(Topic Last Updated On: 05/05/2010)
This report displays all patient exceptions entered on the Exception Tracking screen over a selected date range, including each exception's type, date, and comments. This report is generally run periodically to view how many patients are currently granted exception status, and the reasons/comments for each.
Patient ID
This column displays the 'Patient ID' number of each patient for whom an exception was entered.
Patient Name
This column displays the full name of each patient for whom an exception was entered.
Exception Type
This column displays the 'Exception Type' selected on the Exception Tracking screen for each exception.
Expiration Date
This column displays the 'Expiration Date' selected on the Exception Tracking screen for each exception.
This column displays the 'Comments' selected on the Exception Tracking screen for each exception.
Entered By
This column displays the full name of the user who entered each exception on the Exception Tracking screen.
Total Exceptions
This field displays the total number of exceptions displayed on this report.
Patient ID
This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to display only exceptions entered for the patient whose 'Patient ID' number is entered here.
From Date
This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to display only exceptions entered on or after the date selected here.
To Date
This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to display only exceptions entered on or before the date selected here.
Exception Type
This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to display only exceptions with an 'Exception Type' matching the type selected here.
Entered By
This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to display only exceptions entered by the user selected here.
This parameter is irrelevant for Methasoft users. Only a facility's Home Site will appear available for selection in this field, and 'All' will be selected by default.