Report: Total Dispensed by Day Summary
(Topic Last Updated On: 05/05/2010)
This report displays a summary of all daily dosing transaction totals for doses recorded on the Dose Patient screen over a selected date range. The total number of mgs dispensed from each 'Dose Type' each day is presented, as well as grand totals for the entire date range. Dispensing totals are grouped by 'Drug Type'. This report is generally only run periodically, either when searching for the source of an inventory count discrepancy over a large date range, or when presenting documentation of dispensing activity to a governing body such as the DEA.
Dose Date
This column displays the date on which each set of dispensing transactions were recorded on the Dose Patient screen.
(Dose Types)
These columns display the number of mgs dispensed on each 'Dose Date' from each 'Dose Type' dispensed at your facility.
Total Mgs
This column displays the total number of mgs dispensed on each 'Dose Date', including all 'Dose Types'.
(Drug Type)
This field serves as a header and displays the name of the 'Drug Type' of the dispensing transaction totals displayed below it.
Total Mgs
This field displays the grand totals for all 'Dose Type' columns as well as the 'Total Mgs' column, indicating the total number of mgs dispensed from each 'Dose Type' during the selected date range.
From Date
This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to display only daily dispensing totals for dosing transactions entered on or after the date selected here.
To Date
This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to display only daily dispensing totals for dosing transactions entered on or before the date selected here.
Drug Type
This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to display only daily dispensing totals for dosing transactions of the 'Drug Type' selected here.
This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to display only daily dispensing totals for dosing transactions recorded on a particular workstation. Available selections include all workstation names for computers using Methasoft in the facility.