Guest Dosing Schedule


(Topic Last Updated On:  05/05/2010)


The Guest Dosing Schedule menu item on the Pharmacy menu launches the Guest Dosing Schedule screen, which is used to schedule both home and visiting patients for guest dosing.  Entered schedules generate a Guest Dosing Request report that can be faxed as a formal request to the medicating facility.  Once a patient has been scheduled to guest dose at another facility, Methasoft will automatically issue a stop dose flag if the patient returns to the home site prior to the end date of the schedule, to protect against accidentally over-medicating a patient.  When a visiting patient's schedule ends the system's nightly processes will automatically deactivate the patient, effectively discharging the patient from your facility.  The 'Patient Dosing Information Has Been Verified' field allows personnel to document that the home site was contacted to verify the visiting patient's Dosing Information.



Field Descriptions


Guest-Dosing Starts On

The date the patient will begin dosing at the 'Site Guest-Dosing At' is selected here.

Guest-Dosing Through

The last date the patient will dose at the 'Site Guest-Dosing At' is selected here.

Site Guest-Dosing At

The facility the patient will be guest dosing at is selected here.

Patient Dosing Information Has Been Verified

This checkbox should be checked if the patient's home site has been contacted by the 'Site Guest-Dosing At' to confirm the patient's dosing information.


Grid Columns


Start Date

This column displays the 'Guest-Dosing Starts On' date for each schedule.

End Date

This column displays the 'Guest-Dosing Through' date for each schedule.

Guest-Dosing at Site

This column displays the 'Site Guest-Dosing At' facility for each schedule.


This column displays whether or not 'Patient Dosing Information Has Been Verified' for each schedule.


Command Buttons


(Site Guest-Dosing At)

Pressing this button will open the Enter Site Information window for adding a new facility.


Once a guest dosing schedule has been selected in the grid, pressing this button will print a Guest Dosing Request report for the selected schedule.



How to Add a Guest Dosing Schedule


1.) Click on New.


2.) Select the 'Guest-Dosing Starts On' date as the date the patient will begin dosing at the guest site.


3.) Select the 'Guest-Dosing Through' date as the last date the patient will dose at the guest site.


4.) Select the guest site the patient will be dosing at in the 'Site Guest-Dosing At' field.


5.) (Optional) To confirm that a visiting patient's dosing information has been verified by the patient's home site, check the 'Patient Dosing Information Has Been Verified' checkbox.


6.) Click on Save.


7.) A message box will appear, asking if you would like to print a copy of the schedule's Guest Dosing Request.  To print the request click Yes, or click No to return to the Guest Dosing Schedule screen.



How to Edit a Guest Dosing Schedule


1.) Click on the schedule you wish to edit to select it.


2.) Click on Edit.


3.) Make changes as needed to data in the fields in the detail section of the screen.


4.) Click on Save.


5.) A message box will appear, asking if you would like to print a copy of the schedule's Guest Dosing Request.  To print the request click Yes, or click No to return to the Guest Dosing Schedule screen.



How to Delete a Guest Dosing Schedule


1.) Click on the schedule you wish to delete to select it.


2.) Click on Delete.


3.) A 'Delete this Record?' application message will appear confirming you want to delete the selected schedule.  To delete the schedule click Yes, or click No to return to the Guest Dosing Schedule screen.



How to Print a Guest Dosing Schedule Request


1.) Click on the schedule you wish to print to select it.


2.) Click on Print.





Home Site vs Guest Dosing At Site

Due to system functionality integrated with guest dosing schedules, it's important to select each patient's Home Site and Site Guest-Dosing At facilities, on the Patient Profile and Guest Dosing Schedule screens, respectively.

Dose Locking Functionality

Methasoft automatically issues a system stop dose flag if a patient returns to the home clinic prior to the end of a guest-dosing schedule.  Users must edit the conflicting guest dosing schedule to dose a patient that is locked out by this flag, then re-retrieve the patient on the Dose Patient screen.   

Visiting Guest Doser Discharge Functionality

Nightly processes automatically deactivate visiting patients on the final night of each's guest dosing schedule.  To continue dosing the visiting patient, the patient will have to be reactivated on either the Patient Profile or Patient ID Administration screen.  Once reactivated the schedule can be edited and extended.


Related Topics



Dosing Information

Dose Patient

Dosing History


Related Reports


Guest Dosing

Guest Dosing Request

Patient Medication Record

Site Demographics