Report:  Inventory Unit Waste/Spillage


(Topic Last Updated On:  05/05/2010)


This report displays all 'Record Spill' and 'Record Waste' transactions recorded on the Reconcile Units screen over a selected date range.  This report is generally run by managers and administrators for extended date ranges, to survey the quantity and nature of spills or waste from unit inventory.  Some facilities print this report at the end of any day a spill or waste from unit inventory is recorded, to file it as a hard copy with other daily inventory/dispensing documentation.



Report Column Explanations


Unit Barcode ID

This column displays the unique system-generated barcode ID number of each unit.

Unit Mgs

This column displays the amount of mgs contained in each unit.

Recorded By

This column displays the user ID for the user who recorded each spill or waste transaction.

Waste Date/Time

This column displays the date and time each spill or waste transaction was recorded in the system.

Waste Comment

This column displays the comment entered at the time each transaction was recorded.


Report Field Explanations


Number of Wasted Units

This field displays the total quantity of units spilled or wasted.

Total Mgs Wasted

This field displays the total number of mgs spilled or wasted.


Criteria Explanations


From Date

This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to only display unit dose transactions entered on or after the date selected here.

To Date

This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to only display unit dose transactions entered on or before the date selected here.

Drug Type

This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to only display unit dose transactions recorded for units of the 'Drug Type' selected here.

Dose Type

This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to only display unit dose transactions recorded for units of the 'Dose Type' selected here.