Release Notes - Methasoft 8.6

Please click link to see the 8.6 release notes

Release Notes - Methasoft 8.5.1

Please click link to see the 8.5.1 release notes

Release Notes - Methasoft 8.4.0

Please click link to see the 8.4.0 release notes

Release Notes - Methasoft 8.3.2

Please click here to see the 8.3.2 release notes

Release Notes - Methasoft 8.1.1

New Features

PBI:8778 -- Nightly Process - Automatic Drug Renewal Order
A new nightly process has been created that will automatically create medication renewal orders based on an interval that is set in Order Preferences.

PBI:8832 -- New Report - Invalid Billing Episodes
Added a new report that allows users to check for invalid billing episodes base on four criteria: Payer, Desired Release of Information, Desired Subscriber Type ID and Desired Benefits Assignment Indicator.

PBI:9337 -- New Report - Charge Activity for Period
Claim Activity for Period is a new report very similar to the Claim Activity for Period report, but instead of claims, it uses charges to get the detail information. The report groups these details by patient and include details like: The patient's phase, date of birth, subscriber id, charge id, payer, billable service name, billable service procedure code, number of units, charge date and amount. Deleted charges will show in parenthesis.

PBI:8818 -- Nightly Process - Flag patients who haven't had a drug screen in XX Days
There is a new drug screen preference that will generate a flag for patients who has not had a drug screen test result entered in the last XX days. The XX value is configurable and once set a nightly process will generate a stop dose flag for all patients who fit the criteria.

PBI:10227 -- New Report - Signature Compliance
>Added a new report titled Signature Compliance. This report will give specific details about signature objects including the Object that required signatures, The patient's ID and Name, signee, date the signature object was created, date the signature was due, date of the signature and the number of days of non-compliance if applicable. The report is grouped by signature object type so all or the orders will be together and so forth. Each grouping will have totals for non-compliant, compliant and a percentage of compliant

PBI:10147 -- New Data Export - Billable Services Details
Created a new data export data source titled Billable Service Details. When used to create a data export, it can include all the information about active billable services including the billable services more data as well. By default, the export will only include active billable services but there are filters for Include Inactive, Payer Category and Billable Service.

PBI:10085 -- New Report - Claimed Amounts by Payer Category
Added a new report titled Claimed Amounts by Payer Category. The report shows the amounts claimed based on the date of service or the claimed date. The grouping is by payer category with a summary of the dosing services and other services for each payer in the category with subtotals at the payer category level and a grand total at the end.

PBI:10081 -- New Report - Batch Payments Summary by Journal Types
Added a new report titled Batch Payments Summary by Journal Types summarizes the amounts based on the journal types used during the batch payment process. The report is grouped by Payer or Payer Category with a subtotal afterwards and a grant total breakdown at the bottom of the report. The report can be filtered by date range, payer category, journal type and effective date or pay date.

PBI:9930 -- New Report or update existing Report - Pharmacy Prescription Information
Enhanced the Prescription Information report so that it is also compatible with the UK version of Methasoft.

PBI:9741 -- New Report - Charges Summary by Payer
Added a new report titled Charges Summary by Payer. The report displays a summary of patient and third charges by billable service for the date range selected. The charges are subtotaled by billable service and totaled at the payer level with a grand total at the end of the report.

PBI:9706 -- New Report - Employee Information Report
Added a new report titled Employee Information. This report displays the employee's ID, Name, Hire Date, Dismiss Date, Credentials, Job Roles, Billing Association and most recent digital signature image. The report can be run to include inactive employees as well.

PBI:9461 -- Create a nightly process for importing "structured data" from 3rd party systems into Methasoft (only for data we already have).
Added a new feature as a nightly process that imports patient profile data into Methasoft from a comma separated value file.

PBI:9459 -- Create a new Nightly Process that will allow for documents that are in a preference-based location to be put into a patient's document library.
Created a new nightly process that allows for the linking of documents to patients automatically.

PBI:9735 -- Updates to PDMP Checks
Functionality has been added to allow Methasoft to do PDMP (Prescription Drug Monitoring Program) checks. It will currently connect with three systems to get the patients prescription information and enter new prescriptions. The systems are: Dr. First, LogiCoy and a Non-Integrated site of the sites choice.

PBI:9790 -- Build Generic Notification / Announcement system
Implemented a new Notification system that allows administrators to subscribe individual users to various expandable notification types. The notifications tab will open as soon as the user logins into Methasoft.

PBI:6190 -- HL7 ADT Integration for Patient Demographics
Methasoft now supports HL7 Integration for moving patient information between Methasoft and 3rd Party EHRs. This will allow a patient to intake (or get updated) in an EHR and those changes will automatically be received and added\updated in Methasoft. If patients are primarily updated in Methasoft, an outbound ADT can be created for integration into the 3rd Party EHR as well. (Bi-directional is not currently supported.) Supported EHRs are GE Centricity, Streamline SmartCare, and Qualifacts Carelogic (with NextGEN, Cerner, and others coming soon). Call the Methasoft Sales line for more information.

PBI:6190 -- HL7 DFT Integration For Billing
Methasoft now supports an Integration for sending patient billing information in a nightly batch to 3rd party EHRs and billing systems using HL7 DFT files. The PID and FT1 Segment of the DFT usually contains all that is needed to support this integration, including Patient ID, Date of Service, Diagnosis Code, Procedure Code, Insurance Info, and modifiers. Anything that can be setup in a Methasoft Billable Service can be sent in the DFTs including dosing\dispending information, counseling services, drug screens, etc. Supported EHRs are GE Centricity, Streamline SmartCare, and Qualifacts Carelogic (with NextGEN, Cerner, and others coming soon). Call the Methasoft Sales line for more information.

PBI:10443 -- New Unmanaged Billable Service - Periodic - UDS or Counselor Encounter with No Medication Encounter (Single DOS)
Added a new unmanaged billable service type named Periodic - UDS or Counselor Encounter with No Medication Encounter (Single DOS). This new service type works in conjunction with the unmanaged dosing periodic service in that if the patient has a dosing encounter during the period then it will not generate a charge under this new service type. If the patient does not have a dosing encounter during the period, but does have either a UDS or counseling encounter it will generate a charge for only one of the services if they have both during the period. The service date will be a single date of service and the charge date will be the date as defined in the billable service set up.

PBI:9012 -- Prescription Lookup Integration
Starting in early 2021, clinics will have the ability to view a patient's prescription activity from within Methasoft using the PDMP checks button. Methasoft support will be required in the configuration of this feature.

PBI:10233 -- New Linked Billable Service Type - 5mg Charges
Added a new linked billable service type that will create a charge for doses where units are calculated at 1 unit for every 5mgs of medication dispensed. What is different about this new feature is that the client has the ability to determine if the number of units associated with the charge will be rounded up, rounded down or shown as decimal.

PBI:9294 -- RxLabel Reader - Integration into Prescription Information screen
Added functionality to the Prescription Information screen that allows prescriptions to be entered from files generated by the RxLabelReader. This equipment has the capability of creating a JSON file which can the be imported into Methasoft.

PBI:9090 -- DrFirst Integration - Research API to pull in Prescription Data
Added the ability for prescription information from DrFirst to be imported into Methasoft.


PBI:8695 -- Add Auditing to the Scheduled Event Delete
Auditing has been added to the scheduled event deletion process.

PBI:8039 -- Enhancements to the Central Registry (Texas) report
Made enhancements to the report to include the patient's first name initial and the code numbers associated with eye color, gender and race.

PBI:8633 -- Forgot Password Functionality
Added new functionality for allowing users to reset their own passwords using tokens sent via email or text message.

PBI:8869 -- Patient Search - Add DOB to search screen
Date of Birth has been added to the patient search screen.

PBI:8860 -- Scheduler Attendee Selection - Allow Filter on selection screen
Enhanced the Attendee Selection screen by adding a filter that allows the user to filter the list by name or patient id.

PBI:8892 -- Enhancements - Holiday Takeout Eligibility screen
Enhanced the Holiday Takeout Eligibility screen by adding a filter that allows users to filter the list by the patient's phase.

PBI:8955 -- Enhancement - Add Phase to the Monthly Requirements report
Enhanced the Monthly Requirements and Monthly Consolidated Requirements reports to include two new filters: Exclude Intakes and Phase Type.

PBI:8973 -- Happy Birthday System Flag - Added to Check-In, Payment and Daily Activities screens
A Happy Birthday notification flag has been added to the Check-In, Payment and Daily Activities screens.

PBI:9003 -- Enhancement - Dosing Queue Averages Report
Enhancements were made to the Dosing Queue Averages report in the form of several new fields. The new fields are:

PBI:9042 -- Enhancement - Anonymous Dosing History Report
An enhancement has been made to the report that allows the user to hide the patient's name.

PBI:8975 -- Billing Episodes by Patient Report - Add Intake Date to Report
Added the Intake/Latest Readmit Date as a new field to the report.

PBI:9095 -- Patient Flags Report - add Entered By filter
Added Modified By filter to the report

PBI:7391 -- Enhancement - Additional Filter on Randomize Events screen
Added a new filter to the Randomize Scheduled Events screen to filter by drug screen group.

PBI:9176 -- Randomize Drug Screens - Min/Max days enhancement
Created a new preference under drug screen preferences named Schedule Min/Max Drug Screens even not in clinic. The purpose of this new preference is so that clinics who use the min/max preference for drug screens will get the automated drug screen scheduled for patients whose take home schedules would cause them to never fall with the date range. With this preference on, it will create a scheduled drug screen for the patient even though they are not scheduled to be in the clinic.

PBI:9001 -- Dosing Validation by Fingerprint
Added a new option to validate the user via fingerprint before every dosing transaction.

PBI:9250 -- Enhancement - Change Case Notes report retrieve to use common client profile to improve performance
Made changes to the procedures for the report in order to improve performance.

PBI:9354 -- Patient Chart Export: Enhance Error Handling
Enhanced error handling in patient chart export so that if any one item fails to export it will not stop the entire chart from exporting. The user will be notified that the chart has an issue and contacting Methasoft Support is advised.

PBI:9293 -- Enhancement - Print multiple HCFA-1500 forms from Claims Generator screen
Enhanced the Print HCFA 1500 functionality on the Claims Generator screen to allow the user to select whether to print an individual claim or all the claims in the grid. Note: In order to use the Print HCFA 1500 functionality, you must set your payer to only do 6 or less lines per claim.

PBI:9185 -- Patient Profile - Additional Validation
Added new validation preferences for the creation of new patient profile records that can help prevent the creation of duplicate patient profile records. The preferences can validate on SSN (last 4), Birth Date, Gender, First Name or; Last Name. The default preferences are on SSN, Gender and Birth Date. The preferences can be set under General Preferences > Administration.

PBI:9222 -- Enhancement - Add Credentials to Current Staff Report
Added credentials as a field to the Current Staff report.

PBI:9221 -- Enhancement - Monthly Requirements Report - Add Phase Level to report
Added filtering to the Monthly Requirements report on phase type. The rendered report also now includes phase type as a column.

PBI:9220 -- Enhancement - Patient Insurance Eligibility Report - Use Subscriber ID
Added a new preference to the report that allows the user to display the subscriber id value from the patient's billing episode. If unchecked the report will display the insurance id value from the patient profile screen. The report column heading will change depending on which value is being displayed.

PBI:9318 -- Billing Configuration Error - Need more information to help user
Enhanced the Claims Generator screen message that appears when there is invalid billing association for one or more users which prevents the creation of the claim(s). The warning message now includes the display id of the employee(s) that does not have a billing association. It should be noted that it will still create claims for the services that have employees with billing associations when this warning is displayed.

PBI:8819 -- Signature Details Report - Add Patient ID Filter
Added a new filter to allow the report to be filtered by patient id.

PBI:8208 -- Enhancement - Linked Billable Services Screen - Make Larger
Enhanced the Charge for Linked Billable Service modal screen to make it larger so that the user does not have to scroll as much.

PBI:8817 -- New Preference - Lock Dosing Queue Sort
Created a new preference that, when checked will prevent users from changing the sort order on the Dosing Queue screen. The preference is turned on by default.

PBI:8891 -- New Patient Chart Item - Medication Counts
Added the ability to have Medication Counts as part of the patient chart.

PBI:9314 -- Patient Profile - Make Drug Screen Group Required Field
A new Preference Category has been added to General Preferences named Required Fields. In this category we will be defining fields on screens that are by default optional but can be made required. In this release we have identified the following fields on Patient Profile screen as ones that can be made required:

PBI:9179 -- Health Screen - Add RPR Test Results Drop Down to screen and Report
A new field has been added to Health Screens to capture RPR. This field will display in the grid and has also been added to the Health Screens report.

PBI:8871 -- Enhancements - Patient List by Primary Payer report
A new column has been added to the report that displays the patient's date of birth.

PBI:8861 -- Patient ID Card Label - Add Issue Date and Expiration Date
Issue Date and Expiration Date have been added to the Patient ID card reports. The issue date will be the date that the card is generated, and the expiration date will be 1 year from that issue date.

PBI:8700 -- Enhancement - Add Payer Filter to the No Show report
A new parameter has been added to the No Show report that allows the user to filter the report by a specific payer

PBI:8699 -- Enhancement - Make the 'Current Balance' reports multi-site aware
Enhanced the Current Balances, Current Non-Zero Balances, Current Balance History - B.O.D., Current Balance History EOD, Overdue Balances and Debit Balances reports by making them site aware for facilities who use the multi-site functionality.

PBI:9182 -- Site Demographics Reports - Different Age Brackets
Made an enhancement to all the site demographics reports to create new age brackets for Medicare requirements. We currently only have 60-69 which makes it hard to determine how many patients are eligible for Medicare. The new brackets are for age groups 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80+.

PBI:9206 -- Enhancement - Add Payer Category Grouping to Changes in Third-Party A/R report
Enhanced the Changes in Third-Party A/R for Period report by adding grouping by payer category.

PBI:9207 -- Patient Profile Report - Add Payer Info to report
Made an enhancement to the Patient Profile report by adding the patient's current payer as a field on the report.

PBI:8943 -- Data Export - Add Primary Payer to Dosing Detail data source
Enhanced the Dosing Detail data export by adding primary payer as a parameter.

PBI:8722 -- Add new Nightly Process for encrypting files on file system.
Added a new nightly process that encrypts files on the file system so that they will be unreadable in case of a breach.

PBI:9092 -- Holiday Eligibility - default to false on Dosing Information
Created a new preference that determines if the Holiday Eligibility checkbox is automatically checked on the Dosing Information screen. The preference will be on by default which means that the check box will NOT be checked.

PBI:9235 -- Enhancements - HCFA 1500 Direct Print
There several enhancements made to the HCFA 1500 direct print from the Claims Generator screen. The changes are:

PBI:9091 -- Audit - Screen Access - need ability to track what screens where accessed for a patient
Enhanced the Audit - Client Access report to include a new filter that allows user to filter the report by the screen that was accessed.

PBI:9239 -- Enhancement - Patient List by Primary Payer report
Made cosmetic enhancements to the report that allows it to be printed without using as much paper.

PBI:8133 -- Enhancement to Third-Party Group/Reason/Remark Codes Report
Made and enhancement to the report that displays the Batch ID, Interchange Control Number and Transaction ID from the batch file from which the group reason and remark codes came. The filed swill be hidden unless the Show Batch Info check box is selected when the report is run.

PBI:9219 -- Address: Add preference to make address fields required.
Created a new preference that can determines if address fields are required. The preference is found under General Preferences > Required Fields. When set, the Street Address, City, State and Zip Code become required and must be set when creating addresses.

PBI:8972 -- New Payer/Category Parameter - Patient List Absent/Present report
A new Payer/Category filter has been added to the Patient List Absent/Present report.

PBI:9708 -- Prior Authorizations - Turn back on the Service Type = (All) feature.
The ability to create one authorization for all service types within a specific authorization type has been turned back on. Previously you had to pick a service i.e. Counseling and then pick a specific note type in order to set up the authorization. Now you can choose a Counseling as the authorization type and select (All) as the service type and it will cover all case note types.

PBI:9698 -- Enhancement - Add Site Name to Dosing History Screen
An enhancement has been made to the dosing history screen that shows the site name of the facility where the patient dosed. This new enhancement is beneficial to multi-site facilities that use med units.

PBI:9695 -- Data Export - Wisconsin Pharmacy Billing Export
There is a new data export for Wisconsin Pharmacy billing. The data export includes the following fields: Patient ID (display id), Last Name, First Name, ID Number ( from billing episode), Ordering Provider, Rx Start Date, Ml dispensed, Fee, Amount, Rx Fee, Amount Bill

PBI:9671 -- Add DOB to Billing Episode by Patient report
An enhancement has been made to the Billing Episodes by Patient. The report now includes the patient's date of birth.

PBI:9156 -- Case Note Validations - Add Checks at Save level
Several new preferences have been added to the counselor preferences that allow case not validation to be administered in Methasoft. The validations are:

PBI:9819 -- Enhancement - Treatment Plans - Make Counseling Frequency fields required
Two new preferences have been added to Treatment Plan preferences: Require Counseling Frequency on Tx Plan and Require Plan Summary on Tx Plan. When checked, these fields will be required when adding a new plan or cloning an existing plan.

PBI:9812 -- Enhancement - Add Pregnancy Filter to Patient List report
A new filter has been added to the Patient List report that allows the user to show pregnant patients only.

PBI:9815 -- Enhancement - Add Counselor to Treatment Plan Report
The treatment plan reports have been updated to include the patient's counselor.

PBI:9527 -- Medicare - Unmanaged Conditional Types
Added 3 new Unmanaged Conditional types to the Conditional Billable Service Types:

  1. Periodic - Medicare MAT Bundle - Visit (1 Unit of Svc.) - This service is designed to be used Weekly, and to look back the previous week and find 1-7 WINDOW doses, and bill a flat (1 unit of service) rate.  It should work for each drug/dose type, so that you can have different rates (Methadone and Buprenorphine) 
  2. Periodic - Medicare MAT Bundle - Additional Take-home Supply (7 Per Period) - This service is designed to be used Weekly, and to look back the previous week and find 7 TAKEOUT doses and bill a flat (1 unit of service) rate. It should work for each drug/dose type, so that you can have different rates (Methadone and Buprenorphine)
  3. Periodic - Medicare MAT Bundle - Additional Take-homes (Batch) - This service is designed to be used Weekly, and to look back at the previous week and find if a patient dosed with 13 or more takeouts; Based on the number of takeouts they received, it will generate an additional charge (from the first one above) that is 'additional takehomes'. It will batch the extra takehomes in batches of '7', and then create a charge that is XX Units. So, for example,

PBI:9297 -- Suppress Service Line Generation for Unsigned Case Notes
A new preference has been added under billing preferences that will suppress service line generation for case notes that have not been signed completely. This preference will be turned off by default.

PBI:9335 -- New Report - Changes in Third-Party AR for Period - Charges
There is a new report similar to the Changes in Third Party A/R for Period but this one is for charges only and not claims/service lines. The report takes the same parameters.

PBI:9855 -- Enhancement - Claim Activity for Period Report - Add Rendering Provider at Service Line Level
A new field has been added to the Claim Activity for Period report that displays the rendering provider. The new filed is displayed at the service line level.

PBI:9984 -- Enhancement - Assessment Audit Report
Enhanced the report by adding a last modified date field.

PBI:9982 -- Enhancements - Patients Date Last Seen Report
Two new filters have been added to the report for Modality and Include Inactive.

PBI:10039 -- Enhancement - Case Notes - New Note
Enhanced the Case Notes screen so that users can only create note from templates they have security access to. The enhancement includes a new pop up window that appears when the user clicks New on the case notes screen.

PBI:5613 -- Enhancement - New Signee Type - Witness/Third-party
Added a new Signee Type called 'Witness/Third-Party'. This particular signee works very similar to 'Patient' in that required signatures for this person will show up under the Counselor's signing queue. It will only have the option for real time signature capture.

PBI:10184 -- Mobile Transactions - embedded Screen
Added a new menu item under Accounting. This 'mobile transactions' menu links to the mobile transactions page for Netalytics cloud mobile.

PBI:10146 -- Data Export - Add Audit Feature similar to Reports
Enhanced data export functionality by adding auditing. The audit data collected will include: Data Source Used, Criteria Used, Time Exported and User performing the export.

PBI:10129 -- Enhancement - SLBS With Payment Activity Data Export - Add Procedure Code Filter
Enhanced the Services Lines by Service with Payment Activity data export by adding a new parameter that allows the export to filter by billable service procedure code.

PBI:10033 -- Audit Enhancement - Audit Charge Manager Generation
Enhanced the Charge Manager functionality by adding auditing to screen. The audit allows the criteria used to be collected when the user clicks Generate New or Regenerate All and will appear in the audit report for program area charge manager.

PBI:9987 -- Enhancement - Current Staff Report - Add Domain ID and Last Login Date/Time
Enhanced the Current Staff report by adding domain name and last login date as fields on the report.

PBI:9983 -- Enhancement - Billable Service Report Place of Service
Enhanced the Billable Services report by adding a new field for Place or Service. It has also been added as a filter in the criteria. This field comes from the Service Facility on the billable service screen.

PBI:9889 -- Enhancement - Patient List Absent/Present Report - Include Emergency Dosing Records
Enhanced the Patient List Absent/Present report by including emergency dosing records into the results.

PBI:9820 -- Enhancement - New Preference to suppress Photo on Kiosk
Added a new Kiosk preference - Suppress Photo on Kiosk. When checked the patient's photo will not be displayed on the Kiosk computer.

PBI:9817 -- Enhancement - Security Login Attempts Report - Last Login Only
Enhanced the Security Login Attempts report by adding a new parameter to the criteria for Last Login Only. When this criterion is checked the report will only display the date and time of the last login for each active user. If the user has never attempted to log in, then the field will display Never. If the user has logged in before but not during the range selected, then the field will display Not during period.

PBI:9814 -- Enhancement - Show Procedure Code on Service Lines screen
Enhanced the Billing Service Line Management screen that is accessed from the Claims Generator screen by adding the billable service procedure code to the grid.

PBI:9813 -- Enhancement - Digital Signing - Automatically Sign all signatures possible for User
Enhanced the digital signing functionality by adding a new preference under the paperless preferences for Automatic Digital Signing - sign all possible signatures for user. This enhancement was added because customers have reported the need to have a way for objects to be co-signed when the service is performed by a specific type of user. However, there may be times where the service is performed by the user that would normally be the co-signer. In this scenario the user will be required to sign the object twice. When this preference is checked it will automatically apply any additional signatures needed for the object to prevent the user from having to sign twice. This preference will be turned on by default.

PBI:9745 -- Enhancement - Add Age to Patient Profile Screen
Enhanced the Patient Profile screen by adding the patient's age next to the date of birth field on the screen.

PBI:9707 -- Enhancement - Case Notes Screen - Grow the Note portion of the screen
Enhanced the Case Notes screen by enlarging the area where the note data is entered.

PBI:9654 -- Data Exports - New Data Exports for A/R related reports
Added three new Data Export Data Sources: Changes in Third-Party A/R for Period, Batch Payment Activity for Period, Claim Activity for Period.

PBI:9535 -- Flag Type - Need to update 'Kiosk' to say 'Kiosk/Mobile'
Renamed the flag type from Kiosk to Kiosk/Mobile.

PBI:9173 -- Scheduled Events Validations - Add Checks to Completed Event
Added a new preference category along with several new preferences under counselor preferences titled Validation Options. This particular preference is labeled Prevent User from completing events same patient/same day and will give a warning message when a user tries to complete more than one of the same event types for a patient in the same day. For example, the user could not complete two counseling session events for a patient in the same day when the preference is on. It will be turned on by default.

PBI:10183 -- Billing Episodes - Add new 'Episode Number' field
Added a new field to the Billing Episodes screen labeled Episode Number as phase one of a future enhancement to billing export.

PBI:10300 -- New Unmanaged Conditional Service Type - Tennessee
Added a new unmanaged conditional billable service type named Periodic - Single charge based on daily dose (TN) - (5mg = 1 unit - XX Units of Svc.) as required by the state of Tennessee. This new service type will generate a second $0.00 charge but will take ONE DAILY DOSE and divide it by 5 to determine the number of units for service line in the claim. This $0.00 charge will be in addition to the bundled weekly rate. For example, a patient that is on a 55mg dose will receive a $0.00 charge with 11 units of service. We are currently rounding this number up so if the patient is on 56mg, then the units of service will be 12.

PBI:9460 -- Extend the Task Scheduling functionality to allow for the automatic export of reports to the file system.
Enhanced the Task Scheduling functionality to allow reports to be exported to a file system folder on the server where they could then be transmitted to an FTP server.

PBI:9818 -- Enhancement - Claim Activity for Period Report - Add Activity Column to report
A new column has been added to the report that displays the activity that was performed on the claim.

PBI:9909 -- Log In popup, add Version info
Enhanced the login screen to display the Methasoft version that user is logging into but also displays what is the latest release version of Methasoft so that the customer can see it at a glance.

PBI:10160 -- UK: Reselect patient after profile activation.
Enhanced the functionality of the Patient Profile screen so that when a new patient is added or and existing patient is reactivated the screen no longer clears out the patient.

PBI:9816 -- Enhancement - Outstanding Claims Report - Show Service Line Activity Comments
Enhanced the Outstanding Claims report by adding a parameter to Show Service Line Activity Comments. When checked the report will display all service line comments beneath the associated claim with the date and time of the comment.

PBI:9540 -- Seed Data - Change Preference Type Description
Renamed the preference type for Kiosk Preferences to Kiosk/Mobile Preferences

PBI:10161 -- Enhancement - Add Tx Plan auditing for delete
Enhanced the treatment plan functionality by adding auditing to the delete action of all elements of the treatment plan including the plan itself.

PBI:10411 -- Remove decimal point from the printed HCFA 1500
Removed the printed decimal point from the HCFA 1500 generated from Claims Generator screen.

PBI:10364 -- Enhancement - Ohio Medicaid Conditional Billable Service Type needed
Ohio has very specific billing rule requirements regarding how you can 'submit claims', related to takeouts. Basically, if you get at least 1 takeout, then you can bill a WEEKLY rate. However, you cannot bill other dosing service again until that full week is up. With this PBI, we had to build a very custom 'Charge Generation' set of procedures, which look back in the past, and determine if a weekly charge was/should have been charged, and if so, then don't generate a charge. So, this particular fix will affect when charges are created and just because there is a dosing record in the system, it doesn't mean a charge SHOULD be created.

PBI:9177 -- New Digital Signing Signee Type
Created a new digital signee type for Service Provided By. When a signing rule is created for an object where the service provided by can be set by the user (Orders, Case Notes) the person required to sign is the user set as the service provided by and not necessarily the entered by user.

PBI:10415 -- Kiosk - Stop Check-in if Recommended Payment amount is greater than the amount they would be allowed to dose.
Kiosk will now longer allow patients to check in if their recommended payment is greater than the max balance lockout.

PBI:10457 -- Stop Check-In Flag - Should stop check in on Check-In screens
Fixed an issue that would cause stop check in scheduled event reminders to not prevent check in.

PBI:10863 -- QueueView - Make it Site Group Aware
Added new system configurability to allow Queue view to filter its patient list based off which site group a patient belongs to.

Bug Fixes

PBI:9054 -- Bug - Claims Generator errors
Fixed an issue that would cause red box error when users would generate claims.

PBI:6812 -- Bug - Dosing Days Summary report - multiple issues
Fixed some issue in the Dosing Days Summary report that cause it to incorrectly display the Total Dosing Days and Absent Days fields.

PBI:8654 -- Bug - Inventory Bulk Reconciliation Report - Bottle Number cut off
In the Bulk Inventory Reconciliation Report the Lot and Bottle Number Fields have been changed to fit up to 14 digits.

PBI:8102 -- Bug - Certain Labels for Blind Doser hides more than the mgs for Blind Doser
Fixed and issue with dosing label where it would also hide the drug information for patients who are guest dosing.

PBI:8696 -- Bug - Triggers should ignore Guest Dosers
Fixed the scheduled event triggering process so that it excludes guest dosing patients.

PBI:8534 -- Bug - Site Demographics Report Multi-Site Issues
Fixed the Site Demographics report to work with facilities that operate in the multi-site mode.

PBI:8840 -- Bug - Monthly Requirements report returns patients that should not be on the report
Fixed an issue in the Monthly Requirements Report caused the report to return patients that were not active during the dates entered in the requirements.

PBI:8889 -- Bug - Financial Contract Large URL bug
Fixed an issue where large financial contracts could error out on save.

PBI:8912 -- Bug- Billing Charge Manager: view existing and generate new URL too long error.
Fixed an issue where billing charge manager could error out when viewing existing for categories with a large number of payers and services.

PBI:6231 -- Financial Contract - 3 Bugs - 1.) Remove charge option check 2.) 'Consequences' validation 3.) Leaving screen clears data
Fixed a couple of bugs with the financial contracts functionality. The consequences validation was working incorrectly. It should have only validated on the save process. Also, if a contact was started and a schedule had been generated if would be erased if the user switched to another screen before saving and returned.

PBI:8976 -- No Show Report by Counselor - Name getting cut off
Fixed a bug in the report that was causing the patient's name to be cut off.

PBI:9043 -- Bug - Service Checks report displays group notes as overlapping services.
Fixed a bug in the Service Checks report that caused group notes to show as overlapping for the user.

PBI:9021 -- Bug - Cancelling new Patient on Address does NOT delete record - Index 0 error
Fixed an issue where canceling out of the address save on a NEW patient record would not remove the patient.

PBI:9093 -- Group Notes - add Patients to Group Note - Dosing Information should not be required
Fixed a bug that prevented users from being able to add patients with no dosing information to groups.

PBI:9263 -- Bug - Specified Cast Is Invalid error on Billable Services Override screen
Fixed an error that could occur on Billable Service Overrides for patients who have an override for an unmanaged periodic billable service with a monthly charge day.

PBI:9275 -- Bug - Wrong Doctor appears on labels generated from prepare daily pour
Fixed an Issue where the wrong doctor could appear on labels printed from prepare daily pour in some scenarios.

PBI:9066 -- Bug - Hidden/Default parameters causes Scheduled Tasks NP to fail
Fixed an issue that caused certain reports to not work correctly with the Task Scheduling functionality.

PBI:9200 -- Bug - Index out of range error from Orders screen
Fixed a bug that caused a red box error when users would attempt to enter a Titrate/Detox order from the Orders screen.

PBI:9378 -- Further Charge Mgr fixes: moving some Operations to DTO Post
Made changes to charge Operations to prevent URL overflow errors in some scenarios

PBI:9240 -- Bug - Counselor Caseload Tracking report hides columns when date parameter is supplied
The report has been fixed to address the issue of missing columns when the report is generated using a date parameter.

PBI:9208 -- Discharge Screen Issue - Refresh issue
Fixed a refresh issue with the screen that would cause the New, Edit and Save buttons to not activate when the screen was opened prior to selecting a patient.

PBI:9184 -- Bug - Patient Charge - Discharge Summary signatures not showing on Signature Tab
Fixed an issue with the patient chart that prevented the signature tab from showing for discharge summaries.

PBI:9440 -- Bug - Clinic Daily Summary Census Summary sub report
Fixed a problem in the Clinic Daily Summary report that caused patients to be listed incorrectly because they have no dosing information record.

PBI:9326 -- Bug - There is no auditing of Treatment Plan creation
Added auditing to new treatment plan functionality.

PBI:9209 -- Report Issues - Decimals showing several decimals out on certain inventory reports
Fixed the DEA Summary, DEA Summary with Reconciles and Reconciliation of Inventory reports to round the decimal places to two places. The reports were displaying decimals with numerous places after the decimal.

PBI:9485 -- Bug - Patient Information data export does not return data when patients do not have dosing schedules
Fixed a bug in the Patient Information Data Export that would cause patients to be excluded if they did not have a dosing schedule.

PBI:9183 -- Bug - Prescription Information Report Criteria not working
Fixed a bug in the Prescription Information report that caused it to return prescriptions that fell outside the date range the user would enter for the report.

PBI:9306 -- Payer/Rate Group Screen - Default Sort of Grid is wrong
Fixed a bug in the Payer/Rate Group screen that caused it to open with the payer names out of alphabetical order.

PBI:9212 -- Bug - Smart Notes not working
Fixed an issue that was preventing Smart Notes from working properly.

PBI:9000 -- Bugs - Invalid Billing Export Data Report
There were some bug fixes and some enhancements to the Invalid Billing Export Data report to fix the following issues:

  • When viewed as a PDF all of the columns did not appear on the same page.
  • The payer filter did not work on all sub reports
  • Enhancement to add a new filter to exclude basic payers
  • Enhancement to repeat the page header on every page

PBI:8870 -- Employee Profile - Refresh not selecting the same Record after refresh
Fixed an issue with the screen that caused it to go back to the top of the grid after making an edit to a row in the grid. It will now remain on the row being edited after the save is committed.

PBI:8103 -- Bug - Digital Signature Setup screen doesn't recognize security settings
Fixed an issue that allowed the digital signature setup screen to ignore security settings.

PBI:6154 -- Bug - Event History Report
Fixed a bug in the Event History report that caused it to return no rows when rendered from the Run Reports screen.

PBI:7542 -- Bug - Ability to Edit a 'signed document' with PDF Forms
Fixed a bug that allowed users to edit completed forms without receiving the warning message about removing signatures.

PBI:9308 -- Import Button - Dosing Information Screen - should be hidden for now
Fixed and issue with the dosing information screen that caused it to show an Import button on the screen when a patient does not have dosing information previously set up.

PBI:9109 -- Bug - Object reference error on Claims Export when referring provider has been deleted.
Fixed an issue with the claims export process from Claims Generator that caused an object reference error when the referring provider had been deleted.

PBI:9545 -- Bug - Multi-site selection box Select All Button
Fixed an issue in the Site Selection window that is displayed at login for multi-site mode that caused the values in the Current Location drop down to be incorrect.

PBI:9567 -- Bug - Billing Episodes by Patient report returns no data when a specific payer is selected
Fixed a bug in the Billing Episodes by Patient report that caused it to return no records when a specific payer is selected.

PBI:8974 -- CSV Output for Drug Screen Results - Site report not working
Fixed an issue with the Drug Screen Results - Site report that caused it not to display the data when exported to a comma separated values file.

PBI:8893 -- Bug - Inventory Unit Totals report no long displaying breakdown sub report
Fixed an issue with the Inventory Unit Totals report that prevented the Split Inventory Breakdown from appearing on the report.

PBI:9565 -- Bug - Inventory Unit Totals History Nightly Process primary key error
Fixed an issue with the Inventory Unit Totals nightly process that caused a red box error to appear when the process is ran manually.

PBI:9321 -- Bug - Specified Cast is Invalid error when creating 270 billing eligibility check file
Fixed an issue with the Create Batch File button on Billing Eligibility screen that caused a red box error when the Patient Is Not The Subscriber is set in the patient's billing episode.

PBI:9040 -- Bug - Patient List with Important Dates returns no Data
Fixed an issue with the Patient List with Important Dates that caused it to return no data when run at non dosing facilities.

PBI:7838 -- Bug - Patient Discharge Records Won't Show if Discharge Reasons Are Deleted from Code Tables
Fixed an issue with the Discharge Transfer screen that caused records to not appear if the discharge reason used for the discharge no longer exists.

PBI:7570 -- Bug - Fix Grid Refresh of the Data Export Setup screen when sorting the grid.
Fixed a bug with the Data Export Setup screen that caused the screen not to refresh when the column sort changed until the mouse was moved over the grid.

PBI:8673 -- Bug - Monthly Consolidated Requirements Report - Default Sort By
Fixed an issue that caused the report to give a red box error.

PBI:8793 -- Bug - Payment Summary by Payment Method and Payment Summary excludes guest dosers
Fixed an issue with these reports that caused them to exclude guest dosers.

PBI:9057 -- Bug - Treatment Plan report timing out
Fixed an issue with the report procedures that caused the report to time out.

PBI:9159 -- Site Demographics Graphical - Total Active Patients doesn't display
Fixed an issue with the report that caused the Total Active Patients to not be visible on the report.

PBI:9157 -- #Error in Date Units Added column of Inventory Units Added Summary by Rx Rpt
Fixed an issue with the report where the date that the units were added was not displaying correctly.

PBI:9121 -- Prepare Daily Pour: fix parameter count mismatch error
Fixed an issue with the prepare daily pour screen that caused an error when the user manually changed the number of units being added field.

PBI:8992 -- Prepare Daily Pour: Fix ignoring guest dosers
Fixed an issue that was causing guest dosers to not be included in Prepare Daily Pour results.

PBI:9411 -- Inactivity Login: Fix for First letter capital issue
Fixed and issue with the inactivity log in screen that was preventing users from logging back in if their password contained an uppercase letter.

PBI:9436 -- Discharge Reason Code Table: int16 Error
Fixed an issue that prevented users from deleting Discharge Reasons from Code Tables.

PBI:9456 -- Bug - Unable to delete documents with special characters in the name
Fixed an issue with the Document Management functionality that prevented documents that contained special characters in the name from being deleted.

PBI:9454 -- Bug - Inventory discrepancy created when multiple users log into same workstation
Fixed an issue that would cause inventory discrepancies when multiple users used the same workstation and left their Methasoft session open when leaving the workstation.

PBI:9031 -- Bug - Absent Patient nightly process not generating consecutive absences flag correctly
Fixed a bug in the absent patient nightly process that caused it not to generate stop dose flags based on the number of consecutive absences.

PBI:8779 -- Bug - Red Box error when updating status of a scheduled event without entering a comment
Fixed a bug that would cause the user to get a red box error when updating the status of a scheduled event.

PBI:8983 -- Bug - Patient Discharge for Signing missing new parameter
Fixed a bug that would cause the user to get a red box error when they use the patient discharge for signing report.

PBI:8981 -- Bug - Clinic Daily Summary report returning incorrect amounts for third party payments sub report
Improved the performance of the report and also fixed a bug in the sub report that caused it to return incorrect amounts for third party payments.

PBI:8810 -- Bug - 837 Export from Claims Generator exports entire Gender Description which causes rejections
Fixed a bug in the 837 files generated from Claims Generator that caused it to export the entire gender description.

PBI:9403 -- Validation needed on Billable Services Override screen when setting up override for a monthly charge option
Fixed an existing bug on the billable services override that allowed users to create invalid setups for monthly charge option overrides.

PBI:9434 -- Fix - Batch Payment Activity for Period excluding Voids in certain scenarios
Fixed a bug in the Batch Payment Activity for Period report that caused it to exclude voided payments.

PBI:9426 -- Dosing Queue - Open Inventory Items incorrect
Fixed an issue with the Dosing Queue screen that caused it show incorrect bottles in the open inventory levels at the bottom of the screen.

PBI:9038 -- Bug - Dosing History History Paging Retrieve procedure segment contains more than one element error
Fixed a bug on the dosing history screen that caused a red box error.

PBI:9492 -- Bugs - Pre-Existing Site Demographics Reports bugs
Fixed several minor bugs in all of the site demographics reports.

PBI:9709 -- Bug - Debit Balances Report not showing all Deposit Balances
Fixed an issue with the report that prevented it from displaying the deposit balances for patients.

PBI:9705 -- Enhancement - On-call List report - Split Dosing
The On Call list report has been enhanced to show the split amounts of patients who are split dosers.

PBI:9531 -- Bug - Cancel Signing - Screen with Multi-line textbox not wrapping
Fixed a bug in the Signature Management screen that caused the text box not to wrap if the comment exceeded one line.

PBI:9497 -- Bug - Patient List by Drug of Choice Report
Fixed bugs in the report that caused it to print blank pages and not include patients because they did not have a drug of choice set in patient profile more.

PBI:10037 -- Bug - Daily Activities Scheduled Events disappear when changing the Display ID of the patient
Fixed an issue on the Daily Activities screen that caused scheduled events to not be displayed for patients who had their display id changed after an event was scheduled.

PBI:9985 -- Bug - Patient Medication Report - Always shows Dosing Comments
Fixed a bug in the report that caused the dosing comments to be displayed even when the filter was not checked.

PBI:9893 -- Bug - Length of Stay Report
Fixed two issue in the Length of Stay report that caused it to not exclude voided doses. It also calculated the length of stay based on dosed date and not take on date.

PBI:10076 -- Bug - Document Manager Filter not ignoring Time
Fixed an issue where documents might not show up properly on daily activities after a refresh.

PBI:10145 -- Bug - Case Note Date Sort on Screen
Fixed an issue with the Case Notes screen as it relates to the grid sorting based on case note date.

PBI:9988 -- Bug - Daily Activities - Last Dose Amount field averaging
Fixed an issue on the Daily Activities screen where the Last Dose amount field was showing an average of the doses received on their last visit instead of the sum of the last day of dosing amount.

PBI:9986 -- Bug - Dosing Inventory Needs report - incorrect number of Units
Fixed an issue with the Dosing Inventory Needs report that caused the number of units to be incorrect based on how many site groups the patient is in.

PBI:9854 -- Bug - Health Screen - Entered By is not being recorded or shown
Enhanced the Health Screen screen by adding Entered By as a grid column to identify the user that entered the record.

PBI:9853 -- Bug - Monthly Requirements - Should not require Dose Information to show patients
Fixed an issue in the Monthly Requirements report that caused it to omit patients if they did not have dosing information set.

PBI:9852 -- Bug - Pump Dispense Log and Calibration Log Reports - Workstation ID getting Cut Off
Fixed an issue with the Pump Dispense Log and Calibration Log reports that caused them to truncate the workstation id.

PBI:9697 -- Bug - Data Export doesn't handle Float datatype correctly
Fixed an issue with the Wisconsin Pharmacy Billing Data source and other data sources that uses decimal values in their parameters.

PBI:9682 -- Bug - Random Number of files downloaded during FTP Download Nightly Process
Fixed an issue with the FTP download nightly process for drug screens that would cause it to stop after downloading only a portion of the test results.

PBI:9677 -- Bug - Claims Generation does not work for Emergency Dosing when service is set to Entered By or Service Provided By
Fixed and issue with Claims Generator that caused it to not create claims for emergency dosing services when the billable service rendering provider was set to Entered By or Service Provided By.

PBI:9533 -- Bug - Journal_types_t description limit to 50 characters
Fixed an issue where users would get a red box error on Scheduler Preferences when they attempted to create a new scheduler preference and the description was more than 27 characters long.

PBI:10352 -- Bug - Billing Eligibility 271 Load file error
Fixed an issue in the Billing Eligibility screen that would cause an "Index outside the bounds of the array" error when loading a 271 file.

PBI:10382 -- Case Notes: Fix issue where proc is being called with patient id 0 on cancel
Fixed a potential performance issue related to canceling a case note.

PBI:10387 -- Add Units From Bulk: site issue when switching Tertiary bottle
Fixed an issue where a site error could occur when selecting a tertiary inventory bottle while making unit inventory.

PBI:9448 -- Code table in use check: Fix minor conditional filter issue in procedure.
Fixed an issue in Code Tables that allowed users to remove values that were in use.

PBI:9690 -- Bug - Total Dispense by Day report displaying incorrect comment for emergency doses
Fixed a bug in the report that caused it to display an incorrect comment for emergency doses.

PBI:9730 -- Bug - Conditional Billable Service Types always saves as Multiple Rate x Units
Fixed an issue in the Conditional Billable Service types that caused the charge multiplier to always save as Multiply Rate x Units even though the One Billable Unite button was selected.

PBI:9884 -- Bug - Treatment Plan header blank for patients with no dosing information
Fixed a bug in the treatment plan report that caused it not to display the header information for patients that do not have dosing information.

PBI:9929 -- Bug - All Linked Services don't end when parent service is ended
Fixed a bug in the billable services screen that allowed linked billable services and their parents to end if there are no charges or service lines associated with them while other linked services would not end because of charges and service lines. This would leave the linked services in a bad state because the only way that they can be ended is by the parent. The fix was to roll back the end of all services if any one of them do not pass validation.

PBI:9943 -- Bug - Tx Plan Dose On amount doubled
Fixed a bug in the Treatment Plan report that cause it to display an incorrect Dose On amount when the patient has more than one treatment plan created in the same day that they have a dosing transaction.

PBI:9948 -- Bug - Avatar always exports the same service facility id
Fixed an issue with the Avatar export that was causing it to export the service facility id incorrectly for telehealth services.

PBI:9965 -- Bug - Health Screens - Grid columns are incorrect
Fixed a bug on the screen where the grid contained invalid columns and caused it to scroll to the right.

PBI:9687 -- Prepare Daily Pour: Fix multi-dose label + separate dosing label preference issue.
Fixed an issue with Prepare Daily Pour that was causing it to create inventory discrepancies. When the patient's dosing information was set to multi-dose single label and the preference for separate dosing label was turned on it caused the inventory to be pulled from bulk bottles incorrectly.

PBI:10067 -- Bug - Dosing History report - Emergency Doses Only filter does not work
Fixed an issue with the dosing history report that caused the Emergency Doses Only filter to not work.

PBI:10220 -- Bug Patient Discharge Report exclude Tx plan not working
Fixed an issue in the Patient Discharge report where the parameter for Exclude Tx Plan was not working.

PBI:10201 -- Bug Redbox Case Note Edit Error Message attempted to divide by zero
Fixed a bug on the Case Notes screen that would cause a red box error when a note was edited, and the start time is changed.

PBI:10186 -- Bug - Treatment Plan Summary report displays incorrect drug type for current drug type field
Fixed an issue in the Treatment Plan Summary report that caused it to display the wrong drug type in the field Drug Type on Create Date.

PBI:10072 -- Bug - Monthly Requirements truncating Patient Name
Fixed an issue with the monthly requirements report that caused it to truncate the patient's name.

PBI:10029 -- Bug Claims Journal Refresh
Fixed an issue with the refresh on the Claims Journal screen that caused it not to refresh automatically when the Payer/Payer Category changed.

PBI:9964 -- Bug - Case Note Activity by Counselor report - Unit totals wrapping when in decimal format
Fixed an issue on the Case Note Activity by Counselor report where the unit totals field was wrapping when the number was in decimal format.

PBI:9711 -- Bug - NM1 Segment for Attender Provider not being exported in 837I Claims
Fixed an issue with 837I claims wherein the NM1 segment for the attending provider was being omitted from the file.

PBI:8934 -- Bug - PAT Segment not needed in 837I format
Fixed an issue with the 837 export from Claims Generator where the PAT segment was included for pregnant patients when the file type is 837I.

PBI:9688 -- Guest Dose Flag at Another Facility Bug
Fixed an issue where the system flag stating that the patient is scheduled to be guest dosing at another facility would appear for facilities in multisite mode.

PBI:10810 -- Bug - On call list report showing "has doses through" incorrectly when doses undone
Fixed an issue with the On Call List reports that caused it to display the Doses Through date incorrectly if a dose was undone.

PBI:10449 -- Bug - Billing Export 837 exports service facility id type natural id instead of the description
Fixed an issue with the 837 exported from Billing Export that caused it to pass an incorrect value for service facility id type when passed at the claim level.

PBI:8534 -- Bug - Site Demographics Report Multisite issues
Fixed multiple issues with the Site Demographics report when the clinic is operating in multisite mode.

PBI:10495 -- Show payer information and current balances on Patient Profile tab of Daily Activities for patients with no dosing info
Fixed the Daily Activities screen so that the balance and payer information shows for patients who don't have doing information set up.

PBI:9688 -- Guest Dose Flag at Another Facility Bug
Fixed a bug in the guest dosing logic that caused patients guest dosing at multi site facilities to get a message stating that they were supposed to be guest dosing at another facility.

Release Notes - Methasoft 8.0.0

New Features

PBI:6864 -- HCFA 1500 Form - Print out claim on templates
Functionality has been added to the Claims Generator screen that allows users to directly print claims on the HCFA 1500 form. The caveat of this new feature currently is that the claim can only contain 6 (six) service lines. Also each claim must be individually selected and printed. Print all functionality is being research for future release.

PBI:4126 -- New Report - Patient List with Patient Status
Added a new report that returns a list of patients grouped by the patient status field of the Patient Profile screen. The report fields include Last Dosed Date, Schedule Type, Attends On, # of Takeouts and Last Absent Date.

PBI:7124 -- Billing Generation Rules - New Rule Type - 'Break Claim on Service'

A new Rule Type called 'Break Claim on Service' has been added to the Billing Generation Rules screen for the 'Service Line' Generation Rule Type. When this Rule Type is created for a Payer / Service / Service Type combination, all service lines associated with the applicable Billable Service(s) will be bundled into one claim, regardless of how many service(s) have been selected on the Claims Generator screen at the time of claims generation. This Rule Type can be used in combination with any other existing Claim or Service Line transformation rules.

Additionally, Claims Generation performance has been enhanced, and 2 obscure 'Entered By' bugs have been fixed.

PBI:7451 -- New Data Export- Service Lines Details with Payments
Added a new data export data source named Service Line Charges and Payment Details that is similar to the Service Lines By Service report but includes payment details captured during the batch payments process.

PBI:7386 -- New Report - Audit - Client Access
A new report, Audit - Client Access has been created that allows users to see when a specific patient or patients were accessed in Methasoft. The report can be filtered by date, user and workstation id.

PBI:7855 -- New Report - Scheduled Events Summary by Date
This report has been added to assist clinics in previewing upcoming scheduled events for a specific date or range of dates. The report displays the date of the last event the patient had along with the upcoming event(s) and the patient's current balance.

PBI:7951 -- New Data Export - Patient Balance Journal Activity Summary
Added a new data export data source that emulates the patient balance journal activity summary report.

PBI:8092 -- Add User Inactivity Lockout
Added new functionality to lock out the application if the user steps away from their desk for a configurable amount of time.

