the Drug and Dose Type and Dose Amount for medication a patient receives.  For example, a facility might have a designated staff member for handling the non-Medical side of a patient's Initial Intake or Re-admission Date data.  It is also not uncommon for facilities to rotate this duty amongst Counseling staff, and/or require Counseling staff to maintain this data for their caseloads.  Note that in some states a Doctor's Order is required to change a patient's Attendance Schedule, or this might be a facility's requirement by policy.  However many states do not require a Doctor's Order to change a patient's Attendance Schedule, provided that the number of takeouts being received by the patient does not change (for example, changing a Weekly patient from attending on Tuesday to attending on Thursday each week).



Field Descriptions


Intake Date

The date displayed here is the date on which the patient was admitted to your facility.  For patients who are re-admitted, this date could be the date on which they presented to your facility for the first time, or could match the Latest Re-admission Date, depending on your facility's policy and procedure.

Time in Tx Starts on

The date displayed here indicates the date on which their continuous time in treatment began, and may or may not match a patient's Intake Date.  The calculations and considerations used to figure out this date for each patient can vary greatly among states and facilities, depending on policy and procedure.

Returning Patient

Checking this checkbox allows users to input re-admission data for re-admit patients .

Number of Re-admissions

This is the number of times the patient has been re-admitted to your facility.

Latest Re-admission Date

The date displayed here is the date on which the patient was most recently re-admitted to your facility.

Phase Type

This field is used for setting the patient's current takeout status as defined by your facility.

Schedule Type

This field displays what type of attendance schedule the patient is on.  'Multiple Days/Week' should be set for patients attending more than once per week.  'Every 7 Days', 'Every 14 Days', 'Every 21 Days', and 'Every 28 Days' should be selected for patients attending every 7, 14, 21, or 28 days, respectively.  Selecting any of these options will enable the Weekly Schedule frame of the screen for selecting the days of the week on which the patient attends.  Selecting the 'Every XX Days' type here will enable the Dose Every ____ Days frame of the screen for entering the interval of days between facility visits.

Days Patient Presents in Clinic

The days of the week selected here are the days of the week the patient normally attends your facility to be medicated.

Patient Doses Every _____ Days

This field is normally blank, except for patients placed on 'Every XX Days' schedule types, in which case it displays the interval of days between facility visits for a patient.



How to Add Intake Information for a New Patient


1.) Retrieve the patient by entering or selecting the patient in the Patient ID/Last Name field.


2.) Select the 'Intake Information' menu item on the Patient menu.  This will open the Intake Information pop-up window.


3.) Select or enter the patient's Intake (Admission) Date in the 'Intake Date' field according to your facility's policy.


4.) (Optional) Select or enter the patient's Time in Treatment Starts On (Continuous Time in Treatment) Date in the 'Time in Tx Starts on' field according to your facility's policy.


5.) (Optional) If the patient is a re-admit to your facility, check the 'Returning Patient' checkbox.  This will enable the 'Returning Patient' fields.


6.) (Optional) If the 'Returning Patient' checkbox was checked in Step 5, then enter the number of times the patient has been Re-admitted to your facility in the 'Number of re-admissions' field.


7.) (Optional) If the Returning Patient' checkbox was checked in Step 5, then enter or select the patient's Latest Re-admission Date in the 'Latest re-admission date' field according to your facility's policy.


8.) Select the patient's 'Phase Type' and 'Schedule Type', then check the Day(s) of the Week the patient will attend the facility.  If 'Every XX Days' was chosen as the 'Schedule Type', then enter the number of days in the 'Patient Doses Every ____ Days' interval field instead.  The 'Phase Type' selected should correspond with the 'Schedule Type' / Day(s) selected according to your facility's policy.


9.) Press the Save button.  A confirmation window will appear confirming the patient's Intake Information has been saved.


10.) Press the Ok button on the confirmation window.  This will return you to the Intake Information window, displaying the data saved.


11.) Press the Close button on the Intake Information window to close it.



How to Edit a Patient's Intake Information


1.) Retrieve the patient by entering or selecting the patient in the Patient ID/Last Name field.


2.) Select the 'Intake Information' menu item on the Patient menu.  This will open the Intake Information pop-up window.


3.) Make changes as needed to data in the detail fields for the retrieved patient..


4.) Press the Save button.  A confirmation window will appear confirming the patient's Intake Information has been saved.


5.) Press the Ok button on the confirmation window.  This will return you to the Intake Information window, displaying the data saved.


6.) Press the Close button on the Intake Information window to close it.



How to Delete a Patient's Intake Information


It is not possible to delete a patient's Intake Information once it has been saved.  In such an unusual circumstance, the Patient ID Administration screen would need to be used to change the Patient ID for the patient or Delete the patient, the latter of which is not recommended.  See the related 'Considerations' section below.






Changes Made on This Window Affect Dosing Information Data and Vice-Versa

This screen is integrated with the Dosing Information screen and vice-versa.  Thus if a user changes the corresponding data on either screen, the modified data will appear on either screen, because it is the same underlying data. 

Make Sure You are Following Your Facility's Policy and Regulatory Requirements Related to Phase (Takeout Privileges) and Schedule Data

It's important that anyone using this screen understands their facility's policy in regards to Dosing Attendance Schedule changes and what is allowed and what is not allowed.  Often this is mandated by State law.  However some facilities have stricter policies than State law.  Security access to this screen or the Dosing Information screen should be configured in your facility accordingly.  For example, if State law requires that a Medical Order be entered and signed by a Doctor in order for a patient's attendance schedule to change, then access to this screen should be limited to only Pharmacy / Dosing / Nursing / Physician personnel, or any other position responsible for the input and/or approval of Orders.

A Patient's Intake Information Can Only Be Entered or Edited

When Intake Information is entered for a new patient who has not had Dosing Information entered yet, a partial Dosing Information record is created and saved for the patient in Methasoft.  Just as Methasoft does not allow a patient's Dosing Information to be deleted, it correspondingly does not allow for a patient's Intake Information to be deleted, but rather instead only modified.  This is by design and for security purposes.  Administrative staff at any facility have the option of using the Patient ID Administration screen to delete an improperly entered patient, or change the patient's Patient ID to a new one in order to start the intake process over again.  The Patient ID Administration screen can also be used to deactivate patient IDs.  Deleting patients using the Patient ID Administration screen is not recommended unless the user completely understands the ramifications of deleting a patient in Methasoft.


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Dosing Information

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