Report:  Patient List by Holiday Eligibility


(Topic Last Updated On:  05/05/2010)


This report displays a list of all active patients in the system, including some basic profile and dosing information for each patient, such as each's 'Gender' and whether or not each is a guest-doser, as entered for each on the Patient Profile screen.  Each patient's 'Phase Type' and 'Eligible for Holiday Takeouts' status are displayed as entered on the Dosing Information screen. This report is generally used to review which patients are ineligible for holiday takeouts, so that facilities staying open each holiday know how many patients are expected to attend.  There are numerous 'Patient List' reports in the system that display different data for each patient and/or are sorted differently.



Report Column Explanations


Patient ID

This column displays each patient's 'Patient ID' number.

Patient Name

This column displays each patient's full name, in 'Last Name'/'First Name' format.


This column displays each patient's 'State ID (CID)' number as entered on the Patient Profile screen..


This column displays each patient's 'Phase Type' as selected on the Dosing Information screen.


This column displays each patient's 'Gender' as selected on the Patient Profile screen.

Guest Doser

This column displays an 'X' for each patient who is currently visiting your facility to guest dose.  This is determined by the 'Patient is a Guest Doser' checkbox on the Patient Profile screen for each patient.

Holiday Eligible

This column displays an 'X' for each patient marked as 'Eligible for Holiday Takeouts' on the Dosing Information screen.  This column is blank for patients who are ineligible for holiday takeouts.


Report Field Explanations


Grand Total Patients

This field displays the total number of patients displayed on the report.

Grand Total Eligible

This field displays the total number of patients displayed on the report who are marked as 'Eligible for Holiday Takeouts' on the Dosing Information screen.


Criteria Explanations


Eligibility Type

This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to display only those patients either 'Eligible' or 'In-Eligible' for holiday takeouts.

Include Last UA

This parameter allows users to expand the report's data to also display each listed patient's most recent drug screen result.


This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to display only those patients assigned on the Patient Profile screen to the 'Counselor' selected here.