(Topic Last Updated On: 05/05/2010)
This report displays all information necessary to guest-dose a patient at another facility, and serves as a formal request to be signed by all necessary staff and faxed to the receiving facility.
Client aware of dosage? YES/NO
This field is intended for users to note whether or not the patient blind doses.
Current Dose (mgs) and Dosage Amount (mgs)
Note that if a patient is marked as a blind doser in Dosing Information, both of these fields will display the text 'BLIND'.
Current Dosing Schedule
This field displays the type of schedule the patient is on in Dosing Information. The days of the week grid indicates which day(s) of the week the patient attends his home facility. In the cases of Every 7, 14, 21, or 28 Days type schedules, only one day of the week will be marked. For Every XX Days schedules no week day will be marked.
Last Dose Information fields
Note that the information displayed in these fields reflects the last dosing information recorded for the patient at the time the report is generated.
Guest Dosing at Clinic and Patient will be at your clinic from fields
The information displayed in these fields is retrieved from the patient's Guest Dosing Schedule.
Patient ID
This parameter is required to run this report, and is used to enter the 'Patient ID' of the patient for whom the request is being generated.
From Date
This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to only display guest dosing requests for schedules starting on or after the date selected here.
To Date
This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to only display guest dosing requests for schedules starting on or before the date selected here.