PBI:8132 -- New Report - Batch Payment Activity for Period
Added a new report that displays batch payment activity for a period. Available filters include payer and activity to show.

PBI:8037 -- Conditional Counseling - Amount/Unit calculation and reporting
Added a new feature that allows charges for conditional counseling services to be generated as rates times units or as a single unit of service.

PBI:8095 -- Feature - Multi-site inventory screens
Added multi-site functionality to the following inventory screens:

  • Open/Close Bulk Bottle
  • Switch Bulk Bottles
  • Add Bulk Inventory
  • Reconcile Bulk Inventory

PBI:8373 -- Billing Generation Rules - New Rule Type - 'Break Claim on Rendering Provider'
A new Rule Type called 'Break Claim on Rendering Provider' has been added to the Billing Generation Rules screen for the 'Service Line' Generation Rule Type. When this Rule Type is created for a Payer / Service / Service Type combination, all service lines associated with the applicable Billable Service(s) will be bundled into a separate claim for each unique Rendering Provider. This Rule Type can be used in combination with any other existing Claim or Service Line transformation rules. Note that if this new rule is combined with the other new 'Break Claim on Service' rule for the same Payer / Service / Service Type, the 'Break Claim on Rendering Provider' rule takes precedence over 'Break Claim on Service'.

PBI:8206 -- Feature - Embedded Cloud Pages into Methasoft
Added the ability to embed cloud functionality into the Methasoft client, starting with the clinic search page. This feature will allow users to search for clinics by city state or zip code in real time within Methasoft.

PBI:8449 -- 837P for custom NTE02 element population of INSYST data for San Bernardino County
Billing Export functionality has been added to support 837P EDI file submissions to San Bernardino County in California.

PBI:8479 -- Unmanaged (Conditional) - New Condition for Per 5 Mg Increments to Calculate Multiple Units
On the Conditional Billable Service Types screen, the 4 existing 'Periodic' options for Unmanaged (Conditional) service types have all been renamed with '(1 Unit of Svc.)' appended to the end of each's description, to more clearly indicate only 1 Unit of service is generated for each charge.
Two new Service - Service Type selections are now available on this screen called 'Periodic - Charge per every 5 mg increment of total mgs (Calc. Units Rounded Down)' and 'Periodic - Charge per every 5 mg increment of total mgs (Calc. Units Rounded Up)'. If either of these service types are, the quantity of Units generated for associated Billable Services will be calculated as the number of 5 Mg increments charged for during the period. If the number of increments charged for is fractional, these types will either rNo Entryound down or up to the next increment depending on which type is being used.


PBI:4821 -- Drug Screen Results - Add 'Acceptable/Unacceptable Status Override' checkbox
A new checkbox has been added to the Drug Screen Results screen called 'Acceptable/Unacceptable Status Override'. Checking this new checkbox for a new or existing record can be used to override the Acceptable or Unacceptable status of a Drug Screen Result. Any associated Billable Services will automatically respond according to the new status by voiding charges, creating new charges, and/or displaying the dialog for User-Selected linked child services. This activity is audited and appears on the Audit Report for the Drug Screen Results program area on a separate line beneath the list of positive substances.

PBI:6100 -- Patient Profile More - Add Mother's Maiden Name
Added an new field to the Patient Profile More screen for the patient's Mother's Maiden Name.

PBI:8403 -- Document Manager: Quick Performance enhanecments
Added two new preferences related to document manager to improve performance.

  • Days back to retrieve documents on document manager: This changes the value of the from date field.
  • Default clinic level document type: This changes which clinic level document type is selected when you select the clinic association.

We have also implemented a warning message that is displayed if you select the patient association but have no patient selected on main form.

PBI:8260 -- Data Export - Flat File Billing Export for Fresno County
Added a billing data export that is specific to Fresno County California.

PBI:8417 -- Orders: Change Current dose amount to display split doses
Orders screen will now display split dose amounts in the current dose amount field.

PBI:7137 -- Label Messages by Drug/Dose Type - Issues/Enhancements
Enhanced the Label Message Configuration screen by adding a Set Defaults button which makes the values the same as what is in the label preferences screen. Also added a Clear button which fixes an issue that prevented users from being able to remove previous entries.

PBI:6088 -- Drug Code Mappings - UI Enhancements - Add Checkbox to control Calculation vs Fixed-Value CTP04 Element data for 837 EDI export
UI Enhancements have been made on the Drug Code Mappings screen, particularly for clarifying which fields are optional for 837 EDI Billing Export requirements. The Drug Unit Count/Qty field is now enabled or disabled based on a new checkbox for facilities that need to export Fixed Values for third party billing.

PBI:5705 -- Nightly Process - Weekly and Monthly Backups
Added two new nightly processes that allows customers to configure weekly and/or monthly database backups.

PBI:6896 -- Data Export Save Window - Needs to have 'Save' as a Default Button, so I can just hit ENTER
Added functionality to the data export save process that validates that the export file being created does not already exist. Also set the save button as the default button for ease of operation.

PBI:7550 -- Enhancement - Exclude Patient Goals on Patient Discharge Report / Use Default Parameters for Direct Print

  • A new parameter called 'Exclude Tx Goals' has been added for the Patient Discharge report, and when checked causes any Active Treatment Plan Goals to be excluded from the report.
  • When printing either the Patient Discharge or Patient Transfer reports directly from the Discharge/Transfer screen, both of these reports now appear based on each's Default Parameter settings as defined for each on the Report Preferences screen. This provides users with an ability to change the configuration of the data displayed on these reports when printed directly from the screen.
  • The Patient Discharge report now properly displays a Referrals Summary section on the report if generated with the Show Referrals criteria checkbox checked.

PBI:7566 -- Enhancement - Auto-Prompt Quick Note feature on Dosing
Added a new preference that prompts dosing personnel to enter a quick note during the dosing process.

PBI:7541 -- Enhancements - Billable Services Report
Made several enhancements to the report including: adding service dates, diagnosis codes and a parameter to filter by current only.

PBI:7539 -- Enhancement - Payer added to Patient List Absent/Present report
Added the payer as a field on the report.

PBI:5611 -- Enhancement - Group Definition - Max Patients in Group
Added functionality to the group definition screen that allows a maximum number of patients to be set for a group. Validation will prevent the user from saving the definition if the number of patients exceed the value set.

PBI:7661 -- Enhancement - New Data Export - Aging Third Party Charges - Details
A new data export has been created that emulates the aging third party charges report.

PBI:7658 -- Original Claim Create Date for Claims - Store in a new separate static field for Reporting / UI visibility
When a Claim is generated on the Claims Generator screen, Methasoft now stores off an original claim create date separately from the internal entry date previously stored. When upgraded to Version 7.9, this date is automatically migrated for all of your existing claims. This new field allows for greater accuracy and flexibility for various Billing reports (such as 'Aging' reports), some of which have already been enhanced for 7.9 to use this new field, instead of deriving a claim's original claim date as it did in some cases in previous versions.

PBI:6895 -- Enhancement - Add 'Include Voided' checkbox to 'Accounting Summary by Day' report
A new parameter has been added to the report that allows users to include voided entries.

PBI:7331 -- Enhancement - Aging Third Party Charges Report - Expand to Detail Level
Added a new filter to the report that allows the user to expand the details of the report at the patient, payer and charge date levels.

PBI:6884 -- New Trigger - Billing Eligibility Check Status
Created a new trigger that will schedule an event based on the status of a billing eligibility check.

PBI:4129 -- Batch Payments Report - Need Entered By in Batch Header of report
Added a new field to the Batch Payments report that displays the user that entered the batch.

PBI:7575 -- Navigation and Messaging Pane: Change to support any background color value from the System.Drawing.Colors enumerator
Changed the UI Sidebar color preference to allow for a much broader range of color choices.

PBI:7778 -- Enhanced Report - Inventory Unit Totals - Add 'As of Date' / Deprecate Inventory Unit Totals History report
The Inventory Unit Totals report has been enhanced to include an As of Date parameter that makes it act like a historical report. The Inventory Unit Totals report has been deprecated.

PBI:7766 -- View PDF - Title in Tab
The active document tab title text for reports viewed as pdf will now state the report title.

PBI:7893 -- Employee Profile - Billing Association button - Need a way to Unassociate a User
When the Billing Assoc. button is pressed on the Employee Profile screen, there is now a blank option available in the Associated Provider dropdown field, so that a user's billing association record can be deleted if necessary.

PBI:7888 -- Enhancement - Pump Calibration Log report
Added new parameters to the report that allows it to be filtered on Start and End times.

PBI:7936 -- Referral Tracking - Enhanced Direct Print Options from UI / New Report - Patient Referral
The Print button on the Referral Tracking screen has been enhanced to provide 3 options for printing one or both reports with Referral Information:

  • Option 1 - Referral Agency Contact Information: Selecting this option will generate the Referral Agency - Contact Information report just as it always has.
  • Option 2 - Patient Referral: Selecting this option will print a new report called Patient Referral, which includes Patient ID, Name, Referral Date and Referral By information, in addition to Referral Agency information.
  • Option 3 - Both: Selecting this option will print both of these reports.

The Referral Agency - Contact Information is no longer active on the Run Reports screen, because it is identical to the Referral Agency List report.

PBI:8101 -- Report - add Counselor filter to the Dosing History report
Added a new parameter to the Dosing History report that allows users to filter by counselor.

PBI:8174 -- Linked Billable Services Types - New Rule Type - 'Charge Per Dose Type mg (1 mg = 1 Unit)'
On the Linked Billable Service Types screen, a new Rule Type called 'Charge Per Dose Type mg (1 mg = 1 Unit)' has been added for Rule-Based Linked managed Dosing Billable Services. This new Rule Type will cause the Linked Billable Service using it to charge the defined Patient and/or Payer Rate times the number of mgs for each Dose Type contained within a dispensed dose. Using this Rule Type, each mg dispensed will equal 1 Unit of Service.

PBI:8160 -- Effective Date Filter added to Batch Payments and Batch Payments Summary report
A new parameter has been added to the report that allows users to filter the report by payment effective date or entry date.

PBI:8152 -- Enhancement - Bulk Bottle Summary Report - Add Additional Info option
Added a new parameter to the report that allows the additional bottle information comments to be displayed on the report.

PBI:8218 -- Reports - Convert to make 'multi-site aware'
Converted the following reports to make them multi-site aware for those customers using that feature:

  • Total Dispensed by Day
  • Inventory Unit Totals
  • DEA Summary
  • DEA Summary with Reconciles
  • No Show Preview - Today
  • Payment Summary
  • Payment Summary by Payment Method
  • Inventory Reconciles

PBI:8030 -- DrFirst: Upgrade to Rcopia4 and investigate Demographics not updating on DrFirst Site after making changes in patient profile screen
Upgraded the Dr. First to the Rcopia 4 e-medication management platform. Fixed some issues with the updating of demographic data from Methasoft to Dr. First.

PBI:6881 -- HBIPS Outcomes Data Export Data Source
No Entry

PBI:8354 -- Balance Journal - Add Service Date fields
Two new columns have been added to the Balance Journal screen called Service From and Service To. These columns display the associated Charge Service Date(s) for charges generated by Billable Services, and payment, adjustment and/or transfer activity recorded on the Batch Payments screen in Service Lines or 835 modes. These columns will display nothing for any transactions recorded that are not associated with charges, such as any accounting activity recorded on the Patient Payments screen, or Reconcile Balance transactions.

PBI:7938 -- Enhancement - Billing Export - Unsubmitted Claims only checked by default
The Unsubmitted Claims Only on the Billing Export window, and the Unsubmitted Only checkbox on the Claims Generator screen are both checked by default now when either screen is opened. It will remain checked throughout any activity performed on either screen unless it is unchecked, at which point it will remain unchecked until it is either checked again, or either screen is closed then re-opened.

PBI:8456 -- Avatar Export support added for Absent Charge Billing
For facilities using the Avatar billing export, support has been added for Absent Charge billing. For this type of billable service, the duration field on the export file will always be blank.

PBI:8431 -- Consecutive absents flag - Stop Check-In functionality
Added support for putting in a 'Stop Check-in' flag on Payments, Check-In, and Kiosk windows.

PBI:8348 -- Enhancement - Human readable patient name beneath signature
Added support for human readable format of the patient name beneath the digital signature.

PBI:8524 -- Miscellaneous 8.0 Finalization Tasks Enhancements / Bug Fixes
The Rendering Provider fields on Batch Payments screen, Billable Services screen, and the Third Party Billing Association window have been enhanced to include each Rendering Provider's Primary ID Code (typically NPI number) appended to each's name.
A bug that could sporadically and erroneously cause a Billable Service to be considered "unsafe" for the auto-regeneration of charges from either the Billing Episodes and/or Billable Service Overrides screens has been fixed.
A bug that could cause an Emergency Dose to post a Payer charge on a patient's Patient balance type instead of the patient's Third Party balance type has been fixed.
The performance of retrieving claims on both the Claims Generator and Claims Journal screens has been improved.

Bug Fixes

PBI:6921 -- Data Export Setup - Change the Default Sort order on the grid
Changed the sort order of the grid to be in alphabetical order by name.

PBI:7140 -- Incorrect Initialization for Absent Records on Dosing History Screen
Improved the Dosing History screen so that the absent records does not have grayed out checks in the Take Outs column.

PBI:5492 -- Scheduler Preference Comment has a value even though no comment was entered during save.
Fixed an issue in scheduler preferences that caused a generic comment to be inserted for a newly created scheduler preference.

PBI:7237 -- Billable Services - Drop Down list cutoff
Fixed a bug with the screen that prevented the full text from being displayed when the service type dropdown is selected.

PBI:6676 -- Preceding Special Characters in Payer/Rate Group Abbreviation Causes Error on Billable Services Screen
Fixed an issue that was causing users to get an error on the Billable Services screen when the had a payer whose abbreviation began with a special character.

PBI:5619 -- Bug - Delete Security on Switch Bulk Bottles - Doesn't really make sense
Fixed a security issue with the Switch Bulk Bottle screen. The permission had previously been driven by the delete permission. It is not driven by the add permission.

PBI:7613 -- Bug - Editing Case Note from Tx Plan screen causes error
Fixed a bug that cased the user to get a red box error when they attempted to edit a case note from the treatment plan screen.

PBI:7697 -- Bug - Claims Generator - Export and Reset Status - Entered By incorrectly recorded as SYSTEM

Though the proper User appears on the Audit report for these operations, a bug was causing Methasoft's internal system id to be stored for claims following Export 837, Reset Claim Status Selected, and Reset Claim Status All operations on the Claims Generator screen. This bug has been fixed, and these operations now store the user id of the logged-in User who performed these operations.

PBI:7703 -- Change all 'Aging' billing reports and the Service Lines by Service report to use the new orig_create_date for 'Claim Date' parameters
Several third party Billing reports, such as 'Aging' reports, have parameters allowing users to select 'Claim Date' as the date on which to, for example, base Aging. Previously when users exported or used Reset Claim Status functionality after the date on which a claim was generated, it could result in any of these reports potentially putting a claim and/or service line, for example in the wrong date bucket. This issue has been fixed for the following reports:

  • Aging Claims
  • Aging Claims (Advanced)
  • Aging Service Lines
  • Claims by PatientClaims by Payer

PBI:7718 -- Bug - Service Line Activity - Manual Payment and Manual Undo Payment activity appears for deleted service line for a specific scenario
Previously, if a service line had payment activity recorded against it via Batch Payments, those transactions or the entire Batch Payment was undone, and the service line was then deleted and regenerated on the Claims Generator screen, the payment activity (included voided activity) would erroneously appear on the Service Line Activity window prior to the date on which the new service line was generated. This bug has been fixed.

PBI:7744 -- Assessment Narrative report formatting is not working
Fixed the Assessment Narrative reports so that the formatting renders correctly for carriage returns and line feeds.

PBI:7772 -- 2 Bugs - 1.) Claims Journal / Generator - Slow Performance - Timeout Error in some scenarios 2.) Excludes overpaid service lines
The performance of retrieving large datasets on both the Claims Journal and Claims Generator screens has been enhanced.

PBI:7801 -- Bug - Billable Services Report - needs to have Header on every page
Enhanced the Billable Services report to now include the column headers on every page.

PBI:7799 -- Bug - Nightly Process Screen now shows several columns that should be hidden
Fixed an issue where extraneous columns could appear in the grid.

PBI:7857 -- Bug - Inventory Units Return to Bulk Report
Fixed an issue with the report that caused the Drug/Dose Type value not to change when the page breaks to the next drug/dose type combination.

PBI:7802 -- Bug - Grid Excel Export on Flag Patient screen not exporting correctly
Flag Patient: Fixed an issue that could cause groupings to not be exported correctly when using the excel export grid menu option from this screen.

PBI:7382 -- Bug - Dosing Queue Open Inventory Levels
Fixed label overlap that could occur with some longer dose type names. Dose type names long as 'Suboxone-8' will now fit, however be aware dose type names longer than that may still cause overlap.

PBI:7548 -- Queue View: Fix debug log writing too many files
Fixed an issue with the Dosing Queueview Window application that caused the disk drive to fill with log files.

PBI:7645 -- Bug - Chart Export: Problem when documents are stored in Azure blob storage
Fixed an issue with patient chart export that could occur when there is a mixture of local document db and azure cloud storage for documents.

PBI:7758 -- Bug: Slow performance when loading extremely large 835 files
Fixed an issue that was causing slow performance on the batch payments screen when loading an extremely large 835 file.

PBI:7887 -- Bug - Tx Plan Report - Incorrect Labeling of Dose Amount
Added a new field to the report that displays the patient's dose amount at the time of treatment plan creation.

PBI:7937 -- Bug - Staffing Notes Report - Excel Export
Fixed a bug in the Staffing Notes report that prevented it from exporting properly into Excel.

PBI:7940 -- Bug - Total Dispensed by Day report - Patient ID getting cut off
Fixed a bug in the Total Dispensed By Day report that would cut off the patient's id. The report now wraps the id to the next line.

PBI:7974 -- Billable Services Validation - Allow 'Per Transaction' Service Line Policy for Dosing (Conditional) Managed Types Only
'Per Transaction' can now be selected in the Service Line Policy field on the Billable Services screen for Dosing (Conditional) services, provided that the Conditional Billable Service Type's Service - (Service Type) selection represents a managed dosing service, which is either 'Dosing - Both', 'Dosing - T/O Only', or 'Dosing - Window Only'. Billable Service validation prevented this in previous versions.

PBI:8023 -- Bug - Changes in Third-Party A/R for Period Report
Fixed an issue with voids in the Changes in Third Party A/R for Period report.

PBI:7839 -- Bug - Site Demographics Shows Incorrect Number of Patients on Administrative Discharge
Fixed a bug in the report that caused it to display an incorrect number of administrative detoxes.

PBI:7959 -- Bug - Claim Activity for Period - Export wrong header
Fixed a bug in the report that caused the header for the patient name to be mislabeled when exported to a CSV or Excel file.

PBI:7935 -- Bug - Dosing Days Summary report with Split Doser
Fixed an issue with the report that was causing it to incorrectly display the number of days in clinic and takeout days.

PBI:8050 -- Bug - Documents Audit report no longer works correctly
Fixed a bug in the report that was causing it to display incorrect data.

PBI:8056 -- Emergency Dosing - Multiple Bug Fixes and Enhancements
Multiple bugs have been fixed and enhancements added for the Emergency Dosing Record screen:

  • Bug Fixes:
    • A bug on the Emergency Dosing Record screen was preventing optional Payment and/or Discount functionality to work as it does on the Dose Patient screen for patients being charged by certain types of Billable Services. This bug has been fixed.
    • Emergency Dosing and/or Payment/Discount activity records can no longer be saved for invalid Patient IDs.
    • Pressing the Clear Fields button now resets Required Field label text colors properly.
    • Pressing the Clear Fields button no longer clears out the Dosed On and Take On Start values which correspond to the records shown on the grid.
    • This screen now prevents the application of Payment and/or Discount activity for a patient without Payment Information.
    • Canceling a Save operation when prompted will no longer save any Payment and/or Discount Activity.
  • Enhancements:
    • Performance and workflow usability have been optimized for entering large batches of records.
    • A confirmation dialog now appears if a record is deleted, to prevent the accidental deletion of records displayed on the grid.
    • Visibility has been enhanced so that invalid Patient IDs entered are more easily recognized when entered.
    • Dialog messages that appear on this screen now include icons for greater visibility, and have been re-worded for better clarity.

PBI:8058 -- Bug - Audit report not showing 'Entered by' for Preference changes
Fixed a bug that caused the display id of the person who changed a preference from appearing on the Audit report. This will only apply from the date of update forward.

PBI:8180 -- Minor Pre-Existing Bug Fixes for 8.0
The following minor bugs have been fixed:

  • The Patient ID field on the Charge Manager, Claims Journal and Claims Manager screens have been changed so that all letters appear in UPPER case for consistency throughout Methasoft.
  • Clearing out the Drug Unit Price field on Drug Code Mappings no longer causes a System red box error on Save.
  • On the Linked Billable Service Types screen, Editing a Rule-Based type would cause the Rule Type selection to reset to the first available selection, instead of leaving the existing selection unchanged. This no longer occurs.
  • On the Guest Dosing Schedule screen, when using the Print button or printing via the Save dialog now accounts for Print Setup settings properly so that Guest Dosing Request reports always print to the correct printer.
  • On Add Units from Bulk, if a valid Inventory Label type has not been configured in Preferences, pressing the Inventory Labels button will raise an informative dialog instead of a red box system error.
  • On Add Units from Bulk, if required field values are missing when the Inventory Labels button is pressed, an informative dialog is raised.

PBI:6848 -- Bug - Patient Import functionality ignores form overrides for document type and subtype
Fixed a bug that prevented users from being able to choose a document type and subtype other than the default and have it save correctly when importing patient demographic information using the pdf import method.

PBI:8536 -- Base Validation: Extend user Name Text to allow 25 characters tp support longer Active directory users
Fixed an issue with the validation screens that allows user names up 20 characters in length.

PBI:8569 -- Bug - The email section on the employee profile screen does not allow enough characters
Extended the length available for employee email addresses on the employee profile screen to 200 characters.

PBI:8568 -- Bug - Other Security -Can Manage Signatures For Object Instances does not work for users
Fixed an issue where signature manager could not be launched from the assessment screen by people with the appropriate Other Security.

PBI:8585 -- Bug - TX Compliance report Counselor filter not working
Fixed a bug in the Tx Plan Compliance report that prevented the counselor filter from working.

PBI:8173 -- Bug - Patient List by Primary Payer - Excluding some patients
Fixed a bug in the Patient List By Primary Payer report that was causing it to exclude patients without dosing information.

PBI:8106 -- Bug - Billing Generation Rules - Phase Modifiers - not picking up on First Date of Service
Fixed a bug that caused 837 rejections because the phase modifier was not being passed on the service lines for services rendered on the patient's intake date.

PBI:6794 -- Patient Service Line Journal Report - Check-in Needed for fixes
Created a new data export that emulates the Patient Service Lines Journal report that does not require the patient id as a required parameter.

PBI:8149 -- Bug - Arrows on Dosing History need to be date aware
Changed the behavior of the increase/decrease arrows on dosing history to properly handle split dosers.

PBI:8311 -- Inventory Totals: Memory leak redb ox introduced around 7.1
Fixed an issue where unit totals could remain open but hidden once closed and cause a red box error later on.

PBI:8404 -- Daily Activities: Next Physical Date incorrect
Fixed an issue on Daily Activities that caused the next physical date to not update correctly.

PBI:8465 -- Bug - Dispensing Summary by Primary Payer report excluding new intakes
A bug causing the dosing mgs of patients with specific Billing Episode configurations to be excluded from the Dispensing Summary by Primary Payer report has been fixed.

PBI:8438 -- Time in Tx report - Not handling the currently active patients
Fix a bug in the logic for the report so that now if the patient is currently active, but had a previous discharge it will show their current active episode.

PBI:8474 -- Combo Dropdown Lists using Generic List datasources are cutting off dropdown selection text
Fixed a bug in the Conditional Billable Service Types screen that prevented users from reading the entire service type description.

PBI:8503 -- Dose Patient: Fix financial detox flag not being cleared
Fixed an issue where the "DOSING LOCKED! Patient needs to be on a Financial Detox." would not be cleared out when switching patients.

PBI:8508 -- Bug - Batch Payments - If no Check Amount is entered, no Check Number is saved
Previously on the Batch Payments screen, if a Check Number was entered without entering a Check Amount value, the entered Check Number value was not saved. This bug has been fixed. An entered Check Number value is now saved regardless of whether or not a Check Amount value is entered.

PBI:8166 -- Bug and Enhancement - Case Note Activity by Counselor Report
Added Site Group as a filter to this report.

PBI:8562 -- Bug - Data Export - Service Lines Charge and Payment Details - Returns duplicate records in some scenarios
A bug causing the 'Service Lines Charge and Payment Details' Data Export Source to return duplicate records for some scenarios, such as when Phase Modifier Billing Generation Rules are applied to service lines, has been fixed.

PBI:8602 -- Claims Generator - Billing Export - 2 Bugs:

  • SBR01 Sequence value incorrect for non-Primary - The element SBR01 now always exports as 'P' for Primary regardless of the associated Payer's billing episode Sequence Number.
  • CLM05-3 Claim Frequency Type override value for 837I doesn't work properly - Claim Frequency Type Code (component CLM05-3) can now be overridden at the Payer level by entering a value in the Claim Frequency field on Payer/Rate Groups prior to generating claims.

Release Notes - Methasoft 7.8.0

*** IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT *** - The minimum system requirements for Methasoft have changed for Version 7.1 and higher.

Version 7.1 of Methasoft includes updates to underlying technologies that we have been using for more than ten years. We have upgraded to Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6 from 2.0 and also standardized on SQL Server 2012 as our minimum database version rather than 2005. We did not take these changes lightly. They had to be made to enable us to continue delivering robust solutions to our customers. With these newer technologies comes an increase in the minimum system requirements for installation of Methasoft. The following is a list of Windows operating system versions that are supported:

  1. Windows Vista with Service Pack 2
  2. Windows 7
  3. Windows 8
  4. Windows 8.1
  5. Windows 10

Methasoft will no longer work on the following versions of the Windows operating systems:

  1. Windows XP
  2. Windows Vista prior to Service Pack 2

Any computers running these operating systems MUST be upgraded to a supported version before Methasoft can be installed/upgraded. Methasoft WILL NOT install on these versions of Windows. If you are running a version of SQL Server Express prior to the 2012 version, the SQL Server upgrade will be a free upgrade that will occur at the time of your upgrade to Methasoft 7.0 or later. All versions of SQL Express are free of charge from Microsoft. If you are running a non-Express (Standard, Enterprise, etc) version of SQL Server which is older than the 2012 version, you need to consult with your IT department regarding upgrading to SQL Server 2012 or higher. These servers will not be automatically upgraded as part of the Methasoft upgrade process.

New Features

PBI:5149 -- New Data Export - Claims and Charges and Payments
Data Export - Created a new data export data source named Claims, Charges, 3rd Party Payments.

PBI:5944 -- New Report - Changes in Third Party A/R for Period
A new report has been created to allow facilities that have specific 'period close' events, to track changes in the third-party A/R. This report tracks everything based on entry date, so that all activity during a specific period is captured and applied accordingly, irrelevant of the dates of service for the third-party billing.

PBI:6056 -- New Report - Security Login Attempts
Security Login Attempts is a new report that shows Methasoft user login attempts over a date range. The criteria for the report include User ID, Failed Attempts Only, Active Directory Attempts Only and Workstation ID.

PBI:6061 -- New Report - Security Audit
Security Audit is a new report that shows the 'before' and 'after' of security changes.

PBI:6117 -- New Report - Third-Party Group/Reason/Remark Codes
Reporting - A new report has been added that displays a 'Group/Reason Code Summary' that will show a summary of the Group/Reason codes (which could be related to denials or any type of adjustment, including reversals) over a date range. This will allow users to list the most common Group/Reason codes (which can also include informative remarks), particularly in order to make changes accordingly to reduce the number of denials, adjustments, reversals, etc..., i.e., any action by the Payer that results in the customer receiving less money or having to send money back to the Payer.

PBI:5294 -- Invalid Billing Export Data - New Section - Billable Case Notes without Billable Service
Added a new section to the report that identifies billable case notes that do not have a billable service associated with them.

PBI:6834 -- New Report - Claim Activity for Period
Reporting - There is a new report named Claim Activity for Period. The purpose of this new report is to be able to capture:

  • Claims in Period
  • Deleted Claims

For Claims in Period, it displays any claim that was:

  • Created during the date range
  • Was still 'active' (not deleted) at the end of the date range. NOTE: It could be deleted AFTER the period, it will display the ones that were created and active at the end of the period.

For Deleted Claims, these are claims that:

  • Were created in a PRIOR period (so they are part of the Starting A/R for Period amount).
  • They were deleted sometime DURING the period. NOTE: If a claim is created and deleted during the period, it doesn't show up 'during the period'.

PBI:5740 -- CLIA Number - Part of the 837P Export - Virginia Payers requiring
A new field called Clinical Lab Improvement Amendment (CLIA) # has been added to the Billable Services More... (Billable Service Additional Information) window, so that a CLIA # can be entered for individual Billable Services for Billing Export. This value is exported in a REF*X4*<value>~ segment in Loop 2300 (at the Claim level), but only if the same CLIA # applies for all service lines contained within the claim. If a mix of services either not associated with a CLIA#, or associated with different CLIA#s are included in a claim, then this new REF*X4*<value>~ segment will only be exported to Loop 2400 (at the Service Line) level for individual service lines as applicable.

PBI:6857 -- Azure Blob Storage Database Backup Nightly Process
Nightly Database Backups: We have added a new option for backup to databases offsite to the Microsoft Azure Cloud. Please contact Methasoft support to inquire about this feature.

PBI:6212 -- Data Export - Balance Journal with GL Accounts
Added a new feature that gives users the ability to export payment and charge data with a general ledger account number from the data export screen. A new data sourcehas been createdin Data Source Setup screen. The account numbers can be set up on the Billable Services More screen.


PBI:5516 -- Data Export - Enhancements to 'Patient Information' Data Source
Several new fields have been added to the available list of output fields for the Patient Information data export. They are:

  • Partial SSN - last 4 digits
  • Dose Amount - this is the total daily dose from Dose Information
  • Intake Dose
  • Current Intake Date
  • Time in Treatment Date
  • Split Doses - Dose1, Dose2, Dose3, and Dose4
  • Last, First Name
  • Patient Street
  • Patient City
  • Patient State
  • Patient Zip
  • Patient Phone
  • Cell Phone (Patient Profile More screen)
  • Schedule Type
  • Schedule

PBI:5747 -- Digital Signing - Remove signatures if they hit save, not before
Changed the workflow for undoing digital signatures. The new workflow will not remove signatures from an object unitl the SAVE occurs.

PBI:6101 -- Health Screen - O2 and Temperature added to Health Screen and Report
Oxygen (O2) Levels and Body Temperature have been added to the Health Screens screen and the Health Screens and Health Screens No Grouping reports.

PBI:6067 -- 837P - Ordering Provider - Ohio Medicaid
A new screen called Ordering Providers has been added for facilities (such as Ohio facilities submitting claims to Medicaid) that need to include Ordering Provider data on exported 837P EDI files. Ordering Providers populate a new Ordering Providers field on the Billable Services More... window, for associating an Ordering Provider with a specific Billable Service. Ordering Provider data is only exported if this Billable Service More... field has a selected Ordering Provider with an NPI number that does not match the associated service line's Rendering Provider's NPI number.

PBI:5634 -- New Charge Rule - Counseling Rates by Time of Session
Conditional Billable Service Types has been ReVamped to Add Case Note Session Time Range as a qualifier for conditional billing. For Counseling Service Types, Credential Billing and Session Time ranges work in combination to determine if a charge is issued. Likewise for Conditional Dosing Services, Drug/Dose Type, Credentials and Dose Amount ranges work in combination.

PBI:6098 -- Patient List by Primary Payer report- Add 'Phase' Grouping and Filter
Added a new parameter for Phase Type.

PBI:5658 -- Doses received report
Added Drug Type as a parameter for the Doses Received report.

PBI:6096 -- Patient Chart - Add Health Screen as an option to Chart
Added Health Screens as an available object for the patient chart. 

PBI:6211 -- Claims Generator and Billing Service Lines Management - 1.) Add Ability to Delete Service Lines without Payment/Adj./Trans Activity in Batch 2.) Change Grid filtering to include all Service Lines The Claims Generator and Billing Service Line Management screens have been enhanced in the following ways:

  • Users can now delete service lines that have no payment, adjustment or transfer activity recorded against them in batch, using the Delete All button(s) on either screen.  Informational confirmation messages will appear informing users of how many service lines cannot be deleted, along with how many can if the user proceeds.
  • A 'Has Pymt./Adj. Activity' checkbox has been added to the grid on Billing Service Line Management window and Claims Journal screen, to easily view whether or not a service line can be deleted.
  • The Claims Generator grid now shows data for all service lines included in displayed claims, regardless of the From and To Date range selected in the search criteria fields.  This is now consistent with the display of associated service lines, Export functionality, and the Claims Journal screen.

PBI:6232 -- Run Reports - View and Print buttons default to a certain type
Added a new preference "RunReportsDefaultType" this will allow the user to change the default behavior of the view button on the run reports screen from the standard report wiew to PDF view.

PBI:6030 -- Guest Dosing Request Report - Add Drug Screen Results
New versions of the guest dosing request report  have been created that added drug screen results and prescription information.

PBI:6134 -- Patient ID Card - add Drug and Dose Type fields to ID Cards
The patient's drug and dose type field have been added to the patient id card. This new feature is controlled by a preference for ID cards in report preferences.

PBI:5994 -- Kiosk: Make Multi Site Aware
Added support for multi-site mode to kiosk.

PBI:6695 -- New / Updated Help Content - Update Preference and Active Screen Help button URLs
The following Help topics have been added or updated in Methasoft Help:

Data Export
Data Export Setup
Breath/Blood Alcohol History
Referral Agencies
Form Template Manager
Tx Plan Preselected Items
Drug Code Mappings
Document Setup
Site Announcements
Task Scheduling
Digital Signing
Linked Billable Service Types
Conditional Billable Service Types
Billing Generation Rules
Batch Payment/Adjustment Rules
Undo Batch Payments
Claims Generator
Billing Service Line Management
Drug Screen Rules Setup
Dosing Window Definition
Workstation Settings
Report Preferences
Claims Journal

Active Treatment Plan Frequency
Aging Service Lines
Counselor Caseload Analysis
Drug Screen Results Unacceptable Results Summary
Tx Plan Due XX Days

PBI:6192 -- Email - Add Paging to email retrieve
Added a new preference (On by default) that adds paging to the email grid. This will cause the email grid to display the latest 100 emails and add next and previous links underneath the grid for navigation. This should improve retrieve performance for customers with years worth of back emails.

PBI:5541 -- Enhancement - UK - Request to allow multi-select delete on Patient ID Admin
Added the ability to multi select delete patients in the grid on this screen.

PBI:6723 -- Batch Payments - 835 Existing Mode - New Button - Full 835 EDI
In '835 Existing' mode on Batch Payments, a new 'Full 835 EDI' button has been added for retrieving the entire original 835 EDI transmission file on a dialog window, where it can be viewed, searched and/or saved.

PBI:6099 -- Other Security - Restrict Existing Treatment Plan Cloning
Added a new "Other" security option - "Restrict cloning of Existing Treatment Plan". If this option is turned on for a user they will only be able to copy a new plan from a tx plan template not from an already existing tx plan.

PBI:6097 -- Scheduled Events by Responsible Staff Report - Add 'Event Statuses' filter
Change the report so that users can now select multiple event statuses when running the report.

PBI:6193 -- Data Export - Service Lines by Service - needs additional parameter(s) defined
Added Exclude Zero Balance and Filter By as two new parameters to the Service Lines By Service data export.

PBI:5605 -- New Conditional Service Type Condition - Periodic - Charge per every 5 mg increment of total mgs
A new Unmanaged (Conditional) billable service condition type is now available in the Service - (Service Type) field on the Conditional Billable Service Types screen, called 'Periodic - Charge per every 5 mg increment of total mgs'. When a Billable Service is configured to use this condition type, the charge amount will be calculated by multiplying Payer and/or Patient Rates by the total number of 5 mg increments dispensed to a patient during the defined period.

PBI:5752 -- Enhancement - Triggers - Unacceptable Drug Screen Results
A new trigger has been added that will schedule an event when an unacceptable drug screen result is entered into the system. This trigger will also schedule an event when an unacceptable drug screen result is entered by the nightly processes.

PBI:6874 -- PDF Forms - Data Saved for Dropdown Lists - should be using the Export Value if available
Enhanced the functionality that stores of the PDF data to the database for dropdown lists. If the export value of the field is set for each list item that value will be stored. If the export value is blank the description that is displayed will be stored.

PBI:6958 -- Claims Generator and Billing Service Lines Management - Multiple Enhancements
The Claims Generator (CG) and Billing Service Line Management (BSLM) have been enhanced as follows:

  • The BSLM window has been made to be a true always-on-top window which stays in synch with its Parent form, CG, so that as different claims are selected the associated service lines are displayed for review, edit and/or delete operations on either screen.
  • The Billing Service Line Management screen no longer closes when most operations are performed on the Claims Manager screen.
  • When a service line is edited or deleted on BSLM, the associated claim remains selected on the CG screen.
  • If the last service line of a claim is deleted on BSLM, the CG screen no longer fully refreshes, and selects the next claim on the grid (if there is one), retaining the user's position on the grid.
  • A 'Service Line ID' column has been added to the far left of the grid on BSLM for displaying the ID of each service line.
  • The grid on CG now displays all data for the displayed claim, based on all associated service lines, regardless of the date range selected. This is now consistent with the Claims Journal screen, the BSLM window, and what is being exported when the Export 837 button is pressed on CG.
  • Claim and/or Service Line selections on the CG and/or BSLM screens can be changed while in Edit mode on the BSLM window.

PBI:6973 -- Case Note Templates - Smart Notes on regular notes, not just Group notes
Users can now mark any case note template as requiring a smart note.

PBI:5536 -- 837P - Convert to code-based classes
Prior to this version the way to export an 837 file was through the File->Billing Export menu option. In this version we have re-engineered this functionality for performance, maintainablity and new underlying technology. The new method for 837 export is available on the Claims Management screen. This should streamline export by making it flow from the Claims Generation process. This also emphisizes the notion that it is best to export claims with the same criteria in which they are generated.

We will keep the File->Billing Export method available (via configuration) for a limited time to provide some rare functionality related to payer one offs that have been encountered over the years.

PBI:6868 -- New Preference - Prompt to Print Order
Added a new preference under Paperless preferences -> General Paperless Setup "Prompt to print when an order is saved". This allows users to turn off the orders print prompts.

PBI:6975 -- Report Enhancements - Claims by Payer and Claims by Patient Reports
Added Claim Date From and Claim Date To as parameters to the Claims By Patient and Claims by Payer reports.

PBI:6865 -- New Parameter to Health Screen Report - Counselor
Added a new parameter that allows users to run the report for specific counselors.

PBI:6934 -- New Flag Status - Stop Check-in
Added a new Flag Severity "Stop Check In" that will prevent patients from being checked in on the Check In screen, Payments Screen, and from the Kiosk until the flag is removed.

PBI:7060 -- 837P Export from Claims Generator - New Warning Dialog on Billing Export
837P EDI Billing Export functionality has been implemented on the Claims Generator screen. Exporting 837P EDI files from the Billing Export window is in the process of being deprecated. Thus unless a facility is using specific one-off functionality, a new warning dialog message appears when users attempt to export 837P files from the Billing Export window. This informative message is currently only a strong warning, and points the user towards using the Claims Generator screen to export 837P EDI files going forward.

PBI:7090 -- Daily Activities/Scheduled Events Slow - Check-In
Performance improvements to the Daily Activities Scheduled Events tab. Improvements were made to optimize the data retrieve from Daily Activities screen.

PBI:7139 -- SC Dosing Label Changes
Created a new label, specifically for the state of South Carolina, making the changes requested by the inspector of some of our SC clinics.

PBI:7504 -- 2D Barcode Label - CSL Labs - Create procedure to print 2D Barcode Label for CSL
A new 2D barcode drug screen label has been developed for customers using Clinical Sciences Laboratories. The following values are included in the barcode:

  • Account Number
  • Patient Last Name
  • Patient First Name
  • Patient Middle Initial
  • Date of Birth
  • Gender
  • Specimen Date
  • Display ID
  • Label Instructions

PBI:6870 -- Inventory Dispense Screen - Clean Up UI
Made some changes to the appearance of this screen.

PBI:6867 -- Patient Chart Export - Change out title page logo to use new Methasoft Logo
Changed the title page to use the new Methasoft logo.

PBI:7078 -- Adjustment Rules Screen Issues with Payer and Billable Service on save
Fixed the screen so that invalid comibations of Payer and Billable Service can no longer be saved.

PBI:7135 -- Data Export - Lighthouse Common Fields
Lighthouse Export - Added a data export that allows clinics to generate the initial file upload used during the set up for Lighthouse Central Registry.

Bug Fixes

PBI:3774 -- Bug - Total Dispensed by Day Breakdown report
Fixed a bug in the report was splitting the inventory of the primary dose type to the secondary dose type when the dose amount is split between two bulk bottles.

PBI:5748 -- Bug - Reconcile Inventory and Switch Bulk Bottle - DELETE button Security issue
Fixed security administration issue that prevented users from reconciling inventory or switching bottles.

PBI:6103 -- Bug - Drug Screen Data for Excel Export - Missing Patient Demographic History record causes error
Fixed the logic of the report to display the words "No Data" instead of "#Error" if the data for the field is missing.

PBI:6196 -- Bug - Report - Patient Activations and Inactivations - Not showing all activity
Reporting - Fixed an issue with the report that caused it to not show all of the detail information. Added a new filter for excluding guest dosing patients.

PBI:6219 -- Bugs: Service Line Activities - 1. ) Excluding some manual events 2.) Entered By = SYSTEM for some activities
An early version of 7.7 was excluding some manual Claim / Service Line event activity on the Service Line Activity window. Additionally SYSTEM was erroneously appearing for specific event types. These issues have been fixed for version 7.8 and hotfixed for version 7.7.

PBI:6252 -- Bug - Patient List With Address Information: Subreport cannot be shown error
Fixed a bug in the address subreport that caused it to not be shown.

PBI:6031 -- Length of Stay Report - Re-admits now showing
The report has been fixed to now include re-activated patients.

PBI:6272 -- Correct intake logic for Intakes and Discharges
Fixed an issue with the report that was causing it no to display patients that were re-admitted on the same day that the report is being rendered.

PBI:6270 -- Bug - Patient Chart Export fails when there is more than one document database
Fixed an issue that could cause chart export to fail when the site has multiple document databases

PBI:6271 -- Bug - Corporate Dashboard does not work with new report parameters
Fixed an issue where reports would fail when run from the Corporate Dashboard. Also fixed a css issue that was causing the region tabs to be displayed incorrectly.

PBI:6237 -- Titrate Detox: Fix printing after save
Fixed an issue printing reports after titrate schedules are saved

PBI:6424 -- Billing Service Line Activity - Incorrect Group and/or Reason Code values and descriptions showing up
A bug on the Service Line Activities window was at times causing erroneous Group and/or Reason Codes received from an 835 EDI transaction to appear for a selected service line. This bug has been fixed.

PBI:6677 -- Bug - Drug Screen columns not lining up on tx plan report
Fixed a bug in the drug screens subreport that caused the test results to be misaligned.

PBI:6678 -- Bug - Patient Schedule report gives error
Fixed a bug in the report that was causing it to error when a specific Dosing Day value was set at run time.

PBI:6679 -- Bug - Counselor Weekly CheckSheet Subreport - Missing new parameters
Fixed a bug in the subreport that caused it not to display

PBI:6813 -- Bug - No Show Report by Patient
Fixed an issue in the No Show and No Show by Patient reports to make the absent counts accurate when the Patient Demographic nightly process may not run on the date of an absence. Also fixed it for times when a patient may not have payment information set up.

PBI:6825 -- Batch Payments - Add ability to enter Negative Transfer Amounts on UI
In Service Lines (Manual) mode on the Batch Payments screen, users now have the ability to enter negative amounts in the Transfer field. This corresponds to 835 Mode adjustment rule functionality which has always used positive or negative Transfer values which have always been applied automatically as received in 835 EDI files. Entering a negative Transfer amount results in crediting the associated patient's Patient balance, and debiting the associated patient's Third Party balance, the amount entered.

PBI:6835 -- Dosing Queue: Flag count not correct
Fixed a bug that we preventing the number of flags on the dosing queue screen from appearing correctly.

PBI:6883 -- Claims Generator and Billing Service Lines Management - Multiple Bug Fixes
Multiple Bugs on the Claims Generator and Billing Service Lines Management window have been fixed for version 7.8:

  • Previously if a Rendering Provider associated with an existing Service Line was edited, subsequently editing the associated service line on the Billing Service Lines Management screen would error out with a red system error, unless a new Renderer was selected. This issue has been fixed.
  • The 'Total Units of Service' fields on both Claims Generator and Billing Service Lines Management now display fractional units up 3 decimal places.
  • When a service line is edited and saved on the Billing Service Line Management window, the selected claim on Claims Generator now remains selected and the grid no longer fully refreshes, retaining your position on the grid.

PBI:6847 -- Signature History: Incorrect join causing issues
Fixed an issue that could cause incorrect signatures to be displayed in the signature history window.

PBI:6929 -- 2 Bugs - Billable Services - 1. ) Cloning a Linked Service Tree doesn't clone More... values for Linked Services 2.) Entered By set to SYSTEM for cloned linked services and More... records

2 Bugs have been fixed for the Billable Services and Billable Service Additional Information (More...) screens: 1.) Cloning a parent service linked to linked services now properly clones all More... properties. 2.) Cloning linked services now stores off the correct Entered By User ID for all cloned linked services. This fix was also implemented for edited linked service More... records.

PBI:6880 -- Clean up Approved Email Addresses screen
This window is no longer resizable.

PBI:6946 -- Patient Payments: Dosing Warning should only display for patient balance type
The balance warning message will now only look at the patient balance (not 3rd-Party or Deposit).

PBI:6945 -- Prepare Daily Pour: Error when entering override
Fixed an issue that would cause a red error message when overriding a patients defaults

PBI:6866 -- Batch Payments - 835 EDI - Load File error if the GS05 time element is greater 4 digits
When loading an 835 EDI file on the Batch Payments screen, if the GS05 (Time) value was greater than 4 digits long, a system error would occur. This issue has been fixed. The file will now load successfully regardless of which time format is used for the value in GS05.

PBI:6969 -- Editing Service Lines Causes Diagnosis Code Issues on Export
If a service line is edited on the Billing Service Line Management window, a bug could cause that service line to not be properly exported in the Claim and Service Line loops on an 837P EDI file. This bug was fixed for version 7.4, but later excluded from subsequent releases. This bug fix has been re-implemented for version 7.8.

PBI:7004 -- Ordering Providers - Delete action Auditing Bug
In version 7.7, deleting an Ordering Provider saved invalid data used by the Audit report, causing the Audit report to error out. This issue has been fixed for version 7.8 and hotfixed for 7.7.

PBI:6873 -- Job Scheduler - Bogus 'Error' messages in Event Viewer - Need to Remove or make informational
Debug Text should no longer be written to the system event log

PBI:6811 -- Bug - Some Unmanaged (including Conditional) Periodic Services - Must Prevent Partial Charges on Charge Manager
A bug has been fixed that previously allowed users to erroneously generate partial charges for Unmanaged Periodic (including Conditional) services using the Charge Manager screen. This bug only applied to Periodic service types involving a rule, such as 'Has Window Dose', or an Unmanaged (Conditional) service type condition such as 'Periodic - Charge Per Mg'. Charging for these services is generally performed by Nightly Processes, and relies on retroactively finding the conditional data which drives charge behavior. In cases of Nightly Process failure, or when for any reason charges for these services need to be generated manually on the Charge Manager screen, it is now not possible to generate an erroneous, partial charge.

PBI:6132 -- Bug - Billable Services - Validation message wording getting cut-off
In some cases, certain Netalytics System Messages, such as validation messages, were getting partially cut-off when displayed. This issue has been fixed.

PBI:5609 -- Bug - Stop Dose Flag for Consecutive Absent Days Not working - bug in Nightly Process
Fixed an issue with consecutive absent days flags not functioning correctly.

PBI:7097 -- FTP Download: Error when downloading from directory with subdirectories (aka root dir)
Fixed an issue when attempting to download from ftp servers with subfolders (or the top level root dir).

PBI:7102 -- Bug - Billable Services - Cloning Linked Services - Red System Error for Validation Messages
In recent versions, when cloning parent Billable Services linked to child Linked services, many different types of validation messages, when encountered, would appear as red box system errors. This bug has been fixed, and these validation messages now appear as normal Netalytics System Messages.

PBI:6972 -- Lengthy Display ID Causes Red Box on Dosing History
Fixed the bug that caused the Dosing history not to open when the patient had been dosed by an employee with an id longer than fifteen characters.

PBI:6420 -- Bug - Expired Documents Flags cannot be removed
Fixed a bug that would not allow the user to delete a flag tied to an expired document.

PBI:6900 -- Bug - Accounts Receivable Report not including Inactive Patients
Fixed issue where the Accounts Receivables report was not including Inactive Patients that had some sort of balance (Debit or Credit Balance). These patients should be included in this report.

PBI:7241 -- Bug - Flags not loaded when changing patients on Dose Patient
Fixed a bug that prevented flags from appearing on the dosing screen if the user were to switch to another window before completing the dose.

