Undo Accounting Transactions


(Topic Last Updated On:  03/12/2015)


Once a Patient has been retrieved, selecting the Undo Accounting Transactions menu item on the Accounting menu, or pressing the Undo toolbar button at the top of the Patient Payments screen opens the Undo Accounting Transaction window , where Patient and Third Party accounting transactions can be undone.  All non-voided accounting transactions are listed in the 'Payments and Charges' grid, unless it has been undone previously.  The 'Balance Type' field is used to select the Balance Type for which Payments and Charges will be listed on the grid.  After selecting a transaction, a 'Reason for Adjustment' and entering 'Additional Comments', then pressing the  Undo button will open a confirmation window and allow the user to undo the transaction and remove it from the grid or Cancel the Undo transaction.  A transaction can only be undone once, and each transactions that is undone appears as a 'Voided' transaction on the patient's Balance Journal, along with a corresponding entry for the Undo transaction itself.  Validation on this window warns users when undoing transactions on previous dates, and prevents users from deleting a transaction that has an associated Claim generated on the Claims Generator screen for third party billing.



Field Descriptions


Patient ID

This field displays the Patient ID for whom accounting transactions are displayed on the 'Payments and Charges' grid.

Balance Type

When this screen is opened from the Patient Payments screen toolbar, this field is automatically selected based on the 'Balance Type' selection made on the Patient Payments screen.  When this screen is opened from the Undo Accounting Transactions menu item on the Accounting menu, the 'Patient' Balance Type is selected by default.  This field can be used as needed to change the Balance Type for the transactions listed on the 'Payments and Charges' grid.

Reason for Adjustment

This field displays the Patient ID for whom accounting transactions are displayed on the 'Payments and Charges' grid.

Additional Comments

When this screen


Grid Columns


Entry Date

This column displays the date and time each transaction was entered in the system.

Effective Date

This column displays the Effective Date of each transaction.  This date can differ from the Entry Date of a transaction because charges can be generated or regenerated for past date ranges using the Charge Manager screen.  The Effective Date of a transaction is particularly important in facilities generating Claims using the Claims Generator screen, because it drives Date(s) of Service functionality for generated Service Lines.


This column displays the US Dollar amount of each transaction.  Values displayed in parentheses are Credit amounts which decrease a remaining balance amount owed.


This column displays the running balance total following each transaction's entry in the system.  Values displayed in parentheses are Credit (Overpaid) balances.


This column displays the Journal Type description of each transaction, as defined by both system- and user-defined values in the 'Additional Charge Types' Code Table (Code Tables are accessible on the Administration menu).

Entered By

This column displays the User ID of the user who entered each transaction.


Command Buttons



Once a transaction has been selected on the grid, pressing this button displays a confirmation message confirming a user wants to Void (Undo) the selected transaction.  Pressing the Yes button on the confirmation message window initiates additional validation checks before undoing the selected transaction and removing it from the grid.  Pressing the No button on the confirmation message window cancels the Undo transaction and returns the user to the Undo Accounting Transactions window.


Pressing this button closes the Undo Accounting Transactions window.



How to Undo an Accounting Transaction


1.) Retrieve the patient for whom an accounting transaction needs to be Undone.


2.) Select the 'Undo Accounting Transactions' menu item on the Accounting menu.  Or if the patient is retrieved on the Patient Payments screen, press the Undo button on the toolbar at the top of the Patient Payments screen.


3.) Select the accounting transaction to be undone on the 'Payments and Charges' grid.


4.) If required to do so at your facility, based on your facility's Preference configuration, select an appropriate reason for Undoing the transaction in the 'Reason for Adjustment' field.


5.) If required to do so at your facility, based on your facility's Preference configuration, enter a descriptive comment related to the transaction being Undone in the 'Additional Comments' field.


6.) Press the Undo button.  A confirmation message will appear as shown below, confirming you wish to Undo the selected transaction.



7.) Press the Yes button to Undo (Void) the selected transaction, or press the No button to cancel.  


Pressing the Yes button also initiates additional validation checks for the selected transaction.  If the transaction has an Effective Date in the past, an additional confirmation message will appear as shown below, confirming you wish to Undo (Void) the selected transaction.



8.) (Contingent) Press the Yes button to Undo (Void) the selected transaction, or press the No button to cancel.


Pressing the Yes button also initiates an additional validation check for the selected transaction, to ensure that the transaction being Undone is not a Charge associated with an existing Claim for Third Party Billing.  If the transaction is associated with an existing Claim, an additional confirmation message will appear as shown below, informing the user that the selected charge cannot be Undone unless the associated Claim is deleted first.



Pressing the Ok button on this message window will return the user to the Undo Accounting Transactions window.


Once a selected transaction has been successfully Undone, a confirmation message window will appear as shown below, confirming the transaction was Undone (Voided).



Pressing the Ok button on this message window will return the user to the Undo Accounting Transactions window.


***Note:  If your facility requires a second Methasoft user to validate Undo Accounting Transactions, then an additional Undo Payment / Charge window will appear as shown below, requiring another Methasoft user to enter their User ID and Password in order to validate the transaction.



If the wrong User ID and Password are entered, a Warning message window will appear as shown below, informing the user that no matching User ID and Password has been found.



Pressing the Ok button on this message window will return the user to the Validate Undo Payment/Charge window to enter a valid User ID and Password for successful validation.  The Secondary User validating the transaction must have Security Access to do so in order for the selected transaction to be undone.





Transactions Can Only Be Undone Once

Once a transaction is undone, it will no longer appear on the 'Payments and Charges' grid on the Undo Accounting Transactions window.  It will appear in the patient's Balance Journal as a 'Voided' transaction, along with a corresponding 'Undo' transaction showing when the transaction was undone and by whom.

Reason for Adjustment / Additional Comments / Secondary User Validation Preferences

By default, the Related Preferences in Accounting Preferences - General Setup #3 are turned On by default to require users to select a 'Reason for Adjustment' and enter 'Additional Comments' before Methasoft will allow a transaction to be undone.  The requirement for Secondary User Validation is turned Off by default.  These settings can be adjusted for your facility as needed on the Preferences window, accessible from the Administration menu.

Secondary Validation - The Secondary User Validating Undoing (Voiding) an Accounting Transaction Must Have Security Access to Do So

If Secondary User Validation is required at your facility, then the Secondary User Validating the Undo transaction must have Security Access to do so.  This access can be granted at the Group or User level on the Security Administration screen, by selecting the 'Can Validate Undo Payments and Charges' 'Access' option listed beneath the 'Other' 'Object Type'.


Related Topics


Billable Services

Patient Payments

Reconcile Balances

Balance Journal

Batch Payments

Undo Batch Payments

Accounting Comments

Payment Information

Code Tables

Security Administration


Related Reports


Accounting Adjustments

Accounting Credit Adjustments

Accounting Summary

Additional Charges

Current Balance History

Current Balances

Debits and Credits

Debits and Credits by Patient ID

Overdue Balances

Patient Balance Journal

Payment Summary

Payment Summary by Payment Method


Related Preferences


Require Comment when voiding Payments and Charges (Accounting Preferences - General Setup #3)

Require Reason when voiding Payments and Charges (Accounting Preferences - General Setup #3)

Require a second person to validate Payment Undo transactions (Accounting Preferences - General Setup #3)