Assessment Wizard


(Topic Last Updated On:  05/05/2010)


The Assessment Wizard menu item on the Other Activities menu launches the Assessment Wizard screen, which is used to create new fully-customizable assessments, modify existing assessments, and export or import assessments.  Patient assessments are assessments designed to collect information specific to a retrieved patient.  Site assessments are designed to collect information specific to your Home Site.  SmartNotes are also created using the Assessment Wizard screen, and are designed for more sophisticated case note entry on the Case Notes and Group Notes screens.  Methasoft Assessments are divided into Modules, then Question Groups, then Questions and Responses.  Responses can be entered to include Response List Items, allowing for virtually every type of response needed by any facility.  Common types of Assessments are delivered with Methasoft at the time of installation, including numerous commonly used Questions and Responses that can be easily selected for use on other created or modified assessments.  Questions and Responses can be shared with other assessments or limited to a particular assessment.  Scoring values can be entered allowing assessments to be scored.  Numerous layout options allow users to layout each assessment in any virtually any necessary format.  The Export and Import functions allow users to easily export assessments to an XML format which can then be imported into Methasoft at other facilities, allowing multi-facility organizations to build each necessary assessment only once.



Assessment Wizard Home Page - Field Descriptions



Create a new Assessment

This option is selected to create a new assessment, and pressing Next with this option selected opens the screen shown above for entering the new assessment's name and description.  Options to create a new blank assessment or clone an existing assessment are provided as well.



Edit, delete, or export an existing Assessment

This option is selected to edit, delete or export an existing assessment, and pressing Next with this option selected opens the screen shown above for selecting the desired action and assessment.  Pressing the edit, delete, or export button adjacent to an assessment then either opens the assessment for editing, confirms the user wants to delete the assessment, or launches assessment export functionality.  Once an assessment has been saved on the Patient Assessments or Site Assessments screen, it cannot be deleted unless all saved instances are deleted first.



Import an existing Assessment

This option is selected to import an existing assessment in XML format to make it available for use on the Patient Assessments or Site Assessments screen(s).  Pressing Next with this option selected opens the screen shown above for selecting an assessment to import.



Export Assessment Results

This option is selected to export saved assessment results in Microsoft Excel XLS format.  Pressing Next with this option selected opens the screen shown above for selecting the assessment results to export, as well as enter criteria to limit the scope of the data being exported.


Field Descriptions



Assessment Field Descriptions


Update (Assessment) Name

This field is used for entering the name of the assessment.

Update (Assessment) Description

This field is used for entering a short description of the assessment.

Update (Assessment) Type

This field is used for selecting the type of the assessment.  Available selections include 'Universal (Applies to Patient and Site Assessment Types)' (will be available on both the Patient and Site Assessments screens), 'Patient Assessment' (will only be available on the Patient Assessment screen), 'Site Assessment' (will only be available on the Site Assessments screen), and 'SmartNote' (will only be available for selection on the Case Note Templates screen, for association with a selected Case Note Type).



Module Field Descriptions


Update (Module) Name

This field is used for entering the name of the module.

Update (Module) Description

This field is used for entering a short description of the module.

Update (Module) Sort Order

This field is used to change the sort order of the module.  By default this value is set to '0', and modules are placed in the order in which they are created.  Modules can be re-arranged by changing this value to '1' or higher, causing them to be sorted in ascending order.



Question Group Field Descriptions


Update (Question Group) Name

This field is used for entering the name of the question group.

Update (Question Group) Description

This field is used for entering a short description of the question group.

Update (Question Group) Sort Order

This field is used to change the sort order of the question group.  By default this value is set to '0', and question groups are placed in the order in which they are created.  Question groups can be re-arranged by changing this value to '1' or higher, causing them to be sorted in ascending order.




Question Field Descriptions


Preview Question and Response

This frame displays a preview of what the selected question will appear like on the assessment form.

Update (Question) Name

This field is used for entering the name of the question.

Update Question

This field is used for entering the question text.

Update Question Help

This field is used for entering the text that will appear in a tool-tip if a user hovers over the icon adjacent to the question.

Update (Question) Sort Order

This field is used to change the sort order of the question.  By default this value is set to '0', and questions are placed in the order in which they are created.  Questions can be re-arranged by changing this value to '1' or higher, causing them to be sorted in ascending order.

A response is required for this question

This field is used to require a response to be entered for the question when the assessment is administered.  If this checkbox is checked, users will be unable to proceed to the next module of the assessment until a response has been entered.