PBI:7240 -- Bug - Stop Dose Flags not always stopping patient from Dosing
Fixed a bug that would allow a patient to dose even if they had a stop dose flag.

PBI:7305 -- Flag Messages - Expiring Documents - Performance Issue when functionality is not being used
The impact of a potential performance issue has been minimized or eliminated when the Flag Messages window is retrieved in a facility that is not using Expiring Documents functionality, and/or that is not storing an unusually large volume of linked documents.

PBI:7242 -- Bug - Report wraps name, but doesn't 'grow' the line on Dosing Information Report
Fixed the report so that the patient name wraps to a second line if the name is very long.

PBI:6214 -- Counselors not receiving Follow-Up emails for auto discharged patients
Auto Inactivation Followup: Fixed a bug in the nightly process that prevented the follow-up emails from being sent to the counselors of inactivated patients.

PBI:7192 -- Last 3 signature box closes Methasoft for new pt's
Fixed a bug caused by the dosing signature screen that would force the application close when a new patient that does not have signature history is dosed after a patient that has signature history.

PBI:7243 -- Guest Dose Schedule: Incorrectly setting patients return date
Fixed an issue that could cause incoming guest dosers to receive the wrong number of takeouts.

PBI:7394 -- Every XX days Schedule Change Order cannot be viewed in Order History screen.
Fixed an issue that could cause a red box error when attempting to view an ever xx days schedule phase change order from the order history screen.

PBI:7399 -- Job Scheduler: Investigate serious Memory Leak
Fixed a memory leak that could cause nightly processes to fail when run from the job scheduler.

PBI:7130 -- Signature History: Incorrect enumerator type being passed from dose patient when accept payments is turned on
Fixed a bug that would cause the incorrect patient signature history to be displayed when the preference for accepting payments from the dosing window is turned on.

PBI:6914 -- Bug - Fill Payment field behavior not working for Remaining Amount
Fixed a bug that prevented the Fill Payment field on the Batch Payments screen is not correctly populated when the screen is in one of the 835 modes.

Release Notes - Methasoft 7.7.1

New Features

PBI:5148 -- New Report - Active Treatment Plan Frequency
A new report that can display the 'Treatment Plan Frequency' settings as well as show the number of counseling sessions during the period for currently active treatment plans.

PBI:5201 -- New Report - Convert new Aging Service Lines report to 7.6 reporting format
New Report - A new report has been added named Aging Service Lines. It is a derivative of the Aging Claims (Advanced) report at a service line level instead of a claim level.

PBI:2498 -- New Report - Drug Screen - Patient Percent Positive
A new drug screen results report that shows, over a date range, the percentage of patients positive for each drug tbeing tested for.

PBI:5203 -- New Report - Counselor Caseload Analysis - Convert to 7.7 Report Format
A new report named Counselor Caseload Analysis has been added to this version. It allows the user see the number of case notes, group notes, treatment plans, assessments and completed forms that a counselor created for a specific date range. The report has the ability to be rendered by payer or counselor or a combination of both. It includes a payer summary at the end.

PBI:5289 -- New Report - Tx Plans Due XX Days
A new report in response to a change in the treatment plan requirements. Some now have to create a new treatment plan every 90 days. This report is driven off of the last treatment plan creation date.

PBI:5291 -- Nightly Process - Randomize CID
Nightly Process - A new feature has been added to the nightly processes that will generate random CID numbers for patients on the first day of the month.

PBI:5295 -- Fingerprint Verify on Dosing
Fingerprints: Added a new preference under "General"-> "Biometrics" to use fingerprint validation rather than identification on dosing.

PBI:5141 -- Daily Dosing Log: Create new client side log process
Dosing - A new process has been added to dosing that will automatically create a local file that contains all doses a workstation has dispensed in a given day. This is needed in the case that the server goes down and a backup has to be restored. This file will allow Netalytics to see what doses were dispensed that might have been lost in the period since the last transaction log backup.

PBI:5519 -- New Report - Drug Screen Results - Unacceptable Results Summary
New report: The Drug Screen Results - Unacceptable Results Summary report has been added to allow clinics to see a graphical representation of drug screen results. The top of the report shows a pie chart of the unacceptable substances as a percentage of the total of all unacceptable substances for the date range entered. The middle of the report displays the percentage of acceptable and unacceptable as related to the number of tests for the date range entered. The bottom of the report breaks the drugs down per substance in a text format.

PBI:6053 -- New Unmanaged Periodic Billable Service Type - Dosing Periodic - T/O Only Dosing Encounter
A new Unmanaged Billable Service Type has been added, called 'Dosing Periodic - T/O Only Dosing Encounter', which is available for selection in the Service Type field on Billable Services. This new Service Type allows for the generation of a periodic charge for any date on which a patient received 1 or more takeout doses, regardless of whether or not the patient received a window dose.

PBI:5717 -- New 2D Barcode - Redwood Labs
Created a new drug screen label specific to Redwood Toxicology that incorporates a 2D barcode.

PBI: 5115 -- New window - Service Line Activity - Always on top
This new screen has been added which provides very detailed information on Service Lines. This screen can be launched from Batch Payments or from Claims Journal (another new screen). Service Line Activity is an "Always on Top" window. This means that it will stay available on top or along side of the main Methasoft window until it is closed. This will allow the user to view Service Line Activity while looked at an other Methasoft tab.

PBI: 5521 -- New screen - Claims Journal
This new screen is geared towards quick access to Claims and Service Line information with visibility into details. This screen is Patient-Centric but also provides the ability to do wider searches. From this screen, the Service Line Activities screen can be launched as an 'Always on Top' window.


PBI:5131 -- Claims Gen Service Line Screen - Make Always on Top/Non Modal
Claims Gen Service Line Screen - Make Always on Top/Non Modal The Service Line Management screen, which is launched from the Claims Generation screen has been changed from a Modal window as an "Always on Top" window. This means that it will stay available on top or along side of the main Methasoft screen as long as it is left open. This will allow the user to view the Service Lines while operating on any other Methasoft tab.

PBI:4828 -- Report - Service Lines by Service - Multiple Enhancements
Added the Rendering Provider as a column in the report.

PBI:5140 -- Patient List by Primary Payer - Add Primary Diagnosis Code
The Primary Diagnosis Code has been added to the report.

PBI:5211 -- New Multi-Dose Label - 3.5x1.25
New Label - A new 3.5 x 1.25 dosing label has been created that shows the date range of take out doses for patients who have the multi dose single label option checked in dosing information.

PBI:5212 -- Weblinks Administration - Allow clinic 'users' to add 'Global' Web Links
Administrators may now grant access to users or groups to create clinic -wide web links in Methasoft for all users to see.

PBI:5330 -- Enhancements to Data Export Dialog and Data Export Setup screens
Data Export - Some simple improvements were made to the Data Export Dialog (The dialog that pops up when you click the Export button on the Data Export screen) and on the Data Export Setup screen.

  • The default for the type (labeled Destination) of export in the combo box is Download, not Document Manager.
  • The build button (ellipsis) was moved to the RIGHT of the Save To dialog.
  • The Save To textbox was moved ABOVE the Filename textbox.

Data Export Setup

  • Changed the Data Source combo box so that the Drop Down width slightly greater than the greatest text value in the combo so that the entire description can be read by the user.

PBI:5296 -- Signature Screen - ability to show 'past signatures' for visual verification
Signatures: Added the ability to see the previous 3 signatures (for comparison) during the signature capture process.

PBI:5398 -- Report Enhancement - Patient Medication Record with Signatures (PA)
A new variation if the Patient Medication Record With Signatures report has been created for our customers who are in Pennsylvania. It includes two new fields:

  • Patient MA ID - Located in the header section with the patient's name.
  • Clinic MA ID - Located in the report header underneath the clinic address.

PBI:4508 -- Enhancement - Label instructions and warnings by Drug/Dose Type
Dosing Labels: Added new functionality that allows warning message customization on a per drug dose type combination. This can be configured on the inventory dispensing rules screen.

PBI:5522 -- Signatures: Add support for Topaz 1x5 LCD BSB Pad
We have added support for the Topaz 1x5 LCD BSB signature pad - Model# T-LBK462-BSB-R

PBI:5549 -- Enhancement - Accounting Summary reports - Effective versus Entry Date
Added a filter that allows the user to get data based on the Entry Date or Effective Date of a payment.

PBI:5520 -- Report Enhancement - Dosing Days Summary
The report has been fixed so that it now shows the last payer a patient who is inactive.

PBI:5572 -- Label Enhancement - DOB option added to Label
A new label has been created for the 3.5x1.125 size label that includes the patient's date of birth.

PBI:5578 -- Billing Export - Export Service Facility (Box 32) - Productization
A new field called 'Always Export Service Facility Data' has been added to the Payer/Rate Groups screen. 'No' is selected by default in this field for existing or new Payer records. If 'Yes' is selected for a Payer, then Service Facility data associated with any Billable Service associated with the Payer will always be exported to Loop 2300 in 837P EDI files, regardless of whether or not the NPI number of the Service Facility matches that of the Billing Provider. This functionality is only for use by specific facilities to accommodate highly unusual circumstances. For these facilities, when upgraded to version 7.7, the value of this new field will automatically be set to 'Yes' for the appropriate list of specified Payers, based on each's Payer ID Code.

PBI:5583 -- Enhancement - SFTP Nightly Process for CMS (Arizona) for Intakes and discharges
Created a new nightly process that generates a file for export to Arizona HIE.

PBI:5636 -- Enhancement - Patient Service Line Journal Report
A new filter has been added to the Patient Service Lines Journal report to filter by claim id.

PBI:5606 -- Report Enhancement - Add Phone Number to 'No Show Report by Counselor'
The report has been enhanced to include the patient's cell phone number. This number is entered on the Patient Profile More screen.

PBI:5614 -- Enhancement - Patient Address added to Guest Dosing Request report
Added the patient's address to the report.

PBI:5607 -- Report Enhancement - Claimed versus Charged report - Add 'Include Inactive'
The report has been enhanced so that it always include inactive patients.

PBI:5709 -- Enhancement - Better Login and Security Auditing
Security and Log In: Made various enhancements to logging user log ins and security access changes.

PBI:5668 -- Edit Report - Patient List by Billing Episode
Enhanced the report to include a parameter for including guest dosers.

PBI:5214 -- Automatic Credential Billing
The ability to Charge based on User Credentials has been added in this release. The setup for this feature is on the Conditional Billable Services Types screen. Once conditional billable service types are set up, they can be selected on the Billable Services screen to drive the generation of charges. User Credentials are available on Conditional Billable Service Types for both Managed Dosing and Counseling services. Please consult Methasoft Support for assistance with setup.

PBI:5612 -- Enhancement - Digital Signing: New Signing Method - Biometrics
Added ability to sign using biometrics (fingerprint reader)

PBI:5669 -- Report Enhancements - Multi-Site aware
Filters were added to several existing reports. Site Group filtering was added to: Patient Orders, Dosing Inventory Needs, No Show Report, Patient Schedule. Drug Type filtering was added to DEA Summary, DEA Summary With Reconciles and Total Dispensed By Day.

PBI:5226 -- Enhancement - Data Export - Illinois DARTS exports (cont.)
Improved the Illinois Export nightly process to the new format requirements for Medicaid.

PBI:5672 -- Multi-site Medication Units - Patient Profile Enhancement
Patient Profile - Made this screen multi site ready meaning that if a facility has multiple medication units, patients can be assigned to a specific medication unit.

PBI:5674 -- Enhancement - Queue View - Make it Medication Unit Aware
Dosing Queue View can now be configured to support displaying separate dosing queues for different medication units.

PBI:5673 -- Enhancement - Dosing Queue - Make Medication Unit Aware
The Dosing Queue is now multi site aware.

PBI:5876 -- Enhancements - Quick Note functionality
Added the ability to use hot keys with quick notes screen.

PBI:5741 -- Enhancement - Payment Summary by Payment Method - Add 'Effective Date'
The Effective Date has been added to the Payment Summary by Payment Method report.

PBI:5704 -- Enhancement - Dosing Preparation Sheet Report - Suppress Patient Detail Checkbox
Enhanced the Dosing Preparation Sheet report to allow the user to suppress the patient information when rendering the report.

PBI:5955 -- Deactivate the Prior Authorizations Review screen and Missing/Inconsistent Charges report
The Prior Authorization Reviews screen has been disabled for all customers not currently using 278 Request / Response EDI exchange functionality. This was done to prevent unnecessary confusion, because this screen is not integrated with the Prior Authorizations screen, and using this functionality requires a highly-specific, detailed Billing setup configuration unavailable for most customers. The Missing/Inconsistent Charges report has also been disabled. This was done not only because it is not returning data for many newer types of billable services, but most importantly because of the addition of the View Charge Status button on both the Claims Generator and Charge Manager screens, which accounts for all types of billable services.

PBI:5675 -- Enhancement - No Show Follow-ups Report
Updated the report procedure so that it will ignore patients that have continued to be absent for a long number of consecutive days. It uses the Max Compliant Days parameter to determine how far back to look for 'new absent episodes'.

PBI:6071 -- NDC Codes - 837P Billing Export - Calculate Drug Code Quantity based on Measure Qualifier

Previously the NDC code Billing Export functionality only exported fixed values for the Drug Code Quantity CTP element on 837P files as defined on the Drug Code Mappings screen. Now if the default value of '0' is not overridden on the Drug Code Mappings screen, this value is automatically calculated for each Service Line based on Rule-Based Linked Billable Services, based on the Rule Type defined. The Drug Code Measure Qualifiers currently supported are:

  • ME - Milligrams - When used, the total mgs received for each Drug/Dose Type combination is calculated based on the Linked Billable Service Rule Type selected for the following Parent Billable Service - Service Type combinations:
  • Dosing - Both
  • Dosing - Window Only
  • Dosing - T/O Only
  • ML - Milliliters - This qualifier should only be selected for Dosing services involving Liquid medication.
  • UN - Units - This qualifier will populate the CTP Quantity element with the Units of Service for each service line.

If no Drug Code Measure Qualifier is selected, and the default values of 0 are not overridden on the Drug Code Mappings screen, no CTP data will be exported.

PBI:5759 -- Enhancement: ClientSettings - Modify workstation lookup to work with Citrix preference
Workstation settings: Fixed issue with workstation name when the Append user id to machine name preference is enabled.

PBI:5087 -- Enhancement: Re factor the Billing Eligibility form so that 2nd and 3rd Payers can submit Eligibility Checks.
The Create/Send button of the billing eligibility screen has been configured to send 270 requests for patients with secondary payers.

PBI:5293 -- Enhancement: Run Reports Screen - changes to buttons on bottom
Added drop down context menus to the buttons at the bottom of the screen. Each button has a default action. We have also added a new save to CSV option that will export the selected report to a comma separated value file.

PBI:5368 -- Enhancement: Case Note Activity by Counselor Report - Sort by Parameters added
Added new sort by criteria to the report that sorts by Note Date and Patient Name.

Bug Fixes

PBI:5150 -- Report Clean Up: Textbox names
Fixed the textbox names on the Claims by Patient, Claims by Payer and Service Lines by Service reports so that when exported to a CSV file the column headers have meaningful names.

PBI:5175 -- Email: Fix ability to permanently delete emails from deleted tab
Fixed an issue that prevented users from permanently deleting email.

PBI:5204 -- Reporting: Second Service Same Day section not functioning correctly in Service Checks report
Fixed a bug in the report that caused data to not be returned if the service type was the same.

PBI:5234 -- Patient Payments: Editing Negative Numbers in Additional Charges Causes Red Box Error
Fixed an issue that could occur when editing a credit to the patient under the Credits / Additional Charges section of the Patient Payments screen.

PBI:5227 -- Case Notes: Case Note Edits w/Filtering Returns Duplicates
Fixed a filtering issue that could cause a case not to be duplicated in the user interface under certain scenarios.

PBI:5251 -- Billing Export: duplicate Claims / Service Lines and doubled amounts
For an obscure scenario and procedural sequence, it was possible for Billing Export to export duplicate Claims and Service Lines with doubled amounts and duplicate Claim and Service Line IDs. This issue has been fixed.

PBI:5213 -- Bug: Report - Patient Medication Record - Date(s) cut off
Fixed an issue with the Patient Medication reports that was causing the date fields to wrap.

PBI:5231 -- Bug: Order Approval Screens Do Not Use The New Logo Icon
Fixed issue where the screen icon and title were incorrect.

PBI:5202 -- Bug: Flag Patient Delete - Last item in Grid
Fixed a bug that caused an error when the last row of the grid is deleted.

PBI:5209 -- Fixes - Dosing History and Daily Activities
Fixed issues with the grid sizing on the Dosing History screen and added columns to the dosing history tab under Daily Activities so that it has the same look as the main dosing history screen.

PBI:5230 -- Signatures Subreport: Fix duplicate name appearing under second signature
Fixed an issue with the signature subreport that could cause a signers name to be duplicated.

PBI:5358 -- Bug: Length of Stay Report
Fixed a bug in the Length of Stay report that caused it to include guest dosing patients.

PBI:5378 -- Bug: Orphaned Charges, Billing Episodes and Payment Information records for Canceled Address - Deleted Profile scenario
Previously, if a facility that defaults in payment information and a default Billing Episode when a new patient is created on the Profile screen, and the user entering the new patient cancelled out of entering required Address information, the patient was properly deleted, but orphaned payment information and Billing Episode records for the deleted patient remained in the database. For specific types of Unmanaged - Periodic Billable Services, this could result in the existence of a charge that would not be visible throughout the system. This bug has been fixed, and a utility procedure has been created to remove these orphaned records if they are found in a database.

PBI:5375 -- Report Clean Up - Claims for Billing Textboxes
Fixed the report so that when exported to CSV or Excel, the report columns headers have meaningful names.

PBI:5415 -- Bug: Schedule/Phase Change Order Broken
Fixed an issue created in version 7.6 that prevented users from selecting a day of the week for the every 28 days schedule type.

PBI:5438 -- Bug: Billable Services - Validation - Rate comparisons can fail for some values
Billable Service validation prevents users from changing Patient and/or Third Party Rates if there are existing charges associated with the service within the effective date range of the service. For specific rate values, this validation was erroneously detecting a rate change when one did not occur, preventing users from editing other aspects of a Billable Service. This issue has been fixed.

PBI:5444 -- Bug: Digitally Signing a Document Removes Expiration Date
Fixed a bug that would remove the expiration date when you digitally sign a completed form.

PBI:5377 -- Bug: Employee Profile - Has Signature Checkbox Not Checked Even When User Has Signature Image in DB
Fixed an issue that could cause the Has Signature checkbox to not show correctly in Employee Profile the grid.

PBI:5223 -- Bug: DrFirst Integration error - Datetime Convert error
Fixed an issue with parameter length that would cause some dates to truncate resulting in an error.

PBI:5480 -- Bug: Subreport for Dosing History report not showing
Fixed an issue with the subreport that was causing the patient count totals to not be displayed.

PBI:5523 -- Bug: Report - Patient Medication Record - Drug Screens Misaligned
Fixed a bug that caused the drug screen results to be misaligned in the report.

PBI:5501 -- Bug: Orders - Reason cutting off because of limit in manager class
Fixed an issue with Custom Orders where summary was being truncated.

PBI:5224 -- Bug: Billing Export - NDC data - Slow performance / Timeout error for databases with years worth of Unit Inventory records
A significant Billing Export performance problem was found at facilities dispensing Unit inventory, with many years of Unit inventory records, that export NDC data for each service line on Billing Export EDI (837P) files. For specific sets of criteria used on the Billing Export screen, attempting to export the EDI file would error out with a Timeout error. This issue has been resolved.

PBI:5566 -- Bug: Patient Profile subreports erroring out
Fixed and issue with the report that caused it to error out.

PBI:5563 -- Bug: Report Patient List by Billing Episode - Site Group Filter not working
Fixed bug that prevented the report from being filtered by site group.

PBI:5487 -- Bug: Reporting - Retrieve for Additional Dosing Comments report returns no rows
Fixed an issue in the report that prevented the dosing comments from being displayed even though the criteria to show the dosing comments was checked.

PBI:5637 -- Bug: Aging Service Lines report - Parameter overlap issues
Fixed an issue with the report that caused the parameters for the report to be overlapped on the Run Reports screen.

PBI:5518 -- Bug: Intakes/Discharges Report - Current Day issue
Fixed a bug with the report that prevented patients that were re-admitted to show on the report the day that they were re-admitted.

PBI:5610 -- Bug: Drug Screen Results - Site - Not showing Re-admits test on day of re-admit
Fixed a bug with the report that prevented patients that were re-admitted to show on the report the day that they were re-admitted.

PBI:5615 -- Bug: Inventory Bulk Totals by Lot - subreport not recognizing 'Lot Number Like' parameter
Fixed a bug in the report that caused the Lot Number Like filter to not work.

PBI:5708 -- Bug: Drug Screen Results - Site report - Not showing all tests
Fixed a bug in the report that caused all tests not to show in the test dates coincides with a date when the demographic history nightly process failed to run or if the report is run in the same day a patient is re-admitted and a test is performed.

PBI:5715 -- Bug: Audit logging - Authenticator audit bug - Fix invalid entry from job scheduler
Removed extraneous log in records cause by nightly processes.

PBI:5749 -- Bug: Digital signing sets completed form's expiration date to 01-01-1900
Fixed an issue that could cause a document to get an invalid expiration date when signed.

PBI:5751 -- Bug: Email - Reply ALL doesn't work
Fixed an issue with 'Reply All' on the email screen.

PBI:5790 -- Bug: Drug Screen Results - Fix print button not showing and report not running
Fixed issue that could cause the print button to not appear.

PBI:5754 -- Bug: Grid export to Excel - Certain scenarios don't export data
Grids with groupings and detail sub grids can now be exported to excel.

PBI:5870 -- Reports: Save and link not working for patient level documents
An issue was fixed that caused patient level reports to not be linked to the patient's documents.

PBI:5671 -- Bug: Site Information - Save overrides the 'Company ID' for multi-site setup
Fixed an issue that could cause the internal company id for a site record to be reset on edit.

PBI:5635 -- Bug: Case Note Template - Description 25-character limit
Fixed an issue that could cause the template name to be truncated.

PBI:5502 -- Bug: Nightly Process Drug Screen XML - Fix issue when counselor deactivated
Fixed an issue that could cause the process to error out when a drug screen result comes in for a patient that has a deactivated counselor.

PBI:5553 -- Bug: Overwrite PDF when doing Save PDF from Report Viewer errors out
Fixed an issue that could cause a duplicate overwrite prompt when saving a file with an already existing name.

PBI:5855 -- Bug: Add Units From Bulk - Error message when printing Inventory Label
Fixed an issue with label printing that could happen if the special message for inventory labels preference was blank.

PBI:5950 -- Aging Third Party Charges - 2 Bugs - As of Date issue and Date Bucket Columns out of order
Two issues in the Aging Third Party Charges report were found and have been fixed: 1.) The totals on this report no longer change over time for past 'As of Date' criteria selections. This problem only occurred for specific scenarios, but should no longer occur under any scenario. 2.) The date bucket columns are now ordered properly.

PBI:5755 -- Bug: Site Demographics by Time in Tx Extended Report - Totals for Drug Screens not correct
Fixed a bug in the report that caused the drug screen result columns to be incorrect.

PBI:6000 -- Charge for Linked Billable Service(s) dialog - Select All for Available list affects Locked Select All label
On the Charge for Linked Billable Service(s)? popup window used for User Selectable Linked Billable Services, a bug affecting the behavior of the Select All checkboxes and labels has been fixed.

PBI:6019 -- Bug: Diagnosis Codes - Service Lines only store the Billable Service-level Code for specific scenarios
A bug introduced in version was causing certain types of Diagnosis Code records using various '(All)' selection combinations, as entered on the Diagnosis Codes screen, to fail to override Billable Service-level Diagnosis Codes at the time of Claims Generation. This issue has been fixed.

PBI:6048 -- Dosing History - Takeout Override Bug
Previously, when a Window dose was selected on the Current Dose Breakdown grid and edited by checking the Take Out checkbox, saving this change only affected the data displayed on the confirmation dialog confirming the Dosing transaction was successful. However the Dosing History screen did not reflect that the overridden dose was a Takeout Dose. This issue has been fixed.

PBI:5540 -- Bug: Check In Screen - Fix Drug Screen label button
Fixed an issue that could prevent drug screen labels from printing

PBI:6157 -- Bug - Claims by Patient report - missing patients without Demographic History record
Fixed issue where some claims would not show on this report if the Patient Demographic History table didn't have a record for that patient on the date of the service. The report wasn't matching the Claims by Payer report, which it should.

PBI:5250 -- Bug: Fill In Form Document SubType Filter - Broken when more than one form exists for subtype
Fixed a bug in the Fill In Form feature that was causing the same form to be loaded regardless of the grid selection.

PBI:5233 -- Bug: Tool Tips Not Working on Assessments
Fixed a bug that caused the tool tips to not display when hovering over the icon.

PBI:5192 -- Accounting Preferences - General Setup #2 - Rename 'Charge for Absent' preferences to 'DO NOT USE...'
Renamed the Accounting Preferences for: Amount to charge patients when they are absent and Only charge Absent day if patient has CRED to include a prefix of *DO NOT USE*. This functionality was a feature of Methasoft versions prior to 6.0. Users now have the ability to generate charges for absences by creating billable services.

PBI:5720 -- Bug: CD Register report - Medilogic
Fixed an issue which the report that caused it to incorrectly display the received amount if a bottle is deleted.

PBI:5896 -- Bug: Announcements - Expand procedure character limit to 200 characters to match screen
Fixed an issue that would cause announcement text to cut off at 100 characters, This is now expanded to 200 characters.

PBI:5930 -- Bug: Batch Signing Linked PDF - Document Finalization Issue
Fixed an issue that could prevent signatures from appearing on finalized pdf documents when digitally signing in batch signing mode.

PBI:5943 -- Bug: View SmartNote Causes Red Box Error
Fixed an issue that could cause a red box error when viewing an existing smart note.

PBI:5964 -- Bug: Save and Link button in Document Manager View Mode causes red screen
Fixed and issue when viewing linked documents wherein the Save and Link button appeared when it should not have.

PBI:5989 -- Bug: Billing Episodes Effective Date Border Issue
Prior to Version 7.7 there was an issue with charge generation in a rare scenario. The scenario was where a Billing Episode was automatically entered as Default Self Pay upon the addition of a Patient Profile (when the associated preference was turned on). Then a service for that same day was rendered. There was a chance in this situation that the charge for this service would not be created.This is fixed in 7.7.

PBI:6022 -- Bug: Dosing Labels: Fix Barcode not printing
Fixed an issue that was causing barcodes not to print on unit dose labels generated from Prepare Daily Pour screen.

PBI:6090 -- Bug: Case Notes - Fix billable units calculation when times space days (before and after midnight)
Fixed an issue that could cause billable units to be calculated incorrectly if the start time was before midnight but the end time was after midnight.

PBI:6149 -- Bug: Fix Scheduler Review Event Show History Button
Fixed an issue that was preventing the even history report from running.

PBI:5654 Bug: End a Billable Service - Parameter Count Mismatch
Fixed a Parameter Count Mismatch bug that a customer would receive when attempting to end a billable service

PBI 5617: Bug - Charge Generation Concurrency Issue
A few instances have been reported where when dosing occurs for 2 different patients at nearly the exact same time. The charge for one of the patients is created improperly. This was found in Version 7.5. It is fixed in Version 7.7. There is a hotfix available for 7.5. and 7.6.

PBI 5517: Bug - Patient Medication Record report - Drug Screen subreport mis-aligned
Fixed an issue with the report that caused the drug types to be out of alignment with the results.

PBI:5415 Bug: Schedule/Phase Change Order Broken
Fixed an issue created in version 7.6 that prevented users from selecting days for the every 28 days schedule type.

Release Notes - Methasoft 7.6.0

New Features - Methasoft 7.6

PBI 4128: New Feature - Validation on Exception Dosing
Administrators can now require a second user to validate dosing exceptions.

PBI 4422: New Feature - Dose Schedule - Add 'Dosing Times' as Optional Fields to Dose Schedule
Dose Information: There are now fields on dose information for tracking a patients normal dosing window. Dose Start and Dose End. There are also several new preferences associated with these fields under accounting -> system flags and pharmacy -> system flags.

If these preferences are turned on then the Patient Profile screen and Dosing screen will notify the user via a system flag if the patient has come to the clinic outside of their normal dosing time window.

PBI 4423: New Feature - Check In Notification Setup
Users can now register to be notified via alert when a particular patient is checked into the dosing queue. The alert will pop up on the users screen in a seperate modal window.

PBI 4617: New Feature - Emergency Dosing - Data Entry Screen
Added a new screen "Emergency Dosing". This allows the users to record doses for a previous date in the case of a clinic down scenario. Please note this screen does not subtract inventory. Inventory will have to be reconciled manually. Absent records also are not removed automatically.

PBI 4618: New Feature - Initial availability of 837I Functionality
In 7.6 837I Functionality is available for limited rollout.

PBI 4693: New Feature - Methasoft Training Videos System Web Link
Our Methasoft training videos have been added to the Links tab on the bottom left of the screen next to the Favorites tab. Clicking the link will open a window where all of the videos are located by category. Choosing a category will then open the individual videos list. Clicking one will open a YouTube player where the user can then watch the presentation. More videos are being added often!

PBI 4782: New Report - Intake Patients Revenue - First XX Days
A new report has been developed that will allow customers to view revenue (charges) generated for intake patients for their first 30 days of treatment. The report allows the user to enter a date range to be compared but the Number of Days parameter is required and that determines the number of days into the range to retrieve records for.

PBI 4848: New Feature - Create a new data export for Nevada TEDS extract
A new state specific feature has been added to Methasoft which allows for the submission of the "TEDS extract", which is a requirement of all Nevada state-funded clinics. TEDS is an acronym for Treatment Episode Data Set and so the purpose of this feature is to report data elements on a monthly basis to the state.

PBI 4856: New Feature - Run Reports: Add report list filter
New functionality has been added to the Run Reports screen that allows users to filter the report list dynamically based on characters typed into the search filter. The filter list matches on the combination of typed characters anywhere in the report title.

PBI 4949: New Feature - Add export to Excel to right click menu
A new feature has been added that will allow a user to right click on any grid in Methasoft and have the option to export the data within a grid to an Excel spreadsheet.

PBI 5086: New Report - Patient Medication Record For Billing with User Signatures
A new version of the Patient Medication Record for Billing report has been created that includes the signature of the user administering the medication. To use the new report, an administrator must change the report assembly name in report preferences to PatientMedicationRecordforBillingUserSignatures.

Enhancements - Methasoft 7.6

PBI 2770: Enhancement - Changed 'Exception Tracking' to 'Expiration Tracking'
People use this screen to track when something of the patient's is expiring. It was originally designed for tracking 'State Exceptions', but in reality anything that is expiring can be tracked from this screen therefor the menu title, screen title and report tile have been re-labeled to reflect the changes.

PBI 3592: Enhancement - Service Lines By Service Report
Formatting improvements to Service Lines by Service report to enable faster rendering.

PBI 3622: Billable Services - New Service Line Policy - Sum Amt/Units for Same Svc/DoS
A new Service Line Policy called 'Sum Amt/Units for Same Svc/DoS' has been added on the Billable Services screen. When Claims and Service Lines are generated for Billable Services using this new Service Line Policy, if the same service was rendered more than once on the same Date of Service, the Units of Service and Amount claimed will be summed up for all instances of the service into one Service Line.

PBI 4801: Enhancement - Employee Profile Screen Performance Issue
Improvements have been made to the Employee Profile screen. It was found that in certain situations, the screen was slow to load. That has been optimized to be much faster.

PBI 4332: Enhancement - Data Export File Selection Dialog
Changed the Data Export dialog to use the Windows File Browser instead of the Directory Browser.

PBI 4336: Enhancement- Assessment View Mode - Back Button
Added a "Back" button to the Assessment view so that Assessment details can be selected without closing the tab and starting over.

PBI 4426: Enhancement -Scheduler - Automatically Prompt to Reschedule when completing event on different day
When "Completing" an event and the scheduled date is different from the Completed Date a popup dialog will now give the user to synchronize the Scheduled Date to the Completed Data in a single operation. This feature is enabled through a new preference configuration.

PBI 4462: Enhancement - Add Unmanaged Services to View Charge Status Dialog
In vertion 7.5 on Charge Manager, a Charge Status button / dialog was added to show any Missing or Out of Date charges based on the filter criteria at the top of the screen. In 7.6 functionality was added to support Unmanaged Charges.

PBI 4469: Enhancement - No Show Follow-Ups report - Add "Include Details" checkbox parameter
Added an parameter option for the No Show Follow-Ups report to include showing the report details for each absent episode.

PBI 4512: Enhancement - Patient Absent XX Days to show on Check-in screen
Added an enhancement that displays a system flag on the Check-In screen that shows the number of consecutive absences a patient has prior to getting to the dosing area. A preference under general preferences governs how many consecutive absences are required before the flag appears.

4546: Enhancement -No Show Follow-ups report
Improved the appearance of the No Show Follow-ups report by adding subtotals and grand totals along with the user id of the person entering comments.

PBI 4594: Enhancement - No Show Preview Today Report - Patient Status
The No Show Preview Today report was updated to exclude patients from the report if their status is such that they would not be marked absent when they do not dose. Ex. In Hospital. Note: There is some code table configuration that must take place for this feature to work correctly.

PBI 4615: PBI 4615: Enhancement - Staging procedure changes for Canyon Park
Custom 837P EDI Billing Export functionality has been added for facilities submitting to NorthSound BHO in the state of WA. This functionality only applies when exporting for Billable Services with %NSBHO% entered in the Claim/Srv. Note field on the Billable Services screen.

PBI 4616/4846: Enhancement - Email Enhancements
There are several enhancements that have been made on the Email screen that should help make using it more user friendly. They are:

  1. Select All - This option has been added to screen to allow users to select ALL messages at once. The user can also multi select messages using the check boxes to the left of the message.
  2. Delete Selected - Once messages are selected using one of the methods listed above, multiple messages can be deleted simultaneously with the click of the button.
  3. Email Thread - The message box now shows the entire email thread so that you will be able to see the history of the message without opening several messages.
  4. Search Bar - A search bar has been added to the screen to allow users to search the From, Subject and Sent To cloumns to narrow down the list.
  5. Sent To column added - A "Sent To" column has been added to the grid to allow users to see the recipient list of an email quickly.
  6. Minimize and Multiple Messages - The pop up window that opens when the user clicks new now has the ability to be minimized which means that the message can be started and finished at a later time by restoring the window from the task menu. The feature now also allows the user to compose multiple messages at the same time.

PBI 4716: Enhancement - Service Line by Service report
Claim Date added to the Service Lines by Service report output along with additional filtering options to make it more flexible.

PBI 4727: Enhancement - Undo Batch Payments Grid
Undo Batch Payments screen now includes Entry Date/Time and Entered By columns in the grid

PBI 4738: Enhancement - Intakes and Discharges report to use demographic history
The intakes and discharges report has been enhanced to use patient demographic history to determine intakes and readmits. If the report is generated for a date range where a patient has multiple intake dates or readmit dates, each of the records will be displayed on the report. In the past only the most recent would be displayed.

PBI 4739: Data Export - New Data Source - Claims by Payer
A new data export data source was added that can be used to export the same data as the Claims by Payer report.

PBI 4784: Billable Services - New Service Line Policy - Summary First DoS per Dose Type incl. T/Os
A new Service Line Policy called 'Summary First DoS per Dose Type incl. T/Os' has been added on the Billable Services screen for all Managed Dosing, Conditional, and Linked Billable Services involving multiple Dose Types. When Claims and Service Lines are generated for Billable Services using this new Service Line Policy, Service Line data is rolled-up based on the First Date of Service (DoS) in the DoS date range, generating one service line for each Dose Type involved.

PBI 4809: Enhancement - Dosing Labels to support 5 digit Rx
Dosing labels that display the patient's prescription number have been enhanced so that 5 digit numbers are displayed correctly.

PBI 4835: Enhancement - Dosing Queue Averages report - Show 2 decimal places
The Dosing Queue Averages report has been enhanced to make all of the values for average minutes be displayed with two decimal places for more accuracy.

PBI 4855: Enhancement - Clinic Treatment Summary Report
Corrected an issue with the procedure that retrieves data for the Clinic Treatment Summary report that was causing the report to not run.

PBI 4931: Enhancement - Total Dispensed by Day report - Time Filtering
An enhancement has been made to the Total Dispensed by Day report to add time filtering. The user can now select a start and end time so that now they can see dosing transactions for specific periods of time. If no times are selected the report functions just as it always have.

PBI 5046: New Feature - Multi Site Label / Report Header Functionality
We have added the ability for customers to print labels with a different address header from the label preparation screen. This allows the clinic to share a central database but operate from two or more locations. Netalytics assistance is required for setup.

PBI 5059: Report Enhancement - Batch Payments Summary - Summary section added
The Batch Payments Summary report has been enhanced to include a summary section at the bottom of the report. This summary lists the number of batches, total adjustments/discounts, total transfers and total payments by payment mode.

PBI 5088: Enhancement - Northsound BHO - Data Export Procedure
A new required parameter has been added for the Batch ID.

Bug Fixes - Methasoft 7.6

PBI 4047: Bug Fix - Security for Flag Messages Popup window
Flag Messages: Fixed an issue where a user could delete flags even if they did not have the proper security

PBI 4249: Bug Fix - Patient Profile Import PDF
Fixed a bug in the PDF import of the Patient Profile screen that was causing the Birth Date to not import if a previous import attempt was cancelled.

PBI 4337: Bug Fix - Scheduler Review Events
Fixed a red box error that could come up when searching for events with no status criteria selected.

PBI 4347: Bug Fix - Same Day Exception Doses with splits are not setting the split_dose bit
Fixed an issue that could cause split doses to not be displayed as splits on the Total Dispensed by Day report

PBI 4473: Bug Fix - Void All Signed Restores Cancelled Signatures
Fixed a bug that prevents cancelled digital signatures from re-appearing after all signatures are voided.

PBI 4507: Bug Fix - No Auditing on Payer/Rate Group Delete
Added logging of the Payer/Rate Group DELETE operation.

PBI 4510: Bug Fix - Spaces in passwords cause Decrypt error
Fixed a bug in the Employee Profile screen where re-opening a profile would trigger an error if the password was not saved properly (usually because the password was too long).

PBI 4511: Bug Fix - Prescription Information Report not handling date ranges correctly
Fixed a bug in the Prescription Information report that was causing improperly filtering of results by date range parameters.

PBI 4515: Bug Fix - Default Doctor is Ignored from Site Doctors Version 7432 and higher
Fixed a bug in Site Doctors that was causing the Doctor drop down to not default to the Doctor that is flagged as the default doctor.

PBI 4517: Bug Fix - Blood Alcohol History Security Not Working
Added security to the quick BAT (blood alcohol test) button. Access to this button is now based off Add permissions to the blood alcohol history screen.

PBI 4543: Bug Fix - Label Preparation errors out after Drug Manufacturer Substitution string added
With 7.5 we introduced a bug to the Label Preparation screen for Dosing Labels particularly when the user would add a new feature that would output the drug manufacturer on the dosing labels. This was hotfixed in 7.5 and incorporated into this release.

PBI 4556: Bug Fix - Linked Billable Service Types - Object Reference error
Fixed a bug that would occur when the last grid row of the Linked Billable Service Types screen is deleted.

PBI 4589: Bug Fix - Update Dosing Queue AT WINDOW check to handle in-clinic split dosing on the same day
Additional checks were added to the Patient queue to better block unintentional dosing at more than one window.

PBI 4614: Bug Fix - Multiple Issues with Batch Signing Process
Fixed a bug where when in the batch signing screen and signing a Tx Plan, the new icon for signature management was available to be clicked and caused an error when clicked. Also, on a related matter the button for SNAP note was no longer available in the batch signing screen. In previous versions the button would be available for the user to review the SNAP note before signing the Tx Plan object.

PBI 4631: Bug Fix - Changing Drug Screen Test Results from Acceptable to Unacceptable Does Not Void Charges
Fixed a bug that prevented charges from being voided for a drug screen billable service when the drug screen result changed from acceptable to unacceptable.

PBI 4751: Bug Fix - Blood Alcohol Service Hitting Data Limit
Fixed the issue that users were having with the Breath/Blood Alcohol History screen when they would reach a certain number of records in the grid.

PBI 4790: Bug Fix -Total Dispensed by Day Missing Totals Subreport in 7503
The totals for units and bulk were added back to the Total Dispensed by Day report.

PBI 4803: Bug Fix - Treatment Plan Summary report - Deleted items are displayed
Fixed a bug in the report that caused the report to display deleted treatment plan items.

PBI 4804: Bug Fix - Service Checks report - Exact time overlap not being displayed
Fixed a bug in the report that caused the report to not display the data if the services rendered had a same exact time overlap.

PBI 4805: Bug Fix - Patient List by Modality report - Sort not working correctly
Fixed a bug in the report that caused the report to not sort correctly when the report preference was changed.

PBI 4896: Bug Fix - Billing Export - NDC Code bug for specific configuration
Fixed a bug that caused counseling service lines to be exported with NDC data.

PBI 4911: Bug Fix - Claims Summary Report - Renders incorrectly from View PDF mode
The case fixes a bug that caused the Claims Summary report to render in portrait orientation when viewed using View PDF from the Run Reports screen thus causing wrapping over several pages. The report now renders in landscape mode which is correct.

PBI 4912: Bug Fix - EDI 270/271 File Based Batches - Initial Implementation Issues Fixed
File Based Batch EDI 270/271 functionality was made available in version 7.5. Various issues were found and then fixed in version 7.6.

PBI 4944: 2 Bugs - Missing or Multiple Billable Service More... records excludes Service Lines from 837P Export / Service Lines by Service report duplicate records
Two bugs related to Billable Service More... records have been fixed:

1.) In some scenarios, Billing Export would exclude claims and/or service lines if the associated Billable Service was missing a Billable Service More... record.  Only in previous versions was it possible to create a Billable Service without an associated More... record, so this fix also includes new code to insert missing More... records at the time of upgrade.

2.) In some scenarios, the Service Lines by Service report was displaying duplicate rows for Service Lines associated with Billable Services associated with multiple More... records.

PBI 4960: Bug Fix - Payer/Rate Groups - Phone number not being saved on new or edit
Fixed a bug that was preventing users from adding or editing phone numbers on the Payer/Rate Group screen.

PBI 4961: Bug Fix - Batch Payments Service Lines Mode returns no rows when Subscriber ID Type is missing from the Billing Episode
In previous releases we allowed users to apply batch payments against (Basic - Self Pay) payers. When the batch payments screenn was opened in Service Line mode, no data would be returned because the patient's Subscriber ID code was missing from their billing episode because basic - self pay payers do not require this value. This is now fixed in 7.6.

PBI 4977: Bug Fix - Batch Payment/Adjustment Rules - Cascading broke Save validation
A bug introduced in Version has been fixed. When filtering was implemented for certain fields on the Batch Payments/Adjustment Rules screen, it conflicted with screen validation for some scenarios. The conflicting filtering has been removed.

Release Notes - Methasoft 7.5.0

New Features - Methasoft 7.5

PBI 825: Patient Profile - Import Demographic Information from PDF
User will now have the ability to import patient demographic information directly into the Patient Profile screen from a PDF file provided all of the fields of the PDF are properly named. This will allow the clinic to perform a "Pre Intake" process where the would gather this information prior to acceptance in the program. Once accepted, the demographic information will not have to be input a second time. This new feature also allows the original pdf used to input the profile to be stored in the patient's linked documents automatically after the profile is created.

PBI 3242: New Feature: Linked Billable Services For Dosing
Users now have the ability to create Linked Billable Services for Dosing and/or Dosing (Conditional) billable services. Unlike case notes and treatment plans, these service types can only be configured to be 'Automatic' (which means the charge will be created each time the patient is dosed on the Dose Patient screen), or 'Rule-Based' (in which case the charge amount will be multiplied by either the number of units of medication received ((Charge Per Dose Type Unit), e.g., 1 Tablet = 1 Unit of Service), or the number of units of medication based on the smallest dose amount defined for a dose type received ((Charge Per Dose Type Unit (Smallest Dose Amount = 1 Unit), e.g., 0.5 Tablet = 1 Unit of Service). Billable Services configured to use these Service Types provide the most detailed method for charging patients based on Dose Type(s) received, which translates into the most granular level of service lines possible on claims generated for Third Party Billing.

PBI 3251: New Report - Batch Payments Summary
A new report has been added in the Run Reports menu. Batch Payments Summary gives you batch payment information without the details you would find in the Batch Payments report. It also aggregates each row to show the Adjustments, Payments, and Transfers. Columns widths have been adjusted to proper lengths. Now you can also filter by entered by.

PBI 3263: New Drug Screen Label That Includes Phase
A new 3x1 Drug Screen Label report is available that shows Phase along with Gender and DOB.

PBI 3266: Drug Screen Download PDF Document Subtype
Imported PDFs from drug screen results will now have a sub type of 'Drug Screen Document'. This is not currently user configurable however we can change it behind the scenes if needed.

PBI 3270: New Report: Medication Count Summary
Medication Count Summary is a new report that has been added to the Run Reports menu. This report shows some of the same data as the Med Counts by Patient but is much more compact since it displays one row per patient. It also includes a filter for non-compliant medication counts only.

PBI 3350 - New Report - Counselor Caseload Analysis
A new report has been created that is almost identical to the Counselor Productivity Analysis report. The exception is, instead of looking at all patients a particular counselor may have noted on, or worked on, this report only looks at patients that are part of the counselor's caseload. So this report will look at productivity by that counselor on their own patients only. Both reports have their value, but this report is geared to just the counselor's caseload.

PBI 3359: New Billable Service Type - Unmanaged Single Date of Service
A new billable service service type has been created for Unmanaged - Single Date of Service for customers whose payers require a single date of service for service lines submitted through claims. This feature sets the dates of service start and end date to be the same date as the charge date.

PBI 3364: New screen - Drug Code Mappings / new Drug Code field on Add Bulk Inventory
A new screen called Drug Code Mappings has been added to the Administration menu under the Inventory Setup sub-menu item. This screen allows users to store Drug Code data for each Drug Type - Dose Type combination dispensed, and provides the following features:

  1. Drug Code data (including NDC data) can now be stored for each Drug Type - Dose Type combination for which an Inventory Dispensing Rule has been defined. This can be particularly important for facilities needing to submit NDC data on Service Lines for third party billing Claims.
  2. More than one Drug Code can be associated with the same Drug Type - Dose Type combination (Inventory Dispensing Rule) to accommodate unusual Dose Type / Inventory Dispensing Rule configurations.
  3. A Drug Code Mapping record can be set as the default Drug Code to use on the Add Bulk Inventory screen, so that when shipments are added the Drug Code dropdown field auto-selects the associated default Drug Code.
  4. When a new Bulk Inventory shipment is added, the selected Drug Code is associated with each Bulk bottle added. This association will remain intact even if the associated Drug Code Mapping record is later deleted, because Drug Code Mapping records are only "soft-deleted" (never permanently deleted).

PBI 3390: New Feature - Case Notes Screen: Services Rendered By Drop Down
Many of our customers have the need to be able to enter a 'service' by one person, but the service was provided by a different person. Typically, the person providing the service doesn't enter the information into Methasoft but the billing needs their NPI to bill. So for case notes we have created the new functionality:

  1. Created a new 'Rendering Provider Type' added to Billable Services screen called 'Service Provided by'.
  2. Updated Case Notes screen to include a new 'Drop Down' that is filled with ACTIVE users. By default, it will display the user that is creating the case note.
  3. Added an OTHER SECURITY items named 'Can change Service provider on Case Notes' and 'Can change Service provider on Group Notes'. If the user doesn't have security, then it will disable this box, and they cannot change it.

PBI 3472: New Report - Dispensing Times By Dose
A new report has been added called Dispensing Times By Dose. It is similar to the Dispensing Times report except that it counts the number of doses dispensed instead of the number of patients served. The counts are displayed in 30 minute intervals with a total at the end

PBI 3523: New Report - No Show Follow-Ups
No Show Follow-Ups is a new report that will allow users to review patient absence followups to make sure that counselors are in compliance with their followup calls. There are some terms and prerequisites that need to be understood when using this report.

Episode -
For this report an episode is the minimum number of absent days criteria in the report. For example, if this value is set to 5 and a patient has 5 or more CONSECUTIVE absences; that will be considered 1 episode. If the patient misses 5 days and then returns for 1 day and then misses 5 days again, that will be considered as 2 episodes.

Followup Note Type -
This will be the case note type that the counselor will enter into Methasoft to show that the followed up with the patient. All of the available note types are available to choose from but hopefully customers will create a specific note type (maybe called followup) that will make the report easier to run. Note: In order for the note to counted as a followup, the note date MUST be for one or more of the days that the patient was absent! It cannot be dated on a day that the patient was present at the clinic to count as a followup.

PBI 3525 - Data Import - Document Generator
Users now have the ability to generate a patient import PDF form, with site specific options for use with new patient import functionality.

PBI 3559: Linked Billable Service Types - New 'Conditional' behavior fields / Charge Per Dose Type Unit rule
A enhancement has been mad to the Linked Billable Service Types screen that allows the user to set up charges for linked billable services based on a conditional rule. This functionality only applies to dosing billable services and can generate charges per dose type unit for a specific drug and dose type combination.

PBI 3563: New Report - Scheduled Events Summary by Payer - Completed
A new report has been added that will allow users to view a summary level of scheduled events by payer over a date range. It must be noted that a billable service must exist for the scheduled event type and charges must also exist before the event in counted in the report.

