(Topic Last Updated On: 03/13/2018)
Administration > Task Scheduling
The Task Scheduling sub-menu in the Administration menu, contains the Task Scheduling and Approved External Emails items. These two menu items are used together in the Task Scheduling feature of Methasoft. From the Task Scheduling screen, users can setup Methasoft reports to be linked to Document Manager or emailed out to patients, employees, and approved email addresses. The frequency of the task is customizable and emailed reports are sent as password-protected PDF attachments.
Schedule Type
This field contains a dropdown menu of schedule frequency types. This field also appears at the top of the screen as a filtering tool.
Day of Month
This field contains a numbered (1-31) up/down selection menu. This field becomes accessible when the schedule type of 'Monthly' is selected.
Day of Week
This field contains a dropdown menu list of the days of the week. This field becomes accessible when the schedule type of 'Weekly' is selected.
Task Type
This field contains a dropdown menu of available tasks that can be scheduled. Currently, 'Report' is the only available option. This field also appears at the top of the screen as a filtering tool.
Specific Date
This calendar date selection menu is accessible after the 'Specific Date' schedule type is selected.
Scheduled Item
This is a dropdown menu list of available reports that can be attached to the scheduled task. Reports must have the 'Schedulable' checkbox option enabled to appear in this list.
Time to Run
This field displays the user entered time that the scheduled tasks will run. The time format used is AM/PM.
Output Type
This field contains a dropdown menu of available output types. The only two options in this menu are 'Linked Document' and 'SMTP Email'.
Email Type
This dropdown menu appears in the 'SMTP Email' application window. This menu contains options for the type (User, Patient, External) of email addresses to show in the 'Valid Email Addresses' list.
Attachment Password
This field appears in the 'SMTP Email' application window. It contains the user entered password that is required to open the attached PDF report when using the email output type.
Email Addresses
This field appears in the 'Approved External Emails' application window. This field displays the user entered email address for the approved external user.
This field appears in the 'Approved External Emails' application window. This field displays the user entered name or description of the external email address owner.
Task Type
This column displays the selected task type.
Scheduled Item
This column displays the scheduled item associated with the selected task type.
Scheduled Date
This column displays the user selected specific date that the scheduled task will run. This column only displays a date then the 'Specific Date' schedule type is selected.
Scheduled Time
This column displays the user entered time that the scheduled task will run.
Schedule Type
This column displays the selected schedule type.
Entered On
This column displays the date the scheduled task record was created.
This column appears in the 'Approved External Emails' application window. This column displays the user entered name or description of the email record.
This column appears in the 'Approved External Emails' application window. This column displays the approved external email address.
This button filters the records in the grid by the task type and schedule type selected from the filter dropdown menus at the top of the screen.
This button is used to create a new scheduled task record.
This button is used to make changes to existing scheduled tasks.
This button is used to permanently remove scheduled tasks.
Configure Output
This button opens the 'SMTP Email' application pop-up window.
This button opens the 'Default Parameters' application pop-up window.
This button applies changes made when creating new or editing existing scheduled tasks.
save and close
This button appears on the 'Default Parameters' application window. This button applies the report parameter configurations made, and then closes the pop-up window.
This button removes any changes made to new or edited scheduled tasks.
This button closed the Task Scheduling screen.
1.) Press the New button.
2.) In the details section, select a Schedule Type from the dropdown menu. Depending on the selection made here, a 'Day of Month', Specific Date', or 'Day of Week' selection must be specified as well. This is the frequency at which, the task will run.
3.) Select the Task Type. Currently, the only option is 'Report'.
4.) Select the Scheduled Item from the dropdown menu. This is a list of reports that have the checkbox option of 'Schedulable' enabled. To enable this option: a.) Under the Administration menu, go to Preferences, and then Report Preferences. b.) Find and select the desired report. Click edit. c.) Check the box to the left of 'Schedulable'. d.) Click save.
5.) Select an Output Type from the dropdown menu. The two options available are 'Linked Document' and 'SMTP Email'.
6.) Enter the time that the task will run in the 'Time to Run' field. Times entered here are in the AM/PM format.
7.) Click on the Configure Output button. Depending on the Output type selected, either the 'Linked Document' or 'SMTP Email' dialog box will appear. a.) In the Linked Document dialog window: i.) Select a 'Clinic' level document type and subtype. *See the Document Subtype topic for more information on creating document types/subtypes. ii.) (Optional) Choose to mark the document as secure or expirable by checking the boxes at the top of the window. iii.) (Optional) Set an 'Expires On' date and enter a document description. iv.) Click on save. This will apply the selections and close the dialog box.
b.) In the SMTP Email dialog window: i.) Choose an email type from the dropdown menu to filter the list of available valid email addresses. ii.) Select the email address from the 'Valid Email Addresses' list on the left. Using the 'move' buttons in the middle of the screen, move the selected email address into the 'Selected Addresses' list on the right.*See procedure sections below for entering email addresses for users, patients, and approved external users.
iii.) Enter a password into the 'Attachment Password' textbox. This is a required field and is needed to open the PDF in the email. iv.) Click on save. This will apply the selections and close the dialog box.
8.) Click on the Parameters button. This will open the 'Default Parameters' dialog window. This screen has three, report specific, search criteria fields. Add new parameters to have the report display the desired data. Most common parameters to set are 'From Date' and 'To Date'.
a.) On the Default Parameters window, Click on New. i.) The 'Column' dropdown menu will list report specific parameters that can be used to isolate the data displayed in the report. ii.) The 'Condition' dropdown menu list options to further filter the selected column item. Typically, only the option 'Is Equal To' will be available. iii.) The 'Value' field option will be dependent on the selection made from the 'Column' menu. This will either be a dropdown menu or a textbox field. iv.) Click on Save. Repeat these steps to apply more report search parameters. iv.) After making all desired report parameter selections. Click save and close. This will apply all parameter selections to the Selected Item report and close the Default Parameters window.
9.) After all output configurations have been saved and default selected item report parameters have been applied, click save.
Scheduled Task Process
The nightly process 'Scheduled Task Process' runs every 5 minutes checking the list of scheduled tasks. When the 'Time to Run' comes, the process will run the task and output the report as configured. At the next 5 minute cycle, if the task did not run as scheduled, the process will try to re-send the report. This process can be manually ran using the Nightly Processes screen, found under the Administration menu.