(Topic Last Updated On: 06/19/2018)
The Aging Service Lines report is primarily used to review totals and details of unpaid Service Lines grouped by individual Payers and Patients. Similar to the Aging Claims (Advanced) report, with the main differences being, this report can expand details down to the Service Line level and details can be filtered using 'Dates of Service' (DOS) parameters.
Patient ID
With the report parameters configured to expand to at least the Patient level, this column displays the patient display ID as defined on the Patient Profile screen.
Patient Name
With the report parameters configured to expand to at least the Patient level, this column displays the patient's full name in the format of 'Last, First'.
Ins. ID
With the report parameters configured to expand to at least the Patient level, this column displays the 'Subscriber ID Code' as defined in the patient's Billing Episode for the specific Payer/Rate Group.
With the report parameters configured to expand to the Service Line level, this column displays the Date of Service (DOS) for the Service Line item.
With the report parameters configured to expand to the Service Line level, this column displays the 'Procedure Code' for the Billable Service as defined on the Billable Services screen.
0-30 Days - >365 Days
Depending on the 'Age (Days)' report parameter selection, one or all of the 'number of days' columns will appear in the report. The dollar amounts displayed under each column are calculated based on the selections made in the 'Aged Based On', 'Amount Type', and 'As Of Date' report parameters. *See the below Criteria Explanations for more information.
This column displays the sum of all dollar amount totals displaying under each 'number of days' column per patient and/or Service Line.
(Payer/Rate Group Information - Service Line Count)
The specific Payer/Rate Group Abbreviation, 'Payer Name', and 'ID Code' appears above each group of displayed Service Lines. In that same field, appears the # of Service Lines contained within that group. This field is formatted as: Abbv. - Payer Name (ID Code) - # Service Lines.
This field appears at the end of each group and totals the dollar amount of all Service Lines, for each of the 'number of days' columns, with the totals appearing below each respective column.
Grand Total
This field appears at the bottom of the last page of the report and displays the total dollar amount for all 'number of days' totals, with the totals appearing below each respective column.
This parameter allows users to select a Payer/Rate Group from a dropdown menu and run the report specifically for Service Lines associated with the selected Payer.
Age (Days)
This parameter allows users to select a specific 'number of days' grouping and generate the report to display totals for only the selected 'Age (Days)' group.
Aging Based On
This parameter allows users to select what date the 'Age' calculation will be based off of. The options in this field are 'Claimed Date' or 'Date of Service'. The default selection for this field is the 'Claimed Date', which bases the 'Age' calculations on the date the Service Lines were generated into a Claim using the Claims Generator screen. The 'Date of Service' selection bases aging off of the Service Lines 'Date of Service From' date.
Amount Type
This parameter allows users to select what type of totals to calculate. The options in this field allow the calculations to be based on the 'Claimed' amount or the 'Expected' amount. The 'Claimed' amount is the default selection for this field and bases the calculations off the of Claim's 'Claimed amount' as displayed on the Claims Generator or Claims Journal screens. The 'Expected' amount bases calculations off of the 'Expected Amount to be Paid by Payer' amount as defined for each Billable Service in the 'Billable Service Additional Information' section of the Billable Services screen.
As Of Date
This date parameter allows users to select or enter a specific date from which the calculations will be based off of. The totals displayed will be 'as of' the date chosen in this field. This parameter is often used to run the report for different dates to track the progress towards having the outstanding Service Lines paid by third party payers.
Expand To
This parameter allows users to select, to what level, the report totals will be expanded to. Alternatively, once the report has been generated into a 'Report Viewer' window, using the 'Print Layout' button will convert the report into an 'interactive' mode. This allows users to select what fields they would like to expand and/or collapse using the '+' and '-' buttons.
Payer - This is the default selection for this field. Report details are displayed at the Payer/Rate group level showing only totals for all Service Lines.
Patient - Report totals and details are displayed at the Payer/Rate group level, and below that, are separated further into a per Patient level. At this level, the 'Patient ID', 'Patient Name', and 'Ins. ID' details display below their respective columns.
Service Line - Report totals and details are displayed at the Payer/Rate group level, Patient Level, and detailed out per Service Line under each individual Patient. At this level, 'DOS' and 'Code' details display below their respective columns.
Date of Service From
This date parameter field allows users to select or enter the first Date of Service (DOS), limiting the report data to display Service Lines with a DOS on or after this date.
Date of Service To
This date parameter field allows users to select or enter the last Date of Service (DOS), limiting the report data to display Service Lines with a DOS on or before this date.