Treatment Plan Templates


(Topic Last Updated On:  05/05/2010)


The Treatment Plan Templates menu item on the Counselor menu launches the Treatment Plan Templates screen, which is used to create global, commonly used treatment plan templates that can later be easily applied to and individualized for specific patients on the Treatment Plans screen.  The procedures used to build templates are similar to those of building individualized Treatment Plans.  Templates include all treatment plan items except for Outcomes, and all patient-specific fields for plan items are excluded on this screen.  Often facilities will create 'master templates', for intake, maintenance, and other commonly-used care plans.



Field Descriptions - Treatment Plan


Template Name

This field displays the name of the new template, as created on the New Treatment Plan Template window.  The name can be edited in this field.

Plan Summary

This text field is used for entering a summary of the template.  This field is optional, and many different formats are used in this field at different facilities.

Created on

This field displays the date on which the template was created in Methasoft.

Created by

This field displays the name of the user who created the template in Methasoft.

Next Review

This field will always be blank on this screen.

Plan Status

This field will always be blank on this screen.

Include Deleted Templates

Checking this checkbox will expand the treeview to display any previously deleted items for templates.  Items deleted from a template are 'soft-deleted', meaning they remain in the database and are able to retrieved, viewed, and even restored by checking this box.


Command Buttons - Treatment Plan


Add Plan

Pressing this button opens the New Treatment Plan Template window, for creating a new treatment plan template.

Add Intervention

This button appears for different levels of the treeview according to Counselor Preferences - Tx Plan Preferences settings, which determine at what plan levels Interventions can be added.  Pressing this button will add a node beneath the selected item for adding an Intervention.

Edit Plan

This button appears when a Treatment Plan Template is selected on the treeview.  Pressing this button enables the template's details for editing.

Add Problem

This button appears when a Treatment Plan Template or Problem is selected on the treeview.  Pressing this button adds a node on the treeview beneath a template, and enables the detail section of the window for adding a problem.


Once an item is selected on the treeview, pressing the Delete button will bring up a confirmation message confirming you want to delete the selected item.  Pressing Yes on this message will delete the selected item.  If a deleted item is selected on the treeview, pressing the Restore button will bring up a confirmation message confirming you want to restore the selected item.  Pressing Yes on this message will un-delete the selected item.

Print Plan

Pressing this button generates the Treatment Plan Templates report for the selected template, and prints it to the configured report printer.



Field Descriptions - Problem



This field is used for selecting a preselected Problem.  Available selections in this field include all Problems entered on the Tx Plan Preselected Items screen, found on the Administration menu.  '(Other)' is always an option in this field, for typing in the Problem Text.

Problem Text

This field is used for entering the text of the Problem.  If a preselected Problem was selected, then it's text will be automatically imported into this field.  If '(Other)' is selected as the Problem, users type the text of the Problem into this field.


This field is used for selecting the Index or Category of a problem, which will often vary for different facilities.  Available selections include all entries in the Treatment Plan Problem Categories code table, entered on the Code Tables screen.


The current Status of the problem is selected here.  Available selections include 'Active', 'Inactive', 'Ongoing', 'Resolved'.

Severity Rating

This field is used for selecting the Severity Rating of a problem, which will often vary for different facilities.  Available selections include all entries in the Treatment Plan Problem Severity Ratings code table, entered on the Code Tables screen.


Command Buttons - Problem


Add Problem

Pressing this button adds a node on the treeview beneath a template, and enables the detail section of the window for adding a problem.

Add Intervention

This button appears for different levels of the treeview according to Counselor Preferences - Tx Plan Preferences settings, which determine at what plan levels Interventions can be added.  Pressing this button will add a node beneath the selected item for adding an Intervention.

Edit Problem

Once a Problem is selected on the treeview, pressing this button enables the Problem's details for editing.

Add Goal

Pressing this button adds a node on the treeview beneath a selected problem, and enables the detail section of the window for adding a Goal.



Field Descriptions - Goal



This field is used for selecting a preselected Goal.  Available selections in this field include all Goals entered on the Tx Plan Preselected Items screen, found on the Administration menu.  '(Other)' is always an option in this field, for typing in the Goal Text.

Goal Text

This field is used for entering the text of the Goal.  If a preselected Goal was selected, then it's text will be automatically imported into this field.  If '(Other)' is selected as the Goal, users type the text of the Goal into this field.


The Term of the Goal, 'Long' or 'Short' is selected in this field.  If 'Short' is selected here, then '30' or '60' will be available for selection in the Duration (Days) field.  If 'Long' is selected here, then '90', '180', or '360' will be available for selection in the Duration (Days) field.

Duration (Days)

The number of days in which the goal is scheduled to be accomplished is selected in this field.  Available selections for this field depend on Term selected.


Command Buttons - Goal


Add Goal

Pressing this button adds a node on the treeview beneath a selected problem, and enables the detail section of the window for adding a Goal.

Add Intervention

This button appears for different levels of the treeview according to Counselor Preferences - Tx Plan Preferences settings, which determine at what plan levels Interventions can be added.  Pressing this button will add a node beneath the selected item for adding an Intervention.

Edit Goal

Once a Goal is selected on the treeview, pressing this button enables the Goal's details for editing.

Add Method

Pressing this button adds a node on the treeview beneath a selected goal, and enables the detail section of the window for adding a Method.