PBI 3594: New Report - Batch Payments Adjustments
Batch Payments Adjustments is a new report that will show adjustments made while processing batch payments adjustments rules. If an adjustment rule is used for a particular code (rejection or adjustment), this report can be run by that adjustment rule to see how many dollars were adjusted off.

PBI 3616: New Feature - Digital Signing - Signature Management
Users with security permissions can now edit, cancel and add digital signatures to object instances through the new signature management dialog, available from all sign-able object screens.

PBI 3620: New Conditional Billable Service Types - Unmanaged (Conditional) - Periodic - Charge per mg and Periodic - Charge per Dosing Visit
The Dosing (Conditional) Billable Service Types screen has been renamed to Conditional Billable Service Types, due to the availability of 2 new Unmanaged (Conditional) Billable Service Types. 'Unmanaged (Conditional)' is now available for selection in the Billable Service field on the Billable Services screen for configuring these services. These service types behave similarly to an 'Unmanaged' - 'Dosing Periodic - Has Window Dose' service, because the system must retroactively charge the patient based on data entered prior to charge generation. Just like any 'Unmanaged' service, 'Unmanaged (Conditional)' services are charged automatically by Nightly Processes based on each's Charge Option configuration. Charges can be deleted and/or generated as needed for these services on the Charge Manager screen.

  1. New Conditional Service Condition - 'Periodic - Charge per mg': Configuring an Unmanaged (Conditional) service to use this type will result in a periodic charge amount equal to the Patient and/or Payer Rate(s) defined multiplied by the total number of mgs received by a patient during the retroactive date range for which the patient is being charged.
  2. New Conditional Service Condition - 'Periodic - Charge per Dosing Visit': Configuring an Unmanaged (Conditional) service to use this type will result in a periodic charge amount equal to the Patient and/or Payer Rate(s) defined multiplied by the total number of Dosing Visits (Encounters / Window Doses received) by a patient during the retroactive date range for which the patient is being charged.

PBI 3625 - Active Directory Integration - Sync Methasoft Password
Active Directory Integration: Added a new preference for syncing a Methasoft users password to their active directory password. When this preference is turned on and a user logs in using active directory, their linked Methasoft user's password will be changed to their active directory password. Please note that if you use this option you will need to manage password complexity and expiration requirements through active directory and NOT Methasoft's built in requirements configuration.

Also we have extended the allowable length of an employees display ID to 20 characters to match the windows login size limit. This was done to allow clients to make their Methasoft UserID match their Active Directory user id.

PBI 3678: Billing Export - Drug Code (NDC/UPN) support per Service Line
Functionality has been added for Billing Export, allowing users to export Drug Code (NDC/UPN/...) data for each service line on generated 837P files.

  1. A new field called 'Export Drug Code / UPN data for Dosing Services' has been added to the Billable Service Additional Information screen accessed by pressing the More... button on the Billable Services screen. By default this setting is set to 'No', in which case no Drug Code data is exported for the selected service.
  2. If records have been entered on the Drug Code Mappings screen, and Drug Codes have been selected on the Add Bulk Inventory screen when Bulk bottle shipments are added, then bulk or unit doses dispensed from those bottles are associated with a Drug Code Mapping record.
  3. The data entered for a Drug Code Mapping record can then be exported for any type of Dosing service, including Dosing, Dosing (Conditional), and Linked Rule-Based services.
  4. The LIN segment is now supported in Loop 2410 of the 837P export file. The data exported comes from the Drug Code Qualifier selection and Drug Code value entered for the Drug Code Mapping record associated with a bulk bottle from which a bulk dose is dispensed or unit dose originated.
  5. The CTP segment is now supported in Loop 2410 of the 837P export file. The data exported comes from the Drug Code Unit Price and/or Drug Code Quantity and/or Drug Code Measure Qualifier data entered for the Drug Code Mapping record associated with a bulk bottle from which a bulk dose is dispensed or unit dose originated.

PBI 3740: New Report - Minimum Counseling Time Missed
Minimum Counseling Time Missed is a new report that allow the user to see a list of patients who did not meet the counseling requirements for a date range and a configurable number of minutes. It also allows the user to filter the report based on an exception that may have allowed them to have lass than the required amount. The report lists the patient, number of total minutes and the exception bit (if applicable). The summary shows the total number of patients within the minutes criteria, the number of patients with no counseling at all, the number of patients out of compliance and the number of patients with waivers.

PBI 3773:New Report - Prior Authorizations - Missing
The new report - Prior Authorizations - missing will show you patients by payer who do not have a Prior Authorization of as a certain date selected by the user. It should be noted that if the user does not select a specific Billable Service type and the patient has at least one valid prior authorization, they WILL NOT show up on the report.

PBI 3850: New Report: CD Register - No Lot Numbers
Added new CD Register - No Lot Numbers report which is just like the CD Register - Lite report used in the UK only with groupings by Lot Number removed.Also removed aggregation of bottle transfers so as to return fewer rows.

PBI 3953: Billing Notes - Nightly Process
A new nightly process was added for a weekly (Early Monday AM) export of the previous weeks charges.

PBI 4064 - Document Management: Azure Storage Option
Because of size constraints on SQL express editions the support staff are constantly having to go in and create new document databases. This process takes up time and resources and can cause frustrating downtime for the customer with regards to their paperless setup.

To help alleviate this pain point we have implemented a new storage option for Methasoft Document Management. Methasoft can now store documents in Microsoft Azure Blob storage (Blob is a technical term meaning raw data of non-predetermined size). When Methasoft is configured to use this storage option new documents are sent over the internet to Microsoft cloud service.

Blob storage is hosted in the Azure cloud and can store a huge amount of raw data, the default is 500 TB and is expandable beyond that. Using the Methasoft Limit of 25Mb per document this yields enough storage for 20,000,000 documents per Storage Account. In order to use this option a customer MUST either be hosted or have a good internet connection.

PBI 4179: New Conditional Billable Service Type - Unmanaged (Conditional) - Periodic - Charge per Total # of Daily Doses per Period
A new Conditional Service Condition has been added to the Conditional Billable Service Types screen.

  1. 'Periodic - Charge per Total # of Daily Doses per Period': Configuring an Unmanaged (Conditional) service to use this type will result in patients being charged a bundled weekly rate depending on the number of daily doses received during the period being charged for. A "daily dose" can be a window dose, takeout dose, or exception dose. Split doses are not counted separately. This functionality allows facilities to charge and bill for different bundled rates which are not based on a fix amount charge for each daily dose. The Min and Max fields are used to define the number of daily doses received during a charge period that will cause an associated billable service to charge a patient. The Min and Max values can be different, in which case the number of daily doses received must fall within the defined Min and Max range in order for a patient to be charged.

PBI 4155: New Web Control - Preference to force Methasoft to use latest version of browserb>
A new preference has been added to the UI preferences that forces Methasoft to use the latest version web browser to open web pages within Methasoft. Screens like Web Links, Methasoft Home Page and others can run the latest technologies when this preference is turned on. Note: The first time the Methasoft client is run after setting this preference, it should be Run As Administrator".

Enhancements - Methasoft 7.5

PBI 2619: Enhancement - Nightly Process - Make Database Integrity Check Compatible with SQL 2012
An enhancement was done in this release to make the database integrity check (dbcc) compatible with SQL Server 2012 which is our base relational database platform

PBI 2768: Enhancement - New Form Document Filter
Document Sub Type filtering has been added to the Fill In Form screen to make it easier for users to find the forms they are filling in.

PBI 3262: Enhancement - Add 'Counselor' parameter to the Billing Episode Expiring Report
The Billing Episodes Expiring report has a new column added, "Counselor Name". In addition you can also filter by counselor using the new "Counselor ID" drop down in the report criteria

PBI 3267: Enhancement - Treatment Plan Summary Report / Primary Diagnostic Code
The Treatment Plan Summary report has been updated to use the Primary Diagnostic Code from the Patient Profile More screen similar to the way that the Treatment Plan report does.

PBI 3271: Enhancement - Add Other ID to Patient List History by Payer Report
The patient Other ID column has been added to the Patient History List by Payer report.

PBI 3316: Data Export - Custom Procedure
Developed a custom procedure that allowed the client to extract and export data from pre-defined PDF files.

PBI 3389: Enhancement - Adjustment Rules screen
An enhancement has been made to the Adjustment Rules screen so that instead of displaying all billable services only the ones that are applicable to the payer selected will be displayed in the drop down list.

PBI 3399: Enhancement - Add Prescription Info and Referral Tracking to Patient Chart
Added functionality to the patient chart screen that allows Prescription Information and Referral Tracking on the chart along with the ability to export the data to a PDF or zip file

PBI 3443: Report Enhancement - Split/Exception Counts Total Dispensed By Day
The Total Dispensed By Day report has been enhanced to include a count of split doses and exception doses for the date range selected in the report criteria.

PBI 3464: Enhancement - Add Phone Number to Now Show Preview Today By Counselor
Added a phone column to the No Show Preview By Counselor report.

PBI 3491: Enhancement - Linked Billable service Types
This screen has been enhanced from 7.4 to now include the ability to create linked billable service types for Scheduled Events.

PBI 3587- Enhancement - New Lookup Fields added
Two new lookup fields have been added to Methasoft allowing users to automatically import data into assessments and PDF forms. The client data fields and associated lookup values are:

  1. First Name ----- txtFirstName
  2. Last Name ----- txtLastName

PBI 3588: Charge Manager - Ability to Choose Payer or Payer Category
The Charge Manager screen has been enhanced to allow users to choose between Payer or Payer Category when viewing existing charges or generating new charges view this screen. Setup to use this new feature would require the payer categories to be set up in the code tables and then updating the payer rate group entry.
In addition, a UnSelect All button has been added to the screen for ease of selection/un-selection

PBI 3589: Claims Generator - Ability to Choose Payer or Payer Category
The Claims Generator screen has been enhanced to allow users to choose between Payer or Payer Category when viewing existing claims or generating new claimss view this screen. Setup to use this new feature would require the payer categories to be set up in the code tables and then updating the payer rate group entry.
In addition, a UnSelect All button has been added to the screen for ease of selection/un-selection

PBI 3591: Enhancement - Service Lines By Service Data Export
Service Lines By Service has been added as an available data export data source. The new data source provides the same data as the service lines by service report.

PBI 3593: Enhancement - Services Rendered Data Export
"Services Rendered" has been added as an available data export data source. This data source provides the same data as the services rendered report.

PBI 3618: Dosing (Conditional) Billable Service Types - Conditionally Charge based on Primary Drug / Dose Type, including optional Min-Max mg ranges
Significant enhancements have been added to the Billing module for charging conditionally for Dosing services rendered, based on each patient's Primary Drug / Dose Type combination, including the optional ability to charge based on the amount of medication dispensed. Below are highlights of this new functionality:

  1. A new screen called Conditional Billable Service Types is now accessible from the Accounting - Third Party Billing (Advanced) sub-menu, or the ellipsis button (...) on the Billable Services screen if 'Dosing (Conditional)' is selected in the Billable Service field. This screen allows users to define Service Types that will be available for selection on the Billable Services screen when a 'Dosing (Conditional)' Billable Service is being created.
  2. A Dosing (Conditional) Billable Service Type is associated with a specific Primary Drug / Dose Type combination and Conditional Service Condition (Dosing-Both, Dosing-T/O Only, or Dosing-Window Only).
  3. Optionally, a Dosing (Conditional) Billable Service Type can be configured to cover a Dosage Amount Min and Max mg range, so that patients receiving the configured Primary Drug / Dose Type combination are charged conditionally according to each's total Daily Dosage amount received.
  4. Multiple Dosing (Conditional) Billable Services can be defined for a single Payer/Rate Group, allowing users to conditionally charge different rates, and submit claims using different Billable Service data (e.g., Procedure Code) as defined for each Billable Service.
  5. This functionality can significantly reduce the number of Payer/Rate Groups that need to be configured, depending on each facility's Billing needs, for either Self-Pay or Third Party Billing.
  6. The use of Dosing (Conditional) services does not preclude using existing Dosing Billable Services (non-conditional) associated with the same Payer/Rate group, to accommodate unusual scenarios, for example, as a "fallback" rate to charge for Dosing when no conditions are met by the patient receiving medication.
  7. Dosing (Conditional) Billable Services are Linkable, allowing for Linked Billable Services to be charged at the time a Dosing (Conditional) charge is generated, including Linked Rule-Based services (Charge Per Dose Type Unit / Charge Per Dose Type Unit (Smallest Dose Amount = 1 Unit).

PBI 3623: Enhancement - Dosing History Includes Absent Records
The Dosing History screen has been enhanced to display the patient's absent records along with dosing records. The absent records will display in a red font so that the user will be able to identify them quickly.

PBI 3624: Case Notes Billable Units reports - Added Note Type filter
A Note Type filter has been added to all of the Case Notes Billable Units reports to allow users to generate the report for a specific note type if they choose. The reports affected are:

  1. Case Notes Billable Units By Author
  2. Case Notes Billable Units By Date
  3. Case Notes Billable Units By Payer
  4. Case Note Billable Units Summary By Payer
  5. Case Notes Billable Units By Counselor
  6. Case Notes Billable Units By Service Provider
  7. Case Notes Billable Units By Patient

PBI 3634: Enhancement - Missing Billing Episode Warning Message
If the preference "Generate Stop Dose Flag If Missing Billing Episode" is set to false for Pharmacy System Flags and Accounting System flags, the system will produce a WARNING flag for display rather than a STOP flag.

PBI 3717: Enhancement - Allow use of 1x5 Non-LCD signature pad for dosing
The dose patient screen has been improved to allow the use of the smaller 1x5 non LCD signature pads. The patient will not be able to see their signature but the dispensing staff will be able to acknowledge signatures

PBI 3760: Enhancement - Widen the report title column of the reports screen
The Report Title column of the Run Reports screen has been widened to accommodate some of the longer report names.

PBI 3772: Enhancement - Dosing Queue - Tighter Checks At Dosing Window
Dosing screen functionality has been improved so that it allows Methasoft to warn users if the dosing queue shows that the patient is at a different workstation. This new feature is preference driven and can be found in the administrative menu under pharmacy dosing setup #2

PBI 3830: Enhancement: Drug Screen Downloads - Properly handling HL7 Format in Nightly Process
Add a new method to import drug screen import files that does not involve parsing text files which could cause issues.

PBI 3865: 'Netalytics System Error' dialog (white/grey) changed to 'Netalytics System Message'
The title of the 'Netalytics System Error' dialog popup message box that is not red/pink has been renamed as 'Netalytics System Message'. This change was implemented because when this message box appears, it is not presenting a system error, but instead information to users to prevent errors. This change also creates a clear differentiation between messages and actual Netalytics System Errors, which when encountered, appear on a red/pink popup dialog.

PBI 3870: Billable Services - Integrate ellipsis (...) button with Case Note Templates and Scheduler - Preferences screens
The ellipsis (...) button adjacent to the Service Type field on the Billable Services screen has been integrated with the Case Note Templates and Scheduler - Preferences screens. If 'Counseling' is selected in the Billable Service field, and the ellipsis (...) button is pressed, it will launch the Case Note Templates screen where a Billable Case Note Type can be added, edited or deleted. If 'Scheduled Events' is selected in the Billable Service field, the Scheduler - Preferences window will appear where a new Billable Scheduled Event can be added, edited or deleted. New Billable Case Note Types or Billable Scheduled Events created will be available for selection in the Service Type field as soon as either popup window is closed.

PBI 3891: Enhancement - Patient Activity History Report
Performance of the Patient Activity History fixed so that now the report renders in seconds rather than minutes.

PBI 3955:Enhancement: Blood Alcohol Level - Support For 3 Digits
Blood Alchohol History and Quick BAC forms now allow you to enter a result value up to .999

PBI 3958: Enhancement - Diagnosis Code Added to Patient List Report
The diagnosis code has been added as a new column in the Patient List report.

PBI 3961: Enhancement - Default Drug Screen Group - Patient Profile
A new preference has been added to GeneralPreferences/General Setup #2/ Default Drug Screen Group for New Patients. When this preference is set, new patients will default to the Drug Screen Group that is set in the preference.

PBI 3992: New Data Export Data Source - Dosing History Detail
A new data export has been added. Dosing History Detail. The original data export has been renamed to Dosing History Summary.

PBI 3952: Billing Eligibility - Save To File and Batch 271 Features
The Billing Eligibility screen has been enhanced to now allow the user to create a batch 270 eligibility file for one or more patients that can be uploaded to the clearing house. The screen also allows for the user to load or read in a 271 response file which will update the eligibility status.

PBI 3952: Billing Eligibility - Save To File and Batch 271 Features
The Billing Eligibility screen has been enhanced to now allow the user to create a batch 270 eligibility file for one or more patients that can be uploaded to the clearing house. The screen also allows for the user to load or read in a 271 response file which will update the eligibility status.

PBI 4096: Enhancement - Reports: Address Direct Print Slowness for Labels and Reports on Hosted Servers
There has been a new preference added (Print Reports as PDF to improve performance). When this is turned on direct print throughout the system will render reports and labels to PDF before printing as our testing has shown that is is much faster than the old print method. Four new buttons are available on Report screen 'View PDF', 'Print PDF', 'Save PDF' and 'Save Excel'.

PBI 4123: Enhancement - Absent Patient Nightly Process Now Looks at Patient Status
Added a new preference under General - General Setup to let the absent patient nightly process look at the patient status type when determining whether or not to enter an absent record if the patient hasn't dosed on a given day. If the status is one by which a patient should not be marked as absent, then no record will be created when the nightly process runs.

PBI 4219: Enhancement - Accounting Menu - Item and Sub-menu Item Cleanup and Adjustment Rules menu item name change
Grouping of Sub-menu items on the Third Party Billing and Third Party Billing (Advanced) menus has been enhanced based on functional context. The Adjustment Rules menu item has been renamed as 'Batch Payment/Adjustment Rules' for clarity.

PBI 4270: Enhancement - Document Setup - Type / Subtype / Expiration Rules dialog - Field wording clarification
On the Document Setup screen, pressing Add or New launches the Type or Subtype dialog popup windows for configuring Types and Subtypes, including configuring document Expiration settings. Two fields have been re-worded to more clearly indicate that the 'Days Prior to Exp...' value must be greater than 0 in order for the 'Expiring Soon' Expiration Status filter to work properly on the Document Manager screen.

PBI 4278: Enhancement - Linked Billable Service Types linked to Drug Screen parent services - Change Nightly Process code to also charge for User-Selected - Default Linked Billable Services
Previously in version, only Automatic Linked Billable Services were charged for when Nightly Processes automatically download and insert Drug Screen Result Records. Now, in addition to this, User-Selected Linked Billable Services are also charged for, but only if the Selected by Default on Charge for Linked Billable Service(s) checkbox is checked for the associated Linked Billable Service Type.

PBI 4290: Dosage Level Summary by Phase/Gender - Slow performance or times out
The performance of the Dosage Level Summary by Phase/Gender report has been significantly improved, for faster rendering and avoiding timeout errors in some scenarios.

PBI 4306: Aging Claims (Advanced) Report - Performance enhancements
The performance of the Aging Claims (Advanced) report has been significantly improved for faster rendering, and to prevent the report from timing out in some scenarios.

PBI 4357: Enhancement - Dosing Exceptions - Change wording of the 'Charge Patient for Dose(s)' checkbox
The wording next to the charges checkbox on the dosing exceptions screen has been changed to 'Charge for Dose(s) (when applicable)'. Because we have customers who do bill dosing to third party payers, many were confused thinking that it would charge the third party but not the patient when the box was unchecked when it actually would not charge either if unchecked. We removed the word 'Patient' to eliminate this confusion.

PBI 4389: Enhancement - Prior Authorization report - Enhanced Performance
The performance of the Prior Authorization report has been significantly improved. This enhancement greatly minimizes the probability of encountering a timeout error when running this report on larger databases.

PBI 4412: Enhancement - Missing or Invalid Charges Dialog on Claims Generator and Charge Manager
A new button has been added to Claims Generator and Charge Manager that will show all the charges that are either missing or invalid. It will display Billable Service and Date Range in a Searchable text box. This taps into the "Warn Only" functionality that was added for Billing Episode auto regeneration. It uses the criteria on the Service Criteria panel.

Bug Fixes - Methasoft 7.5

PBI 2238: Bug Fix - Claims Generation Issue - Per Transaction
Fixed a bug in claims generator that wold cause a "red box" error when generating claims for a billable service whose service line policy was Per Transaction and whose rendering provider type was Entered By

PBI 2935: Bug Fix - Audit report - new Program Area called 'Claims'
A new Program Area has been added for the Audit report called 'Claims'. This Program Area audits batch activity performed on the Claims Generator screen, by capturing the criteria selected as well as the type of operation performed.

PBI 3259: Bug Fix - Patient List without Case Note Report - Counselor Filter not working
Fixed a bug where the report ignored the Counselor filter and returned all data

PBI 3260: BugFix - Security Screen Sorting Affects Save
Users can no longer sort the grid by any of the 'Permission' columns, you can however still sort by Name.

PBI 3268: Bug Fix - Patient Census report counting patients Guest Dosing away as absent
Fixed an issue with the Patient Census report where it was counting outbound guest dosing patients as absent on the report.

PBI 3460: Bug Fix - Patient List with Important Information
The Patient List with Important Information was ignoring the include_inactive flag. That is now fixed so if you check include inactive the report will show both inactive and active patients.

PBI 3468: Bug Fix - Group Note Security
Fixed a security bug with group notes where users who did not have access to a specific group note type were still able to save notes.

PBI 3522 - Bug Fix - Exception Doses: Total Dispensed By Day Breakdown Report
Fixed a bug in the Total Dispensed By Day Breakdown report where it only displayed exception doses for Vomit/Intake. The report now shows all exception doses.

PBI 3671: Bug Fix - Aging Claims Report Does Not Look at 90th Day
Fixed a bug in the report that caused it not to display claims if they were exactly 90 days old.

PBI 3693: Bug Fix - Diagnosis Codes audit data - Incorrect format
An issue has been fixed that was causing the Audit report to error out when run following certain operations on the Diagnosis Codes screen. This issue would also sporadically cause the Audit Log Lookup Nightly Process to fail.

PBI 3700: Bug Fix - Claims for Billing report - excluding service lines of edited Rendering Providers
An issue has been fixed that was causing the the Claims for Billing report to erroneously exclude service lines for Rendering Provider records edited after the service lines/claims were generated.

PBI 3734: Bug Fix - Duplicate records Accounts Receivable report
Fixed a bug with the Accounts Receivable report where data would be duplicated if the patient had multiple billing episodes.

PBI 3770: Bug Fix - Patient Balance Journal report
Fixed a bug in the Patient Balance Journal report where the debit and credit labels would appear incorrectly on the report totals.

PBI 3771: Bug Fix - Caseload Performance Report
Fixed a bug in the report that caused the monthly required counseling units column to not match the numbers from the monthly requirements report.

PBI 3875: Printing Drug Screen Labels from Dosing/Payment Cuts Off Text
Fixed a minor issue with the drug screen label message not showing preference label message when printing from dosing and payments screen. Also re-formatted the test date to not include the time on the label.

PBI 3922: Bug Fix - Claims for Billing - Service Dates Includes Time
Fixed bug so that now the Claims For Billing report suppresses the time portion of the Service From and Service To dates.

PBI 3954: Bug Fix - Counselor Patient Caseload Summary Report - Missing Fields
Fixed a bug in the report that was causing fields to be missing from the report when the History date Parameter was filled in.

PBI 3960: Bug Fix - Inventory Reconciles report - Validated User Not Showing Correctly
Fixed the Validated User field in the Inventory Reconciles report.

PBI 3986: Bug Fix - Flag Patient Delete Button Caption
Fixed a bug that was preventing the button caption from changing from delete to Undelete on the Flag patient screen depending on the status of the selected row in the grid.

PBI 4010: Bug Fix - Data Export Blanks Spaces Being Removed
Fixed a bug where the data export system was incorrectly removing spaces from text when saving a default parameter value.

PBI 4053: Bug - Billable Services - Proper handling of Selection of a Group Row
In 7.4 when you click on a group row, some buttons are active that should not be (like edit). Since there is no actionable data on a group row most buttons should be disabled in this state.

PBI 4072: Bug Fix - Daily Activities Screen-Patient Profile
Fixed a bug on the Daily Activities screen where an old version of the Patient Profile screen would be opened if the user double clicked a patient from the grid.

PBI 4088: Bug Fix - Service Line Edit Causes 837 Upload Rejection
Fixed a bug that caused the 837 upload to be rejected when the claim service lines are edited prior to uploading. The diagnosis pointers for diagnosis codes 2, 3 and 4 would be set to 0 even though diagnosis code field is blank.

PBI 4122: Bug Fix - Unable to use Returned Early Exception if Takeout Days is locked
Dose Patient: Fixed an issue with returned early exceptions that could cause an error when the Lock Takeouts preference is turned on.

PBI 4211: Bug Fix - Dose Patient - Red Netalytics System Error when retrieving a patient with an invalid Unmanaged - Periodic Billable Service Override record
If a patient has a Billable Service Override record for an Unmanaged - Periodic Weekly or Monthly billable service, and either Charge On or Monthly Charge Day data is missing, when the patient is retrieved on the Dose Patient screen it could cause a red Netalytics System Error. This issue has been fixed.

PBI 4234: Bug Fix - Incorrect Entered By on Service Lines and Claims Deletions
It was found and corrected that Delete on Service Lines and Claims did not set the Entered By field properly (it defaults to System). In addition to Service Lines and Claims, the same was true for Adjustment Rules. Both issues have been corrected.

PBI 4242: Bug Fix - Payment Information Patient Charges Dosing report - Payer Category filter doesn't work
Previously selecting a Payer Category did not filter the Payment Information Patient Charges Dosing report accordingly. This issue has been fixed.

PBI 4373: Payment Receipt report - Now disabled/hidden because it is broken
An issue with the Payment Receipt report is in the process of being fixed. Until then, it is been disabled and no longer appears on the Run Reports or Report Preferences screens.

PBI 4378: Bug Fix - Record of Supply / Administration report - Subquery returns more than one value error
Previously, depending on a facility's data, this report would not run successfully and would raise a 'Subquery returns more than one value' error. This bug is now fixed.

Release Notes - Methasoft 7.4.3

New Features - Methasoft 7.4

PBI 1919: Digital Signing - Include User Credentials as part of the Signature Line
A new code table has been created user credential types. These credentials can then be added to user profiles so that they appear on the signature lines for objects signed.

PBI 2458: New Report - Length of Stay
A new report that can be run over a date range that will show overall retention rates for any patients that were admitted during the date range. It groups the patient's length of stay into a variety of buckets (day ranges) to give an overall view of how the clinic is doing with their retention of new patients.

PBI 2622: New Screen - Linked Billable Service Types
This screen is used to set up Service Types that will be available for selection on the Billable Services screen when Linking a child Billable Service to a parent Billable Service. It can be launched from the Accounting Menu - Linked Billable Service Types menu item, or by using the new ellipsis (...) button next to the Service Type field when in 'Link' mode on the Billable Services screen.

  1. Each Linked Billable Service Type is associated with a Parent Service Type for filtering the Service Type field on the Billable Services screen when in 'Link' mode.
  2. Currently Linked Billable Service Types can only be defined for Drug Screen Result and Case Note Billable Services.
  3. 'Automatic' Linked Billable Services are charged automatically at the time a Drug Screen Result or Case Note is saved.
  4. 'User-Selected' Linked Billable Services are charged based on the selections made by users on the Charge for Linked Billable Service(s)? popup window when a Drug Screen Result or Case Note record is saved.
  5. If checked, the 'Selected by Default...' Additional User-Selected Option will cause the Linked Billable Service Type to be automatically selected on the Charge for Linked Billable Service(s)? popup window.
  6. If checked, the 'Selection is Locked...' Additional User-Selected Option will cause the Linked Billable Service Type to appear in the 'Locked Service(s) Requiring Security Access to Select' list box on the Charge for Linked Billable Service(s)? popup window, which is only enabled for users who have (Object Type - 'Other') security access.
  7. Only 'Automatic' Linked Billable Services are charged when Drug Screen Results are downloaded by Nightly Processes, or when Group Notes are entered on the Group Notes screen.

PBI 2671: Security: Administrators can now secure inventory reconciliation types
Added security fucntionality that allows access to specific inventory reconciliation types to be given at the user or group level.

PBI 2672: Security: Administrators can now secure order types
Added security fucntionality that allows access to specific order types to be given at the user or group level.

PBI 2762: CCD Document Creation
As part of an ongoing effort to improve our connectivity and continuity of care with other systems, we are now able to create the CCD (Continuity of Care Document). This document is based off of HL7 V3 (XML) which includes the following information:

  1. Demographic information.
  2. Medication and Dosing Schedule information
  3. Privacy Markings section

PBI 2777: Digital Signing for the Assessment Narrative Report
Added a new subreport that displays the signatures captured for an assessment on the assessment narrative report.

PBI 2739: Billing Export - Claim/Service Line Note and Units of Service Enhancement based on Split Inventory Breakdown and Quantity of Tablets
If the substitution variable %MedDetail% is entered in the Claim/Service Line Note field on either the Billable Services and/or Billable Service Override screens, the resulting data on generated 837P export files will be automatically populated differently in the following ways: The NTE02 (Additional Note) data element in Loop 2300 and/or Loop 2400 of the 837P file will display a text string displaying a patient's full Split Inventory Breakdown for each dosing visit, including the total quantity of each dose type received, as well as the total number of takehome doses received. The SV101-4 (Units of Service) data element in Loop 2400 will display the total number of tablets for all dose types received for each dosing visit. This functionality was implemented for specific Payers who require this information for Procedure Code H0047, which is often used for Suboxone, Subutex, and/or Buprenorphine billing. This functionality only works if the Service Line Policy of the Billable Service is set to 'Per Transaction' or 'Per Charge' for Dosing services.

PBI 2996 and 2550: New Feature: Linked Billable Services for Case Notes and Drug Screen Tests
Users now have the ability to create Linked Billable Services for Case Notes and Drug Screen Tests. There is a new screen: Linked Billable Service Types that allows the user to create "Linked Service Types" and link them to existing (Parent) Case Note and Drug Screen Service Types. Linked Service Types can have the following behavior/features:

  1. Automatic - The linked charge is created automatically when the parent charge is created.
  2. User Selected - At the time that the Case Note or Drug Screen is added to Methasoft, the User is presented with a dialog where they can select services to be added. For User Selected, there are additional options:
    • Selected by default - This applies to the dialog mentioned above.
    • Selection is locked - There is an new Other Security item for this. Locked selections can be overridden if the user has this security.

The Billable Service Screen now supports Linked Billable Services with the following additions:

  1. A Link button - When the user selects a parent service that has a linked service defined, the Link button will be enabled. Pressing this button will start the process to define a linked service.
  2. Grouping - The Billable Service screen now has groupings based on the parent billable service, containing the children.
  3. Clone - Support for cloning an entire linked group.

Linked Billable Service charges are maintained by all screens where regular charges are supported. These include:

  1. The Case Notes and Drug Screen Results screen.
  2. Charge Manager
  3. Billing Episodes - for automatic regeneration
  4. Billable Service Overrides - for automatic regeneration

PBI 3076: New Screen - Drug Screen Rules Setup / New Acceptable vs Unacceptable Drug Screen Result functionality with Prescription integration / 3 New related Preferences
A new screen called Drug Screen Rules Setup is available on the Administration menu, for mapping Dosing and/or Prescription drug types to Acceptable Drug Screen Result panel drug types.

  1. The 'Dosing/Rx Drug Type' dropdown field on the Drug Screen Rules Setup screen is populated by all Drug Types checked as 'Dispense Drug on Dose Patient' and/or 'Track Drug with Prescriptions' on the Drug Types screen.
  2. The 'Drug Screen Drug Type' dropdown field on the Drug Screen Rules Setup screen is populated by all drug types appearing in the Drug Screen Results listbox on the Drug Screen Results screen.
  3. Determining whether or not a patient's Drug Screen Result is Acceptable is now driven by the rules configured at your facility, based on a Drug Screen Result's 'Test Date'. If a result's 'Test Date' falls within the effective date range of a Prescription (based on End Date by default), or if the patient was dispensed a drug type for a Take On Date that matches the 'Test Date' of a result, the result will be deemed Acceptable if all mapped 'Drug Screen Drug Types' are positive on the result.
  4. Red, Green and blank (grey hyphen) icons have been added to the Drug Screen Results grids on the Drug Screen Results and Orders screens, as well as the Drug Screen Results tab on the Daily Activities screen. Because past records are not being migrated, all past records will display the blank (grey hyphen). All entered results going forward will display a Green icon for Acceptable or Red icon for Unacceptable. If past results are edited, the blank (grey hyphen) icon will change according to the Drug Screen Rules mapped, unless the 3 new preferences described below are not turned Off. If no Drug Screen Rules are defined, the Acceptable status of a drug screen result will function as it did prior to the introduction of mapping rules and this new functionality.
  5. New Preference: General Preferences - Drug Screens: 'Display DS Result Acc/UnAcceptable Grid Icons' - This preference is turned On by default. If this preference is turned Off, only the blank (grey hyphen) icon will appear on the 3 Drug Screen Result grids described above. The new functionality will continue to store off the new data, but no Green or Red icons will be displayed.
  6. New Preference: General Preferences - Drug Screens: 'Use Prescription integration with DS Results' - This preference is turned On by default. If this preference is turned Off, Prescription records entered on the Prescription Information screen will not be considered when evaluating entered Drug Screen Results. Mapped dispensed Drug Types will continue to be used to evaluate a result.
  7. New Preference: General Preferences - Drug Screens: 'Use Rx End Date (instead of Exp. Date) for DS Result evaluation' - This preference is turned On by default. If this preference is turned Off, the 'Expiration Date' of a Prescription will be used instead of the 'End Date' to determine a Prescription's effective date range.
  8. Results automatically downloaded by Nightly Processes will be evaluated by this new functionality automatically.

PBI 3098: Data Export - Initial Data Sources For Production
Users can now extract data from curated data sources with the ability to dynamically sort and filter results and export to Excel or delimited files. With integrated security, user defined sources can be made available to groups or users. In this release we include the following data sources by default:

  1. Dosing Information
  2. Drug Screen Results
  3. Lighthouse Export
  4. Patient Information

PBI 3135: New Report: Clinic Daily Census by Payer
Report to show a daily census, broken out by Payer, for a particular date range, and an 'average census' over that date range.

PBI 3136: New Report: Clinic Daily Summary
New report: Report that summarizes clinic information for a particular DAY IN TIME. The various sub-reports include:

  1. Active Census by Payer
  2. No Shows by Payer
  3. Admission
  4. Discharges by Reason
  5. Patient Payments by Payment Method
  6. Third Party Payments by Payer
  7. Services Rendered by Payer Category- Should match up with Services Rendered Report for each category
  8. Billable Services Rendered by Payer Category - Should match up with Services Rendered Report for each Payer Category

PBI 3137: New Report: Services Rendered For Export
New report showing all Services Rendered for a particular date range. Services included:

  1. Assessments Completed
  2. Documents Created
  3. Dosing
  4. Drug Screens
  5. Group Counseling
  6. Individual Counseling
  7. Scheduled Events Completed

PBI 3145: New Nightly Process: Zirmed Batch Eligibility Check
Zirmed offers a way of uploading a batch eligibility check in a particular flat file format. This nightly process generates a file once a week for all 'payers' that have claims generated. If the payer doesn't have any claims generated, then none of those patients with that payer will be included in the file.

PBI 3152: New Nightly Process: Doses Today for Export
'Doses Today' export to be used to import records into the NEXTGEN product. This uses the ExportFlatFiles Nightly Process.

PBI 3019: SystmOne Integration - UK Customers Only
United Kingdom customers now have the ability to integrate Methasoft with SystmOne clinical software. This feature is available to UK customers only.

Enhancements - Methasoft 7.4

PBI 1973: Enhancement - Patient Chart - Treatment Plan Viewing
Users now have the ability to add treatment plans to the patient chart and export them as part of the entire patient chart export. Please note that due to size constraints this works best under resolutions of 1280x1024 or higher.

PBI 2465: Enhancement - Referral Tracking: Ability to track Outgoing and Inbound Referrals - New 'Direction' criteria filter for Referral History and Referral Summary reports
The Make Referral screen launched from the Counseling menu has been renamed to 'Referral Tracking'. This screen has a new field called 'Referral Direction', allowing Inbound referrals from other Agencies to be tracked in Methasoft. A new criteria filter called 'Direction:' has been added for the Referral History and Referral Summary reports on the Run Reports screen, allowing users to filter data based on the Referral Direction of each referral. All existing referral records at the time of upgrade to this version of Methasoft are automatically set to 'Outgoing', because previous versions have never supported 'Inbound' referral tracking.

PBI 2493: Health Screen - Hepatitis C Results report - 3 New Criteria filters added
The Health Screen - Hepatitis C Results report has been enhanced by the addition of 3 new Criteria filters as described below:

  1. 'Intake From' - this will filter the report to only include results for patients with an Intake date on or after the date entered.
  2. 'Intake To' - this will filter the report to only include results for patients with an Intake date on or before the date entered.
  3. 'Include Missing' - if this filter is checked, patients missing results with a Test Date between the To Date and From Date entered will be included on the report. If this filter is unchecked, missing results will be excluded from the report.

PBI 2494: Health Screen - TB Results report - New Criteria filter added
The Health Screen - Hepatitis C Results report has been enhanced by the addition of a new Criteria filter 'Include Missing'. If this filter is checked, patients missing results with a Test Date between the To Date and From Date entered will be included on the report. If this filter is unchecked, missing results will be excluded from the report.

PBI 2602: Report: New Parameter - Monthly Requirements
A new report criteria has been added - 'Missing Only'. When checked it will filter out the report to ONLY show people still missing requirements

PBI 2602: Report: New Parameter - Charged vs. Claimed
A new report criteria has been added - 'Only Include Differences'. The desired result of this parameter would be that report returns no data meaning that claimed everything that has been charged.

PBI 2658: Enhancement - Billing Export: Change Default Date Range values to use First and Last Day of Previous Month
he Billing Export From and To Date date range has been changed so that when the Billing Export window is opened, the default From Date will auto-populate with the first day of the month prior to the current month. The default To Date will auto-populate with the last day of the month prior to the current month.

PBI 2764: Enhancement - Invalid Billing Data Export Report
Two new sections have been added to the Invalid Billing Data Export report. They are:

  1. Duplicate Subscriber ID - The section displays patients who have the same Subscriber ID based on Payer and Subscriber Type of the patient's billing episode. While this can be a valid result in some cases, it usually indicates that billing episodes may need to be updated.
  2. Invalid Benefits Assignment Indicator - This section displays a list of patients that do not have their Benefits Assignment Indicator set to 'Yes - Yes(5010)' in their billing episode. This also indicates that the billing episode may need to be updated.

PBI 2765: Enhancement - Discharge Patient - Discharge Date behavior
Discharge date now defaults to current date and locks form if user does not have other security item 'Can backdate discharge date when discharging patient'

PBI 2767: Enhancement - Service Checks Report
A new sub report has been added to Service Checks report. If you enter a number in the Min Note Size box the Note Character Count Less than sub report will show the results (as long as you have at least one note that is less than what you are filtering for.)

PBI 2779: Enhancement - Billing Weekly Summary Report
A new column for patient's Phase has been added to the Billing Weekly Summary report.

PBI 2845: Patient Profile: Added Primary Cell Phone and Primary Email address to the patient profile more screen
Fields have been added to the Patient Profile More screen for Primary Cell Phone and Primary E-Mail Address.

PBI 2890 - Enhancement - New Lookup Fields added
Several new lookup fields have been added to Methasoft allowing users to automatically import data into assessments and PDF forms. The data field and its associated lookup value is:

  1. Primary Subscriber ID ----- txtSubscriberIdPrimary
  2. Secondary Subscriber ID ----- txtSubscriberIdSecondary
  3. Tertiary Subscriber ID ----- txtSubscriberIdTertiary
  4. Primary Payer ID ----- txtPayerIdPrimary
  5. Secondary Payer ID ----- txtPayerIdSecondary
  6. Tertiary Payer ID ----- txtPayerIdTertiary
  7. Current Primary Payer Name ----- txtPrimaryPayerName
  8. NPI Number ----- txtNPINumber

PBI 2900: DEA Summary reports - Add Drug Type back to the Overall Summary sub-reports
The Drug Type field has been added back to the 'Overall Inventory Summary' sections of the DEA Summary and DEA Summary With Reconciles reports.

PBI 3025: Billing Episodes - Validation Message Enhancement on Save and Delete
When Saving or Deleting a Billing Episode that affects charges associated with service lines, a new validation message will appear with more detailed information including options for how to proceed.

PBI 3123 - New Logo Integration
New Methasoft branding has been released and applied to application icons and user interface elements.

Bug Fixes - Methasoft 7.4

PBI 2165: Diagnosis Codes - Validation bug prevented Editing a row
In a previous version, if you tried to Edit a Diagnosis Code, a validation bug would erroneously prevent users from saving the modification. This has been fixed in 7.4.

PBI 2235: Bug Fix - Prior Authorizations report, including bugs related to Secondary Billing Episodes
The following bugs have been fixed for the Prior Authorizations report:

  1. Previously if the 'Expiring (70%/30 Days)' criteria field was checked, 79% was being used instead of 70% when calculating the number of authorized units charged.
  2. Previously if the 'Expiring (70%/30 Days)' criteria field was checked, 29 Days was being used instead of 30 when calculating the number of days until an authorization expires.
  3. Previously in some scenarios where Secondary and/or Tertiary Payers are being used on the Billing Episodes screen, this report could return duplicate or triplicate rows and/or display two or three times the number of 'Actual Units'.

PBI 2473: Dashboard: Fixed an issue causing grid lines to render incorrectly on the screen
When we went to Framework 4.6, on Assessments we found that 'grid lines' started showing up on 'list' objects. It was also noticed in the Corporate Dashboard and Perspective Portlet. This has been fixed in 7.4.

PBI 2516: Bug Fix - Undo Batch Payments - Multiple grid rows for the same Batch ID
Prior to the 7.4 release the Undo Batch Payments Screen in a very specific scenario would display the same Batch Id on multiple rows. The specific scenario was with batches that contained payments against multiple payers. In all cases the Undo Operation still performed properly, it was just a display problem. This has been fixed in 7.4.

PBI 2669: Bug Fix - Internal ID displaying in Case Notes Grid
Fixed an issue with the case notes screen grid that caused it to display the Methasoft internal id for patients

PBI 2673: Bug Fix - Multiple Dose Types with Decimals Fails
Previously if more than one Dose Type had a Unit Decimal Amount within a configured Split Inventory Breakdown (via the Dose Types screen), Dosing or Unit Dose creation activity failed with an error. This issue has been fixed. This issue particularly affected facilities dispensing Zubsolv using a Primary Tablet-5.7 - Secondary Tablet 1.4 Split Inventory Breakdown configuration.

PBI 2763: Bug Fix - Billing Episodes: Advanced' (Validation Level) Payer required field loophole
In some versions of Methasoft, a very specific sequence of actions during Edit would allow saving a Billing Episode associated with an 'Advanced' Payer/Rate Group but missing required third-party billing Subscriber ID data. This bug has been fixed.

PBI 2887: Bug Fix - Next/Previous Hyperlinks cut off on the Balance Journal screen
Fixed an bug on the Balance Journal screen that would allow the Next and Previous hyperlinks to be cut off as the user would navigate through patient records.

PBI 3126: Bug Fix - Total Dispensed By Day Breakdown report
Fixed issue in the Total Dispensed By Day Breakdown report where if you have multiple inventory dispensing rules for a particular Drug/Dose type combination (ex. Phase Type = All, Phase Type = 4, Phase Type = 5), then it will double, triple, etc. the amounts on the Total Dispensed by Day Breakdown report. Every time you add a new Dispensing rule for a particular drug/dose type combination, the problem gets worse.

PBI 3272: Diagnosis Codes - 2 Validation changes and a bug fix

  1. Previously users could be prevented from entering a Diagnosis Code record for a specific Billable Service Type to override an existing record covering all Billable Service Types. The validation changes implemented have resolved this issue.
  2. Validation now prevents users from saving records when '(All)' is selected in the Billable Service field unless '(All)' is also selected in the Billable Service Type field.
  3. Validation allows the entry or modification of any Diagnosis Code record as long as another record with the same Billing Episode, Billable Service, and Billable Service Type values does not exist. This provides users with all levels of Diagnosis Code override capabilities at each of these 3 levels, so that Diagnosis Codes can be defined globally or at more detailed levels according to the needs for each applicable Billable Service at the time of Claim/Service Line generation.

PBI 3378: Bug Fix - Billable Service Charge Option Required
Fixed a bug where in certain scenarios the user would get a charge option validation message while editing scheduled event billable services when it is not applicable.

Release Notes - Methasoft 7.3.0

New Features - Methasoft 7.3

PBI 2095: New Screens - Blood Alcohol History / Quick BAC
Two new screens have been added in this release in relation to Blood Alcohol Testing:

  1. Blood Alcohol History - This screen displays the history of a patient's blood alcohol tests. Values captured are the Test Date, Test Type (Blood or Breathalyzer),Result Value, Entered By, and Comments.
  2. Quick BAC - This modal screen allows the nurse to enter the results of a blood alcohol test directly from the Dosing screen by clicking the BAC button. The values captured on this screen are Test Type (Blood or Breathalyzer), Result Value and Comment. Upon saving from this screen an entry is created in the Blood Alcohol History Screen.

PBI 2174: New Report - 'Blood Alcohol History'
Lists all collected BAC information with filters for Patient, Test Type, Date Range, Status and Lower Result Limit.

PBI 2231: New Report - 'Drug Screen Data for Export to Excel'
This report was added to allow an easier export option to Excel. The typical Drug Screen Reports have subreports, and don't always export to Excel very well. This report was designed to be used only for Excel Exporting and provide drug screen information for further analysis in Excel.

PBI 2879: New Validation Implemented - Billable Service Overrides
Previously, users were allowed to Add, Edit and/or Delete Billable Service Override records in a manner which could lead to billable service charge configuration data that is inconsistent with how a patient was previously charged for the associated and affected service. Validation now prevents this, which is particularly important for facilities using automatic charge-regeneration functionality. This functionality does not affect Basic Dosing Charge Information screen functionality, and can be turned off by Methasoft Support or Training Personnel via a new system preference if necessary.

Enhancements - Methasoft 7.3

PBI 1785: Enhancement - New Section - Site Demographics Reports
A new section has been added to the Site Demographics and Site Demographics History reports titled Average Dose Amounts. This sections displays the patient count and average dose amount in milligrams for each drug/dose combination being dispensed.

PBI 2184: Enhancement - Code Tables / Tx Plan Preselected Items - Prevent Delete of In-Use Items
The Payment Method code table items and Treatment Plan Preselected Items can no longer be deleted if an item is in use. The user will receive a friendly error message with the number of objects that would be affected if it were to be deleted.

PBI 2220: Enhancement: Expired Document Flag Functionality
The expired document flag functionality has been expanded to include the Daily Activities Screen (Counseling) as an option in the Show Flags On setting. This allows the user to see the flags for expired documents for a patient in the Daily Activities screen provided they are on the profile tab when the patient is selected.

PBI 2222: Enhancement: The "File Export" Menu Item
The "File Export" menu item has been re-named to "Billing Export" to clarify its functionality.

PBI 2241: Enhancement - Monthly Requirements Report
Fixed an issue with the Monthly Requirements report where it counted 'billable' notes of any type, not just 'Counselor' billable notes in the total unit count. This was incorrect as you could have other 'billable' notes that do not fit the counselor's requirement for the month. The report has been enhanced to only look at note types that are marked as 'Counselor' notes.

PBI 2299: Charge Generation and Auto-Regeneration for Scheduled Events and Case Notes - Performance Enhancement and Validation Dialog Message
Charge Generation and Auto-Regeneration code for Scheduled Event and Case Note billable services has been significantly enhanced. The performance improvements implemented will be particularly noticeable in facilities using a large number of Scheduled Event billable services, on the Charge Manager, Billing Episodes (auto-regeneration) and Billable Service Overrides screens.

Additional validation has been added for Auto-Regeneration of charges which occurs based on changes made on the Billing Episodes or Billable Service Overrides screens, to prevent users from inadvertently modifying past charges in an unintended manner. When auto-regeneration code detects charges that cannot be auto-regenerated, a new dialog message appears, informing users of the Billable Services and date ranges for which charges could not be auto-regenerated. If charges associated with the list of billable services need to be regenerated, they can be regenerated as needed using the Charge Manager screen.

None of the changes implemented affect the behavior of the Basic Dosing Charge Information screen.

Bug Fixes - Methasoft 7.3

PBI 2217: .NET Framework Upgrade - Corporate Dashboard / Perspective Screens
When we upgraded to Framework 4.6, the rendering of the Corporate Dashboard and Perspective screens messed up. The 'tabs' that separate the various items like 'Region' or 'Category' didn't render correctly. We fixed it so that it renders as 'tabs' like it did before.

PBI 2235: Bug Fix - Prior Authorization Report - Duplication
Fixed the report for clinics that use secondary and tertiary payers for billing episodes. In the previous version of the report the authorizations would be duplicated for each payer. Now the authorizations will only show up under the payer that it is associated with.

PBI 2414: Bug Fix - Billing Generation Rules - Phase Modifier - Duplicate Modifier Values for specific scenario
Previously, if a Phase-Modifier rule was set up using a Variable Modifier value for Position 2, for a rule with only 2 positions defined, the 3rd position would be erroneously populated with the Position 2 Modifier value. This bug has been fixed.

