(Topic Last Updated On: 05/03/2018)
Administration > Dosing Window Definition
The Dosing Window Definition screen is accessed by clicking the Dosing Window Definition item, found on the Administration Menu. This screen is a feature add-on in conjunction with the Methasoft Queue View feature, and therefore, is not available in Methasoft out-of-the-box. From this screen, dosing windows are labeled and associated with the computer from which the dispensing staff are administering doses. When dosing staff select a patient from the 'Dosing Queue', the 'Window Name' is displayed on and announced from the Queue View monitor, directing the patient to the specific dosing window to receive their doses. Contact Methasoft Support for more information on the Methasoft Queue View feature.
Window Name
This textbox field allows users to label their facilities dosing windows.
Workstation Name
This textbox field allows users to enter in the specific computer name associated with the 'Window Name'.
Window Name
This column displays the user entered name assigned to the dosing window.
Workstation Name
This column displays the user entered computer name associated with the dosing window name.
Name LookUp)
Clicking this ellipsis button populates the name of the computer into the 'Workstation Name' field.
This button is used to create a new Dosing Window Definition item.
This button allows the user to edit existing Dosing Window Definition records from the grid.
This button allows the user to delete a selected Dosing Window Definition record from the grid.
When creating or editing a Dosing Window Definition record, clicking this button applies the changes made to the record.
When creating or editing a Dosing Window Definition record, clicking this button disregards any changes made, and returns a previously saved record to it's original state.
This button closes the Dosing Window Definition screen.
Workstation Name
The 'Workstation Name' field is referring to the system Computer Name. This name must be unique for each computer in the clinic. The computer name can easily be found by right-clicking on the 'This PC' icon in the File Explorer window, and choosing the 'Properties' menu item. Or by going to the Windows system 'Control Panel' and clicking on the 'System' icon. Contact Methasoft Support for help getting the accurate computer name and for more information on the Methasoft Queue View feature.
Main Preferences > Queue View Preferences > Options #1 and 12