Report: Inventory Units Reassigned
(Topic Last Updated On: 05/05/2010)
This report displays all unit dose reassignments recorded on the Reassign Units screen over a selected date range. This report is generally only used by facilities tracking unit inventory at the Patient level, when trying to find the source of inventory discrepancies, or when encountering 'Insufficient Inventory' messages trying to dispense unit doses to patients.
Bottle ID
This column displays the unique system-generated barcode ID number of each unit dose.
Unit Amount
This column displays the amount of mgs contained in each unit dose.
Old Patient ID
This column displays the patient ID number originally assigned to each unit dose.
New Patient ID
This column displays the patient ID number assigned to each unit dose following reassignment.
Old Rx #
This column displays the prescription number originally associated with each unit dose.
New Rx #
This column displays the prescription number associated with each unit dose following reassignment.
Old Expiration
This column displays the original expiration date for each unit dose.
New Expiration
This column displays the expiration date for each unit dose following reassignment.
Old Dispense
This column displays the original dispense date for each unit dose.
New Dispense
This column displays the dispense date for each unit dose following reassignment.
From Date
This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to only display unit dose reassignments entered on or after the date selected here.
To Date
This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to only display unit dose reassignments entered on or before the date selected here.
Dispense Date
This parameter allows users to limit the report data to display only units with a selected 'Dispense Date', which is generally the date on which a unit dose is physically created and added in Methasoft.