Report:  Billing Monthly Summary Lite (Deprecated)


(Topic Last Updated On:  05/05/2010)


This report displays a less-detailed summary of all Monthly (MediCal) Billing records generated on the MediCal Billing screen than the Billing Monthly Summary report.  This version of the report is also grouped by County, then Billing Program, then Service Function Code.  Pertinent patient information and billing record information is provided for each billing record generated for the selected 'Service Month'.  This report is generally used only by facilities in California.



Report Column Explanations


Client Name

This column displays the full name of each patient for whom billing records were generated, as entered on the Patient Profile screen.

Client Record Number

This column displays the 'State ID (CID)' number of each patient for whom billing records were generated, as entered on the Patient Profile screen.

Svc. Month

This column displays the 'Month of Service' under which each billing record was generated and saved on the MediCal Billing screen.

Svc. Year

This column displays the 'Year of Service' under which each billing record was generated and saved on the MediCal Billing screen.

First Day

This column displays the first 'Days of Service' value recorded for each billing record on the MediCal Billing screen.

Last Day

This column displays the last 'Days of Service' value recorded for each billing record on the MediCal Billing screen.

Svc. Funct Code

This column displays the 'Service Function Code' value under which each billing record was generated and saved on the MediCal Billing screen.

Units of Svc.

This column displays the 'Units of Service' value recorded for each billing record on the MediCal Billing screen.

Dollars Claimed

This column displays the '$$ Claimed' value recorded for each billing record on the MediCal Billing screen.


Report Field Explanations



This field displays 'County' and associated 'Code Value' ('County Codes' code table) of the facility in which the displayed billing records were generated, as defined on the Clinic Information screen for the 'Home Clinic'.

Program Code

This field displays the 'Billing Program' under which the displayed billing records were generated on the MediCal Billing screen.

Provider Name

This field displays the name of the 'Home Clinic' in which the displayed billing records were generated on the MediCal Billing screen, as entered on the Clinic Information screen.

Mode of Service

This field displays the 'Service Mode' of the 'Home Clinic' in which the displayed billing records were generated on the MediCal Billing screen, as entered on the Clinic Information screen.

Provider Code

This field displays the 'Code Value' of the 'Billing Provider' under which the displayed billing records were generated on the MediCal Billing screen, as defined in the 'Billing Provider Codes' code table.

Claim For (MM/YYYY)

This field displays the 'Month of Service' and 'Year of Service' under which the displayed billing records were generated on the MediCal Billing screen.

Totals for Service Function Code

This field displays the 'Service Function Code' value under which each billing record was generated and saved on the MediCal Billing screen, and provides totals for the 'Units of Svc.' and 'Dollars Claimed' columns for each Billing Program under which billing records were saved.


Criteria Explanations


Service Year

This parameter corresponds to the 'Year of Service' field on the MediCal Billing screen, and determines for what year to display generated billing records.

Service Month

This parameter corresponds to the 'Month of Service' field on the MediCal Billing screen, and determines for what month to display generated billing records.

Svc. Function Code

This parameter allows users to limit the report's data to display only billing records generated and saved for the 'Service Function Code' selected here.