Hide question text on the Assessment Form

This field is used when designing certain types of question/response formats on an assessment.  If this checkbox is checked, the 'Question' text will not appear on the assessment form.




Response Item Field Descriptions


Update (Response Item) Name

This field is used for entering the name of the response item.

Update (Response Item) Description

This field is used for entering a short description of the response item.

Update (Response Item) Title

This field is used for entering the text that will appear on the assessment adjacent to the response item.

Update (Response Item) Report Column Name

This field is used for entering the name of report column associated with the response item.

Update (Response Item) Export Column Name

This field is used for entering the name of column associated with the response item when assessment results are exported.

Update (Response Item) Style Sheet Class (CSS)

This field is used for defining the style sheet file to be used for formatting the response item.  Response items use the default style sheet formatting unless a different style sheet is specified here.

Update (Response Item) Control Width (Pixels)

This field is used for customizing the size of the control/field used for the response item, in pixels.  Increasing this value will increase the width of the control on the assessment.

Update (Response Item) Control Max Characters

This field is used for defining the maximum number of characters a user will be allowed to enter in the response item control/field.  Increasing this value allows more characters to be entered in this field on the assessment.

Update (Response Item) Control Text Align

This field is used for selecting the alignment of the entered text within the control/field, either 'Left' or 'Right'.  'Left' is generally selected here, but selecting 'Right' will align entered text on the right side of the control/field.

Update (Response Item) Validation Expression

This field is used for selecting a validation expression to control the format and quantity of data being entered in the response item control/field.  Available selections include 'Date', 'SSN', 'Currency', 'Time', and 'Zip Code' among others, each programmed to ensure the data being entered matches the format being validated.

Update (Response Item) Sort Order

This field is used to change the sort order of the response item.  By default this value is set to '0', and response items are placed in the order in which they are created.  Response items can be re-arranged by changing this value to '1' or higher, causing them to be sorted in ascending order.

An answer is required for this response item

This field is used to require a response to be entered in the response item control/field when the assessment is administered.  If this checkbox is checked, users will be unable to proceed to the next module of the assessment until a response has been entered.

Exclude this response when exporting data

This field determines whether or not data entered in the response item control/field will be exported when a user export's the assessment's data.  If this checkbox is checked the response item's entered data will not be exported (unless the 'Include all responses.' option is checked when exporting results, which overrides this setting).

Allow this response to be shared

This field determines whether or not the response item will be available for selection under the 'Select an existing response(s)' field when creating responses for other assessments.  If response items are shared with other assessments, then permanently deleting the response item will delete it from all assessments sharing it.



Response List Field Descriptions


Update (Response List) Name

This field is used for entering the name of the response list.

Update (Response List) Description

This field is used for entering a short description of the response list.



Response List Item Field Descriptions


Update (Response List Item) Text Short (Displayed in Reports)

This field is used for entering the text/name of the response list item as it will appear on assessment reports.

Update (Response List Item) Text

This field is used for entering the text/name of the response list item as it will appear on the assessment form.

Update (Response List Item) Score

This field is used for entering a numerical scoring value for the response list item.  Scoring values are used when assessments are scored using the Scoring button on the Patient Assessments or Clinic Assessments screens.  Scoring values can also be included on exported result XLS files by checking the 'Include list item Scoring Values' checkbox when exporting.

Update (Question Group) Sort Order

This field is used to change the sort order of the response list item.  By default this value is set to '0', and response list items are placed in the order in which they are created.  Response list items can be re-arranged by changing this value to '1' or higher, causing them to be sorted in ascending order.


Assessment Wizard - Command Buttons



This button is used to navigate through different screens on the Assessment Wizard.  After entering all necessary data, pressing this button opens the next screen for continuing with the next step.


This button is used to navigate backwards through different screens on the Assessment Wizard.  Pressing this button allows users to open previous screens before continuing with the next step.


This button appears beside each existing assessment on the 'Edit, delete, or export an existing Assessment' screen.  Pressing this button will open the adjacent assessment for editing.

delete (Assessment)

This button appears beside each existing assessment on the 'Edit, delete, or export an existing Assessment' screen.  Pressing this button will open a confirmation message confirming you want to delete the adjacent assessment.  Pressing OK on this message then deletes the assessment.  This button becomes disabled when at least one instance of the adjacent assessment has been saved, and will only be re-enabled if all saved instances of the assessment are deleted.


This button appears beside each existing assessment on the 'Edit, delete, or export an existing Assessment' screen.  Pressing this button will open the File Download window, with options for opening or saving the exported XML document.

