Patient Collecting Parties


(Topic Last Updated On:  05/05/2010)


The Collecting Parties menu item on the Patient menu launches the Patient Collecting Parties screen, which is used to define individuals eligible to pick up a patient's medication on behalf of the patient.  This screen is used in facilities that track collecting parties for each dosing transaction on the Dose Patient screen.  In such facilities, at least one collector is defined on this screen with a 'Party Type' of 'Patient', which is selected to indicate the patient received the medication himself.  By defining additional collecting parties on this screen, dispensing personnel will be able to select collecting parties appropriately on the Dose Patient screen.



Field Descriptions



This field is used to enter a description of the collecting party.

Party Type

This field is used for selecting the type of collecting party being entered.  Available selections include all active entries in the 'Collector Types' code table.  The 'Patient' selection is programmed to be the default collecting party for each patient, since generally a patient receives his own medication.

First Name

This field is used for entering the first name of the collecting party.

Last Name

This field is used for entering the last name of the collecting party.

Street Address

This field is used to enter the full street address of the collecting party.

City, State, Zip

These fields are used to enter the city, state, and zip code of the collecting party's address.


This field is used to select the country in which the collecting party resides.


This field is used to select the county in which the collecting party resides.


This field is used to enter the phone number of the collecting party.


This field is used to enter the fax number of the collecting party.


This field is used to enter the email address of the collecting party.


Grid Columns


Party Type

This column displays the 'Party Type' selected for each collecting party.


This column displays the 'Description' entered for each collecting party.

First Name

This column displays the 'First Name' entered for each collecting party.

Last Name

This column displays the 'Last Name' entered for each collecting party.



How to Add a Collecting Party


1.) Click on the New button.


2.) Enter a description for the collecting party in the 'Description' field.


3.) Select the type of collecting party being defined in the 'Party Type' field.


3.) Enter the full name of the collecting party in the 'First Name' and 'Last Name' fields.


4.) (Optional) Enter the collecting party's address and contact information in the address, phone, fax, and email fields as needed.


5.) Click on the Save button.  The collecting party is now saved, and will be available for selection on the 'Collecting Party' tab of the Dose Patient screen.



How to Edit a Collecting Party


1.) Select the collecting party you wish to edit on the grid.


2.) Click on the Edit button.


3.) Make changes as needed in the detail section of the screen.


4.) Click on the Save button.



How to Delete a Collecting Party


1.) Select the collecting party you wish to delete on the grid.


2.) Click on the Delete button.  An application message will appear, confirming you wish to delete the selected party.


3.) Click on the Yes to delete the selected party or No to cancel.





The 'Patient' Collecting 'Party Type' Must be Entered for Each Patient in Facilities Requiring Collecting Party Documentation on the Dose Patient Screen

Preference configuration determines whether or not dispensing personnel will be required to document collecting party information for each dosing visit.  If this requirement is turned on at your facility, then each patient must at least have one collecting party defined with 'Patient' as the 'Party Type'.


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Dose Patient
