Report:  Intakes and Discharges


(Topic Last Updated On:  09/28/2015)


This report displays all patient intakes and discharges entered in the system over a selected date range.  Intakes are broken down into new Intakes and Re-Admits, and discharges into Home Clinic Discharges and Guest Doser Discharges.  Useful information is provided for each patient appearing on this report, including each patient's 'Patient ID' number and full name, current active status in Methasoft, intake/re-admission dates, discharge dates, drug types, and patient balance at time of discharge.  Totals are provided for each of the 4 types of intakes/discharges displayed on this report.  This report is printed regularly in most facilities to provide intake and discharge data for numerous reasons.





Report Column Explanations


Patient ID

This column displays patient's 'Patient ID' number as entered on the Patient Profile screen.

Patient Name

This column displays the full name of each patient as entered on the Patient Profile screen.

Current Active Status

This column displays whether or not each patient is currently active in Methasoft by displaying either 'Active' or 'Inactive' for each patient.

Intake Date

This column displays the 'Intake Date' entered on the Dosing Information screen for each patient appearing in the 'Intakes' section of this report.

Drug Type

This column displays the Drug Type assigned to each patient on the Dosing Information screen at the time of Intake, Re-Admission or Discharge.

Re-admission Date

This column displays the 'Latest re-admission date' entered on the Dosing Information screen for each patient appearing in the 'Re-Admits' section of this report.

Guest Doser

This column displays an 'X' for each patient in the 'Re-Admits' section of this report who are visiting your facility to guest dose.  Guest dosing patients have a remote facility selected in the 'Home Clinic' field on the Patient Profile screen, and a schedule entered on the Guest Dosing Schedule screen to guest dose at your facility.

Last Intake Date

This column displays the most recent date entered in the 'Intake Date' field on Dosing Information for each patient appearing in the Home Clinic Discharges section of this report.

Discharge Date

This column displays the 'Discharge Date' entered on the Discharge/Transfer screen for each patient appearing in the 'Home Clinic Discharges' section of this report.  For patients appearing in the 'Guest Doser Discharges' section of this report, this column displays the 'Guest Dosing Through' date of each guest's schedule entered on the Guest Dosing Schedule screen.

Dosed Through

This column displays the last Take On Date for which a patient was administered medication at the time of Discharge for both Home Clinic and Guest Dose patients.

Balance at Discharge

For patients appearing in either the 'Home Clinic Discharges' or 'Guest Doser Discharges' section of this report, this column displays each patient's Patient balance amount at the time of discharge.  Negative values indicate the patient has a credit balance, positive values indicate the patient has a debit balance.


Report Field Explanations


(Intakes/Discharges Type)

These fields serve as headers, dividing this report into four sections, one for each type of intake or discharge presented on this report.  The four sections include 'Intakes' (patients admitted to your facility for the first time), 'Re-Admits' (patients re-admitted to your facility), 'Home Clinic Discharges' (patients discharged from your facility), and 'Guest Doser Discharges (patients whose guest dosing schedules have concluded).

Total (Intakes/Discharges Type)

These fields follow each of the four sections of this report, and display the total number of 'Intakes', 'Re-Admits', 'Home Clinic Discharges', and 'Guest Doser Discharges' for the date range selected.


This field follows each patient appearing in the 'Home Clinic Discharges' section of the report, and displays the 'Discharge due to' reason selected for each patient on the Discharge/Transfer screen.


Criteria Explanations


From Date

This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to display only Intakes and Discharges entered in Methasoft with an 'Intake Date' (Dosing Information screen), 'Latest re-admission date' (Dosing Information screen), 'Discharge Date' (Discharge/Transfer screen), or 'Guest Dosing Through' date (Guest Dosing Schedule screen) on or after the date selected here.

To Date

This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to display only Intakes and Discharges entered in Methasoft with an 'Intake Date' (Dosing Information screen), 'Latest re-admission date' (Dosing Information screen), 'Discharge Date' (Discharge/Transfer screen), or 'Guest Dosing Through' date (Guest Dosing Schedule screen) on or before the date selected here.


This parameter allows users to limit the data displayed on this report by only including patients with effective Billing Episodes associated with the Payer/Rate Group selected here during the date range selected when this report is generated.


This parameter is irrelevant for Methasoft users.  Only a facility's Home Site will appear available for selection in this field, and 'All' will be selected by default.  For facilities using Multi-Site functionality, this parameter allows users to limit the data displayed on this report by only including patients assigned on the Profile screen to the Site selected here.

Drug Type

This parameter allows users to limit the data displayed on this report by only including patients assigned on the Dosing Information screen to the Drug Type selected here.

Patient ID

This parameter allows users to limit the data displayed on this report by only including Intake, Re-Admit, and/or Discharge records for the patient whose Patient ID is entered here.