Report: Other Medication Dispensed
(Topic Last Updated On: 05/05/2010)
This report displays all dispensing transactions for 'Other Medications' entered over a selected date range. This report is similar to the Total Dispensed by Day report, except only 'Other Medication' transactions are displayed instead of normal dosing transactions. A new page begins for each 'Dosed Date' and 'Other Medication Drug Type'/'Other Medication Dose Type' combination dispensed over the selected date range. This report is generally only run in facilities dispensing large amounts of additional medications, and printed daily to be filed with daily dispensing records.
Patient ID
This column displays the 'Patient ID' number of each patient who received additional medication.
Time Given
This column displays the time at which each patient received the additional medication.
Drug Type
This column displays the 'Other Medication Drug Type' each patient received.
Dose Type
This column displays the 'Other Medication Dose Type' each patient received.
Dose Amount (Mgs)
This column displays the amount of mgs each patient received of each additional medication.
This column displays the number of 'Units' of each additional medication dispensed for each transaction, which is generally interpreted to be the number of pills, or tablets dispensed.
Total Mgs
This column displays the total number of mgs of additional medication received by each patient for each transaction.
Dosed Date
This field displays the date on which all of the transactions displayed below were entered in the system.
Drug Type
This field displays the 'Other Medication Drug Type' dispensed in all transactions displayed below.
Dose Type
This field displays the 'Other Medication Dose Type' dispensed in all transactions displayed below.
Grand Totals
This field displays the total number of 'Units' and 'Mgs' dispensed for each 'Other Medication Drug Type'/'Other Medication Dose Type' combination.
Patient ID
This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to only display other medication dispensing transactions recorded for the patient whose 'Patient ID' is entered here.
From Date
This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to only display other medication dispensing transactions recorded on or after the date selected here.
To Date
This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to only display other medication dispensing transactions recorded on or before the date selected here.
Drug Type
This parameter allows users to limit report data to only display dispensing transactions recorded for one particular 'Other Medication Drug Type'. Available selections include all active medications entered on the 'Other Medication Drug Types' screen.
Site Group
This parameter allows users to limit report data to only display additional medication dispensing transactions for patients who are members of the 'Site Group(s)' selected here, as assigned for each patient on the Patient Profile screen.