Field Descriptions - Method



This field is used for selecting a preselected Method.  Available selections in this field include all Methods entered on the Tx Plan Preselected Items screen, found on the Administration menu.  '(Other)' is always an option in this field, for typing in the Method Text.

Method Text

This field is used for entering the text of the Method.  If a preselected Method was selected, then it's text will be automatically imported into this field.  If '(Other)' is selected as the Method, users type the text of the Method into this field.


Command Buttons - Method


Add Method

Pressing this button adds a node on the treeview beneath a selected goal, and enables the detail section of the window for adding a Method.

Add Intervention

This button appears for different levels of the treeview according to Counselor Preferences - Tx Plan Preferences settings, which determine at what plan levels Interventions can be added.  Pressing this button will add a node beneath the selected item for adding an Intervention.

Edit Method

Once a Method is selected on the treeview, pressing this button enables the Method's details for editing.



Field Descriptions - Intervention



This field is used for selecting a preselected Intervention.  Available selections in this field include all Interventions entered on the Tx Plan Preselected Items screen, found on the Administration menu.  '(Other)' is always an option in this field, for typing in the Intervention Text.

Intervention Text

This field is used for entering the text of the Intervention.  If a preselected Intervention was selected, then it's text will be automatically imported into this field.  If '(Other)' is selected as the Intervention, users type the text of the Intervention into this field.


Command Buttons - Intervention


Add Intervention

This button appears for different levels of the treeview according to Counselor Preferences - Tx Plan Preferences settings, which determine at what plan levels Interventions can be added.  Pressing this button will add a node beneath the selected item for adding an Intervention.

Edit Intervention

Once an Intervention is selected on the treeview, pressing this button enables the Intervention's details for editing.



How to Add a New Treatment Plan Template


1.) Click on Add Plan.  This will bring up the New Treatment Plan Template window shown below.



2.) Enter the template's name in the 'Name' field.


3.) (Optional) Select the 'Copy from (optional)' checkbox if you wish to create the new template by copying treatment plan items from existing treatment plan templates.  Selecting a template in the 'Treatment Plan Template' field will display all items on the plan in the treeview below it.  Items can then be selected individually, or press the Select All button to select all items displayed.  Checkmarks can then be removed from items as needed.


4.) Click on Create.  This will create the template and return you to the Treatment Plan Templates screen where the new template is displayed.



How to Edit a Treatment Plan Template


1.) Select the template plan item on the treeview that you wish to edit.


2.) Click on the corresponding Edit button for the item selected.  The detail information section for the selected item is now enabled for editing data.


3.) Make changes as needed to data in the detail section of the screen.


4.) Click on Save.



How to Print a Treatment Plan Template


1.) Select any item contained on the template you wish to print.


2.) Click on Print Plan.  The Treatment Plan Templates report will be generated for the selected template and printed to the configured report printer.


How to Delete Treatment Plan Template Items


1.) Select the template item on the treeview you wish to delete.


2.) Click on Delete.  The 'Delete?' message box will appear as shown below, confirming you want to delete the selected item.



3.) Click on Yes.  This will delete the item and remove it from the treeview.


If the plan item selected has an associated item below it on the treeview, the 'Cannot delete...' message box will appear as in the example shown below, indicating that all items associated with the selected item must be deleted prior to deleting the selected item.



In this case, click OK, then delete all associated plan items until the system will allow you to delete the originally selected item.


How to Restore Deleted Treatment Plan Template Items


1.) Check the 'Include Deleted Templates' checkbox on the bottom left corner of this screen.


2.) Select the deleted template item on the treeview you wish to restore.


3.) Click on Restore.  The 'Restore?' message box will appear as shown below, confirming you want to restore the selected item.



4.) Click on Yes.  This will un-delete, or restore the item.





Treatment Plan Types

Treatment Plan Templates are available for copying when creating any type of treatment plan on the Treatment Plans screen.

Tx Plan Preselected Items Code Table

The same code table is used for this screen and the Treatment Plans screen.  This code table is accessible from the Administration menu, and defines what preselected treatment plan items will be available for selection in the 'Problem', 'Goal', 'Method', 'Intervention', and 'Outcome' fields.  Preselected items are associated to other plan items just as template items are associated to items above them on the Treatment Plan Templates screen treeview.  Thus if you select a preselected item on the Treatment Plan Templates treeview, the preselected items available at lower plan levels will only be those associated to the higher level selection made.  Refer the Tx Plan Preselected Items topic for more details on how these items are configured.

Methods and Interventions

Treatment Plan terminology often varies at different facilities.  Generally, 'Methods' refer to specific, detailed steps the patient will have to take/complete to accomplish the associated goal.  'Intervention' refers to the specific action required by staff to help the patient complete a Method (or possibly other treatment plan items depending on your Counselor Preferences - Tx Plan Preferences configuration).    

Deleting Treatment Plan Items

Because treatment plan template items are associated with one another in a hierarchal form, the system will not allow a template item to be deleted without first deleting the items associated beneath it.  To delete an item, always begin by deleting the lowest level 'child' item associated to that item.  Also keep in mind that items are only 'soft-deleted', meaning they can be restored using the 'Include Deleted Templates' checkbox and the Restore button.


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Tx Plan Preselected Items


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Treatment Plan Templates

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