Assessment Wizard

This button appears on the upper right-hand corner of many different assessment wizard screens.  Pressing this button will return users to the assessment wizard home page, shown in the first screen shot of this topic.


This button appears on numerous pages of the assessment wizard screens.  Pressing this button saves data entered or edited for assessment items, and is also used to download XML and/or XLS files when exporting assessments and assessment results.


This button appears on the 'Select an Assessment XML file for import' page of the assessment wizard.  Pressing this button will open a Choose File window, for selecting the XML file to import.

Deactivate Assessment

This button appears at the bottom of the Netalytics Assessment Edit page of the assessment wizard when the assessment is selected on the treeview pane on the left-hand side.  Pressing this button will deactivate the selected assessment, making it unavailable for use on the Patient Assessments or Clinic Assessments screens.

Remove (Assessment Item)

This button appears at the bottom of the Netalytics Assessment Edit page of the assessment wizard when various assessment response items are selected on the treeview pane on the left-hand side.  Pressing this button will remove the selected item from the assessment.

Delete (Assessment Item)

This button appears at the bottom of the Netalytics Assessment Edit page of the assessment wizard when various assessment response items are selected on the treeview pane on the left-hand side.  Pressing this button will not only remove the selected item from the assessment, but also delete the selected item from the list of existing responses available.


This button appears in the 'Select export filter criteria (Optional)' section of the 'Select an Assessment for export' page of the assessment wizard.  Pressing this button will bring up calendar control for selecting dates in the criteria fields.



How to Create a New Assessment


1.) On the Assessment Wizard home page, select the 'Create a new Assessment' option.


2.) Click on Next.  The Assessment Wizard screen will appear as shown below.



3.) Enter the assessment's 'Assessment Name' and 'Assessment Description'.


4.) Select the type of assessment being created in the 'Assessment Type' field.  Entered Patient Assessments will be available for use on the Patient Assessments screen.  Entered Site Assessments will be available for use on the Site Assessments screen.  Entered SmartNotes will be available for selection on the Case Note Templates screen, for associating a SmartNote with a Case Note Type.  Universal Assessments will be available on both the Patient and Site Assessments screens.


5.) (Optional) The 'Create a new blank Assessment' option is selected by default, but to clone an existing assessment as the new assessment select the assessment to be cloned.


6.) Click on Next.  The Netalytics Assessment Edit screen will appear as shown below if 'Create a new blank Assessment' was selected in Step 4 (if an existing assessment was selected to be cloned, then the screen below would display the same except the treeview on the left-hand side of the screen would display all cloned Modules beneath the new assessment).



7.) Create the first Module of the new assessment by entering the 'New Module Name' and 'New Module Description' ('New Module Description' is optional).


8.) Click on Save.  The Netalytics Assessment Edit screen will appear as shown below.



9.) Select the new Module on the treeview on the left-hand side of the screen.  The Netalytics Assessment Edit screen will appear as shown below.



10.) Create the first Question Group within the new Module by entering the 'New Group Name' and 'New Group Description' ('New Group Description' is optional).


11.) Click on Save.


12.) Select the new Question Group on the treeview on the left-hand side of the screen.  The Netalytics Assessment Edit screen will appear as shown below.



13.) Create the first Question within the new Question Group by entering the 'New Question Name' and 'New Question', then click on Save.


14.) Select the new Question on the treeview on the left-hand side of the screen.  The Netalytics Assessment Edit screen will appear as shown below.




15.) Define more characteristics of the new Question by entering data in the 'Update Question Help', 'Update Sort Order', 'A response is required...', and 'Hide question text...' fields as needed.


16.) Create the first Response Item for the new Question by entering the 'New Response Item Name' and 'New Response Item Title'.


17.) Select the type of the new Response Item in the 'New Response Item Type' field.  Numerous selections are available corresponding to commonly used response types.


18.) Click on Save.


19.) Select the new Response Item on the treeview on the left-hand side of the screen.  The Netalytics Assessment Edit screen will appear as shown below.




20.) Define more characteristics of the new Response Item by entering data in the detail information fields as needed, then click on Save.


If the 'New Response Item Type' selected in Step 16 includes a Response List, then the Netalytics Assessment Edit screen will appear similarly to the screen shot shown below, providing additional configuration options for the Response List.



21.) Define more characteristics of the new Response List by entering data in the detail information fields as needed, then click on Save.


22.) Select the new Response List on the treeview on the left-hand side of the screen.  The Netalytics Assessment Edit screen will appear as shown below.