PBI 2444: Bug Fix - Canceling a Completed Scheduled Event Doesn't Delete The Associated Charge
It was discovered in the previous release that if you 'Cancel' a Completed Billable Scheduled Event from either the Scheduler - Review Events or Scheduler (Calendar) screens, it doesn't delete the previously created charge. We have fixed it so that it deletes the charge provided there is no service line (claim) associated with the charge.

PBI 2513: Bug Fix - Dose Patient - Next button - New Patient - Erroneous Stop Dose flag dialog
Fixed an issue that could cause invalid stop dose flags to appear on the Dose Patient screen.

Release Notes - Methasoft 7.2.0

New Features - Methasoft 7.2

PBI 453: New System Flag - Digital Signatures Needed
Functionality has been added that allows Signature Due system flags to be generated for signing objects for patients. If configured in preferences, system flags will be generated for objects that a patient needs to sign. These flags can be configured to appear on the Check In screen, Kiosk, Patient Payment screen, and Dosing screen. These flags can also be configured to become a STOP DOSE system flag once it becomes overdue, requiring the object to be signed in order to be dosed on the Dose Patient screen. The setup can be found in Preferences > Paperless Preferences > Signature Due Flags.

PBI 1637: New Report - Patient "Other ID" Export
This a s new report that compiles Site Abbreviation, Site Description, Patient Name, and Patient Other ID in to a very basic report. The format of report is constructed in such a way that it is meant to be exported to a spreadsheet.

PBI 1733: System Flag - Stop Dose If No Billing Episode
Added a system stop dose flag on "Dose Patient" and "Patient Payments" screen for patients that don't have a billing episode that covers the necessary date range. This new feature is preference driven so you may turn it on or off. By default it is turned on. It can be found in the Pharmacy preferences under System Flags.

PBI 1775: Two New Reports - 'Aging Third Party Charges' and 'Aging Patient Balances'
Two new billing reports have been added to assist in finding the aging against Third Party Balances and Patient Balances. The Aging Third Party Charges report lists each payer and the amounts oustanding whereas the Aging Patient Balances report lists each individual patient and the amount they owe if not zero. In both reports the amounts are grouped into several date buckets:

  1. less than or equal to 30
  2. 31 to 60 days
  3. 61 to 90 days
  4. 91 to 120 days
  5. 121 to 150 days
  6. 151 to 180 days
  7. greater than 180 days

PBI 1780: New Report - Patient Activity History

  1. New report that looks at patient activity across a date range.
  2. The for sub-sections of the report are Patient Totals, Counselor Caseload, Transfers and Discharges.

PBI 1964: New Feature - Order Approval Auditing
The ability to audit the order approval process in Methasoft is now available. Users can now run the audit report to see who approved an order.

PBI 2048: New Report - Charges by Billable Service Summary
This is a new report that summarizes charges for a date range specified by the user and groups the data by Payer and Patients Phase. Columns include:

  1. Phase - Displays the patient's phase for the date range selected.
  2. Patient ID - Displays the patient's display id.
  3. CI - Displays the patient's counselor's initials.
  4. Days - This value represents the number available days during the period. (Available days = # of Days
  5. Service Dates - Displays the To Date and From Date from the report criteria.

For each billable service tied to the payer there is a column grouping that contains the units, rate, total $ and average per day rate. At the end of each phase is a summary that computes the sum of the Days, sum of the Total $ and overall average of the average per day columns.

PBI 2195: 2 New Reports - 'Health Screen - Hepatitis C Results' and 'Health Screen - TB Results'
Two new reports have been added for reporting on specific Health Screen test records:

  1. 'Health Screen - Hepatitis C Results' - List of Hepatitis C results entered on the Health Screen, with the option to include those patients missing Hep C results for a selected date range. These results can also be filtered based on a selected Intake Date range, which is based on demographic history data stored each night by nightly processes.
  2. 'Health Screen - TB Results' - List of TB Test results entered on the Health Screen, with the option to include those patients missing TB Test results for a selected date range.

Enhancements - Methasoft 7.2

PBI 1486: Enhancement - Document Setup - PDF Only Document Subtype
Methasoft users now have the ability to link documents that are scanned in from other sources such as multi-functional printers and have them available for digital signing. When creating a new document subtype, checking the PDF Only (Required for Digital Signing) check box will then allow the user to set up a digital signing rule for the objects added using this subtype.

PBI 1631: Enhancement - Performance Enhancement: Scheduler Flag Retrieve on Dose Patient Screen
In previous versions of Methasoft customers noticed delays when pulling up patients on the dosing screen, specifically if the patient had several flags for scheduled events. The underlying procedure has been optimized to improve performance when using the dosing screen.

PBI 1719: Enhancement - Service Checks Report
There were some additional checks added to the Service Checks report in this release:

  1. Entry Date of case note is in the middle of a session - The report will have an entry for any note that has a datetime stamp that falls within the start and end time of the note.
  2. Non-Patient signatures captured during the session - If the counselor that authors the note signs something between the start and end time of the session an entry will be created in the report.
  3. Dosing Queue check-in during session - This check looks at the dosing queue check in time for the patient and creates an entry in the report if that time falls within the start and end time of the case note.
  4. Dose time overlap with session time - This check looks at the dose time stamp for the patient and creates an entry in the report if the time falls within the start and end time of the case note.

PBI 1735: Enhancement - Missing/Inconsistent Charges Report
A new subreport has been added to the Missing/Inconsistent Charges report. The subreport will return the patient id and name and a list of managed billable services that were provided during a period where the patient is missing a billing episode. Columns in the report include:

  1. Service Type
  2. Service Sub-Type
  3. Entered By - Name
  4. Entered By - ID
  5. Date of Service

PBI 1737: Enhancement - Auditing of Order Approvals
Based on high demand auditing of the order approval process has been implemented into

PBI 1738: Claims by Patient Report
The patient's phase at the end of the date range selected is now displayed in the header along with the patient's id, name, date of birth and subscriber id. The total patients summary has been added to very bottom of the report.

PBI 1739: Employee Profile - User Credentials
In the past the user's credentials would have to be entered as part of their first or last name in order to properly display on reports. We have added a "User Credentials" field to the Employee Profile screen and related code table for user credential maintenance.

PBI 1778: Enhancement - Order History Screen Grid
The grid that displays the order information in the Order History screen has been enhanced to include two new columns:

  1. Direction - This column will display an arrow (if applicable) that points either up or down indicating Increase or Decrease of the patient's dose. It gives the user the ability to quickly glance at a column and determine if the patient has been increasing or decreasing a lot without having to look at each order and inspect its details.
  2. Reason - This column displays the reason from the Orders screen that is typed in when the order is entered into the system.

PBI 1780: Patient Activity History
New report that looks at patient activity across a date range. The for sub-sections of the report are:

  1. Patient Totals by Primary Payer, Category and Drug Type
  2. Intakes and Discharges Totals
  3. Patient Transfer Totals
  4. Total Patients Assigned To Each Counselor

PBI 1784: Drug Screen Results - Linked PDF on Results Screen
Added functionality that allows the user to view PDFs linked to drug screen results on the "Drug Screen Results" screen by double clicking the icon in the grid

PBI 1941: Enhancement - Aging Claims (Advanced) Report
The Aging Claims (Advanced) report now handles negative outstanding third party responsibilities.

PBI 1973: Enhancement - Patient Chart - Treatment Plan Viewing
Users now have the ability to add treatment plans to the patient chart and export them as part of the entire patient chart export.

PBI 2069: Note Type Filtering
The ability to filter the case notes screen has been added in this release. Users now have the ability to filter cases notes by:

  1. Case Note Type
  2. Entered By
  3. Billable

Along with this are three new preferences that allow administrators to set default filters for the case note screen based on where the screen is accessed from:

  1. Default Note Type Filter for Case Notes - Applies if case notes screen is accessed from the daily activities screen.
  2. Default Note Type Filter for Nurse Notes - Applies if case notes screen is accessed from the nurse notes menu item in pharmacy menu.
  3. Default Note Type Filter for Doctor Notes - Applies if the case notes screen is accessed from the doctor notes menu item in the medical menu.

Note: If none of these preferences are set the screen will load all note types.

Bug Fixes - Methasoft 7.2

PBI 1630: Patient Chart: Bug with Case Sensitivity
There was a bug that would cause a red box error to appear if the user opened a pdf whose file extension was saved in uppercase letters (ex. PDF). It has now been fixed so that it accepts both upper and lower case file extensions.

PBI 1632: Medication Count Screen Bug Fixes
There were two bugs identified in the medication count screen in previous releases that have been addressed and fixed in this release.

  1. Checkboxes in the grid now display correctly when creating a new row. The previous release gave the user the impression that a box was checked because the check mark image was present but grayed out.
  2. Fixed error that occurred in specific circumstances when creating and deleting records. Users would receive a "red box" error when trying to delete an existing medication count record.

PBI 1633: Bug Fix - "Export Flat Files" saves the correct extension
Previously, flat file exports such as the Lighthouse Export always saved with the 'txt' extension. Now they save with the correct file extension as defined in the database.

PBI 2007: Tx Plan - Copy from Template - Not Copying Plan Summary
When copying a Tx Plan from a template, it used to not copy the "Plan Summary" field. Now it does

PBI 2017: Administration/Preferences - Closing the screen using the X bug
There was a bug introduced in 7.1 that would cause a red box error to appear if the user opened the preferences pop up screen and then closed it using the X in the upper right corner of the window. The bug has been fixed in this release.

PBI 2038: Bug Fix - Patient List for Billing Report
Fixed sort expression issue in the Patient List for Billing report

PBI 2138: Case Notes - Calculating Times Without Editing
There was a bug that was not easily reproducible where a user could edit a start time of a previously entered case note and change the start date and save the note. If, then the user clicks on another note and then come back the the note again, the times would be different than what was just entered. This has been fixed in this release.

PBI 2267: Prescription Information - 'Signed' grid column not displaying the normal unsigned icon
The 'Signed' grid column on the Prescription Information screen now displays the normal red 'X' unsigned icon for unsigned prescriptions.

PBI 2269: Flag Patient - 'Deleted' column is checked on Grid after pressing New
When New is pressed on the Flag Patient screen, the 'Delete' column no longer shows a checkmark by default. The problem fixed was only cosmetic in previous versions.

PBI 2270: Daily Activities - Linked Documents tab - View button is geting cut off
An issue causing the View button to be partially cut off at the bottom of the Linked Documents tab of the Daily Activities screen has been fixed.

PBI 2280: Patient Payments - Performance issue
A bug was introduced in version, which was causing the Patient Payments screen to perform more slowly over time as more patients were retrieved on it without closing the screen. This bug was quickly fixed and Hotfixed for systems.

PBI 2281: Linked Documents - Viewing documents from multiple databases bug
For facilities with multiple databases containing linked documents, a bug was introduced that only retrieved documents from the current document database. This bug was quickly fixed and Hotfixed for systems.

Release Notes - Methasoft 7.1.4

New Features - Methasoft 7.1

PBI 691: Digital Signing - Ability to sign Prescriptions
'Prescriptions' is now available as a signable Object Type on the Digital Signature Setup screen, allowing users to sign prescriptions entered on the Prescription Information screen or generated using the Prescription Generator screen.

PBI 1584: New Report - Counselor Productivity Analysis
A new report similar to the Caseload Productivity Analysis report has been added called Counselor Productivity Analysis. This report is also based on historical demographic data, but is based on the activity of each Counselor regardless of caseload assignment changes that might've occurred during the date range for which this report is being run. This report provides a detailed breakdown of all Individual and Group Case Note billable units and session time totals, as well as Treatment Plan, Assessment and Completed Form activity for each Counselor, broken down by Payer according to historical Billing Episode data for each patient.

PBI 1556: New Screen - Billing Generation Rules - for variable Phase-level-based Procedure Modifier functionality configuration
A new screen called Billing Generation Rules has been added to the Accounting menu, ultimately for implementing rules that can govern the generation of Charges, Claims (Service Lines) and/or EDI export files for billing. For this release, the 'Phase-Modifier' rule type was implemented, for configuring variable Procedure Modifier values to be used at the time of Claim generation, based on each patient's Phase Type at the time a service was rendered. Procedure Modifiers are exported to the SV101-3 through SV101-6 components of the SV101 element on exported 837P EDI files. These rules override values set at the service level on the Billable Services screen, when applicable. Static and Variable Procedure Modifiers can be configured for up to 4 positions for each service based on Phase Type.

PBI 1470: Expiring Documents Functionality including System Flag Expiration Rules notification options
Users now have the ability to set an Expiration Date for any type of document stored in Methasoft. Additionally, optional System Flags can be configured to notify users when any document will expire soon, and these flags can be set up to increase in Severity to the 'Warning' flag severity level on the final date the document expires. These changes affect the following screens:

  1. Document Setup - When Adding or Editing a Document Type or Subtype, the 'Use system Flag Expiration Rules' checkbox is an option field for setting up default rules. These rules govern the auto-population of Expiration Date data when a document is linked, as well as System Flag behavior.
  2. Document Manager - An 'Expiration Status' field has been added for filtering grid results based on each document's optional Expiration Date.
  3. Document Manager - An 'Exp. Date' column has been added to the far right of the grid.
  4. Document Manager - An 'Expiration Date' label has been added to the Document Information section of this screen for displaying the date a selected document expires.
  5. Document Manager - An Expiration Date button has been added to the bottom of the screen for Adding, Removing or Editing a selected document's Expiration Date.
  6. Document Manager - When linking a document, the Link Document window now has options for making a document expirable and setting its expiration date. These fields will auto-populate based on the configured System Flag Expiration Rules defined for each document type or subtype on the Document Setup screen.
  7. Document Manager - When filling in completed fill-in form, there is a new 'Expiration Date' field at the bottom of the screen for setting the form's expiration date.
  8. Run Reports - Document Audit report - An 'Expiration Status' criteria field has been added for this report so that users can filter displayed documents by each's expiration status, which corresponds to the 'Expiration Status' filter on the Document Manager screen.

PBI 1579: Scheduler Preferences - Changing the 'Event Type' does not update the Billable Service Type or Journal Type descriptions for Billable Services
Previously if a user changed the 'Event Type' description on the Scheduler - Preferences window, this did not update the 'Service Type' description for any associated billable services on the Billable Services screen. This change also did not update associated Journal Type and 'Undo' Journal Type descriptions, leading to confusion depending on where in the system a user was viewing an edited event, or on Accounting reports and screens such as the Balance Journal screen. This issue has been fixed. Now changing the 'Event Type' of a billable scheduled event updates the Service Type and both Journal Type descriptions accordingly for consistency throughout the system.

PBI 1281: Ability to Export "Fill-in Form" / Completed Form PDF Data to Excel Spreadsheet
Added the ability to export "fill-in-form" / completed form data to an Excel Spreadsheet from the Form Template Manager screen. The new Export to Excel button on the Form Template Manager screen launches an Export Documents pop-up window for entering Criteria for which to export data. Criteria fields include:

  1. Patient - a typable dropdown list for selecting all patients or a specific patient to export data for
  2. Document Subtype - for selecting the Subtype of document for which to export data
  3. From Date - for selecting the date on or after the date data will be exported for
  4. To Date - for selecting the date on or before the date data will be exported for

PBI 974: New Report for Export - SAPTA Spreadsheet
A new report called SAPTA Export has been added to allow facilities to export a SAPTA Spreadsheet.

PBI 781: Claims Generator - Reset Selected and Reset All buttons have been added to reset the status of claim(s) to 'UnSubmitted'
Previously users would have to delete, regenerate, re-export then re-submit new 837P files in order to submit a 'Claim Frequency Type Code' (CLM05-3) component value of '1' (Original) following the rejection of one or more service lines or claims on submitted files. This issue became more problematic when automated 835 File functionality was added to Methasoft. This issue was driven by the Claim Status of a claim in Methasoft - all claims begin with a Status of 'UnSubmitted', which changes to 'Submitted' after one or more service lines associated with the claim are exported. Subsequent exports of any service line associated with a 'Submitted' claim are sent with a CLM05-3 value of '6' (Corrected), which is generally rejected, requiring the Claim Status of such claims to be reset to 'UnSubmitted'. Users can now reset a selected claim's Status using the Reset Selected button, or the Status of all claims appearing on the grid using the Reset All button. This functionality preserves the original Claim and Service Line ID numbers, which is critical for 835 File functionality on Batch Payments, and can be important for manually applying Batch Payments using the 'Service Lines' payment mode.

PBI 221: Patient Payments and Batch Payments screens - Addition of the ability to enter an 'Effective Date' for the payment being saved
A new field called 'Effective Date' has been added to both the Patient Payments and Batch Payments screens. Previously, the effective date of all payments saved on either of these screens was the date on which the payment was recorded, i.e., the current date or entry date. The new 'Effective Date' field on these screens defaults to the current date which preserves existing functionality. However users, with security access to do so via the new 'Can Edit Effective Date on Payments' (Object Type - Other) security item, can now change this date to reflect that a recorded payment is effective on a date other than the date on which the transaction is entered.

PBI 810: Batch Payments - Addition of the ability to set the 'Payment' amount to a service's Expected Amount in 'Service Lines' (manual) Payment Mode
The 'Reset Payment Amount after each Apply' checkbox at the top of the Batch Payments screen has been replaced with a dropdown selection list field called 'Fill Payment'. 3 selections are available for selection in this field, and can be changed following any Apply or Cancel action within a Batch Payment transaction. The 3 selections work as follows:

  1. 'Previous Line' - using this option functions the same as when the 'Reset Payment Amount after each Apply' checkbox was unchecked in previous versions.
  2. 'Remaining Amount' - using this option functions the same as when the 'Reset Payment Amount after each Apply' checkbox was checked in previous versions.
  3. 'Expected Amount' - using this option will cause a defined 'Expected Amount to be Paid by Payer' amount to be defaulted into the 'Payment' amount field when a service line is selected in 'Service Lines' payment mode, provided the selected service line is associated with a billable service that has a defined 'Expected Amount...'.

PBI 684: New Report - Patient List History by Modality
A new report has been added called Patient List History by Modality. This report can be run for a date range and will display a list of patients as assigned to a specific Modality on the Profile screen as of a specific date, based on patient demographic history data stored each evening by Nightly Processes. If a patient has changed Modalities during the date range for which this report is run, the patient will appear on this report listed under multiple Modalities.

PBI 1374: Service Line Generation Rules - Procedure Modifier variation based on Phase Type
Some Payers require specific Phase Modifier value and/or position changes to be submitted based on a patient's Phase Type at the time a Billable Service was rendered. This previously required manually editing service line Procedure Modifiers one service line at a time either on the Billing Service Lines Management window (Edit Service Lines) in Methasoft, or via a Payer's web portal. This new functionality automates this task at the time of Claim / Service Line generation on the Claims Generator screen, based on Phase Modifier Generation rules defined in the database for each Payer, Phase Type and Billable Service Type. Currently there is no User Interface for defining these rules, requiring them to be set up by Methasoft Support / Technical staff.

PBI 816: Electronic Payment Information - Credit Card On File
Credit Card processing functionality through the Authorize.Net gateway has been added to Methasoft. Users may now set up Customer Profiles via the Electronic Payment Information screen for patients wishing to pay with Credit/Debit Cards. Once set up, patients will be able to pay with a saved card on file at the front desk (patient payments screen) or at a kiosk. Refunds can also be processed through the Methasoft interface for instances where an undo payment is done against an electronic payment. The clinic must have an account with Authorize.Net for this functionality to work.

PBI 973: New Report - Caseload Productivity Analysis
There is a new report titled Caseload Productivity Analysis that allows administrators to evaluate various measures of productivity broken down by assigned caseload for a selected date range. All data and totals appearing on this report are calculated based on Patient Demographic History records stored each night by Nightly Processes, thus the data for each date within a selected date range is reflected on this report. The Case Notes section of this report shows the number of notes, units and minutes for both individual and group notes. The Caseloads section of this report shows total patient counts and utilization values broken down by assigned primary payer/rate groups. The Scheduled Events section of this report shows a breakdown of all scheduled events and event statuses for each caseload.

PBI 693: New Report - Patient Activations and Inactivations
This new report displays all patients activated or deactivated in Methasoft during a selected date range, including the user responsible for each action. This report includes all methods of activating or deactivating a patient in Methasoft, except when patients are automatically deactivated by Nightly Processes in facilities using Auto-Deactivate functionality.

PBI 689: New Report - Patient Medication Record by Modality (*Available only to customers using SQL Server 2012 or later)
A new version of the Patient Medication Record report has been added displaying the 'Modality' each patient was on while receiving the medication displayed. 'Modality' data is based on patient demographic history data stored each night by nightly processes. This report breaks to a new page for each 'Modality' a patient was assigned to (on the Profile screen) during the date range selected when running this report.

Enhancements - Methasoft 7.1

PBI 1576: Case Note Billable Services - Enhanced Charge Generation and Regeneration Performance
For Case Note billable services, the performance has been enhanced for charge generation, regeneration, and auto-gen/regeneration.

PBI 1888: Nightly Processes - Drug Screen Downloads - Support implemented for Quest PDF tags
Nightly Processing for automatic drug screen downloads has been enhanced to support detection of PDF tags used on files by multiple labs.

PBI 1270: Patient Transaction History report - Change 'Transaction Type' criteria field to a multi-select list box
Previously only '(All)' or one specific Transaction Type could be selected in a dropdown selection field. This criteria field has been changed to be a multi-select list box allowing one or more Transaction Type(s) to be selected for more precise filtering. If no checkboxes are selected, this report will function as it previously did when '(All)' was selected.

PBI 1277: Drug Screen Results - Site report - 'Phase Type' added to criteria filter options
A 'Phase Type' criteria filter has been added for this report, for filtering it based on patient Phase Type.

PBI 438: Prescription Generator - Ability to create fixed-length prescriptions based on Start and End Date range
Previously users did not have an option on this screen that could generate effective prescription date ranges that weren't based on each patient's attendance schedule. Users can now generate fixed-length prescriptions on this screen using the new 'Generate Fixed Length Prescriptions' option. Fixed-length prescription date ranges match the Start and End Dates selected when the prescriptions are generated.

PBI 1268: Reporting Enhancement - New Patient Dose First XX Days with 3 Time Bucket Options
The 'New Patient Dose First 30 Days' report has been renamed to 'New Patient Dose First XX Days', and now has a required parameter for choosing 30 Days, 60 Days, or 90 Days to expand the scope of the presented data.

PBI 1469: Patient Chart - Support for our User Controls - New Chart Sections
Support for specific types of Methasoft user controls has been added to the Patient Chart screen, allowing us to add 4 new Chart Section Types, available on the Chart Section Setup screen. The Patient Chart can now display a patient's Balance Journal, Dosing History, Order History and Treatment Plans.

PBI 1271: Documents Audit report - Add 'Created By' column
A 'Created By' column has been added to this report to display the user who created the linked document.

PBI 1259: Waiting List screen - Expand 'Comment' field
On the Waiting List screen, the 'Comment' field has been expanded in size to display multi-line text, and store up to 1000 characters (previously the character limit was 250). The Waiting List report was also adjusted accordingly.

PBI 1276: No Show Report - 3 new criteria filters added
The No Show Report has been enhanced by the addition of 3 new criteria filters, 'Drug Type', 'Dose Type' and 'Modality'.

PBI 1285: Inventory Bulk Reconciliation report - New Criteria Filter - 'Ignore Discrepancies' checkbox
A new checkbox criteria filter called 'Ignore Discrepancies' has been added for this report. When checked, the report will exclude all 'Bottle Overage' and/or 'Bottle Shortage' transaction types, which result from discrepancies recorded when switching bulk bottles on the Switch Bulk Bottle screen.

PBI 433: Patient Orders - Modified By and Modified Date
The Patient Orders report now displays the name of the last user to modify an order in the Modified By field, and the last date on which the order was modified in the Modified Date field.

PBI 1250: Document Manager - Grid Enhancements
Document Managment screen has been changed to automatically sort by descending 'Linked On' date. The order of the columns on the Document Management screen has been changed to:

  1. Signed
  2. Expired
  3. Linked On (Sorted descending)
  4. Description (previously required scrolling to the right)
  5. Document Type
  6. Document Subtype
  7. Linked By (previously required scrolling to the right)
  8. Secure
  9. Association Type (scroll to the right)
  10. For Whom (scroll to the right)
  11. Document Name (scroll to the right)
  12. Database Name (scroll to the right)
  13. Exp. Date (Expiration Date) (scroll to the right)

PBI 448: Order Approval - Performance enhancement
An enhancement was made that, for some customers, made a noticeable difference in the performance of the Order Approval screen. Most customers will not notice any difference.

PBI 971: Diagnosis Codes - Add ability to enter for All Billing Episodes and/or All Billable Services and/or All Billable Service Types
Previously each Diagnosis Code record had to be entered for a specifically selected Billable Service Type, which at times required a lot of repetitive data entry at facilities with many Billable Service Types configured for a single Payer/Rate Group and requiring the same Diagnosis Code records. This screen has been enhanced by the addition of new 'Billing Episode' and 'Billable Service' fields, with '(All)' selections in both along with the addition of an '(All)' selection available in the 'Billable Service Type' field. This new functionality allows Diagnosis Code records to be entered at global and/or more specific levels as needed, to minimize the amount of Diagnosis Code data entry required for any facility's Billing configuration.

PBI 808: Batch Payments - Users can now record negative Payment amounts for Reversal of Previous Payment (aka "clawback" / "takeback") scenarios
Previously in 'Service Lines' Payment Mode, attempting to put a negative sign in the 'Payment' field was not allowed. We now allow users to enter negative values in the 'Payment' field to properly account for Reversal of Previous Payment scenarios, when a payer might reduce the payment amount of a subsequent check based on reduction and/or reversal of payment for previously submitted claims (service lines). Alternatively a payer might invoice a facility with new EOB/RA information pertaining to one or more payment reversals. This change allows users to manually reconcile Reversal of Previous Payment scenarios not currently handled automatically by 835 File processing.

PBI 683: Dosing Queue View - Announcements Font Size increased
The font size of of scrolling Dosing Queue View Announcements has been increased to match the font size of non-scrolling Dosing Queue View text.

PBI 422: 835 File Import Enhancements
The following enhancements have been implemented for 835 functionality on the Batch Payments screen:

  1. 835 file Segment, Element and Component Delimiters are now read directly from 835 files, eliminating the need for setting matching Delimiter values in associated Receiver Format records.
  2. An 835 Status button has been added to Batch Payments for launching the General 835 Load Status window, which provides information on 835 file issues detected by Methasoft when an 835 file is loaded. The General 835 Load Status window opens automatically upon loading a new 835 file if one or more issues is detected, and it can re-opened for any 835 transaction set using the 835 Status button. This functionality is intended to minimize the number of red system errors encountered when loading a file containing unexpected and/or invalid data, and provide information on the issues encountered.
  3. Related to General 835 Load Status functionality, 835 file processing has been enhanced so that it is now less prone to be interrupted by unexpected and/or invalid data. When such data is encountered within a file, it is now far more likely that expected data within the same file will load than in previous versions of Methasoft, where unexpected and/or invalid data would prevent valid data within the same file from being loaded.
  4. A Show 835 EDI File button has been added to the Batch Payments screen which opens the Formatted 835 File window. This window displays all data contained within the file, formatted so that each Segment begins on a new line. The data displayed in this window is searchable using the Find buttons, and the Save to File button allows users to save the formatted version of the file. The Formatted 835 File window is intended to provide searchable visibility into 835 data for more efficient file interpretation and troubleshooting.

PBI 219: 'Apply Remaining To' Adjustment Rules for 'Service Lines' Payment Mode (manual) on Batch Payments
Previously Adjustment Rules could only be applied when using '835 File' or '835 Existing' Payment Modes on Batch Payments. A new field called 'Applies To' has been added to the Adjustment Rules screen allowing users to select 'Service Line Mode' or '835 Modes' for a defined rule. 'Service Line Mode' Adjustment Rules will make the defined adjustments on the Batch Payments screen when using the 'Service Lines' Payment Mode. 'Service Line Mode' Adjustment Rules can be defined for the 'Apply Remaining To' and 'If Expected = Paid, Apply Remaining To' Rule Types.

PBI 1539: Invalid Billing Export Data report - Patient Address section - Enhancements
This section of this report has been enhanced so that it also displays Invalid Patient Address information where blank strings or white space is stored in mandatory Address database fields, which can result from numerous causes. Additionally Zip Code validation has been added to check for valid 5- or 9-digit postal code lengths, including when a 9-digit code has been hyphenated.

PBI 435: Scheduler - Review Events - Add ability to Cancel a Completed Event
Previously users with security access to do could cancel a completed scheduled event, but only on the Scheduler - Calendar screen. A new button called Cancel Event has been added to the Scheduler - Review Events screen, allowing users to cancel a completed event selected on the grid. This button is disabled unless a completed event is selected on the grid and only if the logged in user has security access to cancel a completed event. Note that canceling a completed event has no effect on it's associated charge if the event is billable and created a charge when completed.

PBI 86: Nightly Processes - Automatic Drug Screen Result Downloads can now process for Multiple Labs
The functionality to process drug screen results from multiple labs is now available. The download process has always had the ability to download from multiple labs, however the pre-process could only handle one laboratory. A new "master pre-process configuration file" allows the nightly process to loop through files from all labs and process and move result files accordingly. Methasoft customer support will be available to assist with this setup.

PBI 785: Doctor Name on Dosing Labels tied to Orders instead of Site Information - Conditional Doctor Name appears based on new Preference Setting
Currently our dosing labels display a 'Doctor' field, which displays the name entered in the 'Doctor' field on the Site Information screen. This generally satisfies the requirements for most facilities. However this functionality can be problematic in facilities with multiple doctors and specific regulatory requirements. We've responde to this issue by adding a new preference called "Show Dr.'s name based on most recent order" (Administration > Preferences > Label Preferences > Dosing Labels). When this preference is turned on, new functionality looks at the most recent order date in relation to the dispensed date and displays the name of the doctor who is associated with specific types of orders on the label. If no doctor data is found in association with applicable orders, then the 'Doctor' defined on Site Information is used.

PBI 815: Security Administration - Other Security Options related to Employee Profile functionality
New security options have been added to the 'Other' Security Object Type options on the Security Administration screen. These options include: 'Can Assign Administrative Privileges', 'Can Capture Employee PIN' and 'Can Capture Employee Signature'. These options allows users who may not be part of the Administrative security group (which typically has all permissions) to assist administrators with specific tasks while having restricted security access.

PBI 824: Added Patient Address to new Dosing Label type and a new 'Include Address' criteria field for the Total Dispensed By Day report
A new 3.5x1.4 With Address Dosing label has been created for customers wishing to include a patient's address on dosing labels. This address appears beneath the Patient ID field on the label. Additionally the Total Dispensed By Day report has been enhanced to allow users to include a patient's address on the report by checking the new 'Include Address' criteria checkbox.

PBI 975: Case Note Activity by Counselor Report - Add 'Payer' criteria filter for this report
The Case Note Activity by Counselor report has been enhanced to allow the user to filter the report by primary payer. This report is grouped by counselor and includes Patient ID, CID, Patient Name, Note Date, Start and End Time, Note Type , Individual Units, Group Units and Entered By data. This report is similar to the report called 'Case Notes Billable Units by Counselor'.

PBI 976: New Report - Aging Claims (Advanced)
A new report named Aging Claims (Advanced) has been added that gives users greater flexibility and additional filtering options when viewing aging claim data. This report uses a matrix control which allows the rendering of it to vary by expanding or collapsing nodes on the Report Viewer screen. New criteria field options include:

  1. Age (Days) - grouped in 30-day increments from 0 to 180 days, 90-day increments from 180 to 365 days, and everything greater than 365 days. Selecting an option in this field will exclude lower aging ranges which reduces the number of columns displayed on the report.
  2. Aging Based On - options include 'Claimed Date' or 'Date of Service (End)'. If 'Claimed Date' is selected, aging calculations will be based on the date each claim was created as it always has for the Aging Claims report. If 'Date of Service (End)' is selected, aging calculations will be based on the most recent date of service for any service line(s) associated with each claim.
  3. Amount Type - options include 'Claimed' or 'Expected Amount'. If 'Claimed' is selected, the amount claimed will appear in amount columns as it always has for the Aging Claims report. If 'Expected Amount' is selected, then the 'Expected Amount to be Paid by Payer' amount will be used in amount columns, as defined for each included Billable Service on the Billable Service Additional Information (More...) window.
  4. As of Date - aging calculations can now be based on a different date than the date on which this report is generated by entering a different date in this criteria field.
  5. Expand To - options include 'Payer', 'Patient' or 'Claim' level. The selection made in this field will dictate how many rows (how much data) is returned on the inital rendering of this report. If 'Payer' is selected, the least amount of rows/data will be returned because all data will be collapsed for each Payer. Selecting 'Patient' in this field will expand the data returned by expanding each Payer to list each associated Patient. If 'Claim' is selected, the most data possible is returned by expanding each Patient to list each associated Claim. Regardless of the selection made in this field, the Print Layout button on the Report Viewer screen can be used to collapse and/or expand nodes as needed for exporting or printing more specifically formatted data.

PBI 969: Fill In Form Popup Dialog - Enlarge this dialog to show more available template selections
The New Form Document window launched by the Fill In Form button on Document Manager has been enlarged for displaying more templates available for selection.

PBI 987: Employee Profile - Additional Enhancements - Active Direcory/Domain Authentication and Methasoft Login - New report Active Users by Job Role
Several enhancements have been made with respect to the Employee Profile screen and the Methasoft Login screen. Functionality was previously added that allows Methasoft administrators to use Microsoft Windows Active Directory/Domain accounts to authenticate Methasoft users. An enhancement now makes it mandatory for a Domain User value to be present for each Methasoft User on the Employee Profile screen when the Domain for active directory integration preference is turned on. The 'Change Password' field on the Methasoft Login screen has been changed to 'Change Methasoft Password', to ensure that users understand they are not changing their Active Directory/Domain password, but instead just their Methasoft password. A new report has been added called 'Active Users By Job Role'. The reports lists all active Methasoft users grouped by the job role(s) to which they are assigned. This report can be filtered by a specific Methasoft ID or Job Role.

PBI 1009: Prior Authorizations - Export to Claim and Service Line Loops according to 837P A1 standards
Previously Prior Authorization data was always exported to Loop 2400 in the 837P file, at the level of each service line, which sometimes led to file rejections because clearinghouse and/or payer systems expected prior authorization data to appear in Loop 2300 at the claim level. The 837P file billing export process has been changed to comply with 837P A1 standard requirements. The export of Prior Authorization data for multi-service line claims has been implemented as follows:

  1. For the first encounter of a service line within a claim with a prior authorization, the REF*G1*AUTHNUMBER~ segment is put in Loop 2300 at the claim level and is omitted in Loop 2400 at the service line level for any service lines associated with the same prior authorization.
  2. For each subsequent service line within the same claim associated with a different prior authorization record, the REF*G1*AUTHNUMBER~ segment is exported in Loop 2400 at the service line level.
  3. For each subsequent service line within the same claim not associated with a different prior authorization record, the REF*G1*AUTHNUMBER~ segment in Loop 2400 is excluded. The 837P A1 standard provides no method of indicating that these service lines are not associated with the claim level (Loop 2300) authorization data, or indicating that no prior authorization data is being submitted for these service lines.

PBI 1197: Claims by Patient Report - DOB and Subscriber ID
The Claims by Patient report has been enhanced to include the patient's Date of Birth (from Profile) and Subscriber ID Code (from Billing Episodes).

PBI 450: Health Screen - New Test Results Type - Hepatitis C
A new field called 'Hep C Results' has been added to the Health Screen.

PBI 452: Health Screens report - Add 'HCV Results' column and 'Specific Test' filter options
The Health Screen report has been enhanced by adding a 'HVC' column for displaying Hepatitis C results recorded on the Health Screen. Additionally a new criteria filter called 'Specific Test' has been added for this report, allowing users to filter this data by 'All', 'Last' or 'Missing' TB or Hepatitis C tests with or missing a 'Screening Date' (Test Date) during the selected date range.

PBI 687: Intakes and Discharges report - Add 'Dosed Through' column to both 'Discharges' Home and Guest Dosing sections
A new column called 'Dosed Through' has been added to both the Home Clinic Discharges and Guest Doser Discharges sections of the Intakes and Discharges report. This column displays the last Take On date for which a patient received medication.

PBI 686: Add Patient ID Filter to Intakes and Discharges Report
This report can now be filtered by Patient ID using the new 'Patient ID' criteria field.

PBI 682: Patient Medication Record for Billing report - Add 'Take On Date' to Default Sort / Order options in Report Preferences
A new Default Sort / Order option called 'Take On Date' is now available for selection on the Report Preferences screen, allowing this report to be sorted / ordered by Take On Date.

Bug Fixes - Methasoft 7.1

PBI 1587: Form Template Manager - Shows Deleted Items when it shouldn't
Though the Form Template Manager only allows users to deactivate Completed Form Templates, at times templates have required deletion in the database. Deleted templates no longer appear on the Form Template Manager screen.

PBI 1577: Nightly Processing - Billing Export to Flat File 'Place of Service' data type conversion issue
A nightly process that auto-exports third party billing data to a flat file would sometimes error out due to data type conversion failure for specific 'Place of Service' values. This issue has been fixed.

PBI 1575: Prepare Daily Pour - 'Multiple takeouts/bottle (SINGLE label)' on Dosing Information - Multiple Issues
Several issues have been found on the Prepare Daily Pour screen for patients with the 'Multiple takeouts/bottle (SINGLE label)' checkbox checked on the Dosing Information screen, at times in combination with other Dosing Information settings. The following issues have been fixed:

  1. Prepare Daily Pour shows additional unit doses needed when this setting is checked and pre-approved Dosage Change orders exist during the date range being prepared.
  2. Patients erroneously excluded for certain Prepare Daily Pour date ranges if this setting is checked, but only for specific Methasoft configurations.
  3. Prepare Daily Pour would show not include the Window (In-house) dose when this setting is checked in combination with the 'ALL Splits taken in Clinic' Dosing Information setting checked.
  4. Prepare Daily Pour not showing the correct number of unit doses needed for some Split-dose patients when this setting is checked.
  5. Prepare Daily Pour not showing the correct units needed for a new dosage amount if this setting is checked and the pre-approved Dosage Change order exists in the middle of the selected date range. The quantity of units needed only covered the original dosage amount. This issue took different forms in different scenarios - in some cases the quantity of units needed was just off by one for subsequent dosage amounts.

PBI 1647: Balance Journal - Invalid Amounts showing up for obscure, specific scenario
A bug causing the Balance Journal screen to reflect incorrect amounts charged for Takeout Doses, in a highly specific and unusual scenario has been fixed. The charges generated for this scenario were correct, but were being inaccurately represented on the Balance Journal screen. The scenario involved a patient receiving takeouts spanning 2 Billing Episodes associated with the same Payer, associated with Dosing - Window Only and Dosing - T/O Only billable services. In theory this scenario shouldn't exist unless a patient's new Billing Episode is associated with a different Payer than the episode that ended during the patient's takeout date range.

PBI 1583: Billable Services - screen validation broken for combinations of Dosing services
Validation functionality that prevents users from setting up a Dosing - Both service and a Dosing - Window Only and/or Dosing T/O Only service for the same Payer has been restored.

PBI 1770: Billing Export - UnSubmitted Only export issue when a value is defined for Claim Frequency on Payer/Rate Groups
In facilities that define a 'Claim Frequency' value on the Payer/Rate Groups screen, it was possible for specific Payer and Service selection scenarios to to select the 'UnSubmitted Only' checkbox on the Billing Export window and have the resulting EDI 837P file include one or more claims with a status of 'Submitted'. This issue was introduced when the 'Claim Frequency' field was added to the Payer/Rate Groups screen, and has been fixed.

PBI 1751: Claims by Patient report - Unpaid Only issue - based on $1 instead of $0.01
Previously if the 'Unpaid Only' criteria checkbox was selected, claims with outstanding balances equal to $0.99 or less were being erroneously excluded from the report. This has been fixed, and now all claims with an outstanding balance of $0.01 or higher appear for this criteria selection.

PBI 1574: Billable Services - Can save an Unmanaged Periodic service without selecting a Charge Option
Entering an Unmanaged - Periodic billable service on the Billable Services screen now requires users to select a Charge Option, including detail selections for the Charge Option selection when applicable.

PBI 1370: Patient Medication for Billing and Patient Medication Record by Modality reports - Retrieving the wrong dates based on the criteria date range selected
Previously this report was not pulling the exact medication dates for the date range selected, but instead was pulling all Dosed On Dates based on doses received during the date range selected. This issue has been fixed. So for example, if this report is run on a monthly basis, the first Take On Date will be the first of each month regardless of whether or not the dose was a Takeout dose, and last Take On Date will be the last date of each month.

PBI 1262: Intakes and Discharges by Modality report - Duplicate records for obscure scenario
An obscure issue causing duplicate records to be displayed on this report has been fixed.

PBI 1266: Orders Summary report - 2 bugs - Duplicate Rows and invalid 'Custom' Order Type 'Expiration' date
2 issues have been fixed for this report:

  1. Duplicate order records were previously appearing on this report if a patient was assigned to more than one Site Groups on the Profile screen.
  2. If the 'Expiration Date' of a Custom order was not entered, it would appear as '1/1/0001' on this report. Now a blank appears instead unless an 'Expiration Date' is entered for Custom orders.

PBI 1258: Payment Information Patient Charges Dosing report - 'Charge Amount' criteria bug when '0.00' is entered
Previously if '0', '0.00', or '0.0' was entered in the 'Charge Amount' criteria field for this report, all patients would appear on the report, just as would occur if the 'Charge Amount' field had been left blank. This issue has been fixed. Entering any of these values in this criteria field will cause this report to only display patients setup to be charged $0.00 for Dosing services. Leaving this field blank will behave as it always has by returning all patients according to any other criteria selections made.

PBI 1383: Intakes and Discharges reports - Duplicate records for patients with multiple overlapping Billing Episodes for Secondary and/or Tertiary Payers
In facilities entering overlapping Billing Episodes for Secondary and/or Tertiary Payers, this report was displaying duplicate records for patients with overlapping episodes. This issue has been fixed.

PBI 1579: Scheduler Preferences - Changing the 'Event Type' does not update the Billable Service Type or Journal Type descriptions for Billable Services
Previously if a user changed the 'Event Type' description on the Scheduler - Preferences window, this did not update the 'Service Type' description for any associated billable services on the Billable Services screen. This change also did not update associated Journal Type and 'Undo' Journal Type descriptions, leading to confusion depending on where in the system a user was viewing an edited event, or on Accounting reports and screens such as the Balance Journal screen. This issue has been fixed. Now changing the 'Event Type' of a billable scheduled event updates the Service Type and both Journal Type descriptions accordingly for consistency throughout the system.

PBI 1569: Patient List History report - Multiple bugs
The following bugs have been fixed for this report:

  1. The description of this report at the top of the Run Reports screen has been clarified to indicate that historical demographic patient data is being displayed.
  2. Some columns on this report were incorrectly retrieving current patient data instead of historical demographic patient data. The correct historical data is now being displayed in the 'Age', 'Phase', and 'Counselor' columns.
  3. Inactive patients are now included on this report.

PBI 1558: Orders Summary report - selecting multiple Site Groups as criteria causes an error
Previously if more than one Site Group was selected as criteria when running this report, an error would result. This issue has been fixed.

PBI 1109: Patient Medication Record reports - 'Show Dose Comments' criteria - shows all comment types
Previously if the 'Show Dose Comments' criteria field was checked when running this report, all additional comments recorded on the Comments screen would appear for each patient, regardless of the Comment Type selected for the additional comment. Now only comments entered on the Comments screen with the 'Dosing' Comment Type selected appear if this criteria filter is checked.

PBI 436: Titrate/Detox Order - Edit Detail button not based on Screen-level Edit security
The ability to press the Edit Detail button on this screen, and the ability to double-click on a row in the 'Complete Current Schedule Details' grid, are now contingent on a security group's (Job Role's) and/or user's Edit security access to the Titrate/Detox Order screen, based on Security Administration settings. Additionally, Edit Detail transactions are now audited, allowing them to be viewed on the Audit report.

PBI 1271: Documents Audit report - 2 bugs
2 bugs have been fixed for this report:

  1. The 'Document Type' column has been renamed to 'Document Subtype' so that it matches the corresponding 'Document Subtype' criteria field.
  2. An issue causing records to be erroneously excluded depending on the 'Missing/Completed' criteria filter selection made has been fixed.

PBI 1263: Perspective - 'Patient Birthdays this Month' portlet displays inactive patients
This Perspective portlet now only displays active patient birthdays.

PBI 1267: Patient List with Important Dates - 'Days in Treatment' Sort Option causes error
If the Default Sort / Order for this report was changed in Report Preferences to 'Days in Treatment', this report would subsequently error out when run. This issue has been fixed.

PBI 1402: Nightly Processes - Audit Log Lookup process failure
An issue related to the implementation of ICD-10 Diagnosis Code support was causing the AuditLogLookup Nightly Process to process the same records multiple times and fail in some facilities. This issue has been fixed.

PBI 1273: New Report - Batch Payments - Third Party Balances
As the Batch Payments screen and related Billing functionality have been greatly enhanced, the ability to view 'Third Party Balances' payment mode Batch Payments on the Batch Payments report was lost due to the limited nature of applying such payments. Though we recommend against using 'Third Party Balances' payment mode on Batch Payments (as opposed to using 'Service Lines' and/or '835 File' payment mode(s)), we have added a new report called Batch Payments - Third Party Balances, allowing facilities continuing to use 'Third Party Balances' payment mode to report on this type of batch payment.

PBI 1401: Total Dispensed by Day Breakdown - Report Performance Optimization - Large datasets can cause timeout errors
Previously in some facilities this report would error out by timing out when running it to display large amounts of data. The performance of this report has been optimized.

PBI 1260: Digital Signing for Group Notes - Signatures should not be required for patients not marked as 'Attended'
Previously, if a Group Note was configured to be digitally signed, when the Group Note was saved the system queued all patients in the group for needed signatures instead of only those patients marked as having attended the group session. Now only those patients marked as having attended the group session are queued for needing to sign group notes.

PBI 1462: Service Lines by Service report - Leaving 'Submitted Only' criteria field unchecked causes Submitted Service Lines to not appear
The issue with this criteria field has been fixed. This report now filters results properly when this criteria field is checked or unchecked.

PBI 1285: Inventory Bulk Reconciliation report - 'Subtract' Transaction Type selection includes 'Add' transactions
Previously selecting 'Subtract' in the Transaction Type criteria field did not filter out 'Add' transaction types from the report results. This issue has been fixed.

PBI 1275: Patient ID Cards cannot be printed from Profile when accessed from Daily Activities
Previously if a user accessed the Profile screen via the Profile button on the Daily Activities screen for a selected patient, the Print ID button would fail to print the patient's ID card. This issue has been fixed. Patient ID cards now print properly regardless of how the Profile screen is accessed.

PBI 1253: Add to Existing Units - Transactions aren't showing up on Bulk Bottle Detail reports
There were specific user-scenarios using the Add to Existing Units screen that resulted in 'Add to Unit' transactions not showing up properly on the Bulk Bottle Detail and Bulk Bottle Detail by Transaction Type reports. This issue has been fixed.

PBI 1136: Patient Balance Journal report - doesn't show '3rd-Party Payment' descriptions for Third Party payment mode Batch Payment payments
When 'Third Party Balances' mode was used to record Batch Payment transactions, the '3rd-Party Payment' description was not appearing for these transactions on this report. Though we do not recommend using this payment mode, this issue has been fixed.

PBI 955: Patient Balance Summary report - Batch Payments show up as 'Other Credits' instead of 'Payments'
Batch Payments now properly show up in the 'Payments' column of this report.

PBI 1227: Editing a Service Line using ICD-10 Diagnosis Codes causes a red system error
Editing a Service Line on the Billing Service Line Management window (accessed via Edit Service Lines on the Claims Generator screen) was causing an 'Object reference' red Netalytics system error. This error did not appear for service lines using ICD-9 values. This bug has been fixed.

PBI 972: Methasoft Client Installer configuration file overwritten for new Domain User
For facilities using Domain User Methasoft login functionality, an issue causing the client configuration file to be overwritten upon the login of a new Windows Domain user has been resolved.

PBI 968: Batch Payments - Restore ability to record Batch Number, Check Number and Check Amount data in 'Third Party Balances' Payment Mode
Though we recommend against recording Batch Payments using 'Third Party Balances' Payment Mode for multiple reasons, we have restored the ability of users to record 'Batch Number', 'Check Number' and 'Check Amount' data when using this Payment Mode.

PBI 1206: ICD-10 support needs to be implemented for all non-standard Billing Export staging procedures
ICD-10 support has been implemented for all non-standard versions of the 837P Billing Export staging procedure, allowing for the export of ICD-9 and/or ICD-10 values as defined on the Billable Services, Billable Service Overrides, and/or Billing Service Line Management (Edit Service Lines) screens.

PBI 1129: Payer/Rate Groups - allows deletion of Payers with in-use Prior Authorization records
Previously a Payer/Rate Group could be deleted regardless of whether or not the Payer/Rate Group was associated with an existing Prior Authorization record. Implemented validation on the Payer/Rate Groups screen now prevents this.

PBI 1141: One Billable Service associated with Multiple More... records
Specific Billable Service Edit procedures could result in a Billable Service becoming associated with multiple More... records, leading to inaccurate historical data based on More... properties. This issue has been fixed. Each time a Billable Service record and/or associated More... record is Edited, both the Billable Service record and More... record are now journaled appropriately.

