Report:  Patient List With Important Information


(Topic Last Updated On:  05/05/2010)


This report displays a list of all active patients in the system, including important profile and dosing information for each patient, such as each's 'Birth Date' and the last four digits of each's 'SSN' as entered for each on the Patient Profile screen.  Each patient's 'Phase Type', total daily dosage amount, 'Schedule Type', and 'Present Day(s)' are displayed as entered on the Dosing Information screen.  This report is generally used to review the active patients in a facility with this particular subset of information for each.  There are numerous 'Patient List' reports in the system that display different data for each patient and/or are sorted differently.



Report Column Explanations


Patient ID

This column displays the 'Patient ID' number of each patient as entered on the Patient Profile screen.


This column displays the 'Birth Date' of each patient as entered on the Patient Profile screen.

Dose Amount

This column displays each patient's total daily dosage amount in mgs, as entered on the Dosing Information screen.


This column displays the 'Phase Type' selected for each patient on the Dosing Information screen.

Schedule Type

This column displays the 'Schedule Type' selected for each patient on the Dosing Information screen.

Attends On (S - S)

These columns display an 'X' for each day of the week each patient attends the facility, as selected for each patient on the Dosing Information screen.

Partial SSN

This column displays the last four digits of each patient's 'SSN' (social security number) as entered on the Patient Profile screen.


Report Field Explanations


Total Patients

This field displays the total number of patients displayed on the report.


Criteria Explanations



This parameter allows users to limit the report data to display only patients assigned a particular 'Counselor' on the Patient Profile screen.

Include Inactive

This parameter allows users to expand the report's data to also display patients who are currently inactive in the system.