Label Preparation


(Topic Last Updated On:  05/05/2010)


The Label Preparation menu item on the Pharmacy menu launches the Label Preparation screen, which is used to generate dosing, inventory and drug screen labels.  Dosing labels can be generated in batches to correspond with unit dose preparation date date ranges, or printed for patients individually to accommodate unusual circumstances.  Inventory labels are used in facilities preparing large batches of unit doses ahead of time without assigning them to patient ID numbers, to label each unit dose's Drug Type, Dose Type, Expiration Date and Amount (mgs).  Drug screen labels contain patient information are placed on drug screen specimen containers when tests are conducted.  Drug screen labels can help laboratories more clearly identify the patient who submitted the specimen.  This screen is used differently in most facilities, depending on the brands/types of labels being used for each, how inventory is being managed, and other policy and procedural differences.



Dosing Label Tab Field Descriptions


Dispense Start Date

This field is for selecting the first dispense date to print labels for.  Labels will be printed for patients scheduled to attend the facility within the 'Dispense Start' and 'Dispense End' dates selected.

Dispense End Date

This field is for selecting the last dispense date to print labels for.  Labels will be printed for patients scheduled to attend the facility within the 'Dispense Start' and 'Dispense End' dates selected.

Take on After Date/First Take on Date

This field shows as 'Take on After Date' unless Label Preferences (Dosing Labels) are configured to always print labels for in-house doses, in which case it shows as 'First Take on Date'.  In either case the date selected here should generally match the 'Dispense Start Date' selected so that 'Take On' dates will appear correctly on the labels generated.

Include Dispense Date Label

Checking this field will result in labels being generated for every patient attending during the selected 'Dispense Start Date' and 'Dispense End Date', including patients who will not receive takeouts.  This field is checked by default when Label Preferences (Dosing Labels) are configured to print in-house dose labels.

All Patients

This option is selected by default, and indicates the user is generating a batch of labels for all patients attending during the selected 'Dispense Start Date' and 'Dispense End Date', either including or excluding in-house dose labels.

Include today's Absent Patients?

Checking this option will also generate labels for patients who normally aren't scheduled to attend during the selected dispense date range, but who are expected to attend due to being absent.  It is recommended to check this field, so labels will be prepared efficiently for patients who are absent.

Individual Patient Labels

Selecting this option indicates the user is generating one or more labels for a specific patient.  Selecting this option disables the 'Dispense End Date' field since it is no longer relevant, and enables the 'Individual Patient Label Information' section of the screen.

Patient ID

When the 'Individual Patient Labels' option has been selected, the patient ID number is entered in this field for the patient whom labels are being printed for.

# of Doses (Labels)

When the 'Individual Patient Labels' option has been selected, the number of labels that will be printed for the patient is entered here.

Current Dosage

When the 'Individual Patient Labels' option has been selected, the dosage amount in mgs that will appear on each label is entered here.  This field automatically retrieves a patient's current total daily dosage amount from Dosing Information when the patient is retrieved in the 'Patient ID' field.

Dose #

When the 'Individual Patient Labels' option has been selected, the dose number for the doses that labels are being printed for is entered here.  Usually '1' is entered in this field.  '2', '3', or '4' are entered here as needed when printing labels for split-dose patients.  The system automatically defaults '1' into this field when a patient is retrieved in the 'Patient ID' field.

Drug Type

When the 'Individual Patient Labels' option has been selected, this field is used for selecting the drug type that will appear on the patient's label(s).  This field automatically retrieves a patient's current 'Drug Type' from Dosing Information when the patient is retrieved in the 'Patient ID' field.

Dose Type

When the 'Individual Patient Labels' option has been selected, this field is used for selecting the dose type that will appear on the patient's label(s).  This field automatically retrieves a patient's current 'Dose Type' from Dosing Information when the patient is retrieved in the 'Patient ID' field.

Single Dose Bottle

This field displays the default single dose bottle 'Special Instructions', as entered in Label Preferences (Dosing Labels).  The text in this field can be overridden as needed, and will appear as special instructions on each printed single dose bottle label.  Single dose bottle labels are the most common type of dosing label, and are for bottles containing a single dose of medication.

Multi Dose Bottle

This field displays the default multi-dose bottle 'Special Instructions', as entered in Label Preferences (Dosing Labels).  The text in this field can be overridden as needed, and will appear as special instructions on each printed multi-dose bottle label.  Multi-dose bottle labels are generally only printed for patients receiving a dry form of medication, allowing multiple doses to be administered in one bottle.


Command Buttons


(Patient ID)

Pressing this button will bring up a Patient Search window, to search for patients by name, social security, CID, or other ID numbers.  Selecting a patient on this search window will insert the patient's ID number into this field.

Print Labels

Once the appropriate data has been entered under the Dosing Label, Inventory Labels, or Drug Screen Labels tabs, pressing this button will print the labels to the configured printer.



Inventory Labels Tab Field Descriptions


Dose Created Date

The labels generated will each indicate the dose was dispensed, or created on the date selected here.

Number of Doses

The number of doses you would like to generate inventory labels for is entered in this field, for each dose amount being printed.

Dosage Amount

The dosage amount that will appear on each inventory label is entered in this field.

Drug Type

The field is for selecting the drug type that will appear on the inventory labels generated.

Dose Type

The field is for selecting the dose type that will appear on the inventory labels generated.

Special Instructions

This field displays the text entered in Label Preferences (Inventory Labels) by default, but can be overridden as needed.  Each inventory label will display this text as special instructions.