PBI 555: Treatment Plans Report - 2 Bugs
The following 2 bugs have been fixed on the Treatment Plans report:

  1. Previously both the 'Intake Date' and 'Primary Diagnosis Code' retrieved a patient's currently assigned values instead of their assigned values at the time when the Treatment Plan was created. This has been changed to instead rely on demographic history data so that the correct historical values are displayed for these fields.
  2. Previously 'Primary Diagnosis Code' data was not stored each evening by the patient demographic history Nightly Process. It is now being stored and utilized to display the correct value for this report.

PBI 822: Guest Dosing Request - 'Consent' Version - 4 Signatures push report to a second page
The 'Guest Dosing Request for Consent' report was modified to allow several lines of text to be added to 'Additional Info' on the Profile screen for a patient before the signatures at the bottom of the report wrap to the second page.

PBI 796: Batch Payments report - More digits allowed for Totals to prevent values from wrapping to a new line
For larger Totals values, this report now accommodates more digits to prevent large values from wrapping to a new line. This report now correctly displays numbers up to 9,999,999.00.

PBI 788: Patient Chart Export Download Notifications on the 'Messages' Navigation Panel - 3 Bugs
The following 3 Patient Charge Export Download Notification message bugs have been fixed:

  1. If multiple notification messages appeared on the navigation panel, sometimes the refresh timer would not remove notification messages for one or more charts that had finished downloading successfully.
  2. Clicking on a notification message, then clicking Cancel on the download dialog would cause the notification message to disappear even though the download operation had been canceled.
  3. The message notification refresh timer had to fire twice before removing notifications for downloaded Patient Charts, instead of just once.

PBI 784: Orders - Scenario causing a Doctor to be defaulted when no Default Doctor has been defined on the Site Doctors screen
Previously if multiple doctors were defined on the Site Doctors screen as 'Clinic' doctors, but none were set as the 'Default' doctor, the Orders screen would select the first 'Clinic' doctor in the list instead of leaving the 'Doctor' field blank. This issue has been resolved. If no doctor is defined as the 'Default' doctor on the Site Doctors screen, then the 'Doctor' field on the Orders screen will be blank when the screen is opened or refreshed.

PBI 939: Caseload Summary by Primary Payer report - Payer Category/Payer criteria selection issue
An issue related to running this report for Payer Categories and/or Payer Rate Groups was causing the appearance that the report was displaying duplicate records. This report has been enhanced so that the data presented is clearer when running this report for either option.

PBI 696: Claims by Billable Service - New Default Sort/Order options
'CID' and 'Central Record Number' (Patient ID) have been added as new Default Sort/Order options for this report on the Report Preferences screen.

PBI 695: Incorrect Dose Type recorded for patient dosed on 0 Mgs
Fixed an issue where the wrong Dose Type could be recorded for a patient dosed on 0 Mgs.

PBI 694: Billing Episodes by Patient report - 'Missing Episodes Only' parameter issue
There were scenarios where patients who were not missing Billing Episode data for specific selected date range scenarios were erroneously showing up on this report when the 'Missing Episodes Only' criteria field was checked. This issue has been fixed. Checking this parameter will now only display patients who do not have a current, effective Billing Episode with a date range that doesn't fully cover all days included in the selected date range when this report is run.

PBI 1257: Unmanaged Billable Services - No longer create Service Lines that are not associated with Claims
Previously when generating service lines based on charges created by Unmanaged - Dosing Periodic billable services, doing so for certain date ranges would result in the existence of service lines not associated with a claim until the next billing cycle (cycle of claim generation). This introduced a problem in specific scenarios when a user would be prevented from, for example, ending a billable service associated with these 'orphaned' service lines that extended beyond the acceptable date range. These 'orphaned' service lines were not viewable on the Claims Generator screen because they were not associated with a claim and could thus not be deleted by the user. This problem has been resolved. So-called 'orphaned' service lines are no longer generated by Unmanaged - Dosing Periodic billable services, and thus cannot interfere with the modification of billable services of this type unless another valid condition to prevent modification exists.

PBI 1579: Scheduler Preferences - Changing the 'Event Type' does not update the Billable Service Type or Journal Type descriptions for Billable Services
Previously if a user changed the 'Event Type' description on the Scheduler - Preferences window, this did not update the 'Service Type' description for any associated billable services on the Billable Services screen. This change also did not update associated Journal Type and 'Undo' Journal Type descriptions, leading to confusion depending on where in the system a user was viewing an edited event, or on Accounting reports and screens such as the Balance Journal screen. This issue has been fixed. Now changing the 'Event Type' of a billable scheduled event updates the Service Type and both Journal Type descriptions accordingly for consistency throughout the system.

PBI 1462: Service Lines by Service report - 'Submitted Only' criteria field bug
Leaving the 'Submitted Only' criteria field unchecked previously caused service lines to be excluded for specific criteria selection scenarios. This issue has been resolved. Checking this criteria checkbox now properly includes only service lines associated with claims having a 'Submitted' Claim Status on this report.

PBI 1273: New Report - Batch Payments - Third Party Balances - Reinstates old Batch Payments report functionality
The Batch Payments report currently excludes Batch Payments made using 'Third Party Balances' Payment Mode. While trying to deprecate 'Third Party Balance' Payment Mode functionality, we discovered that it remains useful in some unique facility scenarios in which the other Payment Modes are not ideal. This report was created to display only non-voided Batch Payments made in 'Third Party Balances' Payment Mode.

PBI 1539: Invalid Billing Export Data report - Missing Subscriber ID section - Episode From and To Date comparison erroneously excluded some episodes
Previously Episode From and To Dates entered when running this report could exclude billing episodes with invalid Subscriber ID data in certain scenarios. This issue has been resolved. Now any billing episode with invalid Primary Subscriber ID data that is effective on a date included in the selected date range for which this report is run is properly included on the report.

PBI 697: Order History - rare paging/sort issue(s)
In rare scenarios never fully characterized, certain records per page settings, grid column sorting, order types and/or 'Show Future Orders' checkbox combinations would cause the Next and Previous paging options to disappear or malfunction. Paging on this screen has been refactored for this screen and is now working properly.

PBI 434: Switch Bulk Bottles - Secondary User Validation switch not properly storing off Bulk Bottle ID in the validation log
In some facilities using Secondary User Validation functionality when switching bulk bottles on the Switch Bulk Bottles screen, a bug was preventing Bulk Bottle ID values to not be properly recorded. This resulted in 'N/A' appearing on the Inventory Bulk Reconciliation report instead of the user who validated the transaction. This issue has been resolved.

PBI 700: Patient ID Card printing from the Check-In screen stopped working
When technical changes were implemented for the printing of patient ID Cards, the changes broke a user's ability to print patient ID Cards when using the Check-In screen. This issue has been resolved.

PBI 954: Health Screens report - Other Results not appearing in some scenarios
Certain criteria field selections for this report were causing Other Results (Other Tests) to not appear on this report. Primarily this occurred when multiple patient health screen records for the same patient appeared on this report. This issue has been resolved.

PBI 787: Bug - Email Notifications no longer refreshing and clearing properly
A bug has been fixed that was causing 'Email' notifications on the Messages navigation panel to not refresh and clear when a user checked their email. When a user opens their email and reads at least one email message, email notification data on the Messages navigation panel will refresh on the next cycle of the email-check timer, which is incremented in minutes by a Preference setting.

PBI 969: Bug - Fill In Form Popup Dialog - Error Handling bug
A bug in error handling on the New Form Document window (launched by the Fill In Form button on Document Manager), which could cause Methasoft to close unexpectedly has been resolved.

Release Notes - Methasoft 6.5.3

New Features

11849: Patient List for Billing Report (Deprecated)
Reactivated deprecated patient list for billing report

12322: Case Note Activity by Counselor
New Report - Case Note Activity by Counselor

PBI 81: Import PDF Data Into Another PDF Template
Functionality has been added to the Document Manager screen that allows users to import data from a completed form (PDF) to an newly created form (template) .

PBI 211: New Report - Patient List With Address Information
Some of our customers needed a way to track the county in which a patient's Medi-Cal is registered. This may or may not be the county in which the patient lives. By using address types, users can generate a report that lists patients by the address type.

PBI 231: Patient ID Card: No Signature Line Versions
There are new versions of the Patient ID Card reports that doesn not include the patient signature line at the bottom/back of the report

PBI 120: New Button/Screen - Billing Eligibility
There are two new pieces of functionality that has been added to allow customers to check a patient's insurance eligibility. A button has been added to the Patient Payments screen called Check Eligibility. Checking this button will send off a request to Zirmed to validate the patient's eligibility. Also added is a new Billing Eligibility screen in the Accounting menu that shows the history of a patient's eligibility checks.

PBI 145: Netalytics Broadcast Alert Tool
Functionality has been added that will allow Netalytics/Methaosft to create broadcast messages that can be sent to groups of customers or specific customers from our office. Messages could include server update warnings, software update messages, etc...


11072: Prior Authorizations Based on Money
The Prior Authorizations report has been enhanced to include the ability to display only Prior Authorizations that have crossed the 80% threshold based on 'Amount' (a new field on the Prior Authorizations screen with a new corresponding column on this report) when the 'Expiring (80% / 30 Days)' criteria checkbox is checked. This criteria filter now works on the basis of authorized vs. charged 'Units' and/or 'Amount'.

PBI 148: Patient Address Report Changes
Added the counselor and county code fields to the report

PBI 172: Generic Screen Functionality
Several screens have been updated to enhance our generic screen functionality. Previously users were allowed to create invalid combinations of selections on screens that could have potentially caused issues later on. This new functionality validates selections based on other selections on the screen. It insures that required fields are saved and it also prevents users from creating invalid combinations of selections. These screens are: Billing Episodes, Billable service Additional Information - More button, Billable Service Overrides, Billing Providers, Pay-To-Providers, Payer/Rate Groups, Prior Authorizations, Receiver Format, Referring Providers, Rendering Providers, Service Facilities.

PBI 214: Billable Service Cloning and Filtering
Functionality has been added that allows users to quickly clone a Billable Service. The Clone button allows user to select an existing billable service and copy all of its values into a new record. Filtering allows users to sort the grid by Payer/Rate Group, Billable Service and Type. It also allows users to filter out inactive billable services.

PBI 241: Check Number Enhancement Batch Payment Screen
The check number field on the Batch Payments screen has been enhanced to accept alphanumeric check numbers up to 30 characters in length.

Patient Chart Export - Ability to generate individual PDF's and merge into single PDF with TOC
Users now have the ability to generate a patient chart and export it to a PDF or zip file with password security.

PBI 223: Drug Screen Demographic Report
Addressed a performance issue with the report that caused it not to successfully generate.

PBI 573: Journal Types Report
The report that was once known as Additional Charges Report has now been renamed Journal Types Report.

PBI 135: Perspective
An enhancement has been made to the Perspective screen that allows users to be able to subscribe to portlets without the assistance of a Methasoft Support person.

PBI 287: Inventory Units Added Report
An enhancement has be made to the Inventory Units Added report so that it now include units that were made but not assigned to a patient.

PBI 338: Active Directory Authentication on Validation Screens
The Active Directory Authentication functionality has been enhanced so that it is now included in the validation screens in Methasoft. When preferences are set to require validation for certain transactions in Methasoft, the same domain authentication that is used to log user in is used for validation.

PBI 342: DSM / ICD 9 / ICD 10 Functionality
Several enhancements has been made with the functionality of the DSM / ICD 9 /ICD 10. In the Treatment Plan Report, the DSM-IV field text has been replaced with the text Primary Diagnosis Code. The DSM Code that was once entered on the Payment Information screen has bee removed. The new Primary Diagnosis field is now in the Patient Profile - More screen where all of the new ICD 10 codes have been added. A migration was also written to update a patient's old DSM IV code to the new ICD standards.

Bug Fixes

11596: Dose Change Order for Split Dosing in Take Out Range Will Not Give 2nd Dose
Dose Patient: implemented fix for split dose change orders not going into effect over a takeout range.

11707: Document Setup Allows The Same Subtypes To Be Entered Twice
Document Setup: Added validation to prevent entry of duplicate Types and Subtypes.

11956: DHS OMT Export Code
Fixed an issue with the DHS Illinois Export causing it to sometimes not have the correct payer/rate group information.

11979: Patient Medication Record By Billing Episode
Report no longer excludes patients with open ended billing episodes.

11988: Patient Discharge Report Not Populating Patient information On report header.
Header with patient information now repeats on every page.

11996: Special Take Out orders affecting empty bottle tracking
Fixed an issue with the dosing process where it would ask for more bottles than the patient has because of a special takeout order from their last dose.

12000: Export Flat Files updates "last_successful_completion" even when export fails
Fixed bug where unsuccessful flat file exports would update the last successful completion date.

12018: Rounding Error During Switch Bulk Bottle Transaction
Dose Patient: fixed a rounding issue that could occur when switching bottles with amounts less than 1 mg

12041: Phantom Inventory - Dosing issue where inventory is not removed
Dose Patient: Fixed an issue that could cause inventory to be off when multiple users use the same workstation

12059: Report Preferences Screen "Default Parameters" button caption
Fixed Parameter Defaults window to show the report's title instead of its description.

12101: Debit Balances Report Not Showing 3rd Party Balance
Debit Balances now shows 3rd Party Debit Balances for patients without a Patient Debit Balance

12211: Inventory Bulk Transactions Report Does Not Show Deleted Bulk Bottles
The Inventory Bulk Transactions report has now been fixed to include deleted bottles as well.

12212: Patient Discharge Screen Does Not Refresh On Change of Patient ID
Discharge/Transfer screen now refreshes when on change of Patient ID

12219: SNAP note dates cannot be edited
Fixed an issue causing entry date not to update when saving an existing SNAP note.

12254: When you change a patients window dose to a takeout it doesn't reflect on the patients dosing history.
DosePatient: fixed an issue where if you changed the window does to a take home on current dose breakdown, dosing history would still show the dose as window.

12275: Site Groups Causes Duplicates On PMR For Billing
Fixed an issue causing records to be duplicated if a patient was in multiple site groups.

12287: Patient and Payer Charges Report - Bug and Adding COB capability
Fixed an issue that sometimes caused billing episodes not to show up separately on the report.

12289: Intakes and Discharges Report
Fixed an issue with duplicate rows in the Intakes and Discharges Report

12307: Charged vs Claimed Totals Not Calculating Charged Units Correctly
Fixed and issue where the report was not calculating the charged units totals correctly.

12327: Prior Authorizations report - Bugs / Clean-up Issues
Two bugs have been fixed for the Prior Authorizations report: 1.) Checking the 'Expiring (80% / 30 Days) criteria field now properly displays Prior Authorizations crossing the 80% threshold based on the number of Authorized Billable Units divided by the number of Charged Billable Units. 2.) Prior Authorization records without an entered 'Authorization #' are now properly being displayed on this report.

PBI 228: Bulk Renciliation Report
Fixed an issue with the Bulk Reconciliation report where it doesn't show the 'validated by' user in the report.

PBI 222: Apply Mode On Tab Fix
This is a fix to the batch payments screen that would cause Methasoft to error out and close when applying payments. The text in the "Apply Mode" tab would continue to grow until the tab became to large and the program would error out. This has been fixed so that the tab text remains the same throughout the batch payment process.

PBI 220: Patient Balance Journal Activity Report
This case solved issue with the report where the totals were incorrect

PBI 230: Total Dispensed By Day Summary Report This case solved an issue wherein the Total Dispensed By Day Summay report failed to include doses that were for patients with no billing episode.

Release Notes - Methasoft 6.5.1

New Features

11789: COB Phase 1 - Case Notes Billable Units by Patient
'Case Notes Billable Units by Patient' renamed to 'Case Notes Billable Units by Counselor / Note Type' and new 'Case Notes Billable Units by Patient' added. Prior to version 6.4 the Case Note Billable Units reports worked without the need for Billable Services or Charges. (Note: this report has and had a Payer column and Parameter.) In 6.4 with the inception of Phase 1 COB it became more costly to support reports with a Payer Parameter and Columns.It was decided to change all the Case Note Billable Units... reports to be driven by Charges instead of trying to sort out the more complex Payer situation in each report. Customers down the line who have used this report without charges can no longer use this report in this way. We have decided that the best solution is to create a NEW report called Case Note Activity by Counselor. The starting point for this report would be the pre 6.4 Case Note Billable Units by Counselor. With one major difference, the Payer Column and Payer Parameter will be omitted. Any joins in the retrieve proc for the purposes for returning Payer should also be removed for performance reasons.

11900: Patient Chart (New Screen)
A new screen called Patient Chart has been added and is accessible from the Patient menu. The Patient Chart is highly configurable using the Document Setup, Digital Signing Setup, Form Template Manager, Report Preferences, and Chart Section Setup screens. The Patient Chart serves as an electronic Patient Chart for paperless facilities, allowing Completed Forms, Case Notes, Group Notes, Assessments, Discharge/Transfer Summaries, Drug Screen Results, and Linked Documents (including Saved and Linked Report PDFs) to be displayed for a retrieved patient.

11906: Patient Chart - Chart Section Items Setup Screen
A new screen has been added to the Administration menu called Chart Section Setup. This screen is used to configure the Tabs, Sections, and Section Subtypes (Items) that will appear on the new Patient Chart screen at each facility.

12160: Patient Chart - Tabs Definition Screen
A new Code Table has been added called 'Patient Chart Tabs', for naming and sequencing the Tabs of the Patient Chart screen. These Tabs are then available for selection in the 'Chart Tab' field on the Chart Section Setup screen.

12161: Online Help - Patient Chart Screen
A new Help topic has been added to Methasoft Help for the new Patient Chart screen.

12095: Undo Payments - UI Changes
In this release we have made some minor cosmetic changes to Undo Payments screen. Some of the changes include re-naming the screen to Undo Account Transactions, the ability to switch between different Balance Types, and adding "Effective Date" to the grid.

12133: Online Help - Therapist360 Options
Online and Printed Documentation Help content has been further updated for the Therapist360 product.

12136: ReportServer Configuration Setting - make it a Database Preference
Preferences: Moved report configuration settings to preferences

12137: Active Directory Authentication
Authentication: Methasoft now supports Authentication / log in with active directory

12141: Billing Episodes by Patient - Add Subscriber ID to report
Subscriber ID added to report

12142: Add DOB to Dose Patient Screen
We have added Date of Birth to the Dose Patient screen on the Information tab.

12145: New field and Adjustment rule - 'Expected Amount'
In this release we have added a new type of adjustment rule called "If Expected = Paid, Apply Remaining To". This rule depends on a new field, Expected Amount, which the user sets as the amount they expected the payer to pay for a particular billable service. This new field can be set on the billable services more screen. If the expected amount matches what the payer paid, then this rule with work exactly the same as a "Apply Remaining To" rule.

12150: New Report - Dosing Units by Payer and Drug Type
New Report "Dosing Units by Payer and Drug Type"

12165: Meridian/Procentive Billing export - Tab-Delimited File
Meridian Export File - tab Delimited

12166: Prior Authorization Report - Darken Shading a bit
Conditional field backgrounds ("Actual/Auth" and "End Date") darkened

12167: Queue View - Include Name Option
Dosing Queue View: added option to display patient name in the queue list rather than display id

12170: Referring Provider Functionality for Billing and 837P Export
Added Support for Referring Provider. Added a new Referring Provider Screen. Added a new field to the Billing Episode screen called 'Referring Provider' for associating a patient's Billing Episode with a Referring Provider. Referring Provider data is exported to 837P EDI files, but currently only at the Claim level. This may be an interim solution since Referring Provider data can differ across Billable Services.

12171: Online Help - Generic 'Topic Unavailable...' Text for Incomplete Topics so partial_help_url can be seeded
Methasoft Help has been updated in light of new centralized hosted Online WebHelp, such that as Help topics are updated, the updates will automatically roll out to customers using Methasoft Version 6.5.0 or higher. Now users are notified from within Methasoft Help when a Screen or Report Help topic is being updated and is currently unavailable.

12244: Online Help - New Topic Needed for Referring Providers
A Help topic has been added to Methasoft Help for the new Referring Providers screen. The Billing Episodes screen Help topic has been updated accordingly, since it is the screen used to associate a Referring Provider to a patient.

Bug Fixes

10972: Billable Services - Additional Validation checks needed for existing Charges
Additional Validation on Billable Services screen

11208: Can't remove Phase Types drop down/Defaults
Made the phase types combobox on the UK prescription panel form elements aware so that it can be disabled

11260: Web Link Administration Menu Item Missing
The Web Links Administration menu item disappeared in a specific version of Methasoft that might've affected some users. This issue has been fixed.

11933: CD Register Report - Lot Number LIKE statement can't handle Underscores
CD Register Report

12050: calculate_primary_dose_units_f floating point issue
Check in fix for issue regarding float vs int

12090: Pumps - Need ability to support multiple types of pumps at one clinic
Pumps: Changed configuration to allow for multiple pump types at one facility.

12140: Missing Charges Report - Takes Patient ID instead of Display ID
Added fix for "Missing Charges" report where 'Patient ID' parameter wasn't filtering correctly.

12158: Batch Payments - Cancel not reverting Line Color
In 6.4 a feature was introduced where forground text line colors changed when a line was manually edited to signify that the line was manually changed. However on a single line Cancel the color did not revert back to black. This has been fixed in 6.5.1.

12168: Guest Dosing Request Report - Consent Version - Signatures on Second Page
Signatures will now fit on first page if there are less than 5 lines of 'Additional Info'

12184: Employee Profile - Security Button Security
User can no longer click the "Security" button if they do not have access to the "Security Administration" screen

12215: Guest Dosing Request For Signing Report Info Not Same As Original
'Guest Dosing Request for Signing' now includes height, weight, hair color, and eye color in the physical description field.

12226: Billing Monthly Summary and BMS Lite are ignoring parameters.
Fixed bug where deprecated Billing Monthly Summary reports weren't accepting parameters

12245: Case Notes report - Patient Id parameter needs to be Patient ID
An issue which caused the Case Notes report to not default in the currently retrieved patient's Patient ID on the Run Reports screen (when the 'Default Current Patient ID' checkbox is checked) and prevented it from being Saved and Linked for a patient on the Report Viewer screen has been fixed.

12253: Absent Rate over Time Report - using Wrong Date
Fixed issue with Absent Rate over Time report, where it was using the DOSED DATE instead of the TAKE ON DATE. Take on Date is the proper date to be used.

12261: Batch Payments - Infinate Loop on Apply when next row is a collapsed group
In Prior releases, In Batch Payments, if there was a collapsed Group By row in the grid and the user tried applied a payment on the row before it, this would cause on infinate loop. In other words the application would hang forever. The only way out would be to stop the application from Task Manager. This is fixed in version 6.5.1. Additionally, if the user put focus on the Group By row and Applied a Payment the payment would go towards the last row selected. In 6.5.1 the row related Payment buttons become disabled.

12283: Parameter Count Error When Editing From Charge Manager
Starting in version 6.4 an error would occur if a charge was edited and saved on the Charge Manager screen. This is fixed.

Release Notes - Methasoft 6.5.0

New Features

10781: Periodic Charges Driver NP Scheduled Time Needs To Be Changed
Moved patient demographic history nightly process to run before the periodic charges nightly process.

11657: Payment Method Information on receipt
Added Payment Method field do 2.25" dosing receipt.

11754: 835 - Automated Adjustment Rule - Adjustment Group and Reason Code
Automated Adjustment Rule types include Adjustment by: Group Code, Reason Code, Group and Reason Code. Also "Apply Remaining To" functionality will now be defined here on the Adjustment Rules screen instead on the Billable Service More screen. So on the off chance that any early adopters did get to set that up and use it. It will need to be set up again here.

11780: 835 - Non Match Visibilty
Added Match and Non-Match groups to the Batch Payments 835 Modes. Any Service Lines in the 835 file that are readable but do not match Methasoft Service Lines are placed in the Non-Match group. Matches are placed in the Match Group. The Non-Match Group is read only, Applies are not possible on Non-Match Lines.

11910: West Virginia - New Report - Clinic Treatment Summary
New Report - Clinic Treatment Summary

11918: Billing Episodes - Regenerate Charges Automatically
We have added automatic re-generation of charges functionality when editing billing episodes and billable service overrides.

11941: New Report - Patient Balance Activity report
New 'Patient Balance Journal Activity' Report

12028: RoboHelp - Help Documentation Output - Hosted Centralization / Versioning
Methasoft Help content has been updated in numerous ways to reflect changes in Methasoft functionality since the last version of Methasoft Help content was published. These changes apply to both Online content and Printed Documentation. Additionally, Help has been centralized and is now located on a hosted server with versioning, so that each facility's available Help content will match the version of Methasoft being used. This change applies to facilities using Methasoft Version 6.5.0 or higher.

12045: RoboHelp - Each Topic needs a 'Topic Last Updated On:' field and Date / RH Functionality Discovery and Testing
Methasoft Help content has been updated to include a 'Topic Last Updated On: MM/DD/YYYY' date at the top of each Help topic, for more clarity when inconsistencies are found between Methasoft functionality and it's associated Help documentation.

12054: Basic Dosing Charge Screen Save Procedure
Added functionality to help persist the validity of existing charges when making changes on the Basic Dosing Charge Information screen.

12062: 835 - Make 835 Matching Rules Configurable from Receiver Format
In 6.5.0 835 Matching rules can be configures to include a match on Claims, Service Lines and Subscriber ID. or Just on Claims and Service Lines.

12078: Regenerate Charges Procedure for Unmanaged Services
Added regenerate functionality for unmanaged billable services.

Bug Fixes

11226: Daily Reconciliation Log Report - Performance issues.
Improved performance time for Daily Reconciliation Log

11461: Site Demographics History Does Not Look At Payer
Site Demo History report shows correct billing provider or payer

11666: Create Methasoft Icon in Methasoft Client Update.exe
Client Update: client update exe will now have the methasoft icon by default

11694: Report To Show Voided/Undone Batch Payments
Report now has option to include Voided/Undone Batch Payments

11785: Inactive signatures included when cloning digital signature episode
Cloning signature object episodes no longer includes inactive detail records

11795: Max Balance Patient Can Carry - Need Security and Reporting Tied To Patient Level
Additional security on Payment Information Screen. New "Allow Max Balance Override" preference. New report "Max Balance Overrides".

11860: Regenerate Charges - Scheduled Events
We have fixed an issue causing charges not to get regenerated (using charge manager) when a patient's billing episodes are changed so that they have a different payer. We also added support for charging against the correct payer (only through regenerate) when a patient has multiple payers.

11873: Current dose on existing order does not show the current dose of pt as of when the order was put in
"Dose When Entered" was added to the Orders Screen

11898: ID for Discharge Reasons is too large

11899: Undo Batch Payments - Can't type Alpha into Batch Number field - and other Minor issues
Various minor fixes on the Undo Batch Payments screen: - Accept Alpha-Numeric in Batch Number field. - Batch ID field drop down is now filtering out voided. - Payer/Rate Grp now allows blank. And start as blank. - Post Undo state if last batch in grid is deleted, the screen will now go into a Clear state.

11952: Case Note Billable Units not staying locked
Case Notes: fixed an issue that could cause billable units to recalculate even if the case note template has the lock units setting turned on

11955: Drug Dose Log - Total Amount Dispensed Column
Fixed bug causing "Total Amount Dispensed" column on the Drug Dose Log report to show incorrect information.

11961: Billing Export Admission Date - Default in a value.

11962: 3.5X1.4 Dose Label
Added fix for 3.5x1.4 Dose Label dates cutting off

11990: Additional Charges and Misc Items
Report no uses correct pay date.

11993: Drug Screen Results - Multiple Clinic TX Drugs
Drug Screen Results - Unacceptable now correctly displays unacceptable screens for Clinics that dose with multiple drug types

11995: Divide By Zero Error Caseload Performance Report
Fixed a divide-by-zero error on 'Caseload Performance' report

12002: Digital Signing - Unsign - Requires user to 'sign'
When removing signatures from a linked document, the user is no longer prompted for password/pin/signature.

12014: 835 - Adjustment Rules - New Generic Screen, tables and triggers.
Adjustment Rules - A new management screen for 835 adjustment rules. See the parent Adjustment Rules case and Help Topic for more info.

12019: Basic Dosing Charge Information - Needs Per Day in Drop Down
In 6.4.2 a Per Day Charge Option was added in Billable Services. This new charge option was not added to the Basic Dosing Charge screen. The per day option was now added in 6.5.

12021: Regenerate Charges - Absent Patient
We have fixed an issue causing charges not to get regenerated (using charge manager) when a patient's billing episodes are changed so that they have a different payer. We also added support for charging against the correct payer (only through regenerate) when a patient has multiple payers.

12022: Regenerate Charges - Drug Screens
We have fixed an issue causing charges not to get regenerated (using charge manager) when a patient's billing episodes are changed so that they have a different payer. We also added support for charging against the correct payer (only through regenerate) when a patient has multiple payers.

12024: Regenerate Charges - Case notes
We have fixed an issue causing charges not to get regenerated (using charge manager) when a patient's billing episodes are changed so that they have a different payer. We also added support for charging against the correct payer (only through regenerate) when a patient has multiple payers.

12040: Site Doctor Migration
Fixed issue where non-clinic doctors were showing up as clinic doctors

12043: Drug Screen Update - Charge Date Incorrect
Fixed issue causing a drug screen edit not to update the charge date of an associated charge.

12065: RoboHelp - New Conditional Build Tags ('Vsn5' and 'Incomp') to Suppress Old and Incomplete Topics from Output
Numerous deprecated screen and report Help topics have been removed from both online and printed Methasoft Help content.

12068: The old Third Party Providers menu item is showing back up again in the test system
The Third Party Providers screen available in Version 5 has been deprecated and is disabled in Version 6. The Payer/Rate Groups screen takes its place in Version 6.

12075: Billable Service Override Validation Issue
Fixed issue preventing a billable service override to be saved in some scenarios.

12089: Accounting Menu topic needs to be updated
Methasoft Help - The Accounting Menu chapter introduction topic has been updated to reflect the latest functionality.

12200: Batch Payments Save on Manual Entries in 835 modes not working
Prior to 6.5 Batch Payments 835 Save with Manually Applied Payments, Discounts or Transfers after an 835 file load did not work properly. Post 835 Load Manual Applies where not fully saved. This issue was introduced in version 6.4.

12203: Online Help - Help and Whats New Server URL seed data change
Methasoft Help content has been updated in numerous ways to reflect changes in Methasoft functionality since the last version of Methasoft Help content was published. These changes apply to both Online content and Printed Documentation. Additionally, Help has been centralized and is now located on a hosted server with versioning, so that each facility's available Help content will match the version of Methasoft being used. This change applies to facilities using Methasoft Version 6.5.0 or higher.

12029: RoboHelp - Seed Data changes needed for hosted Help content
In Methasoft Help, some Screen and Report topics were previously being excluded from the published output. This has been fixed for numerous topics. In other cases, erroneous topics were associated with screens and reports, which affects Current Active Screen Help and Run Reports Help. These erroneous associations have also been fixed.

Release Notes - Methasoft 6.4.2

New Features

11191: Ticket Number: 78639 -Request for a Text Area or Text for Commenting on Waiting List Screen
Text Area for Comments was added to the Waiting List Screen and Report

11436: Print Orders Screen Needs A Verbal Only Filter
When Printing Orders, the user can now filter by "Verbal Only"

11437: Order Labels Need To Say "Verbal: Yes" or "Verbal: No" Depending
Verbal Field ("Yes" or "No") was added to Order Labels

11452: Discharge Numbers
'Discharge Summary by Reason' now sorts by reason, and summarizes total patients

11524: Patient Profile Report to Include Admission Date In Parenthesis
"Admit Date" was changed to "Intake Date(Admission Date)" on Patient Profile sub-report

11658: Patient Statement Report Criteria Addition
Patient Statement Report now has "Payer/Category" parameter

11672: Expiring Custom Orders Report
Added "Expiring Soon" parameter to "Order Summary" report.

11697: Patient List History Show Full SSN Parameter
Patient List History now has option to display full SSN or not.

11709: Drug Of Choice Report
Report created for "Drug of Choice"

11711: Claims by Billable Service
CID column has been added to Claims by Billable Service

11712: Document Database Max Capacity Warning
Document Manager: Added a database capacity warning indicator that shows up at 85% or above current database usage.

11727: JFK/Qualifacts - Enhancement to 'Dosing Information' Export
Carelogic compatible Dosing Information Export nightly process implemented.

11731: Dashboard Portlets - Doses Dispensed Summary - UK
New UK Doses Dispensed Summary portlets on the Corporate Dashboard

11753: Report Enhancement request
Full name now visible in 'Drug Screen Results - Site' report

11762: Billing - Scheduled Events - Option to put Charge Date = Completed Date
Added ability to charge for schedule events on the schedule event's completed date. This behavior can be set using a new preference on the billable service's "More.." screen.

11763: Credit Card on File - Start looking at the process.
Credit Processing: Methasoft now supports credit card processing through authnet's CIM service.

11796: Nightly Process - Database Backup - Option to generate single full backup instead of 7 days worth
For Offsite Backup Sites, there are needs to only create an single full backup each day, and not keep a week's worth of backups. This SYSTEM-LEVEL Preference can be changed to allow the backups to function this way.

11825: Kiosk: Need to change financial detox flags to show on kiosk and be stop dose
Financial Detox: nightly process scheduled Financial detox flags will now show on the kiosk and check in screen. Also financial detox flags are now stop dose which will prevent the patient from checking in on the Kiosk.

11844: Add Receiver Format to Payer Screen
Receiver Format added to Payer Screen

11861: Regenerate Charges - Message box when no procedure
We have added a warning message that alerts users to when the regenerate all charges and regenerate selected charge buttons may not completely regenerate the charge or charges.

11959: Charge Manager - Charge generation performance
We have reduced the time it takes to generate charges from the charge manager screen for unmanaged billable services.

Bug Fixes

10495: Patient List With SSN Does not show birthdate on report
Patient Birthdate added to Patient List with SSN report

11239: Patient List with SSN report will not filter by Counselor
Patient List with SSN now filters by Counselor

11499: Case Notes Billable Units Summary by Payer - Number of Patients/Number of Notes Columns
Patients Seen and Notes Entered columns were added to the Case Notes Billable Units Summary by Payer report

11520: Drug Screen Results - Summary Report Throws Error When "Print" Is Clicked
Fixed an issue where clicking "Print" on "Drug Screen Results - Summary" report threw a red error.

11551: Patient Transfer Report Prints out Blank
Fixed a bug where patients with no dosing information wouldn't show up on the Patient Transfer report

11589: Financial Contract on a Patient Without A Active Billing Ep - Message Says No Payment Info
Clarified the warning message on the Financial Contracts screen.

11691: Drug Screen download and billing
In this release we have fixed a couple of issues causing edits to drug screens not to edit the corresponding charge correctly.

11702: Treatment Plans Report Does Not Sort Past Treatment Plans Properly
Fixed sorting for the treatment plans report.

11773: Randomized Scheduled Events-Alert Note to Patient
Randomize Scheduled events: added lookup for event alert to patient from scheduler preferences.

11776: New Report - Charged Services versus Claimed Services

11778: Kiosk / Queue View Upgrades for user conference
Kiosk / Queue View: implemented selective monitor support on both kiosk and queue view. Also implemented better scaling for kiosk on smaller displays

11797: Patient List With Important Dates - Days in TX Not Calculating Correctly
Patient List with Important Dates now displays Initial Intake, Latest Intake and Time in TX days

11820: Current Balances History - EOD option
New 'Current Balances History EOD' report that shows patient's balances as of the end of the specified day.

11830: Patient Payment -showing last payment amount as discounted amount
Fixed issue where the "Last Payment Amount" could show incorrectly in certain setups.

11837: Barcode Dymo 30252 Label - Wrapping/Truncating Text
Fixed Date truncation on 30252 Barcode Label.

11838: Claims Summary (Report) - Duplicate rows
Fixed small bug that sometimes caused service line, unit, and amounts to double.

11839: Avatar Export - Fixed 'Duplicate' services issue in Export
Fixed issue with duplicate Group and Individual Services showing when note put in not through Group Notes screen, but manually. Only affects the AVATAR Export file process.

11841: Time In Treatment data and performance issues.
Performance improvements for "Time in Treatment" report

11843: Payment Summary by Drug/Dose
Payment Summary by Drug/Dose now groups by Drug Type, Dose Type, Date then Patient ID

11853: Dosing Label 3.5x 1.125 Cutting off the '4 in 2014 on the Dispensed and Take on date.
Fixed Dates to not cut off the last digit of year when in 2-digit months.

11856: Billable Services More - Apply remaining amount
Fixed an issue that sometimes occurred when saving billable service more records.

11863: Billing Export issues, last menstural and default for admission date
In version there was an issue w.r.t. Last Menstrual with the billing export. It was putting in a segment with type but no date.

11868: Regenerate Selected and All - Certain Scenario will delete charges that are part of ACTIVE CLAIMS.
Starting in version Regenerate and Regenerate All would delete the entire doisng charge when parts of it (detail records) had associated Service Lines. This causes problems down the line when payments are applied in Batch Payment against the Serivce Lines that no longer have parts of the backing charge. This is fixed in 6.4.2.

11869: Total Dispensed By Day Summary Report Displays Incorrect Totals
Fixed issue with the total dispensed by day summary calculations.

11871: Since update from to the Batch Payment Report is not reporting any info prior to update
Fixed issue where Batch Payments applied prior to 6.4.x releases were not showing up. They now show up correctly.

11872: FTPS Downloads - Logic Issues in Nightly Process
FTPS with Drug Screen Downloads only works some of the time.

11876: Nightly Process - Billing Export All Payers - Not Using Entered By Causes missed records
Fixed the All Payer Export to work when ENTERED BY is not used for the Billable Service. If Entered By is NOT used, then you don't have a 'user' to tie back to.

11940: Runtime Dosing Charge Generation - Window and Take Out - Bad Charge ID
Prior to 6.4.2 there were issues with the way charges were tracked against the balance journal in cases of dosing services where window and takeouts were separate services. These issues only manifested when charges were deleted or regenerated. And only in cases where only the takeout charges were deleted or regenerated.

Release Notes - Methasoft 6.4.1

New Features

11020: Undo Batch Payments
In This Version of Methasoft we added a new screen which provides the ability to Undo or Void Batch Payment Batches. It is a new Screen, launched by a new menu item on the Accounting Menu. In the version 6.4.0 we added the concept of a Batch ID to Batch Payments. Batch ID is a system generated ID that is the key or reference id for a Batch of Payments. In this version (6.4.1) the Batch ID is central to the new Undo functionality.

11255: Treatment Plan Report - Additional Header Field
Added a line to the header section that shows the re-admission date for patients who have returned.

11289: New Patient List Report Request
Changed the report to combine the drug and dose type columns into a single column. Added columns for age of patient, patient's counselor, and phase

11302: New Report - Charged Services versus Claimed Services
New report to compare number of services that have been claimed vs. the number that has been charged.

11406: Patient Search box on Group Notes and Group Definition screen.
Added a textbox to the patient selection screen that filters available patients by name or id.

11454: Patient ID Card - Convert to server based report.
Patient ID Card report is now server based.

11471: "Unassigned Units Only" Filter On Inventory Units - Assigned To Criteria
Added a new report criteria: "Unassigned Units Only". When checked, the new criteria filters the report "Inventory Units - Assigned To" so that it only shows inventory units which are unassigned.

11587: Active and Inactive Option for Group Definition Screen
Added "Active" bit to group definition screen. Allows the user to activate and deactivate groups so that they no longer appear in the "Group Name" dropdown menu on the Group Notes screen. Inactive groups will still appear on the Case Notes screen, but case notes associated with inactive groups cannot be edited.

11599: ICD-10 Development and Migration Work
Added the ability to assign ICD-10 codes to billable services. As with ICD-9 codes, overrides can be defined per patient. Any existing ICD-9 overrides are automatically assigned as ICD-10 codes based on the ICD-9 to ICD-10 mappings provided by CMS.

11635: Central Registry (Texas) report criteria
The Central Registry report now displays full name rather than initials only.

11650: PER DAY Unmanaged Dosing Charge Option
We have reorganized some of the billable services setup. We also added a "per day" charge option for the service types: Dosing Periodic and Dosing Periodic - Has Window Dose. We removed "daily" from the description of the two service types: Daily Periodic Dosing or Counseling Encounter and Dosing Periodic - Dosing Encounter. These two service types now support all the usual charge options (per day, per week, per month, etc.).

11670: Randomize Scheduled Events - Screen Changes
We fixed the tab order on the Randomize Schedule Events screen so that it is left to right, up to down. We also made some minor cosmetic changes to the screen including: renaming "flag" to "alert" and the layout of the "Days" box.

11693: Prior Authorizations Screen - New Additions/Validation
The prior authorization screen now requires Payer/Rate group to be entered when creating a prior authorization.

11699: Prior Authorization Report - Enhancements
Updated Prior Authorization report with a couple of enhancements. First, it will display the Actual number of units used, which can be helpful if your authorization is based on Number of Units. We also highlight, in the report, any authorizations that may be expiring soon. Finally, we have a new Report Parameter that allows you to filter out and only show authorizations which may be expiring soon.

11700: Claims by Billable Service Report Changes
Added Client Record Number to report and fixed Service Mode field on report to show correct value - not State Code.

11706: Total Dispensed by Day Summary - Add new Filter - Payer [0]
Added Payer/Rate Group filter to Total Dispensed by Day Summary Report.

11716: Batch Payments Report - Enhancements
Added Payer and Batch Payment Type filters to report, as well as added 'Payer' to the columns in the report.

11718: New Report - Batch Payments Changes in A/R
New Report - Third-Party Changes in A/R report to track the net change in Accounts Receivables for a given period of time, based on new claims, payments, and adjustments.

11779: 835 - Ability to Apply 835 to Multiple Clinics
In situations where multiple clinics share staff. Payers have combined the 835 remittence for those clinics. This change will allow the same 835 file to be run against each clinic and pull out the correct claims for each.

Bug Fixes

9233: If there's no current prescription then you can't prepare for tomorrow
Fixed issue where a patient on zero mgs with a future Prescription would not show up on the Prepare Daily Pour screen.

9758: Report-Billing Authorizations
Updated Report/Procedure to ensure that the Payer information is displayed on the report. The report Groups By the Payer.

10767: nButton1 / Patient Profile
Patient Profile: removed a useless button that appeared when in UK mode.

10972: Billable Services - Additional Validation checks needed for existing Charges
Additional Validation on Billable Services screen

10975: Billable Services - Additional Validation Checks needed for charges on delete
Can no longer delete billable services that are in use by charges.

11404: Zirmed - Sequence number For Service Line - Must be unique within the Export
In 6.3.2 we have changed the way the LX01 segment is populated in the 837 export file. Previously it would be a sequence number within the claim (and not always unique within a file). Starting in 6.3.2 it will use the internal id for the service line. This strategy will guarantee uniqueness within a customer site for a given service. It will also help us in the upcoming implementation of 835 integration.

11419: Patient Profile report shows incorrect Payment Information on it.
Report has been changed to show correct dollar amount

11545: Getting an error message when running Dispensing Summary by Payer report
Fixed error that occurred on Dispensing Summary by Payer report

11546: Need ability to type a Patient ID in the batch payment screen
Can now type in the Patient ID selection box to more easily find a certain patient on the batch payments screen.

11562: Customize "Drug Screen Results-Site" report by adding column called "State ID (CID)" next to the patient name column
Added CID field to "Drug Screen Results - Site" report

11565: Requesting a custom Tx Plan Compliance report to be created.
New Report "Tx Plan Compliance" tracks signatures and highlights signatures that are out of compliance (Took too long to sign).

11568: Prep Code: doesnt generate properly for every 14 day patients when run for an extended Date range
Patients with schedules greater than 'Every 7 Days' would not show up in the Preparation code/screens/reports if further than 14 days out. This has now been resolved, so that the system will pick up these patients when preparing far in advance.

11638: Charge Manager - Generation Indexes
Database Indexes to improve Charge Generation performance in Charge Manager where added in this release.

11641: Batch Payments Report Problems
Added Service Line Id, Payment Source to Batch Payments Report. Report also groups by Batch ID now.

11643: Prior Authorization Screen Needs Date Validation
We no longer allow the End Date to be earlier than the Start Date when creating prior authorizations.

11647: Outstanding Claims Report - Not handling 'Claimed Amount' correctly
Fixed issue with Outstanding Claims report where the values were incorrect if you CLAIMED a different amount on the claims, than what the original CHARGE was set to.

11648: Claims Summary - Amount numbers incorrect
Fixed issue where Claim Amounts were incorrect on Payers with multiple patients.

11649: Claims by Payer - Page Breaking incorrect
Fixed Page breaking to not put Grand Totals on Last Page by itself.

11664: Secondary Validation Report Enhancement
Added a brief description field and reformatted the new Secondary Validation report.

11669: Randomized Scheduled Events - Move to different Menu
Moved "Randomized Scheduled Events" menu item from the "Counselor" drop down menu to the "Other Activities" drop down menu under the "Scheduler" section.

11674: Export All Procedure using Export Flat Files NP needs linked documents capability
The ability to save to a linked document was added to the Billing Export All Nightly Process.

11686: Methasoft is popping up a flag for Tablet patients saying the inventory is less than 500mgs (Methasoft is thinks its liquid)
Fixed bug that caused "low bottle" flags on non-liquid dose types.

11688: Charge Deletion Performance
Changes were made to greatly improve performance in Charge Manager on the delete operation.

11692: CaseLoad Performance Report
Inactive counselors should no longer show up on CaseLoad Performance Report. Unit requirements now count all patients within the specified date range.

11695: Outstanding Claims Report - Performing slower in 6.4
In an change was made that caused this report to run slow on systems with a very large number of Services Lines and Charges. This is fixed in 6.4.1

11713: Drug Screen Pre-Process - Slight change to support other HL7 Formats
Fix for certain HL7 file formats for Drug Screen Downloads

11770: Batch Payments Payer - Make it Sticky
Prior to version 6.4.0 the Payer drop down in Batch Payments would default to Blank/All Payers. With added funcitonality in 6.4.0 the was changed to limit Batches to a single Payer. So the default in the drop down became the alphabetic first Payer. One side effect is if a user is making individual payments for patients, additional clicks are needed to select the Payer before search. To maintain single payer batches and also remove most of the speed entry for single patients issue, we made it so the last payer selected sticks after save in version 6.4.1.

11798: Illinois Drug Screen Export Report - Not filtering out '0' result set
Fix for false 'positive' results for Methadone/Metabolite only results.

11804: Patient Information - Field Alignment/Size Problem
Patient Information: Fixed group box cutting off.

11811: 835 Auto Adjustment/Discount is applying Debits instead of Credits
The auto adjustment feature is set up on the Billable Services More screen. It works in conjuction with the 835 feature in Batch Payments. When there is an 835 Payment in Batch Payments that is not paid in full the Remaining CAN be applied to either a Transfer or an Adjustment/Discount. This is based on what is entered on the Billable Service More screen. Note: This transaction goes in as an Automatically Applied Payment so the user only sees it in the Status Pop Up. In Transfers worked correctly, but the Adjustment/Discount was Debiting the balance journal and internal charges instead of crediting them. For example we should see ($10.00) instead we see $10.00 on the balance journal. This is fixed in 6.4.1.

Release Notes - Methasoft 6.4.0

New Features

9865: Reports: Drug Screens - Like to add drug type as a criteria....
Users can now filter the "Drug Screen Results - Site" report for any combination of positive results.

11034: Template management - Define signature locations for specific templates
Users can now define positions for signature lines on form templates. If positions are not defined, the signature lines will appear on an additional page appended to the end of the document as they have in prior releases.

11283: 835 - Development
The Ability to Process an 835 Transmission has been added to Methasoft in this version. This functionality is on the Batch Payments Screen. The following are some mid level details on this functionality: - Batch Payments are applied on the Batch Payments Screen according the the 835 transmission as it is read in. - The Service Lines in the 835 are matched up with service lines that have been exported via an 837 transmission from Methasoft. - There is a Status Box that can be launched for each service line that gives details that came from the 835 transmission. - There is a Status Icon that initially shows the status from the 835 file. As additional payments, discounts and transfers are made that Status Icon then reflects the current status on the service line. - Rules for Discount, Transfer, and Payment can be added to the Billable Service (more screen). To do additional "Applies" as the 835 file is read in. - The Status Icon and some detail in the Status Box have also been made available in Claims and Service Line modes.

11353: There is a 5010 requirement for pregnant patients that require the date of last menstrual cycle -- the payer is refusing the claim
Added "Last Menstrual Cycle" field to Patient Profile - More screen.

11438: Report for tracking Empty Bottles.
Added report to track bottles sent home with patients

11450: Add Additional Information to Patient Profile Report
Added option to include additional information in the patient profile report

11451: Need to replace "Dispensed:" with "Pick-up Date:" on dose label
A new preference (Label for Dispense Date) has been added and is used to customize the currently displayed "Dispensed:" text on labels. Also added substitution variables %TodayUS% and %TodayUK% to allow today's date to be included in the message displayed on the label.

11456: Design and Develop EDI835/Batch Payment Service Classes
N/A - Release Note for parent case 11283 covers this.

11479: New Report - Staffing Notes
New "staffing notes" report

11490: Site Doctors - Field to separate outside from site doctors
Site Doctors can now be specified as "Clinic" doctors. The Orders screen will filter the doctor list to only show Clinic doctors. On the prescription screen, the Clinic doctors will be at the top of the list.

11510: CD Register - 0mg Reconciliation
0mg bulk reconciles can be entered and will show as a line item on the CD Register and Bulk Bottle Detail report.

