(Topic Last Updated On: 05/05/2010)
This report displays all patient balances currently considered 'Overdue', as defined by the 'Maximum Balance Patient is allowed to carry' value entered in Accounting Preferences - 'General Setup'. Many facilities have this value set at $0, meaning any patient owing one penny or more to the facility will appear on this report. Other facilities allow patients to carry a balance, for example $12 (covering one dose). In this case only patients owing $12.01 or more will appear on this report. This report displays each patient with an overdue balance, a breakdown for all 3 'Balance Types', totals for each patient and grand totals. This report is generally printed periodically to identify patients with overdue balances and/or view the total amount of money currently owed to the facility.
Patient ID
This column displays the 'Patient ID' number of each patient who currently has an overdue balance.
This column displays the 'State ID (CID)' number of each patient who currently has an overdue balance.
Patient Name
This column displays the full name of each patient who currently has an overdue balance, in 'Last Name'/'First Name' format.
Inactive Patient
This column displays an 'X' for each patient carrying an overdue balance who is inactive in the system. This column will appear blank for active patients.
Patient Balance
This column displays each patient's current 'Patient' balance amount.
3rd Party Balance
This column displays each patient's current '3rd Party' balance amount.
Deposit Balance
This column displays each patient's current 'Deposit' balance amount.
This column displays a net total of the balance amounts for each balance type for each patient.
This field displays a grand total for four of the columns, summing balance totals for each balance type, as well as a grand net total of all balance amounts for all balance types for all patients displayed.
Include Inactive Pts.
This parameter allows users to expand this report's data to also display inactive patients carrying an overdue balance.