23.) Create the first Response List Item for the new Response List by entering the 'New Response List Item Text Short (Displayed in Reports' and 'New Response List Item Text', then click on Save.


24.) Select the new Response List Item on the treeview on the left-hand side of the screen.  The Netalytics Assessment Edit screen will appear as shown below.



25.) Make changes to the detail information as needed for the selected Response List Item, then click on Save.



How to Edit an Assessment


1.) On the Assessment Wizard home page, select the 'Edit, delete, or export an existing Assessment' option.


2.) Click on Next.  The Assessment Wizard screen will appear as shown below.



3.) Click on the edit button next to the assessment to be edited.  The Netalytics Assessment Edit screen will open, displaying the selected assessment.


4.) Select assessment item(s) to be edited one-at-a-time on the treeview on the left-hand side of the screen, then make changes as needed to data in the detail section(s) for each item.


5.) Click on Save following changes to each assessment item.


How to Delete an Assessment


1.) On the Assessment Wizard home page, select the 'Edit, delete, or export an existing Assessment' option.


2.) Click on Next.


3.) Click on the delete button next to the assessment to be deleted.  A Windows Internet Explorer application message will appear, confirming you want to delete the selected assessment.


4.) Click on OK to delete the assessment or Cancel to cancel the transaction.


How to Export an Assessment


1.) On the Assessment Wizard home page, select the 'Edit, delete, or export an existing Assessment' option.


2.) Click on Next.


3.) Click on the export button next to the assessment to be exported.  The File Download window will appear as shown below.



4.) Click on Save.  This will open the Save As window as shown below.



5.) Use the 'Save in' field to select a location to save the exported XML file and the 'File name' field to name the file as desired, then click on Save.  The XML file will download to the selected location, followed by the Download Complete window shown below when it has finished downloading.



6.) Click on Open to view the XML document, Open Folder to open the location to which it was downloaded, or Close to return to the Assessment Wizard screen.



How to Import an Assessment


1.) On the Assessment Wizard home page, select the 'Import an existing Assessment' option.


2.) Click on Next.  The Assessment Wizard screen will appear as shown below.



3.) Click on Browse.  This will open the Choose File window shown below.



4.) Select the XML assessment file to be imported, then click on Open.  This will return you to the Assessment Wizard screen displaying the selected file as shown below.



5.) Click on Next.  This will import the file and open the Netalytics Assessment Edit screen, displaying the imported assessment.


How to Export Assessment Results


1.) On the Assessment Wizard home page, select the 'Export Assessment Results' option.


2.) Click on Next.  The Assessment Wizard screen will appear as shown below.



3.) Select the assessment for which results are to be exported under the 'Select an Assessment for export' section of the screen.


4.) (Optional) Limit the scope of the data being exported by entering criteria data in the 'Date Range' and/or 'Patient ID' fields.


5.) (Optional) Check the 'Include all responses...' and/or 'Include list item Scoring Values' fields as needed.  Checking 'Include all responses...' will cause all data to be exported, even responses marked to be excluded from result export.  Checking 'Include list item Scoring Values' will cause all defined scoring values to be exported.


6.) Click on Next.  The Assessment Wizard screen will appear as shown below, displaying a summary of the result export.



7.) After reviewing the data to ensure the desired data will be exported, press Generate Export File.  The File Download window will appear as shown below.



8.) Click on Save.  This will open the Save As window as shown below.



9.) Use the 'Save in' field to select a location to save the exported XLS file and the 'File name' field to name the file as desired, then click on Save.  The XLS file will download to the selected location, followed by the Download Complete window shown below when it has finished downloading.



10.) Click on Open to view the XLS document, Open Folder to open the location to which it was downloaded, or Close to return to the Assessment Wizard screen.



How to Deactivate an Assessment


1.) On the Assessment Wizard home page, select the 'Edit, delete, or export an existing Assessment' option.


2.) Click on Next.


3.) Click on the edit button next to the assessment to be deactivated.  The Netalytics Assessment Edit screen will open, displaying the selected assessment.


4.) Click on Deactivate Assessment.  A Windows Internet Explorer application message will appear, confirming you want to deactivate the selected assessment.


5.) Click on OK to deactivate the assessment or Cancel to return to the Assessment Wizard screen.  If OK is pressed, you will be returned to the Netalytics Assessment Edit screen which will display an '(Inactive)' notification as shown below.




Related Topics


Patient Assessments

Site Assessments

Assessment Reports

Assessment Scoring


Related Reports


Assessment Reports