11511: Secondary User Validation Report
New report (Secondary Validation History)

11513: Site would like the Intakes and Discharges report to be able to filter by Drug Type
Clinics can now filter Intakes and Discharges by drug type.

11529: Changes for the Accuvert Pump
Dispensing: Added support for the IVEK ACCU-Vert pump. Also added support for using this pump in 'Zero Transfer Mode' which allows the system to automatically reconcile bulk bottle overages and shortages.

11547: CNBU Summary by Payer report - Add 'Minutes' to all columns
Case Notes Billable Units Summary By Payer report now shows minutes

11563: New Report - Time in Treatment
New report for tracking time patients have been in treatment

11579: Illinois OMT Export - Funding Code hardcoded
Funding Code is now pulled from the 'Secondary ID Code' from the Payer/Rate Group. This allows clinics to adjust their 'funding code' on the Illinois OMT Export.

Bug Fixes

9821: Special Takeouts Requests More Empty Bottles Than Dispensed
Special Takeouts now requests the correct number of empty bottles

11290: Report Preference Patient Flags Default Sort Order
Sorting now works in 'Patient Flags' report

11332: Signing with Auto Update Client not working
For releases just prior to 6.4.0: if a workstation was Auto Updated as part of a clinic upgrade, signing using a 4x3 signature pad may have failed due to a missing image file. This has been fixed in version 6.4.0

11340: Service Checks Report Needs to Break by Date
Service Checks report now shows dates for each overlapping sessions

11341: Last Reviews Report Errors on Certain Counselors
Fixed error that occurred on the 'last reviews' report when two or more reviews were on the same date.

11346: Total Dispensed by Day Summary Ignores .5mg
Fixed bug that occurred on the 'Total Dispensed by Day' when handling decimal values.

11356: Phase 5 patients do not show up in Central Registry file for week they pickup
Fixed a bug in the Central Registry export for Lighthouse that was dropping some patients with takeouts. Also removed guest dosers and voided doses from the report.

11416: Patient name appearing incorrectly on 'Dosing Preparation Sheet' report
Patient name now appears correctly on 'Dosing Preparation Sheet' report.

11417: CaseNotes Billable Units Summary By Payer report - needs sorting options.
'Case Notes Billable Units Summary By Payer' report now has sorting options.

11444: Document Subtype Drop Down Control Refresh in Form Template Manager Screen
Document Subtype drop down control now refreshes after creating a new completed form subtype without having to close and reopen the screen

11457: Queue View: missing preference for voice
Queue View: Added a missing preference to allow the announcement voice to be turned on or off.

11465: User Fingerprint / log in
Users can now enroll fingerprints on employee profile and use them to log in to the application.

11467: Ability to EDIT a Treatment Plan regardless of 'signed' security.

11468: Validate Patient's Last Name
Patient profile screen will no longer allow the user to include an ',' ';' or ':' in a patient's name.

11483: Icon Missing - Methasoft Client Install
In some previous releases the desktop icon did not get created when doing a Methasoft Client Install. This is now fixed.

11488: Prior Authorizations Validation Bug
Validation on the Prior Authorization screen was not working properly. This was first found in version The problem was with validation of date ranges. It would not allow intersecting date ranges on different services. This is now fixed.

11498: Site Demographics - Average Dose No longer helpful
Additional information now appears in the "Patient Population by Dose Type" field of the Site Demographics report

11502: Total Dispensed by Day - 'Dose Amount' Criteria
'Dose Amount' parameter for 'Total Dispensed by Day' report now accepts decimal values

11512: No Show Summary by Patient
'Now Show Summary by Patient' report now fits on one page.

11516: Save on PDF Document should not 'unlock' the document
Saving a PDF document no longer unlocks it.

11521: INSYST billing exports - could generate duplicate entries
Certain situations would duplicate entries in the INSYST and AVATAR billing exports. Added code to prevent duplicates.

11522: Cannot Edit Health Screen Date
Health screen notes no longer overwrite themselves upon being edited

11526: Completed TX Plans Causes Invalid Object Reference in Batch Signing
Fixed an issue that caused completed treatment plans to break the batch digital signing process.

11558: Daily Activities: scheduler security wide open
Daily Activities: Fixed a security hole related to scheduled events.

11559: 837 - Export of Proper Service Line ID
In 6.4.0 we changed the way Service Line IDs are exported in the 837 file. This was done mainly to help us map to Service Lines sent back to us in the 835 file.

11575: Payment Information Patient Charges Dosing - Doesn't handle Multiple Billable Service Episodes correctly
Fixed report to handle situations where multiple Dosing Billable services had been set up over time, where one ENDED, and a new one started. Report was showing 2 records for each patient, in that situation. This fix looks only at the CURRENT Dosing Billable Service(s).

11576: Payment Information by Charge Amount Report - should be deactivated
'Payment Information by Charge' amount report is no longer available and has been replaced with the 'Payment Information Patient Charges Dosing' report. NOTE: Security for the new report will need to be added for anybody needing access to this report.

11577: Documents Missing Report - no longer valid and enhancements
'Documents Missing' renamed to 'Documents Audit', report now filters by Document subtypes, can filter by 'Documents Missing' or 'Documents Completed'

11578: StringCount() Function - Needed to be changed to VarChar(Max)
Updated stringCount function to handle unlimited number of Randomized Drug Screens. If clinic had a large number of patients (Over around 1500), some would not get randomized. This resolves that issue.

Release Notes - Methasoft 6.3.2

New Features

6882: Absent Charge Nightly Process - Need version to charge patient based on PER DOSE charge amount
Added absent charges as a billable service type along with billable service override support.

10430: Audit Report Execution - Store off Criteria
Ability to audit report execution added.

10794: PDF Print to File or Fax Doesn't Work
Added print dialog to the custom form view screen to allow a user to select any printer rather than just printing to the default every time.

11317: Batch Payments Pre-Re-work
There have been a number or Batch Payment changes in 6.3.2. The more prominent changes are:

  • The ability to specify the available Apply Towards Modes in a Preference
  • The Claim or Service Line drop down (depending on Apply Towards Mode) in the Payments panel has been removed.
  • A Claim Id Search field has been added to the Search panel.
  • There is no longer a delay when the form is loaded. This delay was associated with the Claim and Service Line drop downs which have been removed.
  • There is now a concept of a Batch Id. This ID is automatically generated and displayed on the Save dialog. This ID groups the batch of payments that are saved together under this ID. This ID will be used in future release on features and reports.
  • The grid columns have been changed: In last release 6.3.1 we added Charged and Unclaimed. In this release we added Procedure Code to the far right and removed Payers, and Service Internal IDs.
  • The Payer Search Drop Down no longer allows an ALL Payers selection. It is assumed that Batch Payments will be done against one payer at a time.
  • Batch Information has been broken out into it's own grouping. This is because these 3 data fields apply to all payments in the Batch.
  • All Internal IDs have been removed from the screen.
  • Procedure code has been added to Service Drop Down (and Grid).
  • Cancel and Cancel All buttons were added under the Apply button. Cancel Performs the same operation that Delete did previously so that button is just renamed. Cancel, Cancels all payments applied to the current grid line. Cancel all Cancels all Applied Payments.
  • There is now more clarity in concept of 2 modes of operation, Search Mode and Apply Mode. There is a Status Label at the bottom left to indicate the mode you are in. The mode controls which buttons are available.

11368: Dosing Queue View fixes to support portrait mode
Dosing Queue View WIndow: added auto scaling to fonts to better support Vertical monitors.

11402: New version of the Patient Medication Report
Added the option to show recent drug screens on this report.

Bug Fixes

9234: Issues with "Delete Lot" on Add Bulk Inventory - messes up CD Register
Based on a new preference, deleted bottles can now be handled as bulk inventory reconciliations.

11337: Patient List for Billing - not filtering by "Billable" note type
Patient List for Billing report was not summing up total units correctly. Should only count 'billable' note types - it was including notes with billable units that were NOT marked billable in the templates.

11345: Cannot Edit A Case Note Multiple Times
Fixed an issue where multiple edits in the same session on a case note could produce an error when saving.

11370: Accounting adjustments report - not showing reconcile balances.
Starting in Methasoft 6.1 and Prior to Methasoft 6.3.2; Operations on the Patient Reconcile Balance screen were not showing up on the Accounting Adjustments report. This is fixed in 6.3.2.

11390: DEA Summary w/Reconciles reports "Overall Inventory Summary" as Methadone for all Drug Types
Removed drug type from overall inventory summary section as it is implied by the drug type grouping.

11412: Intakes and Discharges Report - shows multiple entries for patients
Report Fix - Fixed issue where sometimes duplicate Guest Dosing Intakes or Discharges would show on report.

11415: DEA Summary - handling more than 8 Active Dose Types
Updated DEA Summary reports to be able to support up to 10 active Dose Types within the system.

11420: Debits and Credits report(s) - sort by preference still referencing invalid field.
Fixed a minor issue where sort preferences for debits and credits report(s) could cause an execution error.

11423: Digital Signing - Duplicate signatures displayed
Fixed an issue where duplicate signatures could be displayed.

11425: Billable Service Screen is showing Deleted Rendering Providers in the Drop Down
This is fixed in 6.3.2

11427: Patient ID Cards (local rdlc) broken at some point
Fixed an issue where the patient ID Card report would fail to run from run-reports

11431: Nightly Process - Monthly Augmentation Charges - Not looking at Dosing Period
Updated Monthly Augmentation Nightly Process to check Dosing Period charges (Charge Mode).

Release Notes - Methasoft 6.3.1

New Features

11299: Password Enforcement Rules - Strength
Added the ability to specify password complexity via preferences. Passwords can be required to have any combination of letters, numbers, and special characters. Minimum password lengths can also be enforced.

11301: Save/Close Button on PDF Viewer Screen
Modifications made allowing users to save custom forms in the process of completing forms without closing the document. Documents can now also be open in different tabs without causing errors.

11305: CD Register - Hook in the 'By Lot' Functionality
The CD Register report now supports filtering by Lot Number.

Bug Fixes

11258: Daily Activity Report Incorrect Unit Totals
Fixed SUMMING issue with the Billable Units column not summing up the units when you did more than one NOTE TYPE in the same day. Also resolved the filter issue with 'Counselor ID'.

11284: Corporate Data gathering - Error in census data group.
Fixed an issue where duplicate records were being added for dates with intakes and re-admits in the same day.

11287: Inventory Sheet label 1.75x5 (sheet label) set to wrong report type.
Fixed an issue where this label was not printing correctly.

11288: Signing issues regarding cancelled signatures.
Resolved an issue where cancelled signatures were disrupting serial signing and not showing properly in the signature grid in some cases.

11304: Case Notes Screen - Divide By Zero Error
In certain situations, if you tried to 'Edit' a Case Note, you would receive a 'Divide by Zero' error when you tried to tab off either Time field.

11306: Billing Weekly Summary Report - Make it Billing Episode Aware
The Billing Weekly Summary Report is now billing episode aware.

11307: PDF Documents - Finalize using Main Patient ID on Signature Page
Fixed an issue with the wrong "patient associated with" text on custom documents and changed document handling to memory based rather than file based.

11308: Claims Generator - Lost Functionality - Ability to override Billed Units
Functionality has been added to limit the number of units generated within a billing period for a particular billable service. This can be added on the new Billable Services More Screen.

11321: Charge Manager - Regenerate Not working when Billable Service Dates are Changed
Under certain specific conditions, Regenerate and Regenerate All would fix charges but fail to add the accompanying amounts to the balance journal. That has been fixed.

11328: Treatment plan report performance issues
Fixed a potential issue where performance can be affected negatively by an upgrade to SQLSERVER2008R2 in certain facilities with many patients.

11339: Dose Patient: Dosing with 0mgs broken
Dose Patient: Fixed an issue where 0mg window doses were not showing up on dose history

11342: Batch Payments - Behavior on Deleted and Partial Service Lines
In prior releases there was a single set of name-values for Units and Amount on the Service Line. Starting in 6.3.1 there is now Charged Units, Charge Amount, Claimed Units and Claimed Amount. These Name-Value pairs can be seen on the Claims Generator, Service Lines and Batch Payments (Amounts Only) Screens. For most billing reports will show only the Claimed Units and Claimed Amounts. In a future release all 4 values will be shown.

11343: Dose Patient: Current Dose Breakdown error when overriding one or many doses to 0mgs
Dose Patient: Fixed an issue where overriding a dose on current dose breakdown to 0 mgs could cause an error

11354: Case Notes Billable Units - payer and provider mix-up.
New report - case notes billable units by service provider added. Case notes billable units by payer updated to group by payer at top level.

11360: Document Manager thinks forms are signed after signatures are removed.
Concurrency improvements regarding signatures and custom forms introduced.

11367: Randomize Drug Screens - Flags option - doesn't create correct Flags
Use Patient Flag instead of Scheduler For Random Drug Screens was not scheduling the correct Expiration Date and Display Intervals. Updated to use the proper SCHEDULER defaults to set this up correctly.

Release Notes - Methasoft 6.3.0

New Features

10255: Doctors Order Report for signing, reduce page size to prevent second page.
Made changes allowing doctors orders reports for signing to be rendered on a single page.

11227: Claim Note - Provider One (State of Washington)
The functionality was added to: 1) Provide a Claim note Code and Description on the Payer/Rate group screen. 2) Each Claim created off that Payer will have the associated Claim Note fields in the 837 export file.

11265: Form Template Manager - Clean up
Fixed several minor issues with the interface on this screen.

11267: Digital Signing - Clean Up Tasks
Minor changes made to the UI for this screen.

11270: Clean Up - New Form Document
Minor UI adjustments made to this screen. No functionality change.

11273: Last Drug Screen on Special Dosing Messages
Dose Patient: Added functionality to let the user choose to see the last x drug screen results under the special dosing messages section.

Bug Fixes

11109: Refuse signing - fails to regenerate signatures.
Fixed an issue where new signatures were not showing up after refusing signing of an object.

11178: Report Form, help button no longer working
Fixed a URL Issue with report help.

11214: Case Notes Billable Units by Author - Consent Version converted to Charge Mode
New charge mode "consent" version of this report has been created.

11224: Aging Claims vs. Batch Payments - Differing data after Service Line edit
Previously, if you were to edit a service line and save it in Claims Generator that service line would no longer be available in Batch Payments. This has been resolved.

11241: Case notes billable units summary report - Fixes and changes.
Added group and unit breakdown columns to this report at the entered by grouping level as well as total for each. In addition, fixed an issue where the report header was not being repeated on new pages.

11248: Claims Generation - Entered By - Issue when Rendering Provider not set
This Applies only to Billable Services using Entered By for Rendering Provider Type. When Rendering Provider was not set up, under certain circumstances it was possible to have the wrong Rendering Provider applied instead of just not generating the Service Line. Starting in Methasoft the Service Line will not be generated if there is not a Rendering Provider set up.

11261: Lighthouse Export - Prep code generation issue.
Fixed an issue which was causing lighthouse export generation to be a week behind.

11262: Generic Screens - Grid stays disabled after a Save or Edit
Starting in there was an issue with several accounting screens, where after a Save or Cancel on an Edit or New operation the grid would remain disabled. This has been fixed.

11271: Document Types System Settings and Association Seeded values are Wrong
In previous versions the Clinic Reports were showing up under the Patient Association Type. That is now fixed.

11274: Orders - Custom Order Reason field getting re-enabled
Orders: fixed an issue that could left a user inter text into the reason field when they should not be able to.

11275: Intakes Discharge by Modality - Not showing re-admits
Fixed issue. Re-admits now show up on intakes and discharges by modality.

11276: Billing Export Control Number Issues

Release Notes - Methasoft 6.2.9

New Features

10969: Request to Turn off Discount Field - must be configurable
New Other Security option 'Allow User to Enter Payment Discounts' allowing clinic to control access to Doses Covered field on Patient Payments and Dose Patient screens.

11031: New Report - Patient List for Billing by Counseling Categories
New report allows breakdown of counseling units into categories. Mapping categories requires custom work in the database.

11059: New Report - Patient List For Export.
New Report - Patient list for export - Supporting Alabama Central Registry and able to handle other custom formats in the future.

11064: Patient Profile Report
Intake Date is now Admit Date and displays a patient's latest readmit date, if present.

11066: Upgrade Script/6281 Hotfix - Update section needed to turn off custom Inventory functionality for facilities not using it
The install, update and hotfix scripts have been updated with code that turns off customized Inventory functionality for facilities that don't use it.

11080: Generic Billing Exports Using Export Flat Files Nightly Process
3 Nightly Processes were added to export, in a 'comma-delimited' format, some basic Dosing History, Processed Orders, and Tomorrow's Drug Screens. These are all INACTIVE by default, but could be turned on and used by facilities, assuming the 'metadata' is set up (manually).

Bug Fixes

4014: Dose Patient Toolbar - Big security problem related to Quick Notes and Orders
Dose Patient: Resolved minor security issues on this screen related to the quick note toolbar, and the orders toolbar buttons.

9878: Switching Bulk Bottle During Dosing Multiple Dose Types
Dose Patient: Fixed an issue where if both primary and secondary inventory bottles ran out at the same time an error could appear.

10640: Bottle Inventory Bug - Dosing from multiple Bulk Bottles in one dosing transaction
Dose Patient: Fixed an issue on dosing involving scenarios that would empty more than 2 bulk bottles for any one dose type.

11019: Employee profile screen displays incorrect status
Update PIN and Signature buttons should now correctly update the grid on Employee Profile screen.

11025: Prepare Daily Pour - Guest Dosing functionality - patients not showing up issue(s)
Guest Dose Nightly Process: A problem involving date comparisons was found, which could've resulted in the Next Date in Clinic date being set incorrectly on the Dosing Information screen for patients with specific Guest Dosing scenarios. This issue has been fixed.

11026: Debits and Credits Report (and by Patient)
Fixed an issue where entry date was blank in the debits and credits reports.

11033: Bug - Close without Saving Message Box doesn't cancel the closing
Tab close options on Template Forms should now allow the user to cancel the close operation.

11042: Miscellaneous 'Quick Hit' fixes/changes
UI experience improved on multiple screens.

11058: Order Security - Hole in security
Orders: the order screen will now properly distinguish between add and edit security

11060: Pre-captured Signature - TOO SMALL
Digital Signatures: made changes to improve signature size and position on reports.

11086: Case Notes: sorting causes note overwrite
Case Notes: fixed an issue that could happen when saving a enw note with the grid in a sorted state.

11107: Sig Pad Type Specification - PreCaptured Signatures
On Employee Profile it is now possible to designate the Signature Pad to be used. In the Methasoft Client Configuration file add the following entry: where: 1 = 4x3, 2 = 1x5

11113: 3.5 x 1.125 Dosing Label - Hiding drug type / manufacture if "show dose amount" preference is un-checked.
Fixed an issue where drug type / manufacturer were not being displayed if dose amount was hidden by label preference.

11116: Tx Plan Consent report - add ForSigning versions
Digital signing version of "Tx Plan Consent" report added to Methasoft.

11117: Guest Dose Request consent report - digital signing version needed.
Guest Dosing Request Consent report - a new version has been created to support digital signing.

11120: Health Screen - Fields patient profile sync requirement too strict
Any Health Screen which dated more recent than existing screens will now update Patient Profile height and weight instead of only current day Health Screens.

11140: Validation on Digital Signing Setup
Fixed an issue where signature object episodes were throwing erroneous errors on editing episode date ranges. This issue was first seen in and fixed in this release.

11143: Digital Signing Dosing - Same Signature Different Patients
Dose Patient: Fixed an issue that could cause the wrong patients signature to be associated with a dose transaction

Release Notes - Methasoft 6.2.8

New Features

10869: Performance - Inventory Dosing Transactions Report
Performance enhancement - Inventory Dosing Transactions Report - This report now runs much faster.

10925: Valley Health - Replacement Report for Billing Monthly Summary
New report pulls values from current sources instead of outdated tables.

10941: New Report - Inventory Units Reconcile Add
New report - Inventory Units Reconcile Add. Displays units which were added using reconcile add functionality on the Reconcile Units screen.

10980: Remove D-ATM ID from the Profile screen
Patient - Profile: Removed the now-defunct D-ATM ID field.


10926: Document Manager Screen - Need to ensure templates always Show up on screen
Templates will now always show regardless of the date range selected in screen's filters.

10897 - Digital Signing - add items to messaging notification area
There are now Notifications for Digital Signing in the Messages Tab of the Left Panel. There will be Notifications for Digital Signatures that are: 1.) Overdue, 2.) Due Today, and 3.) Due in the Future. If the user clicks on a notification it will take them to the signing screen.

Bug Fixes

7111: Drug Screen Downloads - Bendiner format rejecting certain files.
Changes added to support new false drug screen result conditions. Files should no longer be rejected for this reason.

Release Notes - Methasoft 6.2.7

New Features

10825: New Report for Digital Signing - Signature Details
New report - Signature Details: Includes summary and detail information about signatures required and collected with a variety of filter options.

10827: Digital Signing setup - Clone functionality
Clone signature setup functionality was added enabling a user to set up signature objects with the details of an existing object.

10839: Billing Export - Make the Claim Date Type field configurable
Added the Claim Date Type field to the Payer/Rate Groups screen so that either the Admission Date (Intake Date on Dosing Information) or Initial Treatment Date (Time in Tx Starts on on Dosing Information) can be exported for the DTP segment in the Claims loop.

10860: Digital Signing - Cancel Signing - new feature
Added the Cancel Signing button to the Digital Signing screen to provide users with appropriate security access the ability to permanently cancel signatures.

10877: Max Balance Patient can carry - Override option
Added new override functionality to the Payment Information screen to allow users to set individual overrides for maximum balance warning and lockout flags for patients whose balances have exceeded the global clinic maximum balance allowed as defined in Preferences.

10897: Digital Signing - add items to Messages notification area
Messaging: The Messages tab of the left-hand side navigation panel will now display information about digital signatures that are due.

10906: End-of-day Clinic summary - Infrastructure and reporting
New functionality and reports added related to end-of-day census and accounting summary data. New reports include the Clinic Accounting Summary History, Clinic Census Over Time, Clinic Census Summary History, and Clinic Revenue Over Time.


10691: Digital Signing - Need a Dialog when No Signature is on file
When signing without a signature on file, the user is now told why a signature was not accepted.

10867: Reporting - Default to 'Default Current Patient ID' as CHECKED
Reporting: Added a new Preference (General - General Setup) that determines whether or not the Patient ID checkbox on the Run Reports screen will be checked by default or not when the screen is opened.

Bug Fixes

10847: Claims Generator - needs to recognize multiple episodes are involved for the same Payer, then separate claims accordingly
Prior to, when claims were generated for a date range that encompassed 2 or more Billing Episodes for the same Payer and patient, the Service Lines generated could end up associated with the same claim. Post these Service Lines will be split across 2 or more claims appropriately.

10875: Perspective and Dashboard Portlets - Clean up
Improvements made to corporate portal setup and perspective. Many portlets with sample data have been removed and setup has been streamlined.

10888: Dosing - Run Time Charges - Not breaking on Billing Episode when the same Payer is used for both
Standardized system behavior for split-on-episode functionality between runtime and manually generated charges for dosing.

Release Notes - Methasoft 6.2.6

New Features

9407: Batch Payments - Ability to Pull back money / Debit an account / Enter negative values in the Adjustments field
The fields for Discounts in Batch Payments have changed to Adjustments/Discounts. The main functional difference is that the entry of negative values in now allowed. This is needed because Payers sometimes overpay and then later clawback that money. It is best if this entire set of transactions stays associated with the original Claim or Service Line.

10602: Don't allow dosing charges for Exception Dosing
Dosing Exceptions window/Preferences: added a new Preference that will hide the Charge for Dose(s) checkbox on the Dosing Exceptions screen.

10636: Profile - Additional Patient Information window - Additional fields needed (170.302g and 170.304c)
New EHR fields added to the Additional Patient Information window accessed from the Profile screen: Smoking Status and Preferred Language.

10637: Patient Access Auditing (170.302r)
System can now optionally track patient data access through the main interface. This functionality is controlled by a system preference under General - Administration.

10690: Employee Profile Needs a Signature on File Indicator
Employee Profile: Added indicators for PIN and Signature on file.

10728: Digital Signing - Signature Episodes
Signature episode functionality introduced.


10779: 2 New Indexes for Improved Claims-related Performance
The performance of claim and service line-related functionality has been significantly improved compared to earlier versions.

10814: Methasoft Help: Changed to web based
Moved Methasoft Help to a central server where it can be better maintained.

10731: Digital Signing - Patient select box auto select [potential] issues.
Patient auto select removed from digital signing and goto button updated to display goto items in a dialog.

Bug Fixes

9787: Intakes and Discharge Report - Filter issue
Intakes and Discharges report now filters based on payer at time of intake/discharge event

10511: Inactive patient retrieval issue
Fixed an issue that could cause inactive patients to appear invalid

10612: Digital Signing - GoTo button on assessments has the wrong patient in header.
Fixed an issue where the incorrect patient was showing in the title for assessments when viewed via the "goto" button on digital signing.

10758: Batch Payments - Claimed Field is always Zero
The Claimed field on Batch Payments now properly shows the correct amount.

10761: Charge Detail report - using pay_date instead of effective_date
The Charge Detail report has been updated to use the effective date of the charge rather than the Entry Date (Pay Date) when filtering results based on a selected date range criteria.

10765: Corporate Dashboard - Data gathering changes
Corrected a data gathering issue for corporate dashboard where the census number gathered was for the day forward.

10778: Auto inactivation / discharge email issues.
Fixed a bug with auto inactivation emails. Now uses security setting under "other".

10784: Batch Payments report - Duplicates payments for specific scenario
The Batch Payments report was showing duplicate payments for scenarios in which Batch Payments are being applied towards some Service Lines of a claim but not others, and then the others are later deleted from the original claim then re-generated as a new claim. This issue has been fixed.

10785: Patient Balance Journal Report - Balance Forward calculation incorrect
Fixed an issue where the patients balance forward was incorrect in some cases.

10804: Batch Payments - Outstanding and Remaining is wrong when Service Lines are Deleted or Changed
Fixed an issue where the "Remaining" and "Outstanding" columns were not always right. They were not accounting for deleted and changed service lines. This is now fixed.

10842: Accounting Summary by Day report - Pay Date grouping header blank and not working
The Accounting Summary by Day report 'Pay Date' grouping header field was not displaying data, and was also not properly grouping this report's data by Pay Date. This issue has been resolved for version

Release Notes - Methasoft 6.2.5

New Features

10510: Add Auditing to 'Tx Plan Preselected Items' processing
Tx Plan Preselected Items: added add / edit / delete auditing for preselected items.

10522: Batch Payments report - needs Grand Totals
Grand totals have been added to each grouping level of this report.

10565: Save/Sign any Report
Added ability to save rendered reports to linked documents and apply digital signatures.

10642: Absent Patient Nightly Process - Option to enter a Stop Dose Flag after XX Days
Absent Patients: Added a new preference under General Preferences -> General Setup #2 This preference will cause a stop dose flag to be created for dosing IF a patient is absent for more days than the preference value.

10643: DrFirst - Add the Patient RX Summary
A menu item and screen was added to connect to DrFirst with the current patient and utilize the DrFirst Patient Summary Screen from within Methasoft.

10646: DrFirst - Add Patient/Submit Demographics to DRFirst
This new function synchronizes Methasoft patient demographics with the DrFirst system.

10684: Document Manager Setup Screen Development
New Document Setup screen for user entered types and subtypes.


10569: Performance Improvement - Patient Medication Record - View
Performance improvements to Patient Medication Report.

Bug Fixes

10592: Digital Signing - Status not correct for objects with inactivated signature types
Fixed an issue where signed status icons were not showing correctly if inactivated signature types for an object are present.

10657: Submitted Claims and Service Lines reports - rename and make 'Submitted Only' a new filter
The following reports now support display of unsubmitted claims. The names now do not include 'Submitted': Submitted Claims By Patient Submitted Claims By Payer Submitted Claims For Billing Submitted Claims Summary Submitted Service Lines By Claim Submitted Service Lines By Service

10686: Inventory Unit Totals Report - Totals Don't Match
Subreport for Inventory Unit Totals now only counts inventory entries.

10705: Dose Amounts Dispensed Report - Grand total wrong for totals column.
Fixed an issue in the dose amounts dispensed report where the grand total for the totals column was incorrect.

10715: Signature refusal process not voiding existing signatures in serial workflow.
Fixed an issue where serial signatures were not being reset in the event of a signing refusal.

10716: Dose Patient - Fingerprint Identify - Focus on Patient List
Previously when dosing multiple patients using fingerprint identify, after the second identification, focus would go to the patient list. In 6.2.5 focus will go to either the Dose or Dose with Labels button at that point in the sequence.

Release Notes - Methasoft 6.2.4

New Features

9958: Separate Screen to input Intake Dates and Schedules
Intake Information: new screen. This screen allows editing of schedule and intake date information without requiring access to all fields from the dose information screen.

10572: Document Manager - UI/Code Changes
Document Subtypes added to the document manager screen allowing better flexibility in saving documents and custom forms.

Bug Fixes

6538: Patients are not showing up on the Patients due report
Fixed case where Daily Multidose Bottle patients were not showing up on the Patient's Due report. Basically, they don't have to be daily, but on days when they are coming in, but don't have a takeout scheduled, they wouldn't show up on the Patient's Due report. This resolves that.

9537: Prepare Daily Pour - Holiday Issue
Fixed issue where, if patient was normally scheduled for a holiday day and the clinic was preparing well in advance, the patient will show up as needing a dose the first day after the Holiday (unless they have 'Next Present Day' set up for this patient's phase level).

10530: Charge Manager - Incorrect Syntax System Error related to a hyphen
Fixed an issue where the Patient ID filter on Charge Manager was not properly handling special characters including hyphen and single quote within the patient id.

10549: Tx-plan report - ssrs2008 will not show case note or referral subreports.
Fixed an issue where sub-reports were not being rendered properly in SQLServer2008R2

10595: Billing Export - Loop 2010 - PER segment partially exported
Billing Export (837P) - If any piece of Submitter Contact data matches Billing Provider contact data, only the Submitter Contact data is exported, as required by the 5010 format. A related bug was fixed which was causing only the Billing Provider Contact Name to be exported erroneously, resulting in the Loop 2010 PER segment being exported when it shouldn't be.

10608: Templates and Signing - Data in Documents are for the wrong patient
In situations where PDF Templates were used against a system where documents are stored in the database it was possible to get Completed Forms with the wrong patient data and signatures. This was Introduced in and a hot fix was issued in This is also fixed in 6.2.4 and beyond.

10610: TX plan preselected Items: Items appearing checked when they shouldnt be
Fixed an issue that could cause items to appear checked when they shouldnt be.

10617: Accounting adjustment and audit reports - 6108 hotfixes not in current code.
Reports were added to the base product for accounting audit, accounting adjustments and accounting credit adjustments reports.

Release Notes - Methasoft 6.2.3

New Features

10339: Grid Highlight needs to be more 'pronounced'
Added a new config file entry to allow users to set the highlighted row background color in all grids. GridBackGroundColor may be any value that is a valid System.Drawing.Color

10373: Drug Screen Download - Handle 'Friends Lab' format
New drug screen format - Friends lab - now supported for downloads and processing.

10431: Add Phone Extension to Flag Messages Screen
Added a new field to employee profile to store the employees phone extension. Added a preference that when turned on appends the phone extension to the entered by / date column on the flag notification window.

10450: Add 'Validation By' to the Inventory Reconcile Report(s)
Validated By field added to Inventory Bulk Reconciliation and Inventory Reconciles reports for visibility when reconcile validation is enabled.


9895: Outstanding Claims Report Performance Issues.
Performance improved for this report.

10498: Performance Issues with Inventory Receiving
Performance Enhancement to the Inventory Receiving process. Greatly reduces the time it takes for the system to 'receive' an inventory order.

10520: Total dispensed by day - performance enhancement
Total Dispensed By Day Report - performance enhanced by query optimization

Bug Fixes

10299: Guest Dose Request form - Doesn't show SPLIT Dosing correctly
The Guest Dosing request form should now show the 'Current Dose' as a SPLIT Dose.

10462: Aging claims report - modifications needed
Aging claims report - modifications made to return balances of all claims regardless of "submitted" status.

10481: GoTo Button for Treatment Plans should go to the correct 'Tx Plan Type'
GoTo button on digital signing now loads treatment plans with the correct type selected.

10482: Unsign Tx plans on delete
Treatment plans will now be unsigned after internal deletes.

10490: Allow ZERO mgs for Intake Dose.
Dosing Information: Intake Dosage field now allows a 0mg value.

10552: Basic Dosing Charges - Override Security
Upon opening the Basic Dosing Charge Screen while you are still on the initial or first row, override security w.r.t. the override check boxes was not being respected. Once you change grid rows it's fine.

Release Notes - Methasoft 6.2.2

New Features

10111: New Report - Patient Balance Summary Report
New report - Patient Balance Summary provides an overview of patient transactions over a given date range.

10318: New Screen - Basic Dosing Charge Information
The New Basic Dosing Charge Information screen provides an easy way for users to view, select and override the dosing charge setup for a patient. It combines information from Billing Episodes, Payer/Rate Groups, Billable Services and Billable Service Overrides. This screen can only be used for 'Basic' Dosing Charge setup as defined on the Payer/Rate Group screen.

10319: Payers - New Field - Validation Level
A new field was added to the Payers/Rate Group screen called Validation Level. This new field drives 2 things. 1) The Validation Level on Billing Episodes. Basic allows you to save a Billing Episode with just a Sequence Number, a Payer/Rate Group, and an Effective Date. Otherwise several more fields are required. 2) Use on the New Basic Dosing Charge Information screen. For a Payer/Rate Group to show up on this screen the validation level needs to be basic.

10320: Billable Services - new validation based on Payer Validation Level
Billable Services: Added validation related to the new validation level field on payers

10322: Billable Service Overrides - Begin Auditing override records
Auditing has been added for Billable Service Overrides.

10323: Billable Service Overrides - existing validation enhancements needed
Validation improved on billable service overrides to reduce invalid override situations.

10324: New Billing Reporting - Patient and Payer Charges
New report that depicts a patients entire billing and charge situation.

10326: Use new Payer Validation Level to drive Billing Episode required field validation
Required Fields on the Billing Episodes screen are now tied to the Validation Level on the Payer/Rate Group screen.

10382: Digital Signing - Treatment Plan Changes
Treatment Plans: Icons will now be displayed in the tree to show a plans signing status.

10395: Additional Validation on Patient Profile
Patient Profile: added validation for guest dosing to prevent home clinic patients from being marked as guest dosers and vice versa.

10397: Add 'Payer Category' to the Payer/Rate Group Screen GRID
Payer/Rate Group: Payer Category will now be displayed as a grid column.

10416: Additional Lookup Fields for Assessments and PDFs
Added Various Assessment/PDF Lookup fields, including Site Address Information, as well as included the Test Date with the "Last 3 Drug Screens" look up fields.


10294: Recommended Payment on Payment Screen - Make RED when > $0.00
Payments: The recommended balance field will now display in red if the patient should pay the clinic.

10300: Treatment Plans - Default Date for Methods
Added a new preference to default the method target date to its parent goals target date. If this preference is turned off the method target date will default to blank.

10341: Daily Activities - Retrieve Performance Enhancements
Daily Activities Retrieve Performance - Updated retrieve procedure to improve retrieve performance of the Daily Activities grid.

10368: Digital Signing Re-architecture - Pre-processed signatures
Pre-processed signatures added to enhance performance and auditing.

Bug Fixes

10325: New 'Default Payer/Rate Group' preference
New preference under 'Accounting/Default Payment Information' allows users to control default payer. Default preference value is the default payer.

10342: Prescription ID too large
Fixed an issue where a prescription ID could be too large to store.

10349: Billable Services - Existing validation bug
The Weekly Charge Day label now turns red on a required field validation error.

10369: Digital Signing Re-architecture - Digital Signing Setup Screen
Signature setup screens updated to support new pre-processed architecture.

10372: Digital Signing - Should ignore Deleted and Cancelled items
Deleted and cancelled items no longer appear for signing.

10408: Highlighting Issues - PDF Templates
Fixed various Highlighting issues related to Required Fields in PDF Templates.

10411: Tab Order issues with custom templates
Tab Order is processed correctly now with user-defined PDF Templates. Previously, it would process in reverse order.

10413: PDF Fields with Same Control Name not saving in Final Form
Fixed an issue where if a PDF Form Field was given the same name as another Form Field on the same PDF, it would not save off the data correctly in the Final Format document.

10414: Closing document preview with 'X' instead of Close not Cleaning up Documents
Fixed an issue where clicking 'x' would behave differently than clicking "close" from the document viewer

10429: Digital signing - Custom document save error
Fixed a locking issue where document would not save signatures if document is open in another tab.

Release Notes - Methasoft 6.1.2

New Features

10057: New Trigger Hook-in - Assessments
Triggers - Assessment support added

10058: New Trigger Hook-in - Linked Documents
Triggers - Linked Document support added

10059: New Generic Screen - 'Additional Patient Information'
New "More..." button added to Patient Info screen for optional additional information entry.

10061: Assessments - Need new Lookup Fields
New assessment response lookup fields added: Last drug screen results, next to last drug screen results and third to last drug screen results.

10066: New Report - Controlled Substance Prescription Report
New report, similar to Inventory Units Added Summary. Designed to meet new requirements for State of Alabama, but could be used by any clinic utilizing Unit Dosing.

10079: Refusal Process for Digital Signatures
Added the ability to Refuse to sign on the Digital Signing screen. When a user refuses to sign they are presented with a dialog to enter a comment which is mandatory. Upon refusal all signatures associated with that object are voided. Also added, was the ability to Add and View comments on signed objects.

10112: New Report - Secure Discharge Summary
New secure patient discharge report definition file created. Custom installation needed for use.

10116: Assessment Lookup Fields - Eye and Hair Color
Assessment response look-up types: Patient Eye Color and Patient Hair Color added.


9816: Printing Treatment Plan From Treatment Plan Screen Is Extremely Slow
Treatment Plan Summary report performance enhancements. Improved processing and rendering times for this report.

10056: Triggers Enhancement - Subtype Items
New support for object subtype triggers

10083: Change Menu 'Payers' to 'Payer/Rate Groups'
Payers items on menu, billable services, and billing episodes wording changed to 'Payer/Rate Groups'

10096: Billing Export - Timing out at CBH for T19
Billing Export performance has been enhanced so that export files are now generated more quickly than in previous versions.

Bug Fixes

10047: Billable Services - Validation issue
Editing a Billable Services name is no longer rejected due to time overlap with self.

10069: Payment Information by Charge Amount Report - Not working in Charge Mode
New report - Payment Information Patient Charges Dosing. This report now shows dosing charges by patient and is compatible with new billing functionality.

10076: Inventory Ordering/Receiving - Accepted Units not Showing Properly
Fixed an issue that could cause insufficient units message to incorrectly appear on dose patient.

10121: Digital Signing Retrieve Default and Other Object Subtype is Cumulative
Digital signature specific selective overrides corrected to only require signatures defined in the override rule and not a combination of default and override rules.

Release Notes - Methasoft 6.1.1


9838: Generic Screen Enhancements
Generic Screens: Added functionality to support single record generic property screens with no grid.

9929: Patient Discharge - Should End Billing Active Episode
Discharging now ends active billing episode

Bug Fixes

7798: Leap Year Intake Date Causes Error On Daily Activities
Fixed an issue that could cause an error on daily activities if a patient was intaked on February 29th in a leap year.

9897: Digital Signing Screen Allows Signing Though No Objects Are In The Grid
Digital Signing: The Sign button will now properly disable when no more objects are left to sign in the grid.

Release Notes - Methasoft 6.1.0

New Features

7888: New Report - Third-Party Aging Report
New report added

7931: Nightly Process - Deactivate Absent Patients after XX Days
New 'Automatic Discharge' and 'Patient Discharge Followup' preferences available under General Preferences (General Setup #2)

8695: New Label
New label file added - San Francisco OBOT Pharmacies

8747: 59_Merge - interactive checkbox for reporting
Interactive checkbox added for report preferences which causes a report to open in interactive preview rather than print preview.

8751: New Screen - Digital Signing
New screen added to display signatures needed.

9090: Australia 'HealthWorks' Label
Added support for Healthworks label

9192: Inventory label 2.4375 x 1.5 - new inventory label.
New label added.

9269: Patient Discharge List Report
New report added to list all patient discharges over a range.

9325: New report: New Patient Doses First 30 Days
View the first thirty days of dosing for all new patients over a date range.

9418: Auto-Inactivate Nightly Process - Similar to the Auto-Discharge NP
New nightly process and preferences to inactivate patients automatically based on attendence.

9491: Added 'Reason' Drop Down to Reconcile Balance Screen
Added 'Reason' selection box to reconcile balance screen along with a preference to require a reason when reconciling.


7857: Report Default Parameters - Add 'Next Month' options for Dates
Next month added as an option for default report date parameters

7880: Add "Return Date" to the Order Screen
Patient's anticipated return date displayed on Orders screen.

8573: Patient Profile - Add two new fields - D-ATM ID and Episode Number
Two new fields were added to the Patient Profile Screen. The two new fields are D-ATM ID and Episode Number.

8665: Patient Balance Journal Report
This report now breaks pages for each patient.

8668: Batch Payments - Add mode to pay to service lines
New batch payment mode to pay towards service lines.

8768: Dosing Queue - Add 'In Queue' and 'Remaining' fields to bottom of screen
New Feature: Added 'In Queue' and 'Remaining' fields to the bottom of the Dosing Queue screen.

8789: Nightly Process - Drug Screen XML - Add Audit Support to Procedure Used to Insert Results
Auditing added to drug screen process functionality.

8793: Nightly Process - Insert System flag for any 'Positive' drug screens
New Feature: Nightly processes inserts a System Flag when patient has positive drug screen......

8795: Balance Journal - Show Payment Method with Description
New Release: Payment Method now shows on the Balance Journal in description column on Undo Payment in Screen in Charge Type Column.

8904: Batch Payments Waiting Dialog
New dialog added to inform user batch outstanding claims are loading

8910: Claims Management - Delete All Performance
Performance improved on delete all functionality.

9039: Billing Episodes by Patient report - add 'include inactive' parameter
Include inactive parameter added to Billing Episodes by Patient report.

9127: Nightly Process Results Screen - Add copy text popup for long error messages
Added ability to see full error message on the Nightly Process Log Error Description Column by just clicking on the error. A popup displays the full error message.

9150: Outstanding Claims Report
Dates of service added to Outstanding Claims report.

9176: Security Access Interactive Report - Change to include only active users
Report modified to only include security access information for active users.

9177: Dose Changes - Add 'Dose Decreases Only' checkbox
New parameter added allowing filtering by dose decreases only.

9205: Add Payer Category to Billable Services Report for Grouping and a Parameter
Payer category now supported in Billable Services Report.

9206: Add Payer Category to Billable Units Summary By Billing Provider Report
Payer category now supported by this report.

9207: Add Payer Category to Caseload Summary By Provider
Payer category now supported by this report.

9208: Add Payer Category to Patient List For Billing
Payer category now supported by this report.

9209: Add Payer Category to Case Notes Billable Units By Author_consent
Payer category now supported by this report.

9210: Add Payer Catagory to Case Notes Billable Units By Counselor
Payer category now supported by this report.

9211: Add Payer Category to Case Notes Billable Units By Date
Payer category now supported by this report.

9212: Add Payer Category to Case Notes Billable Units By Patient
Payer category now supported by this report.

9213: Add Payer Category to Case Notes Billable Units By Service Provider
Payer category now supported by this report.

9214: Add Payer Category to Patient List By Payer
Payer category now supported by this report.

9215: Add Payer Category to Patient Medication By Billing Episode
Payer category now supported by this report.

9216: Add Payer Category to Patient Medication Record for Billing
Payer category now supported by this report.

9288: Pharmacy Inventory Units Dispensed Report - add workstation and dispensed by parameters
New parameters added to Pharmacy Inventory Units Dispensed Report.

9316: Charge Manager UI Changes
New button "Regenerate All", Changed "Generate" to "Generate New"

9368: Submitted claims by patient (charge mode). - add grand total, optimize for performance.
Grand total added to this report and rendering performance improved.

9369: Submitted Claims By Payer - Add grand total, optimize for performance
Added grand total and improved rendering performance.

9371: Submitted Claims for Billing report (charge mode) - need grand totals, performance optimization
Added grand totals and improved rendering performance.

9383: New Status option added for objects to be digitally signed
Added status icons for items which can be digitally signed.

9492: Added 'Comments and Reason Section' to Undo Payments/Charges Screen
Added comments and reasons to undo payments.

9493: Added 'Reason' Drop Down to Undo Dose Screen
New 'Reason' selection box added along with preference to require reasons when un-doing a dose

9498: New Features for Orders Approval Screen
New date range filter added, order history button added.

9499: Updated Filters added to Print Orders screen
Additional filters have been added on the Print Orders screen, this will allow further filtering of which orders needed to be printed. Users will be able to filter by the Order Status, and also limit the list to only Unapproved orders.

9877: Submitted claims summary report additions
Added totals summary to the end of the report.

Bug Fixes

7862: Batch Payments - Performance Issues when Saving Payments
Performance Improvement with Batch Payments Save - Changed the Save Routine for Batch Payments to be optimized, especially in a hosted environment.

8051: DEA Summary Reports - don't show 'Inventory Orders' on the RECEIVED Column
DEA Summary Reports now show units received with no bulk bottle

8052: Inventory Units Added - Not showing Units 'received' from NON-BULK Source
Report now shows units added even if they do not come from a bulk bottle.

8067: Randomize Drug Screens - Label Printing is incorrect
Now prints drug screen labels with the correct schedule/flag date.

8845: Report- Intakes and Discharges by Modality-Error
Report updated to Methasoft 6.0 compliance.

8942: Billing Episodes Report - Authorizations Repeating
Prior authorizations no longer repeat

8992: Digital Signing: Hook into orders
Orders now supported by Digital Signing

9000: DEA Summary w/Reconciles -- Reconcile Adds Missing
Unit based Reconcile Adds now appear properly on report.

9006: Site demographics report - subreport error for 'billing provider'
Billing provider language no longer accurate. Report changed to use "Payer". Subreport no longer errors.

9017: Password Change Confirmation Message Misspelling
Fixed minor mis-spellings on remote support tool screen and password change confirmation dialog.

9089: Preferences - Save button disabled after change unless you tab off the field.
Save button enables after pressing key inside calendar control

9166: Prepare Daily Pour - rsProcessingAborted Error When Printing Dosing Labels
Non-numeric rx numbers now handled properly when printing dosing labels

9858: Treatment Plan Summary Performance Enhancements
Performance Improved for report: Treatment Plan Summary

9860: Signature Subreport Error. Subreport could not be shown.
Fixed an issue where signatures were not always showing on signature enabled reports.

9868: Case notes for signing report - Duplicate records
Fixed an issue where multiople signatures were being displayed if multiple associated goals are associated with a note.

9873: Intakes Discharges report - Re-admits not showing up when selecting date range
Fixed and issue where re-admits were not showing up on Intakes and Discharges when a date range is entered.

Release Notes - Methasoft 5.9.0

New Features

7877: Auto-Generate Intake Order on NEW Patient
When set this preference generates an intake order when dosing information is entered for the first time.

7886: Inventory Ordering - Order Edit Report
Users can now view Order Edit report via Inventory Ordering screen

7931: Nightly Process - Deactivate Absent Patients after XX Days
New 'Automatic Discharge' preference available under General Preferences (General Setup #2)

7935: New Report - Absentee rate over time
This report shows total possible doses, total absences and absentee rate for each patient who dosed or was absent in the date range provided through report parameters.

7937: New Report - Corporate Absentee Rate Over Time
Report shows absentee rate over date range provided at the corporate and region levels down to clinic level detail.

8060: New Report(s) - Intakes and discharges summary over time
New report shows home and guest intakes and discharges over a selected date range.

8061: New Corporate Portlet - Current intakes and discharges
New corporate portlet list added to display current intakes and discharges to date over the last 7, 30, 90 and 365 days.

8351: Nightly Process - Drug Screen XML - Send Email with Updated Drug Screens
Updated drug screen emails are sent even for lab files containing invalid patient ids.

8432: Nightly Process - Drug Screen XML - Add Audit Support to Procedure Used to Insert Results
The nightly process now inserts an audit record.

8635: New Corporate Portlet - Absentee Rate 6 Months
Portlet displays absentee percentage at the corporate / region and clinic levels.

8636: New Corporate Portlet - New Pt Average dose First 30 Days
New portlet displays the average dose in the first 30 days of treatment, for all patients admitted in the last 90 days.

8685: Help Text - display help text tooltip for portlets
Added help text functionality to display information about portlets when hovering over the help icon next to the portlet title.

8065: New Corporate Portlet (List) - Average Dose Current
New corporate portlet displaying the combined weighted average dose at the corporate / region and clinic levels

8613: Nightly Process - Insert System flag for any 'Positive' drug screens
New nightly process, Drug Screen Flags, capable of automatically entering stop dose flag for patients testing positive for any drug with a negative desired result.

7969: Remote Report Launching from Dashboard
Added the ability to launch Remote Reports from various sites directly from the Corporate Dashboard.

7947: Nightly Process to 'Clone' Rx-based Prescriptions
Added Nightly Process option to allow a pharmacy to 'clone' their monthly Prescriptions when using Rx-based Dosing (UK and Australia only).  This process will duplicate the previous month's prescriptions, saving the pharmacy time when starting the new month with several of the SAME scripts.

8169: New Report Preference - Interactive Report checkbox
Added an 'Interactive' option on the Report Preferences screen.  Certain reports have the ability to 'drill down' and other 'interaction'.  Those reports will have this setting checked, while other reports will not. 

