Report:  Linked Documents


(Topic Last Updated On:  05/05/2010)


This report displays all document links created on the Link Document window, which is accessed on the Document Manager screen.  The information presented for each link includes the name and file extension of each document, whether or not it was linked to the clinic or a specific patient, whether or not the link was marked as secure, and the user who created the link.  The total number of linked documents displayed on this report is shown at the bottom.  This report is generally used only for reference, or is printed in some facilities for each patient to document that external documents have been linked appropriately with each patient in Methasoft.



Report Column Explanations


Document Type

This column displays the 'Document Type' selection made on the Link Document window for each linked document.  There are two types of linked documents in Methasoft, 'Clinic' and 'Patient'.

For Whom

This column displays 'CLINIC' for all linked documents with 'Clinic' selected as the 'Document Type'.  The 'Patient ID' number of each patient linked to a document appears in this column for all links with 'Patient' selected as the 'Document Type'.

Document Name

This column displays the full document name of each linked document, combining the 'Document Name' and 'File Extension' entered for each link on the Link Document window.


This column displays an 'X' for all links created with the 'Mark this document secure' field checked on the Link Document window.  Secure documents can only be viewed in Methasoft by users with appropriate security access.

Linked By

This column displays the 'Employee ID' (User ID) of the user who created each document link.


Report Field Explanations



This field displays the 'Document Description' text entered on the Link Document window for each document, and only appears if the 'Show Description' criteria checkbox is checked when this report is generated.

Total Documents

This field displays the total number of documents displayed on this report.


Criteria Explanations


Patient ID

This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to display only documents linked to the specific patient whose 'Patient ID' number is entered here.

Document Type

This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to display only documents of the 'Document Type' selected here.

Linked By

This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to display only documents linked by a specific user selected here.

Show Description

This parameter allows users to expand the report's data to also display each linked document's 'Document Description'.