(Topic Last Updated On: 05/05/2010)
The Miscellaneous Search menu item on the Other Activities menu launches the Miscellaneous Search screen, which is used to search for various items in the system including absent records, case notes, discharge summaries, drug screen results, financial contracts, health screens, orders, prescriptions, transfer summaries, and treatment plans. Once an item is selected in the 'Search For' field, various search 'Criteria' fields will appear to filter search results for the selected item. Double-clicking on a result, or selecting a result and pressing the Select button then opens the item on it's corresponding screen.
Search For
This field is used for selecting the type of item to be searched for. Available selections include 'Absent Records', 'Case Notes', 'Discharge Summary', 'Drug Screen Results', 'Financial Contract', 'Health Screen', 'Orders', 'Prescriptions', 'Transfer Summary', and 'Treatment Plan', representing the items that can be searched for using this screen.
Patient ID
This 'Criteria' field is used for limiting the scope of the search to find only one patient's records, by entering the patient's 'Patient ID' number in this field.
This 'Criteria' field is used for limiting the scope of the search to find only one patient's records, by entering the patient's 'SSN' (Social Security Number) number in this field.
Last Name
This 'Criteria' field is used for limiting the scope of the search to find only one patient's records, by entering the patient's 'Last Name' in this field.
First Name
This 'Criteria' field is used for limiting the scope of the search to find only one patient's records, by entering the patient's 'First Name' in this field.
Patient ID
This column displays the 'Patient ID' number of the patient for whom each item was entered.
Patient Name
This column displays the full name of the patient for whom each item was entered, in 'First Name'/'Last Name' format.
This column displays the 'SSN' (Social Security Number) number of the patient for whom each item was entered.
Absent Records Search Field Descriptions
Absent Date
This field is used for limiting the scope of an 'Absent Records' search to find only absent records with an 'Absent Date' matching the date selected in this field.
Absent Records Search Grid Columns
Absent Date
This column displays each absent record's 'Absent Date', as entered for each on the Absent Records screen.
This column displays each absent record's 'Reason', as entered for each on the Absent Records screen.
Case Notes Search Field Descriptions
Case Note Type
This 'Criteria' field is used for limiting the scope of the search to find only one type of case note, by selecting the desired 'Case Note Type' in this field. Available selections include all active 'Template Names' on the Case Note Templates screen.
Notes From Date
This 'Criteria' field is used for limiting the scope of the search to find only case notes with a 'Note Date' on or after the date selected in this field.
Notes To Date
This 'Criteria' field is used for limiting the scope of the search to find only case notes with a 'Note Date' on or before the date selected in this field.
Case Notes Search Grid Columns
Entry Date
This column displays each case note's entry date, which is the date each note was entered on the Case Notes screen.
Note Type
This column displays each case note's 'Note Type', selected for each note on the Case Notes screen.
Discharge Summary Search Field Descriptions
Discharge Date
This 'Criteria' field is used for limiting the scope of the search to find only discharge summaries with a 'Discharge Date' matching the date selected in this field.
Discharge Summary Search Grid Columns
Discharge Date
This column displays each discharge summary's 'Discharge Date', as entered for each on the Patient Discharge/Transfer screen.
Drug Screen Results Search Field Descriptions
Test Date
This 'Criteria' field is used for limiting the scope of the search to find only drug screen results with a 'Test Date' matching the date selected in this field.
Drug Screen Results Search Grid Columns
Test Date
This column displays each drug screen result's 'Test Date', as entered for each on the Drug Screen Results screen.
Financial Contract Search Field Descriptions
Contract Date
This 'Criteria' field is used for limiting the scope of the search to find only financial contracts with an original 'Contract Start Date' (first 'Due Date') matching the date selected in this field.
Financial Contract Search Grid Columns
Contract Date
This column displays each financial contract's original 'Contract Start Date', as entered for each on the Financial Contracts screen.
This column displays the current status of each financial contract's next scheduled payment 'Due Date', which is determined by whether or not 'Financial Contract' scheduled events generated by the contract are 'Pending', 'Completed', or 'Overdue'.
This column displays each financial contract's 'Consequence', as selected for each on the Financial Contracts screen.
