(Topic Last Updated On: 05/05/2010)
This report displays all active patients along with each patient's Patient Status, active status and current balance amount. Grand totals are provided for the number of patients with a Debit balance, Credit balance, and Zero balance, including net dollar amount totals for the facility. Inactive patients can be included on this report by checking the 'Show Inactive' checkbox. This report is generally run by administrative, accounting, front desk and/or billing personnel.
Patient ID
This column displays each patient's 'Patient ID', assigned to each patient on the Patient Profile screen.
Patient Name
This column displays each patient's first and last name.
This column displays an abbreviation for each patient's 'Patient Status', assigned to each patient on the Patient Profile screen. Abbreviations will only appear for the system statuses (statuses delivered with the system) in the 'Patient Statuses' code table. 'AD' is short for 'Active (Dosing)'. 'AN' is short for 'Active (Non-Dosing)'. 'GD' is short for 'Guest Dosing'. 'H' is short for 'In Hospital'. 'J' is short for 'In Jail'.
This column displays an 'X' for each patient who is currently active.
This column displays each patient's current Patient balance amount. Negative values indicate a credit balance amount and positive values indicate a debit balance amount.
This column appears at the end of the report and displays the total number of patients displayed on the report, including a breakdown of the number of patients with Debit, Credit and Zero balances.
Balance (Net Balances)
This column appears at the end of the report and displays the total net balance for all patients displayed on the report, including a breakdown of the net balance for all patients with Debit, Credit, and Zero balances.
This field appears at the end of the report, and displays the total number of patients with a debit balance, along with the facility's debit balance net total.
This field appears at the end of the report, and displays the total number of patients with a credit balance, along with the facility's credit balance net total.
This field appears at the end of the report, and displays the total number of patients with a zero balance.
This field appears at the end of the report, and displays the total number of patients appearing on the report, along with the facility's Patient balance net total.
Balance Type
This parameter is for facilities tracking multiple balance types for each patient, and allows users to limit the report's data by displaying only balances of the 'Balance Type' selected here.
Patient Status
This parameter allows users to limit the report's data by displaying only patients assigned on Patient Profile to the 'Patient Status' selected here. Available selections include all entries in the 'Patient Statuses' code table at your facility.
This parameter allows users to limit the report's data by displaying only patients assigned on Payment Information to the 'Billing Provider' selected here.
Show Active
This parameter allows users to limit the report's data by displaying only patients marked as 'Active' on the Patient Profile screen. Checking this box will include all active patients on the report.
Show Inactive
This parameter allows users to limit the report's data by displaying only patients who are Inactive. Checking this box will include all inactive patients on the report.