Starting Label Position

The 'Starting Label Position' panel of the screen is only visible when certain types of sheet labels are being used to print labels.  Each numbered option corresponds to a label on the type of sheet labels being printed.  '1' is always selected by default, but selecting a different number in this panel allows users to begin printing labels on partially-used label sheets.



Drug Screen Labels Tab Field Descriptions


One Label for each active patient

This option is selected if a user wants to generate one drug screen label for each active patient.  These labels are generated with only each patient's ID number and name, allowing for manually completing the 'Specimen Date' and 'Collector' information.

Individual Patient Labels

This option is selected if a users wants to generate a drug screen label for an individual patient, and enables the 'Individual Patient Label Information' section of the screen.

One Label for Counselor's Patients

This option is selected if a user wants to generate a drug screen label for each patient assigned to a selected 'Counselor's caseload, and enables the 'Select Counselor' section of the screen.

All Labels for Date

This option is selected if a user wants to generate a drug screen label for each patient scheduled for a 'Random Drug Screen' scheduled event on the date selected in the adjacent field.  This option is the most commonly selected option, as many facilities print the next day's drug screen labels each day.

Patient ID

If the 'Individual Patient Labels' option is selected, the patient ID number is entered in this field for the patient whom a label is being printed for.

Patient Name

If the 'Individual Patient Labels' option is selected, the full name of a patient will appear in this field for the 'Patient ID' number entered.  This field is a free text field and only inserts the patient's name, allowing users to edit names if necessary.

Test Date

If the 'Individual Patient Labels' option is selected, the date the patient's specimen will be collected is entered here.  Today's date appears in this field by default but can be overridden as needed.


If the 'One Label for Counselor's Patients' option is selected, the name of the counselor whose caseload will be printed for is selected here.

Special Drug Screen Message

This field displays the text entered in Label Preferences (Other Labels) by default, but can be overridden as needed.  Each drug screen label will display this text as special instructions.



How to Print Dosing Labels for All Patients Attending During a Dispense Date Range


1.) Select the first date you would like to print labels for in the 'Dispense Start Date' field.


2.) Select the last date you would like to print labels for in the 'Dispense End Date' field.


3.) Select the 'Take On After Date' (or 'First Take On Date') to match the 'Dispense Start Date' selection.


4.) (Optional) Check the 'Include Dispense Date Label' option if you wish to generate dosing labels for in-house (window) doses.


5.) (Optional) Edit the text in the 'Single Dose Bottle' or 'Multi Dose Bottle' field if necessary.


6.) Click on Print Labels.



How to Print a Dosing Label for an Individual Patient


1.) Select the first date you would like to print labels for the patient in the 'Dispense Start Date' field.


2.) Select the 'Take On After Date' (or 'First Take On Date') to match the 'Dispense Start Date' selection.


3.) Select the 'Individual Patient Labels' option.


4.) Enter the patient's ID number in the 'Patient ID' field, then press Tab on your keyboard to retrieve the patient's information.


5.) Enter the number of labels you would like to print for the patient in the '# of Doses (Labels)' field.


6.) (Optional) If necessary, edit data in the 'Current Dosage', 'Dose #', 'Drug Type', and/or 'Dose Type' fields as needed.


7.) (Optional) Edit the text in the 'Single Dose Bottle' or 'Multi Dose Bottle' field if necessary.


8.) Click on Print Labels.



How to Print Inventory Labels


1.) Select the Inventory Labels tab.


2.) Select the date on which the doses were dispensed, or created on, in the 'Dose Created Date' field.


3.) Enter the number of inventory labels you would like to print in the 'Number of Doses' field.


4.) Enter the dosage amount in mgs that will appear on each label in the 'Dosage Amount' field


5.) Select the drug type to appear on each label in the 'Drug Type' field.


6.) Select the dose type to appear on each label in the 'Dose Type' field.


7.) (Optional) If necessary, edit text in the 'Instructions' field.


8.) Click on Print Labels.



How to Print Drug Screen Labels for All Patients Scheduled to be Tested on a Particular Date


1.) Select the Drug Screen Labels tab.


2.) Select the 'All Labels for Date' option.


3.) Select the date you would like to print drug screen labels for in the 'All Labels for Date' field.


4.) (Optional) If necessary, edit text in the 'Special Drug Screen Message' field.


5.) Click on Print Labels.


How to Print a Drug Screen Label for an Individual Patient


1.) Select the Drug Screen Labels tab.


2.) Select the 'Individual Patient Labels' option.  This enables the 'Individual Patient Label Information' section of the screen.


3.) Enter the patient ID number for the patient in the 'Patient ID' field, then press Tab on your keyboard to retrieve the patient's name.


4.) (Optional) If necessary, edit the patient's name in the 'Patient Name' field.


5.) Select the date the patient is submitting a drug screen specimen in the 'Test Date' field.


6.) Click on Print Labels.





When to Use This Screen

Many facilities rarely use this screen, because buttons to print many types of labels are available throughout the system on various screens.  Facilities that use sheet labels on a normal printer use this screen often, to generate large batches of labels.  Each facility should decide the most efficient methods for generating different types of labels after becoming familiar with all label printing options in Methasoft.

Label and Printer Types

Methasoft is designed to work with specific printers and label types.  Consult Methasoft Customer Support staff at (877) 538-5767 for details before purchasing any label equipment or labels that you are not sure will work properly.

Single Dose Bottle vs. Multi Dose Bottle Labels

This distinction refers to the 'Multiple takeouts/bottle (SINGLE label)' field on the Dosing Information screen.  When generating dosing labels for all patients, the system will print multi-dose labels for patients with this field checked on Dosing Information.


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