Report: Inventory Dosing Transactions
(Topic Last Updated On: 05/05/2010)
This report displays all dosing transactions recorded over a selected date range, showing each individual dose dispensed. Instead of presenting dosing transactions in summary form, such as on the Total Dispensed by Day report for example, this report mimics the Bulk Bottle Detail report, but is limited to displaying only dosing transactions recorded on the Dose Patient or Dosing Exceptions screens. By using the Lot Number Like criteria filter, users can easily determine which lot of medication a patient was dosed from.
Dosed Date
This column displays the date on which each dosing transaction was recorded in Methasoft.
Take On Date
This column displays the date each dose is scheduled to be ingested.
Patient ID
This column displays the patient ID for the patient receiving each dose.
Source Bottle
This column displays the unique bulk bottle barcode ID for the bulk bottle each dose originated from.
Lot/Bottle Number
This column displays the unique bulk bottle lot and bottle number combination for the bulk bottle each dose originated from.
This column displays the amount of mgs dispensed for each transaction.
This column displays whether or not each dose is a takeout dose. An 'X' in this column indicates a dose is a takeout dose.
Dispensed By
This column displays the name of the user responsible for recording each transaction.
(Drug Type)(Dose Type)
This field at the top of the report indicates the drug and dose type combination of the inventory from which the mgs were dispensed.
Totals for (Date)
This field appears following the last transaction for each date, and displays the total number of mgs dispensed each day.
Totals for (Drug Type)(Dose Type)
This field appears following the final 'Totals for (Date)', and displays the total number of mgs dispensed during the selected date range.
From Date
This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to only display dosing transactions entered on or after the date selected here.
To Date
This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to only display dosing transactions entered on or before the date selected here.
Drug Type
This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to only display dosing transactions recorded for patients assigned to the 'Drug Type' selected here.
Dose Type
This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to only display dosing transactions recorded for patients assigned to the 'Dose Type' selected here.
Lot Number Like
This parameter allows users to enter any part of a lot number for bottles they want to view transactions from, limiting this report to only include transactions from bottles with lot numbers containing the text entered in this field.