Other Medication Drug Types


(Topic Last Updated On:  05/05/2010)


The Other Medication Drug Types menu item on the Administration menu launches the Other Medication Drug Types screen, which is used to view, add and modify additional medications dispensed on the Select Other Medications to Dispense window.  This window appears from the Dose Patient screen for patients set up with additional medication(s) on the Other Medication Information screen.  Each 'Other Medication Drug Type' is associated with a 'Drug Class', which are entered on the Drug Types screen.



Field Descriptions


Include Inactive

Checking this checkbox will cause the grid to refresh and expand to also display all inactive other medication drug types.

Other Medication Drug Type

The name of an additional medication is entered in this field.  Some facilities prefer to enter the brand and generic names of the medication in this field, separated by a slash.

Drug Class

This field is used for selecting the 'Drug Class' for each additional medication.  Available selections will include all active drugs entered on the Drug Types screen with the 'Dispense Drug as Other Medication' option selected.


A checkmark appears in this field for each active additional medication.  Other medication drug types can be deactivated by removing the checkmark in this field.


Grid Columns


Other Medication Drug Type

This column displays the 'Other Medication Drug Type' for each additional medication.

Drug Class

This column displays the 'Drug Class' associated with each additional medication.


This column displays a checkmark for each additional medication currently active in the system.



How to Add an Other Medication Drug Type


1.) Click on New.


2.) Enter the name of the medication in the 'Other Medication Drug Type' field.


3.) Select the class of drugs the medication belongs to in the 'Drug Class' field.


4.) Click on Save.



How to Edit an Other Medication Drug Type


1.) Select the additional medication to be edited on the grid.


2.) Click on Edit.


3.) Make changes as needed to data in the detail section of the screen.


4.) Click on Save.



How to Deactivate an Other Medication Drug Type


1.) Select the additional medication to be deactivated on the grid.


2.) Click on Edit.


3.) Remove the checkmark from the 'Active' field.


4.) Click on Save.





Drug Classes Need to Be Added on the Drug Types Screen Before Adding Other Medication Drug Types

Available selections in the 'Drug Class' field are entered on the Drug Types screen found on the Administration menu.  A drug type will only appear available for selection as a 'Drug Class' if the 'Dispense Drug as Other Medication' option is selected for the medication on the Drug Types screen.


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