8053: New report - Corporate Clinic Revenue Over Time report.
New report - Clinic Revenue over the last 30 days.

7972: Corporate clinic census over 30 days - Corporate Level Report
New Interactive Corporate Level Report showing the Clinic Census over last 30 days.

7973: Clinic Census 30 days chart - Corporate Portlet
Added new Corporate Dashboard chart-style Portlet showing Clinic Census Last 30 Days.

8020: Add ability to run Reports on Remote Site(s)
Added ability to run Reports at Remote Sites (if set up correctly and Network allows) directly from the Corporate Database.

8048: New Portlet - Chart - Total Revenue Last 30 Days
Added a new Corporate Dashboard Chart-style Portlet to show the Total Revenue over the Last 30 Days.

8049: New Portlet - List - Total Revenue for Yesterday
Added a new Corporate Dashboard List-Style Portlet to show Total Revenue for Yesterday.

7933: New Report - Empty Bottles Outstanding
Can track empty bottles using this report and filter by patient phase and/or counselor.

7934: Corporate Reporting - Data Transfer
Created a basic Corporate Data Transfer procedure that can be run nightly from each clinic, transferring corporate-related data to the central corporate database.

Bug Fixes

8614: Special Security - Home Clinic Edit
Only users with permission can modify the home site's information.

7869: Pharmacy Inventory Units Dispensed Report - Shows Duplicate Rows
Duplicate rows no longer show on this report for the same drug/dose type.

7874: Nightly Process - Absent Records - Needs some intelligence in the process
The Absent Records nightly process only inserts an absence record if one does not already exist.

8615: Batch Payments Report - Not showing the Correct Comment
Fixed an issue where the incorrect comment was being saved to batch payments when multiple items applied between saves

8534: Bug - Submitted Claims by Patient Report - No Sort Options
Sort options available for Submitted Claims By Patient, Submitted Claims By Service Type, and Submitted Claims For Billing reports

8535: Bug - Submitted Claims for Billing Report - Rendered by showing Patients instead of Users
The rendered by person was corrected to show users instead of patients.

8417: Prefrences - Enable Save button ONLY when changes are made
The Preferences screen's save button is only enabled when a change is made.

8295: Portlet Security Issues
The view is set to retrieve active portlets only.

8320: Total Patients Dosed by Day
The report reflects the correct number of takeouts not including split doses.

7867: 'Rec. Payment' on Dose Patient Screen not clearing out field.
Recommended payment field now clears after dosing patient.

7863: Inventory Ordering - Calculation still has issues
Fine-tuned the Inventory Ordering procedure to get a more accurate order. 

7868: Billing Authorizations report - Won't show patients if no 'Number of Units' are entered
Report now shows all patients even if the number of units in the billing authorization is left empty.

7870: Reconcile Units - Won't allow you to Add Units if NO Units of particular inventory exists
Fixed screen to allow an Add action even if there were NO units currently in inventory. Previously, you couldn't add a unit from the Reconcile screen if you didn't have at least one other unit already in the inventory.

7871: Reconcile Units - Adding a Unit actually displays a 'subtraction' on the grid
Fixed 'Add' Reconcile Unit functionality so that the grid actually reflects the Add, as opposed to the previous issue where it always did a subtraction on the grid.

7872: Inventory Ordering - NEGATIVE Numbers in the Grid
Fixed procedure so that when Ordering Unit Inventory, you don't receive a 'negative' number of Doses Needed.

7873: Current Balances History Report - Wrapping Numbers issue
Reduced data font and column size to prevent the balances from wrapping.

8051: DEA Summary Reports - don't show 'Inventory Orders' on the RECEIVED Column
DEA Summary Reports now show units received with no bulk bottle.

8052: Inventory Units Added - Not showing Units 'received' from NON-BULK Source
Report now shows units added even if they do not come from a bulk bottle.

8088: Inventory Ordering - View Inventory Order Report (MessageBox)
Message box text now consistent with report name.

8089: Inventory Receiving - View Inventory Order Receipt Report (MessageBox)
Message box text now consistent with report name.

8132: Other Inventory Units Reports
Fixed other miscellaneous Inventory report issues.

8170: Deleting 'Non-Bulk Units' not working correctly
Fixed issue where units added from the Inventory Ordering screen were not deleting correctly when you deleted them from the Inventory Unit Reconciles screen.

7051: Additional Charges report / undo dose charge not showing up on report.
Fixed issue where some Undo Charges were not showing on the report.


7889: Patient Balance Journal Report - Add a 'Balance Forward' at the top
The report now shows forward balance for the beginning of a date range selected.

8178: Patient Discharge Report - Additional Information
Users now have option to view patient prescriptions, referrals, and indicate overall progress

8198: Bulk Bottle and Dosing Labels
Bulk bar code bottle labels now available in 3.5in by 1.4in size

8355: Balance Journal - Show Payment Method with Description
The payment method (cash, credit, etc) appears on the balance journal and undo payments screen.

8389: Dosing Label(s) - BOLD 'Take On' Date
The 'Take On' date field is now bold on a couple different smaller labels to improve readability.

8536: Enhancement - 'Balance Reports' - Ability to show Discharged Patients Only
The 'Balance' reports can be filtered by Active, Inactive, or All patients.

7879: Dosing Queue - Add 'In Queue' and 'Remaining' fields to bottom of screen
The number of patients dosed today, in the queue currently, and remaining left to dose appear at the bottom of the dosing queue window.

7856: Reporting - Exception Tracking - Add some additional fields
The report now shows only active patients and has three new fields: Current Dose, Phase, and Original Intake Date.

7864: Batch Payments Report - Optimization Needed
Modified database procedure to speed up report rendering.

7865: Outstanding Claims Report - Performance Enhancement
This report has been optimized to improve performance.

7887: Billing Episodes Report - Additional Fields
Users can choose to view billing authorizations that overlap a billing episode's start and end date.

7948: Add Checkbox to determine if Export is generated or not.
Added 'Checkbox' to allow user to NOT Send in the Order to the Central Pharmacy.

8058: Add 'Clinic Level' drill down to ASP Page
For Corporate Reporting, we added a 'Clinic-Level' drop down on the Corporate Dashboard to allow 'Clinic Level Drill Down' from the Dashboard.

8074: Add 'Total Mgs' Column and Totals to Inventory Order Receipt report
Report now totals mgs for each unit type/amount ordered.

8086: Inventory Order Report - Additional Parameters
Inventory Orders are now searchable via date range.

7974: Security for Corporate Reporting
Security was added for corporate reporting to allow you to secure each Remote Site set up in the Corporate Dashboard.

7891: Physicals Due Report - Add 'Counselor' Filter
Can now filter results by Counselor on this report.

7898: Billing Episodes by Patient Report
Users can now filter results by counselor for this report.

7875: Order Receipt report - Additional Parameters
Users now have the option to select Inventory Orders based on date ranges without knowing the order number ahead of time.

7878: Sheet Labels 4"x1.3" - Make Dose Amount Bigger
Sheet labels 4"x1.3" - Dose amount made larger for easier identification.

7882: Batch Payments - Default in 'Remaining Amount' to either Discount or Transfer field
Added the ability to automatically calculate the Discount or Transfer amount (preference driven) based on the payment entered.  Also added Patient Totals at bottom of grid, as well as a checkbox to control whether or not the Payment values change with each record, or remain the same.

7884: Batch Payments Report - Add 'Dates of Service' to report
Dates of Service (to and from) now appear with corresponding batch payment.

7862: Batch Payments - Performance Issues when Saving Payments
Performance Improvement with Batch Payments Save - Changed the Save Routine for Batch Payments to be optimized, especially in a hosted environment.

Release Notes - Methasoft 5.8:

New Features

6404: New Feature - Generate billing claims without MPMSoft integration
Claims Generator and related billing functionality has been enhanced so that facilities can generate billing claims without MPMSoft integration.

6404: New Report - Submitted Claims for Billing
A new report called 'Submitted Claims for Billing' has been added, for displaying billing claims generated without MPMSoft integration. This report is similar to other versions of the 'Submitted Claims' reports designed for use with MPMSoft.

Bug Fixes

6333: Bug Fix - Fingerprint - Digital Persona reader - locks up in specific scenario
Several minor issues were resolved in relation to the implementation of the Digital Persona fingerprint reader.

5562: Bug Fix - Automatic Pump Calibration Issue - watson Marlow
An issue related to the auto-calibration feature of the Watson Marlow dispensing pump has been resolved. Users are now prevented from entering a null (blank) or '0' value in the measured results field, which previously caused auto-calibration to run indefinitely.

Release Notes - Methasoft 5.8:

New Features

6116: New Report - Outstanding Claims
A new report has been added called 'Outstanding Claims'. This report displays all generated billing claims with an outstanding balance, and can be filtered by Claim ID, Patient ID, Payer, and/or Service Date.

5679: New Preference - Report Assembly Name - Default report site name
A new preference called 'Default report site name' has been added under General Preferences - General Setup #2. This preference value indicates the server-based report site name used when reports are generated in the system.

4882: New Preference - Make Treatment Plan Review Flags Optional - Automatically schedule review for Goals preference
A new preference has been added under Counselor Preferences - Tx Plan Preferences called 'Automatically schedule review for Goals'. This preference will enable/prevent the automatic scheduling of Tx plan review events when new goals are added to a treatment plan.


6181: Enhancement - Pump Dispense Log report - Lacks integration with Add Units from Bulk
The Pump Dispense Log report has been enhanced to include automated dispensing pump transactions initiated on the Add Units from Bulk screen.

5591: Enhancement - Add a 'Switch All to Bulk' Button on the Current Dose Breakdown tab
A new button called 'Switch All to Bulk' has been added on the Current Dose Breakdown tab of the Dose Patient screen. Pressing this button will change the Inventory Type of all doses listed on the grid to Bulk, which allows facilities dispensing Unit doses to more easily accommodate Bulk dispensing when sufficient Unit inventory is unavailable.

6218: Enhancement - Case Notes report - show default times from case note template instead of session times
An alternative version of the Case Notes report has been made available to the system. This version of the report (CaseNotesDefaultTimes) displays the default duration of a billable case or group note type based on the minutes per unit and billable unit values defined on the Case Note Templates screen, instead of the Session Start and Session End times.

6237: Enhancement - Patient Transfer report - needs patient info at the top of each page
The Patient Transfer report has been enhanced to include the patient's information at the top of each page of the report.

6078: Enhancement - Fingerprint Solution not working on 64 bit OS
The Digital Persona fingerprint reader functionality has been modified and successfully integrated with the Windows 7 64-bit operating system.

6106: Enhancement - AutoDose Pump Changes - pump direction
This pump can now be configured to pump in either direction, for facilities using 2 pumps connected to the same workstation.

6223: Enhancement - Smart Case Notes reports - default times instead of session times
New versions of the Smart Case Notes report are now available, for displaying the default duration of a billable case or group note type based on the minutes per unit and billable unit values defined on the Case Note Templates screen, instead of the Session Start and Session End times.

6249: Enhancement - Fingerprint Identification at the Kiosk
Fingerprint scanner functionality at the Kiosk has been enhanced so that patients are more clearly informed when a fingerprint scan is insufficient for identification or validation.

Bug Fixes

5418: Bug Fix - Balance Overdue system flags no longer appear
The Accounting preference setting 'Automatically Display Balance Overdue flag' (Accounting Preferences - General Setup) was not properly causing system flags to display for patients with overdue balances. This problem has been fixed. If this preference setting is checked, and a patient is carrying a balance greater than the maximum balance patients are allowed to carry at your facility, then an Overdue Balance system flag will appear for the patient when retrieved on the Dose Patient screen.

6057: Bug Fix - Kiosk - Welcome Screen - Fingerprint option - we must require patient to select this option prior to scanning fingerprint
Previously patients were allowed to scan their fingerprints at the self check-in Kiosk without selecting the fingerprint option. This functionality has been changed to require selection of the fingerprint option on the Welcome screen before a fingerprint scan will be accepted.

6058: Bug Fix - Kiosk - will continue to accept Fingerprint scans after successful identification and validation
Previously the Kiosk would accept additional fingerprint scans following the successful identification and/or identification validation of a patient. This functionality has been changed, the Kiosk will no longer accept additional fingerprint scans once successful identification and/or identification validation has occurred.

6106: Bug Fix - AutoDose Pump Changes - cancelling prime or empty raises error
Previously an error would arise if Priming or Emptying the pump was Cancelled by the user. This issue has been fixed.

6263: Bug Fix - Claims Generator - clearing Rendering Provider, saving raises error
A bug found on the Claims Generator screen has been fixed. Previously a claim could be edited and the Rendering Provider field could be cleared out. Pressing Save with no Rendering Provider would then result in an error. The Rendering Provider field has been modified to prevent users from clearing it.

6127: Bug Fix - Batch Payments - enter Claim ID that doesn't exist in dropdown - click Apply - raises error
An issue found on the Batch Payments has been fixed. Previously users were allowed to type in an invalid Claim ID. This is now prevented in the Claim ID field, and the user is informed by an application message if an invalid Claim ID is entered.

Release Notes - Methasoft 5.8:

New Features

6227: New Preference Category - Accounting Preferences - 'Default Payment Info'
A new Preference Category called 'Default Payment Info' has been added for the 'Accounting Preferences' Preference Type. The 'Automatically insert default Payment Information on new patients' preference has been moved from the 'General Setup #2' category to this new category. Additionally, settings are now available under this category for defining the default payment information that will be stored when a new patient is created in the system.


6198: Enhancement - Total Dispensed By Day Summary - convert to matrix
Multiple issues with the Total Dispensed by Day Summary report have been fixed:

  • Previously if a facility dispensed more than 8 Dose Types, types 9 and higher would not be displayed on this report. This report now accommodates an unlimited number of Dose Types by growing dynamically based on the number of columns needed to display the data being retrieved.
  • Previously columns were displayed for inactive Dose Types. This is now prevented unless an inactive Dose Type was dispensed during the date range for which the report is being generated.

6235: Enhancement - Scheduled Events Summary by Counselor report - "Event Status" filter added
An 'Event Status' criteria filter has been added for the Scheduled Events Summary report, allowing users to filter the data on this report by each event's status.

5121: Enhancement - Billing Authorizations Report
Several cosmetic adjustments have been made to the Billing Authorizations report for better readability.

Bug Fixes

5007: Bug Fix - Health Screen Report Export - 'Other Results' aren't included
A problem with exporting the Health Screen report to Excel has been fixed. Exporting this report to Excel now properly includes any 'Other Results' entered.

5164: Bug Fix - Billable Services - During edit Rendering Provider drop down is enabled and should not be
For customers using MPMSoft billing functionality, a bug was causing the Rendering Provider field on the Billable Services screen to be enabled when editing a record for a specific scenario. This problem has been fixed, this field is properly disabled now for this scenario.

4841: Bug Fix - Blind Dose Labels cause field overlap
A problem related to the Dosing 3.5 x 1.125 (Single Label) Dosing Label types 'Label_Dosing_3.5x1.125_Pharmacist' and 'Label_Dosing_3.5x1.125_MFG' has been resolved. These labels have been adjusted to print correctly for patients marked as Blind Dose patients on Dosing Information.

6034: Bug Fix - Case Notes Edit Button Disabled After Save
A problem on the Case Notes screen related to the number of days a user can backdate a case note has been fixed. Previously the Edit button would be improperly disabled in specific scenarios. This issue has been fixed.

6077: Bug Fix - UK Drug Name and Form/Strength labels are currently used on Prepare Daily Pour
The 'Drug Type' and 'Dose Type' fields on the Prepare Daily Pour screen are now displayed properly for US customers. Previously the UK terminology of 'Drug Name' and 'Form/Strength' were appearing for these fields even when Methasoft was running in US mode. 'Unit Dose Type' also appears properly now in the detail section of the screen, instead of 'Unit Form/Strength'.

Release Notes - Methasoft 5.8:

New Features

6170: New report - Guest Doser List
A new report has been added called 'Guest Doser List'. This report displays all active patients assigned on the Profile screen to sites other than a facility's Home Site. Each patient's most recent Guest Dosing Schedule dates are included.

6071: New Report - No Show Report by Patient
A new report called 'No Show Report by Patient' has been added to the system, and this report behaves as the previous version of the No Show Report.

6140: New Report - Batch Payments
A new report called 'Batch Payments' has been added. This report displays all Payment, Discount and Transfer transactions saved on the Batch Payments screen.


6169: Enhancement - Patient Balance Journal, Debits and Credits reports - debit and credit columns reverse of convention
The Patient Balance Journal, Debits and Credits, and Debits and Credits by Patient ID reports have been enhanced so that the 'Debits' column comes before the 'Credits' column, per general accounting convention.

5592: Enhancement - Prepare Daily Pour - Default the 'Include In-House' checkbox based on Inventory Dispensing Rules
The Prepare Daily Pour screen has been enhanced so that The 'Include In-house Dose with Preparation' checkbox is checked automatically if a Drug/Dose Type combination with an Inventory Dispensing Rule defined for dispensing in-house doses from Unit inventory is selected.

3722: Enhancement - Daily Activities - Patient Profile tab - 'Current Balance' fields - use red for debit balances
The 'Current Balance' field on the Patient Profile tab of the Daily Activities screen now displays debit balances in red font to be consistent with other screens.

4713: Enhancement - Switch Bulk Bottles - should look at Smallest Dose Amount
The Switch Bulk Bottles screen has been enhanced so that the 'Actual Bottle Volume (Measured)' field will no longer accept values that violate the 'Smallest Dose Allowed' amount defined on the Drug Types screen. If the 'Actual Bottle Volume (Measured)' field contains such a value when the Switch Bottles button is pressed, the bottle switch is prevented, and an application message is displayed informing the user of the invalid amount.

6143: Enhancement - Audit of Active/Inactive Status change improved
The 'Patient Profile' program area of the Audit report has been enhanced to more clearly display a patient's previous and subsequent 'Active' status following an edit (Update action).

4800: Enhancement - Counselors Name Added To Titrate/Detox Schedule Report
The Titrate/Detox Schedule report has been enhanced to include the name of the patient's assigned Counselor at the top of the report.

6071: Enhancement - No Show report group by date; new report No Show by Patient
The No Show Report has been enhanced by the removal of the 'Total Absences' fields at the patient level and the addition of 'Phase' and 'Counselor' columns.

5752: Enhancement - Assessment report (assessMain) needs patient data on each page.
The Assessment Name, Patient ID and Patient Name now appear at the top of each page of Patient Assessment reports.

5707: Enhancement - Patient Discharge report needs patient information on all pages.
The Patient Discharge report has been enhanced to include the patient's information at the top of each page of the report.

Bug Fixes

5852: Bug Fix - Label_Sheet_Dosing_4x1.3_Pharmacist printing issues
An issue involving the Dosing Label type 'Dosing 4x 1.3 (Sheet Label 2 Columns/7 Rows)' has been fixed. Previously these labels would not print properly if a user selected a 'Starting Label Position' other than '1' on the Label Preparation screen. This label type has been changed to rely on database margin values instead of report file header settings, which resolved the issue.

5291: Bug Fix - Prepare Daily Pour - Bug related to 'Multiple takeouts/bottle (SINGLE label)' setting
A problem found with the Prepare Daily Pour screen has been fixed. Previously, the 'Multiple takeouts/bottle (SINGLE label)' setting on Dosing Information would cause an approved Schedule/Phase change or Special Takeout Order to be unaccounted for on the Prepare Daily Pour screen, resulting in an incorrect calculation of the Number of Units Needed. The Prepare Daily Pour now properly accounts for this scenario.

4398: Bug Fix - Audit Report - Cannot Track Who Edited A Drug Screen Result
A problem with the Audit report has been resolved for the 'Drug Screen Results' program area. The Update action section now properly displays the user who edited a drug screen result instead of displaying the user who originally entered the result.

Release Notes - Methasoft 5.8:

New Features

6085: New Report - Inventory Unit Detail by Dispense Date
A new report has been added called 'Inventory Unit Detail by Dispense Date'. This report displays all units currently in unit inventory, grouped by Dispense Date. This report can be run for a selected Dispense Date range.

5877: New Report - DEA Unit Inventory Milligrams
A new report has been added called 'DEA Unit Inventory Milligrams'. This report displays a breakdown of a facility's current Unit inventory, including a count of the number of of units of medication and the total number of mgs of each Dose Type composing each unit Dose Amount.


5028: Enhancement - Inventory Bulk Totals report - Request for Inventory Types on separate pages
A new criteria filter has been added for the 'Inventory Bulk Totals' report called 'Split Pages By Type'. If this filter is unchecked, the report behaves as it previously did. If this filter is checked, the totals for each Drug/Dose Type inventory combination used at a facility will be displayed on separate pages.

5856: Enhancement - Inventory Units Reassigned report - Reassigned By column
The 'Inventory Units Reassigned' report has been enhanced to include a new column called 'Reassigned By'. This column displays the User ID of the user who reassigned each unit on the Reassign Units screen.

5719: Enhancement - Group Notes - warning if no one is marked as 'Attended'
The Group Notes screen will now warn users with an application message if a user attempts to save a Group Note entry without first selecting at least one patient as having attended.

1904: Enhancement - Dosing Queue - Needs a Dose Type column
A new column has been added on the Dosing Queue screen grid called 'Drug/Dose Type'. This column displays each patient's Drug/Dose Type combination, as stored on the Dosing Information screen.

6103: Enhancement - Change Sort Order for Unit Selection Screen
The Unit Inventory Select window has been changed to sort by unit Dispense Date instead of Unit Barcode ID. Previously sorting by Unit Barcode ID on this window was causing problems when old units were being reassigned on the Reassign Units screen. Now units will appear available for selection on this window in ascending order by Dispense Date. Units without a Dispense Date will appear at the top of the 'Available Units' grid.

6104: Enhancement - Add 'Dispense Date' column to Unit Inventory Screens
A 'Dispense Date' column has been added to the unit inventory detail grids on the Inventory Unit Totals, Reassign Units, Reconcile Units, and Add to Existing Units screens. This column displays each unit's Dispense Date.

5838: Enhancement - Inventory Units - Assigned to report - Addition of Dispense Date parameter
A new 'Dispense Date' criteria filter has been added for the 'Inventory Units - Assigned to' report. Additionally the Split Inventory Breakdown section of this report has been moved to appear below the Drug/Dose Type combination totals for better readability.

6044: Enhancement - Guest Dosing Schedule - 'Site' terminology instead of 'Clinic'
The 'Clinic Guest-Dosing at' label has been changed to 'Site Guest-Dosing at'.

6059: Enhancement - Case Note Templates - make 'Disable Group SmartNote' field clearer by adding 'Level' in text
The 'Disable Group SmartNote' field is now called 'Disable Group-Level SmartNote' for clarity.

Bug Fixes

4669: Bug Fix - Daily Activities Check in Security - 'Other' Security setting - no longer works
The 'Other' security item 'Can check patients into the queue from Daily Activities' has been fixed, and is now working properly by preventing users without access from using the Check In button on the Daily Activities screen.

2839: Bug Fix - Orders Report - Phase Change Only report does not show entered Reason/Notes text
2 issues with the 'Patient Orders' report have been fixed:

  1. Previously if a Schedule/Phase Change order was entered to only change a patient's Phase, the text entered in the 'Reason/Notes' field on the Orders screen was not being displayed on this report. This report now dislays the entered 'Reason/Notes' correctly.
  2. Previously the 'Recommendations' text did not appear on this report for entered Special Takeout orders. This report now dislays the entered 'Recommendations' text correctly.

5756: Bug Fix - Error if letters are entered in the Check Number field On Batch Payments screen
The 'Check Number' field on the Batch Payments screen has been changed to allow the entry of numeric values only.

5380: Bug Fix - Check Mailbox - CC... button on Email brings up TO... recipients by default
The Compose Mail window that appears when sending a Methasoft email has been changed. The 'CC...' button and corresponding field have been removed, because functionally there has never been a difference between the 'To...' and 'CC...' recipient lists. This also eliminates the possibility of encountering an error when changing recipients selected in the 'CC...' list.

5943: Bug Fix - Reports - Case Notes Billable Units by Provider - Totals aren't showing up properly
Totals are now appearing properly on the Case Notes Billable Units by Provider report.

5984: Bug Fix - Patient Medication Record - sorting is off for specific facility scenarios
Sorting issues found on this report for specific scenarios have been resolved.

6098: Bug Fix - Run Reports - Drug Screen Results - Unacceptable - Clinic - needs column headers on each page
Previously the column headers on this report appeared only at the top of the first page. Now the column headers on this report appear at the top of each page.

6099: Bug Fix - Run Reports - Drug Screen Results - clinic - not showing column headers on each page
Previously the column headers on this report appeared only at the top of the first page. Now the column headers on this report appear at the top of each page.

6026: Bug Fix - Site Demographic History report performance issues
The performance of the 'Site Demographic History' report has been enhanced to run more quickly.

5998: Bug Fix - Triplicate Receipt for Payment printing blank page if 0 payment entered
The 'Receipt Full Page Triplicate' version of the Receipt for Payment report would previously print only a blank page if the Save/Receipt button on Patient Payments was pressed with a Payment Amount of '0'. This issue has been resolved.

Release Notes - Methasoft 5.7:

New Features

New Feature - Site terminology introduced in place of Clinic for Multi-Site functionality development
The term 'Site' is now being used throughout the system instead of 'Clinic'. This change is being implemented in light of a multi-site functionality implemented for a new Counselor-only module product called Therapist360. Screens and windows throughout Methasoft affected by this change include the following:

  • Profile screen - The 'Home Clinic' field is now called 'Home Site'. The 'Clinic Groups' field is now called 'Site Groups'.
  • Patient Search window - This window now inludes a field called 'Current Sites'. This field will always remain disabled, and only the Home Site will be displayed and selected in this field.
  • Group Definition screen - Patient Selection window - This window now includes a 'Site' filter. A facility's Home Site will be the only available selection in this field and will be selected by default.
  • Random Drug Screens window - A 'Site' filter now appears on this window. This field will only display a facility's Home Site, which will be selected by default.
  • Clinic Assessments screen - The 'Clinic Assessments' menu item and screen name have been changed to 'Site Assessments'.
  • Assessment Wizard screen - 'Site Assessments' is now an available selection in the 'Assessment Type' field instead of 'Clinic Assessments'.
  • Clinic Information screen - The 'Clinic Information' menu item and screen name have been changed to 'Site Information'. The 'Clinic Name' field is now called 'Site Name'. The 'Clinic Director' field is now called 'Site Director'. The 'Home Clinic' checkbox has been removed from this screen. The Home Site defined for your facility is the first site listed on the grid.
  • Scheduler-Calendar and Scheduler-Review Events screens - Attendee Selection window - This window now includes a 'Site' filter. A facility's Home Site will be the only available selection in this field and will be selected by default.
  • Clinic Doctors screen - The 'Clinic Doctors' menu item and screen name have been changed to 'Site Doctors'.
  • Run Reports screen - A 'Site' filter has been added for the following reports:

    Billing Units Summary by Billing Provider
    Billing Episodes by Patient
    Case Notes Billable Units (all 7 versions of this report)
    Caseload Performance
    Caseload Summary by Provider
    Daily Activity
    Exception Tracking
    Group Definition Group Members
    Group Sign In Report
    Intakes and Discharges
    Last Reviews
    Patient Insurance Eligibility
    Patient Last Date Seen
    Patient List by Billing Program
    Patient List by Billing Provider
    Patient List by City/State
    Patient List by Clinic Group
    Patient List by Counselor
    Patient List by Modality/Provider
    Patient List with SSN
    Patient Referrals
    Service Checks
    Time Tracking by Site
    Time Tracking by User
    Treatment Plan Summary
    Treatment Plans
    User Tracking Deadlines

  • Code Tables screen - the 'Clinic Groups' code table has been renamed to 'Site Groups'.
  • Holidays screen - the 'Date the Clinic will be Closed' field has been renamed to 'Date the Site will be Closed'.
  • Employee Profile screen - A field has been added called 'Default Site'. A facility's Home Site will be selected by default in this field, and this field will remain disabled at all times.
  • Security Administration screen - a new Object Type has been added called 'Site'. Only a facility's Home Site will appear available, and access to the Home Site will be granted by default to new users added to the system.
  • Status Bar - A new field appears on the status bar called 'Current Site', for indicating the site a user is logged into. This field will always display a facility's Home Site.

New Feature - New Preference Category - General Preferences - Company-Site Setup
A new Preferences Category selection is available on the Preferences window for the General Preferences type called 'Company-Site Setup'. Currently this category contains only one system preference which is inaccessible to users, for turning on or off multi-site Counselor module functionality.

5267: New Screen - Time Tracking
A new screen called Time Tracking has been added to the system, allowing facilities to track the time each employee has worked at each site.

4968: New Screen - User Tracking
A new screen called User Tracking has been added to the system and is accessible by selecting the 'User Tracking' menu item on the Administration menu. This screen allows facilities to track important staff deadlines, such as certification renewals, nursing license renewals, etc... A new code table called 'User Tracking Types' has been added on the Code Tables screen for customizing the type of staff events to be tracked on this screen.

5403: New Report - Patient Dosing Detail
A new report has been added called 'Patient Dosing Detail'. This report displays a summary of each patient's 45-day medication history based on a selected month and year.

5329: New Report - Submitted Claims Summary
A new report called 'Submitted Claims Summary' has been added. This report displays a summary of billing claims submitted on the Claims Generator screen, including the total claims, units, and billed amounts for a selected date range.

5508: New Report - User Productivity
A new report called 'User Productivity' has been added to the system. This report displays user productivity data for a selected date range, based on billable case notes entered and time logged on the Time Tracking screen for each user.

4766: New Report - Patient List Inactive
A new report has been added called 'Patient List Inactive'. This report only displays patients who are inactive in the system, and includes each's phone number, last dose, and current balance amounts.

5529: New Report - Time Tracking by Site
A new report has been added called 'Time Tracking by Site'. This report displays all entries on the Time Tracking screen for a selected date range, grouped by site.

5534: New Report - Time Tracking by User
A new report has been added called 'Time Tracking by User'. This report displays all entries made on the Time Tracking screen for a selected date range, grouped by user.

3627: New Report - Patient List with IDs
A new report has been added called 'Patient List with IDs'. This report displays each patient's ID, name, SSN, State ID (CID), Insurance ID, Other ID, DL State, and DL number.

5575: New Report - Patient Phase Progress
A new report has been added called 'Patient Phase Progress'. This report displays each patient's phase level/type progress over a selected date range broken down by user-defined time increments.

5190: New Report - Patient Insurance Eligibility
A new report has been added called 'Patient Insurance Eligibility', for displaying insurance eligibility information for each patient.

5500: New Report - Assessment Audit
A new report has been added called 'Assessment Audit'. This report displays all patients who have incomplete or missing assessments entered over a selected date range.

5476: New Report - Required Treatment Summary
A new report has been added called 'Required Treatment Summary'. This report displays all active patients and the billable individual and group sessions entered for each patient over a selected date range. Included are each patient's required individual and group sessions as entered on each patient's active treatment plan(s). Inactive patients are included on this report only if one or more billable sessions exist for the patient for the selected date range.

5179: New Report - Service Checks
A new report has been added called 'Service Checks'. This report displays multiple service provision checks based on Case Note and Group Note entries, allowing users to avoid submitting erroneous billing claims.

5140: New Report - User Tracking Deadlines
A new report has been added called 'User Tracking Deadlines'. This report displays upcoming user tracking deadlines entered on the User Tracking screen for a selected date range.

5220: New Report - Daily Activity
A new report has been added called 'Daily Activity'. This report displays a daily summary of each counselor's billable case note entries, system login activity, assessments entered, and a calculation of each counselor's productivity based on Time Tracking entries for a selected date. Additional sections are provided containing statements and signature lines for each counselor.

5188: New Report - SAIS Billing Worksheet
A new report has been added called 'SAIS Billing Worksheet'. This report allows users to export billable case note session data in SAIS format.

5226: New Report - Smart Case Notes
A new report has been added called 'Smart Case Notes'. This report displays case note and group note entries including the SmartNotes entered for each.

5172: New Report - Missing Documents
A new report has been added called 'Missing Documents'. This report displays all patients who are missing linked documents in the system for a selected date range.

5186: New Report - Group Sign In Report
A new report has been added called 'Group Sign In Report'. This report displays a list of all attendees scheduled to attend a group that has been scheduled using Scheduler functionality. Blank signature lines are provided so that attendees can manually sign in for groups upon arriving for the group session.


Enhancement - Assessment Wizard - SmartNote functionality
A new Assessment Type called 'SmartNote' can now be added on the Assessment Wizard screen. SmartNotes are assessments that can be associated with a Case Note Type on the Case Note Templates screen, allowing users to enter Case Note or Group Note entries that include SmartNote entries. This allows for more sophisticated Case Note entry, as attributes of Assessment functionality, such as required responses, are now integrated with Case Note functionality. SmartNotes are created in the same manner as Assessments, and appear for completion in a separate SmartNote window when associated with entered Case or Group Notes. A new report called Smart Case Notes has been added for displaying Case and Group Note entries with associated SmartNotes. Security access to SmartNotes can be granted or denied beneath the 'Assessment' object type on the Security Administration screen.

5197: Enhancement - Site Assessments - new 'LU - Patient Site (Text)' field
For Patient Assessments, a new look-up field is now available for selection on the Assessment Wizard screen called 'LU - Patient Site (Text)'. This field looks up a patient's 'Home Site' and displays the text of the site automatically when this field is used on an assessment.

Enhancement - Case Note Templates - Numerous fields and functionality added
The Case Note Templates screen has been signficantly enhanced for greater flexibility and more sophisticated Case and Group Note functionality. These changes include:

  • A 'Group Note' checkbox has been added, allowing users to mark any Note Type as a Group Note. This allowed the Group Notes screen to be modified so that the 'Note Type' field is no longer a label, but instead a drop down selection list allowing users to select different Note Types. If this field is checked, 5 additional Group Note settings will become enabled in the 'Group Session Details' section as described below:

    'Disable Group-Level SmartNote' - If this setting is checked users will not be permitted to enter an associated SmartNote for the entire group, but instead will have to enter the SmartNote for each individual patient selected for the group. Note that entering a group-level SmartNote does not prevent subsequent SmartNote individualization.
    'Require SmartNote' - If this setting is checked users will be required to enter a SmartNote when entering the associated Note Type on the Group Notes screen.
    'Disable Attendee/Absentee Note Individualization' - If this setting is checked users will be prevented from individualizing the 'Attendee Note' and 'Absentee Note' text for each selected patient when entering the associated Note Type on the Group Notes screen.
    'Require Individualization' - If this setting is checked users will be required to individualize the group note when entering the associated Note Type on the Group Notes screen.
    'Disable Absentee Individualization' - If this setting is checked, patients marked as absent will be skipped on the Individual Note window when a user is individualizing the associated Note Type on the Group Notes screen.

  • A 'SmartNote Type' field has been added, allowing users to associate a SmartNote with any Note Type. Associated SmartNotes can then be entered for the associated Note Types on the Case Notes and Group Notes screens. The available selections in this field are governed by 'Assessment' object security settings for the logged-in user.
  • A 'Minutes Per Unit' field has been added, allowing users to define the increment of time to be associated with one Billable Unit for each Note Type. If a value is defined in this field, it will override the global preference setting found in Counselor Preferences - General Setup ('1. Default Time increment fo billable units').
  • A 'Units' field has been added, allowing users to define the default number of Billable Units for each Note Type. This allows the 'Billable Units' fields on the Case Notes and Group Notes screens to be automatically populated when the associated note type is selected.
  • A 'Lock Units' checkbox has been added, allowing for the 'Billable Units' field to be disabled on the Case Notes and Group Notes screens when the associated Note Type is selected.
  • A 'Lock End Time' field has been added, allowing for the 'Session End' field to be disabled on the Case Notes and Group Notes screens when the associated Note Type is selected.

Enhancement - Case Notes - View/Edit SmartNote button added
A new button has been added next to the View Note button called either View SmartNote or Edit SmartNote. The behavior of this button is characterized below:

  • This button appears as View SmartNote when a note is selected on the grid, and remains disabled if the selected note does not have an associated SmartNote. Pressing View SmartNote will display the associated SmartNote entry on a Report Viewer tab.
  • This button appears as Edit SmartNote if New is pressed, and will remain disabled unless the Note Type selected is associated with a SmartNote. Pressing Edit SmartNote for a new note opens the SmartNote window for entering the SmartNote.
  • This button appears as Edit SmartNote if Edit is pressed for a selected note, and will remain disabled unless the selected note has an associated SmartNote. Pressing Edit SmartNote for a previously entered note will open the SmartNote window for the selected note for editing.

4973: Enhancement - Case Notes: Print button behavior
In light of SmartNote functionality, the behavior of the Print button has been enhanced. If the selected note has an associated SmartNote, pressing this button will generate the Smart Case Notes report. If the selected note does not have an associated SmartNote, pressing this button will generate the Case Notes report.

Enhancement - Group Definition - Numerous fields and functionality added
The Group Definition screen has been significantly enhanced for greater flexibility and more sophisticated Group Note functionality. These changes include:

  • A 'Site' field has been added. The Home Site is the only available selection in this field.
  • A 'Location' field has been added for defining the location of each group. Available selections in this field include all entries in the 'Group Location' code table.
  • A 'Case Note Type' field has been added for defining the Note Type to be associated with each group when a Group Note is entered. This Note Type will be selected by default when the associated Group is selected on the Group Notes screen.
  • A 'Users can edit Case Note Type' checkbox has been added to determine whether or not the Note Type field will be enabled or disabled on the Group Notes screen for a selected Group.
  • A 'Start Time' field has been added for defining the time of day at which each group starts. This time will be defaulted in the 'Session Start' field when the associated group is selected on the Group Notes screen.
  • An 'Other Information' field has been added for noting any other specific information for each group. Available selections in this field include all entries in the 'Group Other Information' code table.
  • A 'Counselor' field has been added for assigning a Counselor to each Group.
  • A 'Duration' field has been added for displaying the defined duration of a Group with an associated Note Type that has the duration defined on the Case Note Templates screen. The 'Session End' time will be calculated automatically for a defined or entered 'Session Start' time based on this value for a selected Group.

Enhancement - Group Notes - New field and other enhancements
The Group Notes screen has been enhanced, including integration with SmartNote functionality. These changes include:

  • The 'Select Group' field now displays additional information stored for each Group on the Group Definition screen, including the Group's Name, Site, Counselor, Start Time, and Location.
  • The 'Note Type' field is no longer just a label displaying 'Group Note'. This field is now a drop down selection list allowing users to select the type of note to be entered. Available selections in this field include all Note Types marked as Group Notes on the Case Note Templates screen.
  • A 'SmartNote Type' field has been added. This field will always remain disabled, and displays the SmartNote associated with the Group's selected Note Type when applicable.
  • If users select a 'Note Type' with a defined number of 'Minutes Per Unit', the 'Billable Units' value is automatically calculated based on the 'Session Start' and 'Session End' times entered.

4988: Enhancement - Addition of a new 'User Tracking' Perspective portlet and related security object
A new portlet has been created for the Perspective screen called 'User Tracking'. This portlet dislays the upcoming dates on which important staff events are due, based on entries on the User Tracking screen. A corresponding security item has been added for the 'Perspective Portlet' object type on the Security Administration screen.

5515: Enhancement - Patient List for Billing Report - Performance improvement
The performance of this report has been optimized.

5723: Enhancement - Assessments - New Security Item - Can Delete/Edit after Complete
A new security item has been added as an 'Other' object type on the Security Administration screen. The 'Can Edit/Delete Completed Assessments' security item dictates whether or not a security group or user can edit or delete an assessment which has been marked as complete on the Patient or Site Assessments screens.

5297: Enhancement - Make AutoPaymentReceipt preference a 3-way switch
In Accounting Preferences - General Setup, preference '2.) Automatically print Payment Receipt at Dosing Window' was previously a checkbox which turned this functionality on or off. This preference is now a drop down selection field containing 3 available selections:

  1. 'None' - if this item is selected receipts will not be printed.
  2. 'Automatic' - if this item is selected receipts will be printed automatically.
  3. 'Prompt' - if this item is selected the user will be prompted and asked whether or not to print a receipt.

5290: Enhancement - Change wording on Guest Dosing report
The Guest Dosing Request report has been clarified. The date range following the 'Patient will be at your clinic from:' label now uses the word 'through' instead of 'to' to prevent confusion.

5270: Enhancement - Clinic Group added as a parameter to the Clinic Demographics Report
A Clinic Group criteria filter has been added on the Run Reports screen for the Clinic Demographics report, allowing users to filter the data on this report by Site Group as assigned on the Patient Profile screen.

5369: Enhancement - Assessment Wizard - Assessment Type - Universal doesn't apply to SmartNotes
The description in parentheses for the 'Universal' assessment type has been clarified to indicate it does not apply to the SmartNote assessment type.

5138: Enhancement - Assessment Library - Should be ordered by name
When editing an assessment on the Assessment Wizard screen, the list of assessments is now sorted by assessment Name instead of assessment ID.

5818: Enhancement - Patient Insurance Eligibility report - Numerous changes implemented
Numerous changes have been made to the Patient Insurance Eligibility report, subsequent to the Release Notes for Case 5436 below. These latest changes include:

  • The 'Payment Option' column has been modified to pull data stored in the 'Payment Option' field on the Payment Information screen instead of 'Acceptable Payment Type'.
  • The 'Record Number' column has been renamed as 'Insurance Number', and now pulls data stored in the 'Insurance ID' field on the Profile screen instead of 'Other ID'.
  • The 'Diag Code' column has been renamed to 'DSM Code'.
  • The 'Client Status' column now displays 'Active' or 'Inactive' for each patient instead of 'True' or 'False'.
  • Two new criteria filters have been added for this report:
    a.) The 'Services From Date' filter allows users to expand the data returned by including any inactive patients for whom a billable case note was entered on or after the date selected.
    b.) The 'Services To Date' filter allows users to expand the data returned by including any inactive patients for whom a billable case note was entered on or before the date selected.

Note: If a 'Services To Date' is entered and a the 'Services From Date' is left blank, the report will return all active and inactive patients for whom billable case notes were entered from the first date your facility began using the system through the entered 'Services To Date'. If a 'Services From Date' is entered without entering a 'Services To Date', the report will return all active and inactive patients for whom billable cases were entered from the entered 'Services From Date' through the current date on which the report is generated.

5761: Enhancement - Group Notes report - new Group Definition fields
The Group Notes report has been enhanced to display information stored in new fields available on the Group Definition screen. Each group's associated 'Duration', 'Counselor', 'Start Time', 'Site', 'Location', and 'Other Information' are now displayed on this report.

Enhancement - Group Definition Group Members report - new Group Definition fields
The Group Definition Group Members report has been enhanced to display information stored in new fields available on the Group Definition screen. Each group's associated 'Duration', 'Start Time', 'Location', and 'Other Information' are now displayed on this report.

5760: Enhancement - Daily Activity report - Assessment section added
A new section called 'Assessments' has been added to the Daily Activity report. This section displays the number of assessments saved and completed for each type of assessment entered by a user for the selected date.

5170: Document Manager - 'Document Description' label needs to be renamed
The 'Document Description' label on the Document Manager screen has been renamed to 'Document Type' for clarity.

5496: Enhancement - Add a Methasoft Trigger that works off Treatment Episode Start Date
A new Triggering Event called 'Tx Episode Start' has been added to the Triggers screen. This triggering event works by scheduling the selected 'Event to Schedule' based on the entered 'Episode Start Date' for an episode entered on the Treatment Episodes screen.

5665: Enhancement - Check In Report needs Clinic Group as a parameter
A new criteria filter has been added for the Check In report. This report can now be filtered by 'Clinic Group'.

5546: Enhancement - Check In Report
The Check In report has been enhanced to dynamically group displayed data depending upon whether or not a 'Patient ID' is entered as criteria. If the 'Patient ID' criteria field is left blank, this report behaves the same as previously by grouping by check-in date. If a patient ID is entered, this report will group displayed data by patient, which greatly reduces the number of pages generated.

5644: Enhancement - Guest Dosing report - new clinic grouping parameter
A new criteria filter called 'Group by Clinic' has been added for the Guest Dosing report. If this criteria field is checked, this report will group the displayed data by clinic.

5400: Enhancement - Add 'Billing Provider' and 'Modality' filters to 'Dosage Level Summary By Phase/Gender' report
Two new criteria filters have been added for the Dosage Level Summary by Phase/Gender report. This report can now be filtered by 'Billing Provider' and 'Modality'.

5691: Enhancement - Latest Online Help content is not included in the latest build
Numerous content changes have been made to the Online Help application corresponding to new system functionality.

5668: Enhancement - Dosing label 3.5 x 1.125 cutting off dose qty over 2 digits
The 'Dosing Label Type' (Label Preferences - Dosing Labels) named 'Dosing 3.5 x 1.125 (Single Label)' now accommodates 3-digit values in the 'Qty' field.

5518: Enhancement - Security Administration - 'Other' object type - Time Tracking-related item
A new security item has been added under the 'Other' object type called 'Can Access Other Users Time Sheets'. This security setting determines whether or not users other than the logged in user will be available for selection in the 'User' field on the Time Tracking screen.

4783: Enhancement - Treatment Plan Templates - Complete button showing up when it should not be visable
The 'Complete' button is now hidden on the Treatment Plan Templates screen.

5523: Enhancement - Add 'Counselor' parameter to the Patient Drug Screen Results report
A 'Counselor' criteria filter has been added for the Patient Drug Screen Results report, allowing users to filter this report by assigned counselor.

5615: Enhancement - Intakes and Discharges report needs 'Latest Intake Date' column
The 'Home Clinic Discharges' section of the Intakes and Discharges report has been enhanced to include a new column called 'Last Intake Date'.

5352: Enhancement - Payment Information - New fields
The Payment Information screen has been enhanced. New fields have been added to this screen for accommodating different facility requirements, and new preference configuration options have been added to dictate which fields will appear when this screen is opened.

5137: Enhancement - Payment Status - new Code Table
For specific accounting preference configurations, a new field called 'Payment Status' has been added in the 'Third Party Billing' section of the Payment Information screen. A new code table called 'Payment Status Types' has been added on the Code Tables screen for customizing the available selections in this field.

5169: Enhancement - Document Manager - 'Document Type' field needs to be renamed
The 'Document Type' field at the top of the Document Manager screen is now called 'Document Association' for clarity.

5401: Enhancement - Report Preferences - Report Descriptions seed data clean-up
Some Report Titles and Descriptions have been modified for greater clarity on the Run Reports screen.

5433: Enhancement - Add patient DOB to Patient List by Modality report
A 'DOB' column has been added to the Patient List by Modality report. This column displays each patient's date of birth.

5390: Enhancement - Guest Dosing Request report - Add Date of Birth
An additional field has been added to the Guest Dosing Request report. 'DOB' displays the patient's date of birth as stored on the Profile screen.

5438: Enhancement - Service Checks report changes
The Service Checks report has been enhanced. This report now includes 4 sections:

  1. Session Time Overlap-Patient: This section is used to find overlapping session times/dates for billable non-zero unit case note entries entered for the same patient.
  2. Session Time Overlap-User: This section is used to find overlapping session times/dates for billable non-zero unit case note entries entered by the same user.
  3. Second Service Same Day: This section is used to find multiple billable non-zero unit case note entries entered on the same date for the same patient.
  4. Alternate Site Group Services: This section is used to find billable non-zero unit case note entries entered for group counseling at a site other than the patient's Home Site.

5360: Enhancement - Group Notes - selecting a different 'Note Type' should re-calculate 'Session End' time
We enhanced the performance of Group Note functionality on the Group Notes screen. Now if a new Note Type is selected after 'Session Start' and 'Session End' times have been generated, the system will check the new Note Type's defined 'Duration' and re-calculate the 'Session End' time automatically.

5361: Enhancement - Group Definition - Groups should appear on the grid sorted by Group Name
The default sorting of the Group Definition grid has been changed to sort by Group Name instead of Group ID.

5263: Enhancement - Daily Activities - Linked Documents tab/grid needs performance overhaul
The performance of the Linked Documents tab of the Daily Activities screen has been optimized.

4779: Enhancement - Collecting Parties - Automatically default Patient Party Type info from Profile
The 'Patient' Party Type is now populated automatically with a patient's name, address and contact information when the patient's Profile is saved.

5314: Enhancement - Claims Generator - Disabling of the Generate New button when submitted records exist
Previously the Generate New button would become disabled once submitted records existed for the Service Criteria entered. This technical limitation has been overcome, and this button is no longer disabled for this scenario.

3548: Enhancement - Audit Report - Program Area Log In - add Workstation ID tracking
The Audit Report has been enhanced to include the Workstation ID for the Log In program area.

Enhancement - Code Tables - Phase Types - Use Code Value field for abbreviation
The Phase Types code table has been enhanced by storing off an abbreviation for each phase type in the 'Code Value' field. This abbreviation is used on reports such as the Patient Dosing Detail report to display patient phase levels.

5470: Enhancement - Add basic dosing information to Payment Information by Charge Amount.
The Payment Information by Charge Amount report has been expanded to include additional data. Each patient's drug type, dose type, and current dose amount is now included on this report.

5413: Enhancement - Patient Drug Screen Results report
A new criteria field has been added for the Patient Drug Screen Results report. This report can now be filtered by assigned 'Counselor'.

5639: Enhancement - Inventory 1.75 x .5 label type added to preferences
This label type has been been added as an available 'Inventory Label Type' selection called 'Inventory 1.75 x .5 (Sheet 4 cols/20 rows)' in Label Preferences - Inventory Labels.