Document Setup


(Topic Last Updated On:  03/08/2018)


Administration > Document Setup


The Document Setup item, located in the Administration menu, launches the Document Setup screen. This screen is broken up into three corresponding layers: Document Association, Document Type, and Document Subtype. From this screen, users can create and edit document types and document subtypes that can be used for a variety of purposes within Methasoft. Document types and subtypes can be used in the following features:



Section Descriptions


Document Association

This is the top layer of the Methasoft document hierarchy. There are only two system coded association types in this group: 'Clinic' and 'Patient'.

Document Type

This is the middle layer of the document hierarchy. Document type items listed here are specific to the Document Association type selected. This section allows for adding, editing, and deleting document type items.

Document Subtype

This section is the bottom layer of the document hierarchy. Document subtype items listed here are specific to the Document Type selected. This section allows for subtypes to be added, edited, and deleted.


Command Buttons



Available under the Document Type and Document Subtype sections of the screen, clicking this button will open the 'New Type' or 'New Subtype' application window. From these dialog windows, new document types or subtypes can be created.


Available under the Document Type and Document Subtype sections of the screen, clicking this button will open the 'Type' or 'Subtype' application window. Document type and subtype properties can be changed and saved from these windows.


Available under the Document Type and Document Subtype sections of the screen, clicking this button will permanently remove the selected document type or subtype item.


This button appears in the 'New Type', 'New Subtype', 'Type', and 'Subtype' dialog windows. Clicking this button applies changes to new or edited document type and subtype items.


This button appears in the 'New Type', 'New Subtype', 'Type', and 'Subtype' dialog windows. This button will remove any changes made when creating a new or editing an existing document type or subtype. Clicking this button closes the dialog box.


This button closes the Document Setup screen.



How to Add a Document Type


1.) Under the Document Association section, select the association type the new Document Type will be attached to: 'Clinic' or 'Patient'.


2.) Under the Document Type section, Click on add.


3.) The 'New Type' application window will appear.


4.) Enter in a descriptive name for the new document type into the 'New Type Name' field.


5.) (Optional) Check the box 'Use System Flag Expiration (Expiring Soon) Rules' to activate the flag properties and apply expiration rules to the document type. Expiration properties include:

  • Setting a Flag Severity type.

  • Choosing how many days after items are linked to the document type, before they will expire.

  • Choosing how many days prior to the expiration date to display the flag.

  • Selecting what Methasoft screens the flag will appear on.  

6.) Click on Save. This will create the new document type and close the 'New Type' dialog box.



How to Add a Document Subtype


1.) Under the Document Association section, select the association type the new Document Subtype will be attached to: 'Clinic' or 'Patient'.


2.) Under the Document Type section, select an existing or create a new Document Type item that the new subtype will be associated with. NOTE: Subtypes cannot be added to the Document Type items 'Reports' or 'General'. These are reserved for system coded functionality.


3.) Under the Document Subtype section, Click on add.


4.) The 'New Subtype' application window will appear.


5.) Enter in a descriptive name for the new document subtype into the 'New Subtype Name' field.


6.) (Optional) Check the box 'PDF Only (Required for Digital Signing)' to make items linked to this subtype available for digital signature setup. This is reserved for scanned in items that have been saved in a .PDF file format.


7.) (Optional) Check the box 'Use System Flag Expiration (Expiring Soon) Rules' to activate the flag properties and apply expiration rules to the document type. Expiration properties include:

  • Setting a Flag Severity type.

  • Choosing how many days after items are linked to the document type, before they will expire.

  • Choosing how many days prior to the expiration date to display the flag.

  • Selecting what Methasoft screens the flag will appear on.  

8.) Click on Save. This will create the new document subtype and close the 'New Subtype' dialog box.



How to Edit a Document Type and Subtype


1.) Under the Document Association section, select the association type of the Document Type/Subtype to be edited. Select the Document Type item to be edited from the list. If editing a document subtype, select the specific Document Type item from the list under the Document Type section, and then select the subtype item under the Document Subtype section.


2.) Click on Edit.


3.) If editing a Document Type, the 'Type' dialog box will appear. If editing a Document Subtype, the 'Subtype' dialog box will appear.


4.) Make the desired changes to the Document Type/Subtype properties.


4.) Click on Save. This will apply the changes made and close the Type/Subtype dialog box.



How to Delete a Document Type/Subtype


1.) Under the Document Association section, select the association type of the Document Type/Subtype to be deleted. Select the Document Type item from the list. If deleting a document subtype, select the specific Document Type item from the list under the Document Type section, and then select the subtype item under the Document Subtype section.


2.) Click on Delete.  An 'Action Confirmation' application message will appear, confirming if you are sure you want to delete the selected item.


3.) Click on Yes to delete the document type/subtype or No to cancel.






Document Types 'General' and 'Reports'

Under the 'Patient' Document Association type, the Document Types 'General' and 'Reports' are system coded values that are reserved for specific functions. These document types cannot be edited, deleted, or added to from the Document Setup screen.


Editing and Deleting Document Types and Subtypes

It is strongly recommended to never delete Document Types or Subtypes. Because these type/subtype links are used for so many different functions within Methasoft, editing the name or deleting the items can cause unwanted results and loss of data. When attempting to delete a type/subtype that is in use within the system, an 'Action Confirmation' dialog box will appear verifying if you are sure you want to delete the item. Clicking 'Yes' will permanently delete the type/subtype. Consult with Methasoft Support prior to deleting document type/subtypes.   


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Report Preferences


Related Preferences


General Preferences > Drug Screens > Option #15 Default Document Subtype for PDF Import