Report:  Drug Screen Results - Demographic Summary


(Topic Last Updated On:  05/05/2010)


This report is similar to the Drug Screen Results Summary report, and displays a summary of drug screen result positive totals over a selected date range, including a breakdown of the quantity and percentage of positives by each substance tested.  Positive result totals are then broken down for each substance by numerous patient demographic measures, including by Race, Gender, Marital Status, Age, Employment Status, Treatment Modality, and assigned Counselor.  This report is generally used for statistical analysis of clinic-wide drug screen results over extended date ranges.



Report Column Explanations


(Breakdown Parameters)

This far left column contains the headers for each section's data breakdown, which describe the demographic parameters by which drug screen result data is being broken down.

(Drug/Substance Panel)

These columns represent the substances tested for in your facility, and the quantity and percentage of positives for each substance are presented for each section's data breakdown.


Report Section Explanations


Total Collected

This section displays the total number of drug screen results entered for the selected date range, followed by a breakdown of the number of positives for each substance, and the percentage of total positives each substance contributed.


This section displays the same breakdown as the 'Total Collected' section, but further broken down by each tested patient's 'Race', selected for each on the Patient Profile screen.


This section displays the same breakdown as the 'Total Collected' section, but further broken down in age ranges by each tested patient's age, which is based on each patient's 'Birth Date' entered on the Patient Profile screen.

Marital Status

This section displays the same breakdown as the 'Total Collected' section, but further broken down by each tested patient's 'Marital Status', selected for each on the Patient Profile screen.


This section displays the same breakdown as the 'Total Collected' section, but further broken down by each tested patient's 'Gender', selected for each on the Patient Profile screen.


This section displays the same breakdown as the 'Total Collected' section, but further broken down by each tested patient's 'Pregnant' status, marked for each on the Patient Profile screen.


This section displays the same breakdown as the 'Total Collected' section, but further broken down by each tested patient's 'Employment' status, selected for each on the Patient Profile screen.


This section displays the same breakdown as the 'Total Collected' section, but further broken down by each tested patient's treatment 'Modality', selected for each on the Patient Profile screen.


This section displays the same breakdown as the 'Total Collected' section, but further broken down by each tested patient's assigned 'Counselor', selected for each on the Patient Profile screen.


Criteria Explanations


From Date

This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to display only totals for drug screen results entered with a 'Test Date' on or after the date selected here.

To Date

This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to display only totals for drug screen results entered with a 'Test Date' on or before the date selected here.