(Topic Last Updated On: 05/05/2010)
The Accounting Comments button at the top of the Patient Payments screen launches the Accounting Comments window, which is used to record accounting-related comments on patient records. For example, front desk and accounting personnel often use this window to record anything notable about a patient's account, verbal agreements, and/or patient behavior.
Comment Type
The type of comment being entered in this field is selected here. Available selections include 'Payment' and 'Additional Charges'.
The text of each comment is entered in this field.
Entered By
This field displays the 'Employee ID' (User ID) of the user who entered the comment, as entered for each employee on the Employee Profile screen.
Last Modified By
The field displays the full name of the user who last modified the comment.
Patient ID
This column displays the patient ID of the patient for whom each comment was saved.
This column displays the date on which each comment was entered.
Comment Type
This column displays 'Comment Type' selected for each comment.
This column displays the text entered for each comment.
Entered By
This column displays the 'Employee ID' (User ID) of the user who entered each comment.
Comments vs. Case Notes
It is up to each facility to decide how Comments of any type will best benefit them. Some facilities prefer to document all matters using Case Notes instead of Comments.