Health Screen Search Field Descriptions
Test Date
This 'Criteria' field is used for limiting the scope of the search to find only health screen results with a 'Test Date' matching the date selected in this field.
Health Screen Search Grid Columns
Test Date
This column displays each health screen result's 'Test Date', as entered for each on the Health Screen screen.
Orders Search Field Descriptions
Order Type
This 'Criteria' field is used for limiting the scope of the search to find only orders of the 'Order Type' selected in this field. Available selections include all order types in the system.
Orders From
This 'Criteria' field is used for limiting the scope of the search to find only orders with 'Process On' date(s) on or after the date selected in this field.
Orders To
This 'Criteria' field is used for limiting the scope of the search to find only orders with 'Process On' date(s) on or before the date selected in this field.
This 'Criteria' field is used for limiting the scope of the search to find only orders that have been marked as 'Approved', either automatically in facilities using pre-approved orders, or by users on the Order Approval screen. If this field is checked, the search will only find orders that have been marked as 'Approved'.
Order Status
This 'Criteria' field is used for limiting the scope of the search to find only orders with an 'Order Status' matching one or more selections made in this field. If a status is not selected in this field, the search will find orders of all statuses.
Order Type
This column displays each order's 'Order Type', as selected for each on the Orders screen.
This column displays each order's current status in Methasoft.
Entry Date
This column displays the date on which each order was entered on the Orders screen.
Begin Date
This column displays each order's 'Process On' date, which is the date the order is scheduled to take effect, as selected for each on the Orders screen.
Order Description
This column displays a descriptive summary of the details of each order, as entered for each on the Orders screen. The format of these descriptions varies for different types of orders.
Prescriptions Search Field Descriptions
Rx Number
This 'Criteria' field is used for limiting the scope of the search to find only prescriptions with an 'Rx Number' matching the number entered in this field.
Rx Drug Type
This 'Criteria' field is used for limiting the scope of the search to find only prescriptions with an 'Rx Drug Type' matching the type selected in this field.
Rx Name
This 'Criteria' field is used for limiting the scope of the search to find only prescriptions with an 'Rx Name' matching the text entered in this field.
Rx Start Date
This 'Criteria' field is used for limiting the scope of the search to find only prescriptions with an 'Rx Start Date' matching the date selected in this field.
Rx End Date
This 'Criteria' field is used for limiting the scope of the search to find only prescriptions with an 'Rx End Date' matching the date selected in this field.
Rx Expiration Date
This 'Criteria' field is used for limiting the scope of the search to find only prescriptions with an 'Rx Exp Date' matching the date selected in this field.
Prescriptions Search Grid Columns
Rx Number
This column displays each prescription's 'Rx Number', as entered for each on the Prescription Information screen.
Rx Name
This column displays each prescription's 'Rx Name', as entered for each on the Prescription Information screen.
Rx Drug Type
This column displays each prescription's 'Rx Drug Type', as selected for each on the Prescription Information screen.
Start Date
This column displays each prescription's 'Rx Start Date', as entered for each on the Prescription Information screen.
End Date
This column displays each prescription's 'Rx End Date', as entered for each on the Prescription Information screen.
Expiration Date
This column displays each prescription's 'Rx Exp Date', as entered for each on the Prescription Information screen.
This column displays each prescription's 'Rx Comments', as entered for each on the Prescription Information screen.
Transfer Summary Search Field Descriptions
Transfer Date
This 'Criteria' field is used for limiting the scope of the search to find only transfer summaries with a 'Discharge Date' matching the date selected in this field.
Transfer Summary Search Grid Columns
Transfer Date
This column displays each transfer summary's 'Discharge Date', as entered for each on the Discharge/Transfer screen.
Treatment Plan Search Grid Columns
Plan Name
This column displays each treatment plan's 'Plan Name', as entered for each on either the New Treatment Plan window or Treatment Plans screen.
New Search
Pressing this button clears all previous search results from the grid and all data from the 'Criteria' fields, and enables the 'Search For' field to begin a new search.
Find Now
Once an item has been selected in the 'Search For' field, pressing this button will begin the search for the selected item based on the data entered in the 'Criteria' fields.
Once a search result has been selected on the grid, pressing this button will open the selected item on it's corresponding screen.